OPINION Page 4 Edite dmcbatTenity Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wednesday, October 10, 1984 The code's fo Vol. XCV, No. 30 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board I A SERIES ON THE PR OPOSED CODE II: The administration's justification F OR MOST OF this century, the University told students how to conduct their private affairs. Housing. officials told students what time to be home at night and forbade members of the opposite sex from visiting each other at odd hours of the night. Those were the days of in loco parentis, when the college official was able to take the place of the parent in students' lives, and to regulate the students' conduct as if they were little children without legal rights. Since then, however, the age of majority has been lowered in most states and almost all college students are legal adults. Today the legal basis for in loco parentis has evaporated. Most institutions now recognize that students must be permitted to assume responsibility for their private lives. The University is no longer a surrogate parent prescribing mandatory codes of personal behavior or morals. That was the case before last March, anyway. In March, University President Harold Shapiro and other top ad- ministrators proposed the code for non-academic conduct. These ad- ministrators said they felt the current means of punishing students for in- dividual misconduct of a non-academic nature wasn't effective enough. They contended that the Rules of the University Community set up in 1973 did not give the University a free enough hand to punish students ac- cused of such things as arson, theft, or assault on University property or at University sponsored events. Fur- thermore, the officials claimed that students commit so many crimes that it is "unfair" to all the members of the community to rely simply on the slow criminal or civil justice system to protect their interests. Administrators argued the need for a mechanism to quickly rid the campus of an alleged rapist or arsonist. The administration's reasoning is flawed for several reasons. First and foremost, the University community is not a penal colony, it is an educational institution within a civil society. Students can and should be punished for violating the educational prin- ciples or procedures of the individual schools and colleges or disrupting class activities. Students can currently be disciplined for improper actions such as cheating, and dorms may terminate an individual's lease if they have broken a housing rule. The University is interfering with the authority of the local, state, and federal courts, however, when it tries to punish a student accused of, for example, burning a building or raping another student. Such cases can best be remedied by the civil and criminal courts. If necessary, civil injunctions or criminal sanctions can be issued by the courts to ensure the health and safety of University students and property. To show a need for the code, the University incorrectly uses a study of the conduct codes and procedures of 14 too. Several officials played up this juvenile argument, one even going so far as to say the University would be the laughingstock of its peers if it could not pass the proposed code., Young children often argue that they ought to get a new toy because everyone else on the block has it. But adults know better than to be suckered in by such appeals. Students realize that the proposed code and its accom- panying judicial system must be fair and appropriate to this University and do not wish to have their rights taken away from them just because others have had their rights revoked. The administration claims students don't have a good idea of what kind of conduct is expected of them. They say they will develop a manual of student rights and responsibilities that will be distributed to all students along with the proposed code, judicial system, and other policies on such things as discrimination, hazing, and sexual harassment. They believe that once people know they can't, for instance, set fire to the University without being punished by the University itself that students will moderate their behavior. One flaw in this argument is that most punishments enacted by the University would be less, severe than those imposed by the courts and thus less likely to influence an individual's behavior. Also, most students coming into the University are quite aware that it is wrong to burn down a building or assault another person. There are already laws on the books that forbid this. The University should not set up codes of non-academic behavior any different from those in the society at large. What the University will achieve with its new code and judicial system is a speedy proceeding where the student accused of committing the of- fensive act would be held at the mercy of a hearing officer. The University's process would undoubtedly be quicker than the courts and they could easily banish the alleged offender from cam- pus. What the University cannot guarantee are the same rights courts give to the accused. including due process - right to counsel, jury of peers, and proper rules of evidence. This could easily evolve into a kind of vigilante justice, instead of a truly fair system. If University officials really wanted to teach students the values of law and order, they would do well to stick to en- forcing the laws already laid down by society. They would show students the importance of a democratic system by assuring them that they will not take away the Michigan Student Assem- bly's power to reject regulations con- cerning students. Unfortunately, University officials say they may go over students' heads to adopt this proposed code and judicial system. This threatened move ,__ v__I_, &. , a _ -. - r--- By Jonathan Ellis The questions raised by the proposed student code of non-academic conduct are not new, even in the recent past on this campus. However, students regularly stay four years or less, faculty members rotate in and out of leadership positions, and only a few senior University administrators were in their current jobs a decade ago. THIS TRANSIENCE helps to explain why the current debate about the code has ignored serious campus work done on these issues before. The following excerpts from a letter sent a few months ago to University officials and faculty and student representatives, attempt to summarize the results of earlier discussions in which I joined: The last time the subject of student non- academic conduct was widely deliberated at the University, some ten years ago, a series of principles evolved which represented a broad concensus among student, faculty, and ad- ministrators. Among those principles. were the following: 1. Rules of conduct for students should be written to apply to faculty and staff members as well. Students are then clear that the same standards of conduct are expected of them and that the University does not wish to regulate their behavior more than that of other adults on campus. 