OPINION Page 4 Saturday, October 13, 1984 The Michigan Doily Soviet dissident assesses U.S. Mikhail Makarenko, S3, is a Soviet dissident who is president and founder of the Resistance Foundation based in Washington; D. C. Makarenko spoke with Daily reporter Mark Berniker last week about his organization which is dedicated to enlightening the American public about the prisoner camps and the Communist. Party in the Soviet Union. Makarenko draws on experiences he has had,, in prison camps in Siberia and gives his impression of the effectiveness of U. S. foreign policy and American politics. This dialogue was conducted in Russian and translated into English. in the next year. On the other hand, the Kissinger Commission calls for 7 billion dollars over the next ten years. These American dollars will be allocated towards education and developmental aid for the people of this troubled region of the world. Daily: What is your view of the upcoming election this November? Makarenko: Reagan should win the election because he knows better how to deal with the Communists. Americans should be more fear- ful and less passive in their perception of the' spread of communism world wide. America likes its comfortable convenient lifestyle, but should be taking more active measures in halting the spread of communism. Daily: Many Americans know very little about real Russian people, but what do you think real Russians find out in the press and on TV about Americans? Makarenko: The papers and TV are only' propaganda, and terrible distortions of the truth. Often they hear about the problems of unemployment and food lines in the inner cities. Gus hall and Angela Davis (leaders of the American Communist Party and can- didates for the presidential office) are heralded as heroes and leaders of the United States. The Russians are told that Reagan will win because he has the capitalist power base and a tremen- dous amount of money. They are told Reagan's power is geared to crush the, blacks and the poor of America, who are the majority of the people. Daily: Presently there are questions over Reagan's restrictions on the rights of the First Amendment, privacy, and the amount of in- formation people should be allowed to know on subjects such as space, computer, military, and overall technology information. You would surely agree that freedom of information is one of America's greatest traits, but how do you feel about the question of state secrets, which have been brought up over the controversies in Grenada and Lebanon? Makarenko: A certain degree of information should be withheld so that the Soviets don't unlock more American technological and in- telligence secrets. Often the intelligence sour- ces which intercept Western information are policy Makarenko: Freedom. The openness of society, and the fact that people do say what they want and think. They ask questions and tell the truth. People are paid for their service to society, and people are not accustomed to in- termittent (or constant) hardships which are an institutionalized aspect inside the Soviet Union., Daily: Just as you have told us a few of the good facets of our society, what are the positive aspects of the Soviet Union? Makarenko: The people of Russia are essen- tially warm and loving people. Deep down most people have a deeply hidden, but real beliefkin God. The Russian people are compassionate and their hatred of evil is embodied in coin- munism. The people hate communism, but passively cooperate with it because of the con- sequences if they do not. The Russian people know what real revolution is, and they are waiting for the right moment. Every Russian is his own leader and has a tremendous capacity to endure adversity. This notion of adversitfis difficult for Americans to appreciate because of the comfortable convenient lifestyle they lead. Daily: You have been called "an enemy of the people" continually by the Soviet press agencies. Your testimony to the Senate Sub- committee on International Finance and Monetary Policy in 1982 was pivotal in the American decision to thwart the development of the Soviet Yamal Pipeline. Now you tolir around to different American university cam- puses all over our nation to spread your opinions. Why and what do you hope to accom- plish? Makarenko: My reception thus far has been wonderful and I thank the members of te University community for their warm welcome. I believe that trade should be halted with the Soviet Union. By dealing with the Soviets we the Americans are tacitly conser - ting to the murdering and imprisonment of in- noncent people. From my interview on "60 Min4tes'.,and from films and books I have made, I founded the Resistance Foundation to aid in the awareness of the millions of victimized in- dividuals in the Soviet Union. Dialogue is an occasional feature of the' Opinion Page. Daily: Currently, the American stance toward the Soviet Union is in question. One thing which everyone agrees on is that nuclear, war must be avoided. More specifically what do you believe should be America's foreign policy towards the Soviet Union and why? Makarenko: Any economic trade only