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C 0 V E R
In deciding to go to college, was it important board ... one that tries to deal with
698"issues that are not so political."
is in to you that you be able to make more money? Morris said the Michigan Student
R7si n Assembly is also mellowing politically.
But contrary to Morris' suggestion,
(Continued from Page 3) Rowland said MSA is changing neither
the tone nor the level of its political ac-
one, does not think the student conser- 34%tivity.
vative movement is as large as conser- 62., "I don't think MSA is more conser-
vatives claim. vative," Rowland said. "At least last
"I don't think it's the phenomenon60.4 year that wasn't true.
everyone's making it out to be," said "Maybe they are less involved in
Rowland, a 1984 graduate. "I think ac- things like Central America, but if
tivism is not as strong. It's not as they're involved in the (non-academic
popular to be activist." (I.' conduct) code, then they're not just
Blow also hestitates to put all former doing dance parties like some student
radicals into the conservative camp. He governments."
says there is "a void in terms of student zLooking more from the outside,
involvement" that neither the conser- w Blow sees two major changes on cam-
vatives nor anyone else appar to be z pus since his graduation in 1973. The
filling completely. first in a moderation in clothing styles.
Astin makes it clear that he does not U9 He said "hippie types" are less common
see a huge conservative movement. He W sight. Second, he saw less student in-
said the idea that conservatism is volvement in local politics:
growing out of control is a figment of not "The average person in the dorm
the media's - and thus everyone else's asked doesn't feel the interest like they used
- imagination. to to march down to city hall for
As one example, Astin points to the YEAR 75 76 77 78 7 9 80 81 82 83 whatever was being protested that
"taxpayer's revolt." He said that uncharacteristically, on their soap- tha draw other students to conser- evening.
movement, which supposedly spawned boxes. vatism. But day-to-day campus life is "In '69 and '70 you could walk bet-
Proposition 13 in Astin's home state of "Conservatives tend to be less ac- not necessarily affected by student's ween South and West Quad and pick up
California and Proposal 'C' in tivist," said Haynes. "You're not going positions on the presidential election. a crowd. You would end up with a
Michigan, has more to do with conser- to stage a sit-in for a flat tax. The left's Conservatism may, however be demonstration."
ving money that with conservatism.
"Tghme taay er'srev at's causes are better suited for demon- chaning some facets of life at the As for the growth in student conser-
"The taxpayer's revolt? That's stration. University. vatism, Blow feels much of it deriv-
bullshit," he said. "Proposition 13... "The election is the chance for con- "You're seeing changes in student es from interest in the election, an in-
the people that studied that showed it servatives to show their activism. It's a governments," said Morris, citing the terest he feels is usually temporary.
wasn't a taxpayer's revolt at all. It was showcase for conservatives, but for election to LSA Student Government of "I'm not sure that'll carry over (af-
that the people thought they could put a liberals it's just one among many." five out of eight Republican candidates ter the election)," he said. "I'm not
little extra cash in their pockets'.' So the election gives established con- last year. "Students are looking for a convinced at all that that'll change."
Sticking to his guns, Astin believes servative students a chance to speak more conservative, cautious student . .
Ronald Reagan's appeal is more out and highlights economic policies government that doesn't go quite off the Wise is a Daily sports editor
economic than conservative. Althougho-e
students might prefer Democratic
views on social issues, Astin said in
November, they will be voting "on their
pocket books.
For those who study a different kind
of book - one containing the candidates
stands on issues - Blow agrees Ronald
Reagan does not read like aF
Hemingway novel.;
"I'm not sure how he'd stand up with
those students who sit down and
analyze issues," Blow said, "but I don't
think most students do that. I don't
think most voters do that."
Nevertheless, Reagan figures
strongly in most accounts of conser-
vative growth. Said Haynes: "It was Q , % " -
almost like conservatism was knocked
out of the ring. Then Ronald Reagan
came along and he's the champion of ,-'
conservative values... He's electrified
young Americans, especially conser-sus x'
Some of the change, however, came
more from the conservative movement
than from the president himself, accor- -
ding to Haynes. He said Reagan he felt
could have been replaced by a number
of conservative leaders.
Regardless of Reagan's personal .
popularity, the elections present a
seilopportunity for conservatives,1
according to Haynes.rStudent conser f
vative groups have existed since the
Young Americans for Freedom formed
to support Barry Goldwater in the 1964
presidential elections. But that existen-
ce has been a quiet one, in part because '
of conservatism's unpopularity in the
'60s and early '70s, and in greater part
because conservative issues do not
translate as well into public protests.
