Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 16, 1984
Down on the farm Associated Press
Democratic vice-presidential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro, condemns Reagan's farm policies at the Iowa Jefferson-
Jackson Day dinner yesterday. "Ronald Reagan has given farmers their worst four years since the Depression,"
Ferraro said. She believes that, "Republicans are feeling the heat" after the recent debates. Former Iowa Democratic
State Chairman, Ed Campbell looks on with approval at right.
Restoration quiets 'melodious Tower
(Continued from Page 1)
High number of
break-ins reported
A number of break-ins occurred in
the campus area this weekend, said
Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Jan Suomala.
In the 1000 block of South University,
an assailant cut a screen to enter a
home at 1:30 a.m. Saturday, Suomala
said. While climbing through the win-
dow, the trespasser stepped on a
resident, who was sleeping underneath
a window, he said.
The awakened resident began yelling
frightening the trespasser who im-
mediately fled the scene.
A cable television box valued at less
than $200 was stolen from the 800 block
of East University between 2:00 and
5:00 a.m. Saturday, Suomala said. The
alleged thief entered through an
unlocked door, he said.
A break-in occurred in the 400 block
of Packard between 5:10 and 5:30 a.m.
Saturday, Suomala said. Entry was
gained through an unlocked door and a
radio was stolen and later recovered on
the front lawn of the residence by a
police officer.
A screenwas priedsoff and stolen
Saturday from a first story window in
the 500 block of West Madison, Suomala
Woman threatened
with knife
A man threatened a woman with a
knife at 2:34 a.m. Saturday near the
corner of William and First Streets,
demanding that she give him her coat,
Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Jan Suomala
saThe man offered the 21-year-old Ann
Arbor woman a ride in his car, Suomala
said, and after driving a few blocks the
man pulled out the knife and demanded
the coat.
The woman removed the garment,
and the man then shoved her out of the
car and quickly drove away, Suomala
- Molly Melby
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
rest from afund-raising campaign led'by
Anne Smith-Mercandetti.
MERCANDETTI, a 1973 graduate of
the School of Music who now lives in
California, has raised over $5,000 so far
by sending letters to alumni and
''anyone else who we thought might be
interested in helping out."
She said she feels very strongly about
the project because the tower is "not
just a building; this is a University
symbol. It is used in every nationally
televised football game.. . I don't feel
like it's just a music school issue, it's a
University one."
Almost everyone'at the Unviversity is
aware of the bells, though they may not
know exactly where the sound is
coming from.
THE OPEN-air bell chamber has
enormous floor-to-ceiling windows,
covered only by a screen to keep the
pigeons out, which allows the sound to
reverberate throughout the neigh-
And while the listeners usually can't
see the performers, the performers
can't see the listeners either.
. "You don't know who is listening or if
anyone is," said DeTurk. "So I tell my
students, 'always think there's
someone listening,' even on the rainiest
THE ADVANTAGE to being con-
cealed from your audience, DeTurk
says, is that "You're never distracted."
DeTurk said the most rewarding ex-
perience he ever had while playing the
carillon occurred wen he was an-
noyingly interrupted by loud banging
on the door during an evening perfor-
mance, about 15 minutes before the
Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra was
to appear in Hill Auditorium.
After finishing the piece, he ran down
to answer the door, ready to swear at
the intruders, he said, but he found }10
members of the orchestra, fully attired
in formal-wear for the concert, stan-
ding with violins and other instruments
in hand.
THE SONG DeTurk had just played
wasan Israeli folksongaso he invited
them up and replayed the piece, he
said. All of the musicians accompanied
him on their instruments while singing.
"I was very moved," said DeTurk.
Although much of DeTurk's audience
- including students - is often visibly
moved, several people have not missed
the chiming of the bells.
"I actually find it annoying because.
I never knew why they were playing,'
said LSA junior Alison Johnson.
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Romanian leader meets in Bonn
BONN, West Germany - President Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania held
almost two hours of "intensive discussions yesterday with Chancellor
Helmut Kohl on East-West relations, disarmament and arms control, the
Bonn government said.
A statement from the Federal Press Office gave no details of the talks
opening Ceausescu's three-day state visit, but said they would resume
Ceausescu arrived in Bonn late yesterday morning, a month after two
other Soviet bloc leaders backed out of state visits to West Germany, ap-
parently because of pressure from Moscow.
Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher and his Romanian counterpart,
Stefan Andrei, met in parallel talks. Each stressed the need for continued
contacts between the United States and the Soviet Union, a Bonn statement
Referring to Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko's recent meeting-.
with President Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz, the statement
said both West Germany and Romania "have always favored a dialogue"
between the superpowers.,
They believe the "smaller and medium-sized nations of Europe" also have
to play a role in the process, the statement added.
Candidates key up for debate .
President Reagan said yesterday that Walter Mondale had confused the
liberation of Grenada from "Communist thugs" with the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan, while his Democratic opponent accused the president of timing
toxic waste cleanups to coincide with the ebb and flow of the campaign.
Continuing to toughen his anti-Mondale rhetoric as the second presidentiail
debate approaches, Reagan said, "When we liberated Grenada from Com-
munist thugs, we were being a good friend to our Caribbean neighbor.
"My opponent, by the way, seems to have that liberation confused with the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan," Reagan said. "He said that what we did irr
Grenada eroded 'our moral authority' to criticize the Soviets."
In Weldon Spring, Mo., Mondale visited a radioactive waste dump which
he said the administration had refused to clean up until his campaign visit
was announced..
"For four years, they wouldn't listen at all," Mondale said at a nearby-.
high school. "Not long ago I announced I would visit this site. And just by
magic, three days before I arrived, they announced they were going to do
Former national security aide
testifies in Westmoreland suit
NEW YORK - Former national security adviser Walt Rostow testified
yesterday that a CBS News report saying Gen. William Westmoreland gave
superiors a rosy description of Vietnam War progress during a meeting in
April 1967 is "not my memory of the meeting."
Rostow, adviser to President Lyndon Johnson, was Westmoreland's first
witness in his $120 million libel suit against CBS.
Westmoreland says the network falsely accused him in a documentary of
deceiving Johnson and other superiors about the number of enemy troops in
Rostow said the CBS documentary described Westmoreland's progress
report at the April 1967 meeting as having an "implied good news tone." But
Rostow, who gaid he was present at the meeting challenged the accuracy of
that characterization.
Rostow testified he never heard Westmoreland say that the Viet Cong ar-
my had "leveled off" at 285,000, as CBS reported.
57% of UAW approves pact
DEARBORN. - The newly ratified contract at General Motors - which
provided the blueprint for a pact at Ford Motor Co. - will change the
negative image of the United Auto Workers and give it a positive role in auto
industry affairs, a UAW leader said yesterday.
Approval of the. GM pact on a 57.4'percent "yes" vote was announced
hours after agreement was reached Snday on the proposed three-year
Ford contract. The GM contract affects 350,000 workers and is scheduled to
be signed Friday.
The GM contract appeared early on to be in trouble due to "no" votes by
traditionally dissident plants. A turnaround came when UAW President
Owen Bieber warned a nation-wide strike would result-if the contract were
rejected. Union staff members were then dispatched across the country to
explain the pact and drum up "yes" votes.
Cancer experts capture Nobel
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (UPI) - Three scientists who probed the
mysteries of the body's disease defenses won the 1984 Nobel Prize in
Medicine yesterday for research that could produce a "magic bullet" for
cancer treatment.
The prestigious $190,000 award was shared by Niels Jerne, a British-born
Dane hailed as "the great theoretician in immunology," Georges Kholer of
West Germany and Cesar Milstein of Argentia, who proved Jerne's theories.
Their work already has improved cancer treatment and is being used ib
diagnose AIDS, the usually fatal acquired immune deficiency syndrome that
affects mainly homosexual males.
"Jerne's work is so important that no immunologist in the world can do
without it," said Nobel committee member Goran Moller, adding that
together with the two other laureates, the research constituted a major key
to biotechnology.
Vol. XCV - No. 35
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, #nn Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michgan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and'College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.
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Editor in chief ............. .. ...BILL SPINDLE
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