con- solidates the power of and aids in the control of the Soviet Communist Party. Political dialogue is essential for world peace, but trading with the Soviets contributes to slave labor and ex- ploitation of the Soviet people. Daily: In light of the upcoming election there is much controversy over U.S. policy in Central America. When you visited Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador last year how did you see the struggle there specifically as it ap- plies to Soviet and American foreign policy? Makarenko: Every day the USSR is pouring in millions of dollars into propaganda in Cen- tral America in their aim to coerce the people and the governments. The Soviets will spend what is equivalent to 7 billion dollars on propaganda and military supplies to the region Photo by Joe French Mikhail Makarenko, a Soviet dissident, founded the Resistance Foundation in Washington, D.C. He believes any economic trade with the Soviet Union strengthens the Communist Party and con- tributes to slave labor and exploitation of the Soviet people. misinterpreted and used for military use. I do not agree that the free access of information is a wonderful aspect of Western culture. The fact that anybody can use a Xerox copier is a tremendous opportunity. Americans can copy any printed information, whereas in the USSR people don't have this alternative. Daily: Many Westerners may be interested to know what are the aspects of our society which you find most auspicious? &i'E IdIgau I a li Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Reagan'sflawed leadership i .. . . Vol. XCV, No.33 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials-represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A SERIES ON THE PROPOSED CODE V: A call to action, Last in a series numerous implications for the student body. It signals a move toward paternalism on the part of the University, it shows a disregard for the freedoms and rights of studen- ts, and the administration has made clear its willingness to silence the student voice - even in matters where the student body is profoundly affec- ted. All of these implications call for action. The most important action a student at this University can take is to become informed. This editorial series has attempted to provide the background for a basic and workable knowledge of the code. It is not a com- plete examination, however, and hopefully it will encourage further study of the issues. If you support the code, make sure that you fully understand it and acknowledge its many, indisputable flaws. It is our belief that any student with a full knowledge of the code, its ramificaitons, and the means that have been proposed to implement it would be in opposition. On the other hand, if you oppose the code, do not be caught with a lack of understanding. Activism without knowledge is a shallow activity and has a tendency to alienate far more on the other hand, is the only way for the student body to work for its own benefit. With the exception of regents' bylaw 7.02, there is not a single channel for student input or influence on this campus, and the administration has shown few qualms about taking 7.02 away. Activism is the only alternative for students concerned about the quality-of life at this University. The only substantial student gains achieved in the history of this Univer- sity were the, establishment of the student-cooperative U-Cellar bookstore and the granting of bylaw 7.02. They were not achieved through negotiation or out of the ad- ministration's sense of goodwill, but by specific, concerted protest. In order to get cheaper textbooks 107 students were arrested for taking over the LSA building while 1,000 others rallied out- side. The students got their bookstore. Activism - not necessarily to that degree - is .the only way to keep the code from passing. Gather in the Diag, speak out at the regents' monthly comments forum, write a letter to President Shapiro, or make an appoin- tment with Vice President for Student Services Henry Johnson. Do anything to get the University to listen. It would be worth the effort and may be the last chance you'll have to affect policies at By Dave Kopel If the election were held today, Ronald Reagan would win, because he attracts even voters. who disagree with many of his policies. More than the Americans want a particular direction of policy, Americans want successful policies. So let's look at how good a job President Reagan has done as a leader. When Ronald Reagan opened his 1980 presidential campaign, he said that America should be "a shining city on a hill." After Vietnam and Watergate sand the hostages, most Americans felt Aierica was down in the gutter, not up on the hill. President Reagan has brought back op- timistic patriotism to the United States. OF COURSE part of the reason Reagan has been so effective at restoringhpatriotism is that he is a better television president than even John Kennedy. Some people sneer at Reagan because he works hard at being good on television. Television, however, is among the most important ways the president unites and in- spires the nation. One of