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October 12, 1984 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-10-12

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The Michigan Daily

Friday, October 12, 1984

Page 6

Cleveland Sympi
lacks much need

By Knute Rife
conducted by its new music director,
Christopher von Dohnanyi, performed
in Hill Auditorium Wednesday evening.
While the performance was enjoyable,
and technically solid, it lacked the
spark needed to make the evening
The concert opened with Mozart's
"Symphony No. 38 in D major." The
symphony is subtitled "Prague," not
because there are any programmatic
references to Prague, but because it
was first performed there. It is a darkly
moody piece in three movements that
could be subtitled ''Gathering,"
"Calm," and "Storm," although the
third movement is not-very stormy.

The piece gave the orchestra a chan-
ce to show its discipline. The violins
sounded good, a tight ensemble with a
light, understated touch. The quality of
the violins remained throughout the
evening. The orchestra as a whole
maintained formation well, except for a
persistent intonation problem in the
cellos during their soli in the first
movement. The only other problem
worth mentioning is that the orchestra
seemed too disciplined in the second
movement. The movement is supposed
to be dark because of the unresolved
tension from the first movement, but
the orchestra's handling was a bit
The next piece was Beethoven's-
"Grosse Fuge."Originally written as
the final movement of the String Quar-
tet in B-flat, it was replaced and has

ed spark
become an independent composition.
Beethoven apparently wanted to
create the fugue to end all fugues and
stretched the form and his control
over his music to, and perhaps beyond,
the breaking point.
It is a great, Gothic edifice, and like
the Cologne Cathedral, it demanded
new rules and transcended its form.
But the rules required were beyond the
period and, it seems, just beyond
Beethoven's capacity for rulepaking.
The orchestra was technically solid
throughout the piece and had a good en-
semble sound, but again, it seemed too
disciplined or incorrectly disciplined.
Without sufficient passion this piece
becomes a clockwork technical
showpiece. The orchestra was
seemingly unable to delivet the
sustained amount of feeling the piece
The final piece of the evening was
Schumann's "Symphony No. 2 in C
major." It is a likeable piece but un-
challenging. Schumann, renowned for
his piano compositions, never seemed
to gain full grasp of the symphonic




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Doily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
The Cleveland Symphony orchestra gives a disciplined performance at Hill Auditorium on Wednesoy.

The Black Flag still waves


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Black Flag brings its Slip It In tour to
Detroit's Madison Hall (833-3176 for in-
fo) Friday, October 12. A month into the
4 month tour, the band has been playing
nearly every. night, but has been
making a party of it, according to an
SST Records spokesman. Well enough
general nothing, this is punk rock, or
what's left of it.
Slip It In marks the coagulation of the
new four person line-up, with the ad-
dition of Kirra on bass to the old line-up
of founder Greg Ginn on guitar, Bill
Stevenson of the . Descendants on
drums, and the ultra-intense lyrics of
D.C. transplant Henry Rollins. Their
last album, My War, left many of the
band's fans craving the novel thrash
sound and the intense sarcasm of their

:Damaged Lp.
But the new slower sound only am-
plifies the interior intensity that befQr
was hidden behind the speed and noise
of their thrashier sound. Now the music
doesn't thrash your body, it thrashes
your mind.
Intense fun. See Henry wail. Feel the
dirge churn within you. Feel your min-
d at work. Think a little and enjoy the
rest of your life. Smile and avodbroken
But check out Black Flag and see for
yourself where life in the hard-core lane
goes after your hair grows black and
"OI!" means a bottle of beer and those
asinine britches.
The Flag still waves, just a little
slower and a whole lot better.
- Hobey Echlin

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