4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, October 9, 1984 The Michigan Da 4 ,be flItcdjigan iai1 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Code could hurt minorities Vol. XCV, No. 29 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board j I A SERIES ON THE PR OPOSED CODE A necessary argument : surrounding unnecessary and unjust propositions T HIS EDITORIAL series is inspired by our belief that the proposed student code for nonacademic conduct and the argument surrounding it are very important and need extended discussion. The code and its judicial system represent, foremost, a serious breach of students' rights. But beyond that, the circumstances under which they have been proposed and may be ,im- plemented present a unique oppor- tunity to observe the motivations and beliefs of the administration in its dealing with the student body. And because of the threat to student freedoms being proposed by the ad- ministration, it is necessary to evaluate just what students can and should do to preserve and expand their rights within the University com- munity. It is important to understand from the outset that the code controversy has not been manufactured by student Leaders and organizations looking for omething to yell about. We do not wish pursue disagreement for disagreement's sake. Rather, we wish to express earnest concerns regarding the administration's proposals and the way in which they might be implemen- ted. The series is not prompted by any specific event or decision. We feel it is necessary, however, to provide a sound knowledge of Athe code for those who are not familiar with it, to inspire action from those who already have an understanding, and to com- municate that understanding to the administration. The student com- munity is not divided on this issue ex- cept where the divisions are between opposition and ignorance. The basic goals are to explain to students and administrators the many injustices in- cluded in the code and to combat indif- ference on the part of the student body to those injustices. The University is frustrated by an inability to discipline students who may have committed criminal or "inappropriate" behavior and is looking to take the law into its own hands. But the administration has not, and we believe cannot, justify a legitimate need for the code. The code would define what kind of behavior is permissible for students within this community and its corresponding judicial system would provide the mechanism for punish- ment. Covered would be diverse acts from arson to assault and to inter- fering with a University sponsored ac- tivity. What's wrong with that? Indeed, there is nothing objectionable about a mechanism aimed at promoting and enforcing lawful behavior. The code, however, is a mechanism that is both unnecessary and unjust. The code is unnecessary simply because there already exists a system of laws and enforcement protecting the University community, namely, the statutes, judiciary, and enforcement agencies of local, state, and federal erected and is controlled by society in a democratic manner-something that definitely cannot be said for the code. The law doesn't belong in the hands of the University, it belongs, and already exists, under the authority of the government. If a student is guilty of a crime, then he or she will be punished by the existing law. If a student is not guilty, or of questionable guilt, then the University has no right to hand out its own punishments. Sidestepping lengthy court proceedings might be tempting, but it leaves too much room for infringemen- ts on the rights of the individual. This society has spent 200 years honing a system of law that is necessarily the most just and accurate judge of guilt and innocence. The rights of the in- dividual are guaranteed before all else. Where there is a question of guilt, guilt should be questioned. In a memo to Vice President for Student Services Henry Johnson, Director of Public Safety Walt Stevens outlined a number of student offenses "for which there is no basic set of rules available to the University to administer sanctions" and offered that' "I have enough faith in the judicial system to believe punitive measures where available and applied will be fair and appropriate." His faith in the judicial system comes out of a recognition that the existing law is the most consistent, effective, and just system available to our society. Infringements on the rights of the student are most noticeable, however, where the University's system would go beyond the law. University President Harold Shapiro said that "One of the goals of the code is to give students a better sense of what sort of behavior is acceptable in a University community." This paternalistic at- titude would attempt to dictate to the student body what is morally and socially acceptable. It offensively assumes an amount of student ignorance and moral uncertainty and does not allow for varying inter- pretations of what is considered "ac- ceptable." But students have the ability and right to determine for themselves what is appropriate behavior as long as that behavior is allowed by the society in which they reside. A student is at the University tobe taught, not told how to act. The ad- ministration feels that since it is a privilege to attend this university, it has the right to dictate the behavior of those lucky enough to be admitted. Being given the privilege to attend this university, however, does not indebt the student to obedience. The student is not an employee of the University, he or she pays thousands of dollars to be taught, not to take lessons in morality as defined by the administration. The University is supposed to educate and serve the students. If the students are unable to protect them- selves and the community, then it is the role of the government to protect them, as it protects every member of By Roderick Linzie The University administration is currently sending contradictory and possibly irrecon- cilable messages to the black community as it responds slowly to the declining presence of black students and other less privileged per- sons on its campuses, while at the same time seeking to enact a repressive and authoritarian student code of non academic conduct. As the black student researcher for the Michigan Student Assembly with the responsibility for investigating the reasons that black students are not being retained or graduated in proportionate numbers to that of white students, I shall consider the impact that the student code might have on the recruitment and retention of black students to the University. The University should reflect the democratic principals that the state and nation are founded upon and protect the rights and'freedoms of its. numeric minorities. For the regents to bypass the cer- tain and specific rejection of the proposed code by the student body, is also a rejec- tion of the rights of individuals and groups to participate in self-governance. That action makes a mockery of the educational mission of the University and the power en- trusted to the University regents and ad- ministration by the constituents of Michigan. That the recruitment of black, Hispanic, and Native American students is a priority of the University is well documented in the public records. Yet the administration has designed a student code which will make the recruitment of black students much more dif- ficult, guarantee the perpetuation of their dif- ferential treatment once these students arrive, and may cause the unneccesary loss of black students to occur because of the poor quality of the proposed code. Racism, in- stitutional and personal, exists at the Univer- sity. It is a reflection of those realities in the larger, society. That the Office of Affirmative Action still exists to combat these dysfun- ctional aspects of our collective educational efforts attests to these realities. Historically, black Americans and those not economically priviledged have disproportionatly been the recipients of unjust treatment in the United States legal and criminal justice systems. Now, the University seeks to enact a parallel, DOWN T_ RATE O CNP QI p4IN ?Nt1N& autonomous justice system. This code allows for an excessive amount of and potentially abusive discretion by the University hearing officers throughout the judicial process generally from which black students will suf- fer specifically. Due process is not guaran-, teed, since the hearing and appeal processes are extremely ad-hoc in their design and no formal process exists. Additionally, the prohibited conduct is much too broad and not nearly specific enough. That is, in the context of racial inequality and disharmony, these laws may be used to selectively charge, "discharge" and punish black students. This fear is especially highlighted since the student code of nonacademic conduct does not limit the 'This code allows for an excessive amount of and potentially abusive discretion by the Univer- sity hearing officers throughout the judicial process generally from which blacks will suffer specifically.' possibility of individuals being charged with crimes or violations that do not arise out of their official relationship with the University. Trials by jury of peers for black students would be virtually impossible and would have to be sacrificed, since the percentages of black students, faculty, staff, and ad- ministration is untolerably low. Is it con- tradictory to the institutional goals that the affirmative action office, created to protect the rights of the disenfrancised, is currently a leading actor in the development of this code? Has that office studied the impact the code will have on the less priviledged mem- bers of the community? Has the office solicited any information or opinion about the code from the black, Hispanic, Asian, NativeZ American or women students, staff, and- faculty? Furthermore, the nature of the code has some additional implications for recruitment and retention especially. It is viewed as being potentially oppressive and authoritarian, because it is restrictive of student protest and dissent, no matter how just the cause may be. Social progress, characteristically chain- pioned by non-privileged members :ofr society, can easily be stifled. For example, the widely supported Black Action Movement of 1970 or the demonstrations by the han I.. dicapped students earlier this year at the. student union would become ipso factoj.4 prohibited and punishable conduct. Students., ought to be free to express these concerns. without jeopardizing their academic tran- scripts or careers. The University asd-,, ministration extols standards of excellence , Yet, it is willing to except sub-standards of justice and equity in measure by which judgements about the guilt or innocence of in dividuals and their punishments shall be determined. Standards proposed in the code are less than those widely used in civil society. (for criminal cases a preferred measure. is that guilt should be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil cases a prepon. derance of the evidence is required. In both cases a unanimous decision of the jury is required.) According to the proposed code, an agreement among the majority of the panel is enough. Finally, what will make the significant dif- ference in the recruitment and retention of black students will be the creation of-"a democratic and nonlauthoritariaif educational university environment. The well being of black students and all students would' truly be protected' and fostered in sincere ways by other students, the administration, faculty, and staff. The proposed code does not achieve fundamental University goals acid conflicts with them directly. I urge that the': University regents reject the student code of non-academic conduct and affirm the rights,' priviledges, and responsibilities of in- dividuals and groups to participate in self- governance. Linzie is MSA 's black minority resear- cher. &ILpONOMICJ&~U~ tAET IS; \ A LANCED 'BU D6ET 2$ - 7O AO NOTWN&'S WRoN )1 ., .. /J 1 M . ", r , . v O - 4-. ,, J 4 . 3 / Z a (J1 N . r t/ ., a. w I -4 O LEPTTERSTOTHE DAIL.Y 7 Daily should review morals, methods: To the Daily: Recently there was a tragedy at the University. Karen Duffy, a South Quad Resident Advisor committed suicide, and many are mourning her death. Wednesday night, when a few Thronson House women were speaking to another Thronson House RA, an editor from The Michigan Daily, Bill Spindle, rudely interrupted and attempted to speak to the RA. He refused to leave untilthe "got his story." Eventually, the editor was escorted out of South Quad by campus security. Earlier that evening after Thronson House held a meeting to inform its residents about Duf- South Quad staff members, and residents. If this kind of action is what the Daily sees as investigative jour- BLOOM COUNTY nalism, I believe that it is time for the Daily to seriously review their morals and methods. There is no reason why this should have happened, and I sincerely hope that it never happens again. -Amy Zweiman October 4 by Berke Breathed - HO3W 0IP JOHN R MRa M4NA66-0 WIN AN EMMY PFO< " flRKW' COMPANY" ? \\ ~'tA9! ,r 1A 6 ,a-I WIIIIP9... Pop., CLICK!.. ,- 6'. o,~ ); " V -k - N