The elections, while giving both sides a ' z
chance to constantly air their views,0
put conservatives comfortably, albeit
Conservatives showing themselves: Ed Rolita at the 'Fritzbusters' rally
4 Weekend7Friday, Otobier 12, 1984 --
first went on the air? D: What was it like when John time of lightness to someone's life; for directing i
J: There were several groups that became so successful so quickly? How giving them some good laughs. And I D: Wha
kind of got put together to make did that change things for you? think that is what he wanted. I think he J: We'
"Saturday Night." The Lampoon J: It felt. . . I'm going to contradict wanted to make people laugh. . . I which I m
group at that time was the "Radio myself. It was fast and it wasn't. After mean, I know he wanted to make book calle
Hour," which I had switched into. the second year or so of the show, people laugh. And he did. I think that's which is a
Those were the people John had people began to recognize people on the ultimately what he'll be remembered That's m
brought in from Chicago-Gilda (Rad- show other than Chevy, who had the for. I'd like to see him remembered as and the t
ner), Joe Flaherty again, Brian Doyle "I'm Chevy Chase and you're not" line, a fine all-around entertainer. He was a time into v
Murray again, and Harold (Ramis). which put him directly into the public good actor, a good comedian, and a Even thot
There was that group and then there eye. I don't know. It all seems darn good singer. Titters s
was Second City itself, the Canadian somewhat natural in a way-the way D: Is that how you think people view volved wit
side from which Gilda had just joined (success) grows and more and more him now? extent, I
us. Danny (Aykroyd) was up there. Lorne people know what you're doing, they know J: I have no idea what people think working d
Michaels, the producer, was from up what's going-on, and they want to talk (laughs). I really don't. That's one I have a c
there although I don't think he was ever about it when you're out. But it's also thing I've learned, I have no idea what my life wi
connected to Second city. At any rate, sort of an unnatural type of environme- people are thinking. That's how I that and I
here we are and suddenly there's going nt because you're involved with work think of him. obviously
to be this television show. John's at- most of the time. As John's work D: How would you say you've and one th
titude was pretty much that television (grew) a lot more of my time was spent changed since John's death? myself int
was not a place he was ever going to helping him with his work. It was a way J: Obviously the last two and a half do.
end up because it didn't offer anything to keep the relationship going. If you're years have been significant in my life. D: Wo
for him. On the one hand, he loved going to have someone spending 110 From the time John died, there was a up how yoi
television as many of us do, but he percent of their time working, you bet- good period of just shock and grief and J: I'm
hated it on another. When Lorne ter spend some time with them. mourning. As I'm coming out of that, the propos
Michaels actually hired Michael D: What do you think John's greatest I'm much stronger, I'm much less mined to d
O'Donoghue from Lampoon, that was a gift was? likely to spend time doing things I don't kept diari(
real breaker. It was like, whoa, if J: He had many talents aside from enjoy. Time means a lot more to me. will be dra
you're going to get someone like his own comic genius. He had a great James Taylor has a line, "The secret of from-I sa
Michael O'Donoghue, now we're sense of people and of how to make life is enjoying the passage of time." I Back In A
talking about something different something fun and keep people in- think that's a good guess at what it But I sai'
because he's not television. What it was volved, which is something I think we might be. I'm just getting my goals in that way r
like was. . . scary because it was new both were able to do together. Also, he order and figuring out what it is I want ward to th
and it was exciting because it was new. had a talent for keeping whatever we to do and trying to make sure that's that way ni
There was a certain standback-ishness were doing interesting for people we what I'm directing myself towards that cause
that I kept because I was living with were working with so they felt part of it. most of the time-that's probably the anger, bul
John at the time and it was just so con- D: Is that what you think he'll be main change. And there's quite a dif- that away
suming. It was difficult living with remembered for the most? ference between living your life with move my
someone who suddenly wasn't around J: I suppose what he'll be remem- someone else and living it alone. I all t I
much, but it was exciting. bered for the most is bringing some wouldn't choose one over the other, but all that. I
unless I loved someone... It's hard to I fiNsh thi
imagine finding someone again. I Note: D
imagine I will. I would hope to, but un- Jacklin c
til that spark between someone hap- the con
pens, I'll be spending time alone and book.
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