2. Academic penalties like suspension or expulsion should be used for non- academic offenses only in extreme cases, i.e. those involving physical harm. This both maintains the integrity of the academic process and insures that students canbe removed from our com- munity only for the most serious violations. 3. The broader interests of the Univer- sity community are not served by asking students to defend themselves against charges brought both in a campus judicial system and through the civil or criminal courts. Penalties which are ap- propriate to the crime can result in either venue and need not be doubled up. The presumption til proven guilty, a of justice, is bette for one alleged off 4. The Univers limit the scope of essential areas.1 selves wherever p and money it t replicate all the ci which exist in thec based on elaboral decades of precede The University concerned with1 knowledge and sh justice system fun best. Courts gra render as few v necessary. The proposeds academic conduct principles. Claim staff conduct arec student-only code even-handedness 'w the entire Univers ensure. By permitting su as a penalty for deemed "grievou vastly widens thea non-classroom be her academic reco pus. The proposed ne system could fora him or herself twig The University' den of operating system with full du in many cases f' those with which th The University n use that systen anytime a violatio lest it be ac prosecution... The logical question letter is: how relevan principles which I des of the University Com which resulted fromt The Michigan Dily irgotten history n of being innocent un- never used, the civil and criminal courts were a bedrock of our notion certainly used in the last ten years, as alter- ' r served with one trial natives which the current University ruless ense. specifically suggest. ity should attempt to We do not know how relevant these prhi- its judicial activity to ciples may still be because there has been no a We should spare our- comprehensive description of the problem. ossible the time, effort, THE CODE, while sometime in the making; akes to attempt to was presented to the University community ivil liberties protecting civil and criminal law, te mechanisms from The code ... was pre entsaismbes whn sented to the University ens at its best when the advancement of community full blown, hould let the criminal without an account of the' iction where it is at its . nt no degrees; let us specific needs which were erdicts as absolutely in the minds of its draf" student code of non- ters . ... ignores each of these ning that faculty and full blown, without an account of the specifi covered elsewhere, the needs which were in the minds of its drafter;s, fails to guarantee the barring a few sensational examples. We need which a single code for a thorough, detailed, and public presentation sity community would - minus any names or other details which" would violate the privacy of individuals - of uspension or expulsion just how and when the University or the cout- any offense which is s were unable to act on alleged studet s,' the proposed code misconduct in recent years. area where a student's I am confident that presented with the havior will affect his or problems for which the code is proposed as ord and place on cam- solution, and with a full discussion of the pri - ciples involved as well as alternative ways to ew University judicial implement them, a concensus approach to e a student to defend student conduct on campus can be achieve e for the same offense, as it was ten years ago. would assume the bur- One alternative to the proposed code, for g a parallel judicial example, would be a Declaration of Student ue process guarantees, Rights, drafted by elected student represen- 'or trivial offenses or tatives themselves, with whatever means 'df' he courts deal readily. enforcement they found desirable. might also be forced to However, such a Declaration of Student" m against students Rights, or any other approach to student cons n is seriously alleged, duct, could only work if students wanted it.' cused of selective The prospect of a student code of non academic conduct, passed in the absence of n which follows from this real campus concensus, looks to me like a t is the ignoring of these bigger problem than any we now might have. scribe? While the Rules nmunity now in effect - these principles - were Ellis now works at Canterbury House,. W\ILE IS OP'ON-NT CAME OUT IN &UIPoRT OF- T E &\ENADMNVASAO11 AND RN N CRZ AS IN VIN5, ITS (&v@oC36To \11V41 RoWPIDL- BEIA Too&" Op. MEAMAW N (I 3 Of another's mistake' m reasonable. ding us of others' mistakes - Williams' wounds were self- and, too often, profit in the r- inflicted. The outcome was still process. a tragic. The real tragedy, -Byron K. Roberts '' however, is that people, like those October 5 of responsible for the Ensian flyers, Roberts is the President of te take pleasure in forever remin- Alpha Phi Alpha. r constructive campaigning behind. Such a simplistic yet election fairly. It is the essence of ly destructive act reminds us of the our political system that cam- rs heckling which has greeted Mon- paigning be constructive not pet- of dale and Ferraro virtually ty. -Daniel Mezger rs everywhere they go. It is a pity Julie Garbus n, that some Reagan supporters feel Bradley Gaskins Lg no need to run this presidential October 5 Y by Berke Breathed era m -.I I | 'P -5 I I ,.. - Wasserman "C H PR51P6NT S~'QVETOPA i OF CI FR~G' EvSI QS2 oR ARMS TALVcS W ITF AND SA H WOULD CONIDR A 0Ut\ANTINE OF NICA12A&UA. X --V LETTERS TO THE DAILY A tragic reminder To the Daily: We denounce the Michigan En- sian for taking a last-minute, cheap shot against Vanessa Williams, the former Miss America. Such attacks now ser- ve little purpose. Prospective employees, seeking to work for a quality publication, will not be encouraged by poor taste in that publication's recruiting flyers. Williams represented her nation well during her tenure. She was confident and courageous, at her peak and during her downfall. She made a mistake and paid the price. The Ensian flyers, like the latest ef- fort from Penthouse. intend to we do not know the Ensian mem bers involved in this incident. Yet, in cases where a black pe son is on "trial" before, predominately white "jury, history suggests a speculationc unequal justice is quit The need fo To the Daily: Mondale volunteers recent] put up stickers and poster around the University o Michigan campus. Within hou they had all been ripped dow Reagan stickers remainin BLOOM COUNT? A A r l /