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The Michigan Daily
Friday, October 12, 1984
Page 9
R/ n */l,/lers ready to scalp Redskins
And now the moment Michigan
hockey fans have all been waiting for -
the coaching debut of Wolverine hockey
great, Red Berenson.
Michigan gets the season underway
with a weekend series at Miami of Ohio,
playing tonight and tomorrow night at
Oxford, Ohio.
WHATEVER THE results, these
games should be very telling to those
trying to figure out just how good this
hockey team, which has finished ninth
in the CCHA the past two years, can be
this year.
The improvement from last year
might not be dramatic, at least not at
first. Michigan only lost three players
to graduation, but Berenson says that
building this team into a winner is going
to take time.
"My fundamental premise this
season will be improvement," said
Berenson. "It'll be a day-to-day thing,
then a week-to-week thing, and then a
season-to-season thing. I'm hoping we
can build this program into a national
college hockey power. I.know a lot of
other schools are hoping to do the same
thing and say they can do the same
thing, but I think we can do it."
THE TURNAROUND won't happen
overnight; it will take time.
Make no mistake about it, though, the
Michigan team that takes the ice
tonight is far and away a different
squad than the one that went 14-22-1 last
year. More has changed than just a
nameplate at the athletic office.
Berenson has realigned the lines that
played together last year. Very few of
the players on the new lines have
worked with each other in past years,
so it may take a few games before they
work together.
The CCHA coaches' pre-season poll
ranks Michigan seventh and Miami
eighth in the nine team conference,
which is fine with Berenson.
"I LIKE TO be rated low," said
Berenson, "but I still think it shows that
some of the teams give us more respect
than our ninth-place finish the past two
seasons would indicate."
Miami head coach Steve Cady also
enjoys his team's low ranking. "I don't
mind being picked down there because
I like working from an underdog
position," said Cady, whose team
finished last season with a 13-24 mark.
Miami is also a team with much to
probe this year. The Redskins' key loss
from last year is four-year veteran
goaltender Alain Chevrier. Cady con-
siders that void his biggest problem.
Berenson, icers debut in
season opener tomorrow
"HE WAS A very integral part of our The weekend series is important fo
program the last four years," said both teams and should be evenly mat
Cady. "He was really the backbone of ched. Neither coach is willing to mak(
our team." any predictions, however.
The new goaltender will be
"I think the series should be a real-
good one," said Cady. "As far as what
to expect, I think it's impossible for any
coach to say what will happen. The best
I can say is be ready for the unexpec-
Said Berenson, "If we can go dowr
and win these two games, that will b0
fine, but I won't be ecstatic. It's impor-
tant that we bounce back the neoxt
sophomore Jim Lowell, who will be
helped by a strong defense that lost only
one player from last year.
Berenson said his team will be ready
tonight, and he even sees some im-
'I'm hoping we can build
this program into a
national hockey power.'
- Red Berenson
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provements since last Friday's intra-
squad game.
"THE TEAM HAS made major
positive steps this week in many
areas," said the former NHL coach,
who singled out the poor play,
forechecking, and coming out of the
zone as the most prominent areas of
Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
Sophomore center Dan Goff (right) pursues a Lake Superior State player in
one of last year's games. Tomorrow night Goff and his teammates open their
season at Miami of Ohio under new head coach Red Berenson.
Harriers look to
'W 1
to b
li. v r v v . -....
__ _.
o a number on MSU
By PHIL NUSSEL The Wolverines have been hobbled by
ichigan Cross Country coach Ron a number of ailments in the last few
rhurst has never lost a dual meet to weeks, with the most serious being a
ehigan State in his ten-year coaching knee injury to Dennis Keane. Keane is
eer - he does not want that record not sure when he will compete again,
change this afternoon when his team but he hopes to be back in a few weeks.
ets the Spartans on the 'M' golf Jim Schmidt has also been bothered by
irse at 4:15 p.m. illness. Schmidt ran in the Notre Dame
eading the way for the Wolverines meet despite a case of strep throat.
I be Chris Brewster, a second-blace Michigan State, under the direction of
sher in last week's Notre Dame In- rookie head coach Jim Stinzi, has
rtional meet in South Bend. Although fielded a much stronger team this year,
has felt a little pain in his ankle according to Michigan assistant Mike
ently, Brewster expects to be 100% Shey. Part of their resurgence is
the meet. because of freshman Jeff Neal and Joe
We'll be looking to do a number on Mihalec who have both been scoring
te," Brewster said last night. among the Spartan top five.
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Swi mweor,
Sororities seek new options
(Continued from Page 1)
A maximum of 100 women will be in-
vited to join the sorority this weekend.
Panhel 4is still exploriing sorority
alternatives for those women who were
not given bids.
ONE OPTION is open rush, which
b 'b'ns Oct. 14 after Sigma Kappa
s had time to acquire new members.
y sorority which did not meet its
" ota," a number of pledges determined
b .Panhel, is allowed to open rush.
Qne sorority considering that option
is Collegiate Sororois, which is seeking
more members.
One member, LSA sophomore
Mellisa Herfurth said that the number
of eomen not regeiving bids is not com-
ple~ely caused by lack of room in
existing sororities.
Another option for women still
looking for a sorority is Delta Phi Ep-
siloh, which is being organized by a
group of University women who are
dissatisfied with the existing choices.
LSA JUNIOR Janice Kramer and
her roommates decided about two
weeks ago to put four signs on campus
to see if anyone was interested in star-
ting- a new sorority. Since then, they
have recieve 40 calls, Kramer said.
"It sort of just came up. A lot of
people don't get (invited to join
sororities) - not necessarily because
there's something wrong with them -
but because there's not enough room in
pledge classes."
Kramer said the group chose Delta
Phi Epsilon because it had a chapter on
campus from 1954 until 1971. Its mem-
bership declined drastically and the
national authorities revoked its chap-
ter. The sorority was housed at 1811
Washtenaw, which is now owned by
Xanadu cooperative.
Delta Phi Epsilon's first meeting is
tonight and Kramer is quite optimistic.
"We are very, very hopeful, I think with
a lot of input, we could hope to get a
charter by next semester."
One problem, according to Norgren,
is that Delta Phi Epsilon can not par-
ticipate in formal rush next fall because
Panhell has promised Sigma Kappa a
full year of formal rush before any new
houses are allowed to join.
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