the key factors behind Franklin Roosevelt's success was his radio "fireside chats" with his friends, the American people. Great presidents are great com- municators, and as a com- municator, Ronald Reagan ranks among the greatest in American history. Unfortunately, other aspects of Reagan's performance as a leader haven't been so outstan- ding. The president is the man responsible formmoldingand carrying out American foreign policy. One of the things we should have learned from Jimmy Carter is that a consistent policy, even if partially wrong, is better than confusing zig-zags from one policy to another. The Reagan foreign policy seems to be nothing but a set of made foreign policy well - like Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman - chose their objectives carefully, and then made certain to apply enough force to ensure victory. By invading Grenada with a force seven times larger than the defending Cuban colonial army, Reagan acted as Roosevelt or Truman would have. But Roosevelt and Truman would not have sent the Marines to die in Lebanon. Not onto an airfield surrounded by hills and mountains from which the enemy could shell American troops. If Reagan had bothered to read more newspapers during his 'More than -.anything else, the president is a moral leader. What kind of example has Ronald Reagan set for the nation? He honors bigots like Jerry Falwell and Jimmy Swaggert. He doesn't believe that people go) hungry in America.' lifetime, he might have heard about Dien Bien Phu. At the bat- tle of Dien Bien Phu, Communist General Giap's guerillas destroyed the French colonial army in Indochina. The French had decided to fight the decisive battle of the war from a fort in a valley that was surrounded by mountains controlled by the Communists. Great presidents like Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, and John Kennedy, understood military history and studied strategists like Clausewitz and Admiral Mahan. Reagan's knowledge of military history seems limited to what he picked up during World War II, which he spent in Hollywood. The president is commander- in-chief of the 'armed forces - a role on which the safety of the nation, and the survival of the human species may depend. It is a role for which strong, in- telligent leadership is absolutely essential. At this crucial leader- ship role, Reagan fails badly, not only by sending Marines into un- tenable positions, but also by not taking the trouble to learn about nuclear warfare. IN 1982, he told the press that one of the advantages of sub- marine-launched nuclear cruise missiles was that they could be recalled! Not until mid-way through his term did he discover that most Soviet nuclear weapons are based on land, not in sub- marines. Hemust know that if he miscalculates in a tricky situation (like the Cuban missile crisis), his mistakes might trigger a nuclear holocaust; yet he won't go to the trouble of lear- ning whether missiles can be recalled or not. He is too ignorant and too lazy to be commander-in- chief. Much of the decision-making that most presidents do them- selves, President Reagan leaves to his subordinates. Delegating decision-making is not necessarily the mark of a weak leader; after all, Jimmy Carter failed as president partly because he did not know how to delegate. But delegating to men of low calibre is the mark of a poor leader. Reagan's attorney general, a lightweight named William French Smith, was a partner in a big Los Angeles law firm, where he drummed up lots of business, but didn't practice much law. Smith's designated successor, Ed Meese, proves that you don't need to obey the American Bar Association Code of Professional Responsibility to be attorney general. The secretary of defense, Caspar Weinberger, ignores billions in Pentagon waste, and spends-his time feuding with the secretary of state over who's in charge of American foreign policy. To protect the environment, Reagan sends Anne Gorsuch Bur- ford, Rita Lavelle, and James Watt. To protect consumers, Reagan appointed a chairman of the, Federal Trade Commission, James Miller, III, who did not believe that the government should ban the sale of life vests that don't work. He reasoned that lawsuits by the victims' families would be sufficient to deal with the problem. MORE THAN anything else, the president is ar horal leader. What kind of example has Ronald Reagan set for the nation? He honors bigots like Jerry Falwell and Jimmy Stewart. He- doesn't believe that people go hungry in America. He sells electric shock police batons to South Africa. He supports tax exemptions for racist schools, and speculated that Marther Luther King might. have been a Communist. A strong president fulfills his duties as a commander-in-chief. A great president fills the gover- nment with men and women of distinction. A wise leader knows the difference between right and wrong, and stands up against religious and racial bigotry. That's why I'm going to vote for a man who will succeed where Reagan doesn't even try - Walter Mondale. 40 Kopel is a third year law student. by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY