Voter registration ends today
See story below
Ninety-five Years
EdIItoria mreedom Cloudy again with a slight
Editorial Freedom ~chance of rain. High near 67.
Vol. XCV, No.29 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October9, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
Talk kicks
Although President Harold Shapiro
last night tried to keep the tone of his
State of the University address light, he
expressed fears of a swing in higher
education toward a narrow, science-
oriented curriculum and away from
broad-based undergraduate instruc-
Shapiro also spoke out against
Voter's Choice, a tax cut proposal on the
November ballot, which he called "the
latest threat to the future of this
SHAPIRO joked about the schedule of
a college president before the crowd of
faculty members; administrators, and
regents who also gathered for an awar-
ds ceremony honoring distinguished
off faculty
He said he might divide his time as
president between fund-raising events,
legislative issues, confrontations with
campus groups, and a eulogy for a
deceased colleague - all in half-hour
"I recommend this position to all of
you," he told the laughing crowd.
SHAPIRO praised the faculty for
pulling the University through recent
years of cutbacks in spending, but he
stressed at least three times during his
address the need for a close look at the
quality of the University's programs.
"A constant and critical re-
examination of our efforts is critical to
our capacity to sustain and enhance the
quality bf our programs," he
repeatedly told the audience.
He expressed concerns that the
curricula of departments are growing
awards presentation
so narrow that- undergraduates might! we are capable of," he added.
become trapped in a "scholarly ghet- SHAPIRO USED the last minutes of
to," prepared only to continue study in his address to urge faculty and ad-
a particular area on the graduate level. ministrators to help defeat the Voter's
MORE specifically, Shapiro said, Choice proposal. The plan, through a
curricula in some departments are too tax rollback to Dec. 1981 levels, could
narrowly focused on science and shrink state appropriations to higher
technology. He called the notion that education by as much as one-fifth, and
technology should dominate University to the University alone by $36 million,
instruction and research because it is he said.
the wave of the future a "profoundly The proposal would also take the
mistaken idea." responsibility for setting tax levels out
Meaningful exposure to humanities of the hands of elected lawmakers and
and the social sciences will always be give it to the voters.
necessary in a society that must con- "(The proposal) ought to be opposed
tinually struggle against racial and by all of us who have a commitment to
sexual discrimination and poverty, representative government and
Shapiro said. majority, not minority, rule," Shapiro
"All the science and technology in the said.
world alone will never allow us to play FOLLOWING Shapiro's address, 17
the leadership role, the leadership role See DISTINGUISHED, Page 2
Daily Photo by KAREN ROMFH
University President Harold Shapiro last night expresses concern that
college curriculum might be shifting away from a broad liberal arts base to
a narrow field of study.
JProfs, students see
Mondale as clear champ
Sunday night's presidential debate gave Democratic
challenger Walter Mondale a new beginning, according to
University students and faculty members.
While Mondale supporters labeled their candidate's per-
rmance a pleasant surprise, President Ronald Reagan's
supporters said his performance was a political nightmare.
"I THINK Mondale won big Sunday night," said Greg
Markus, a political science professor. "I think he really sur-
prised a lot of people with his strength. He really attacked the
president strongly without being disrespectful. I think Mon-
dale has lost his 'wimpy and whining' image."
"I think we did real well tonight," said Sheri Silber, cam-
pus coordinator for the Mondale-Ferraro campaign. "I think
he came across to the American people like he had a firm
grasp of the issues, while Reagan looked like he didn't know
what was going on. At one point Reagan even said 'I'm con-
sed.' " '
"Reagan really looked bad tonight," agreed Bill Wehrle,
an LSA junior. "He really looked confused-like he was trying
to remember what his aides told him to say."
Even from the opposing camp, the observations were the
same. "I think from the general expectations of how both
Reagan and Mondale speak and conduct themselves, Mon-
dale came off a lot better," said Brent Haynes, publisher of
the conservative Michigan Review.
"Reagan looked overly cautious at the debate," said Jim
Frego, associate publisher of the Review. "There's a saying
how Reagan is the man in the teflon suit - nothing sticks to
him. And I think the Reagan camp planned to use that
strategy and try to get through the debate without any
"We were sitting here watching -the debate going 'what's
going on? Why doesn't he respond?" Frego said.
"There were so many things he could've said. Like when
Mondale brought up Bush's'taxes, Reagan could've brought
up Ferraro's taxes." Hopefully, they'll let him take off his
gloves and slug it out the next time," Frego said.
As much as Reagan was disappointing, Mondale was im-
See MONDALE, Page 3
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Today, is
Mast chance
to sign up
to vote
If Sunday's presidential debates
awakened your political interest and
inspired you to make a trip to the polls,
beware. Today is your last chance to
register to vote in the upcoming Nov. 6
Volunteers will man registration
booths in the fishbowl and at the Un-
dergr'aduate Library today for the last
Mobilization project, which staffs cam-
pus registration tables, is sponsored by
several local groups such as the Public
Interest Research Group in Michigan
(PIRGIM), the Michigan Alliance for
Disarmament, and the Democratic Par-
The groups decided to combine their
efforts in order to get as many people as
possible registered, said Jim Burchell,
the project's co-chairman.
AWorkers have knocked on every Ann
Arbor resident's door in an effort to
make sure everyone is registered to
vote, Burchell said.
SO FAR, the effort has had some suc-
"I knew I had to vote within a month
See STUDENTS, Page 3
Doily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
LSA freshwomen Katherine Hein (left) and Kelly Glaser sport President Reagan.masks yesterday during an anti-
Reagan demonstration in the Diae.
Students rally against Reagan
f hts
Bullard proposes
student bill of rights
"Mr. Reagan, this is America, not the Soviet Union,"
yelled LSA senior Fred Weiss at yesterday's noon anti-
Reagan rally on the Diag.
The rally, organized by the Bedtime for Bonzo Street
Theatre Ensemble - a student group dedicated to preven-
ting President Ronald Reagan's re-election - drew about
125 onlookers and some strong anti-Reagan remarks.'
IT WAS preceded by a symbolic "funeral procession" for
the U.S. Constitution which the protestors said has been
killed by Reagan.
The procession was accompanied by several
"pallbearers" who held a copy of the Constitution on a.
black stretcher.
Reagan is "attempting to shift the American legal
system to a guilty until proven innocent format,"' Weiss
said. He compared Reagan's "altering of the Constitution"
to George Orwell's book 1984.
. KURT BERGGREN, a local attorney, also had harsh
words for Reagan. He accused Reagan of attempting to
"pack" the Civil Rights Commission by firing three mem-
bers, which Reagan did in 1983, and replacing them with
three anti-civil rights appointees.
Eric Hard, a University law student, criticized the
Reagan administration's policies, adding that they have
greatly increased poverty.
According to Hard, the Reagan administration has cut
funding for the Legal Services Corporation of Ypsilanti
'(Reagan is) attempting to
shift the American legal
system to a guilty until proven
innocent format.'
- Fred Weiss
LSA senior
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Ar-
bor) yesterday announced legislation
that.would make several provisions of
e University's proposed student code
or non-academic conduct illegal.
His bill would protect the civil rights
of students who are being tried under
special University codes for their
behavior outside the classroom.
DUBBED THE "Student Bill of
Rights," the legislation comes amidst'
cries from student leaders that a con-
duct code and judicial system proposed
by the University's administrators
denies accused students their rights to
due process and places in in double
The bill is "largely an educational
tool and an indication to the regents
that there are important due process
concerns at stake," Bullard said
yesterday during a press conference in
the Michigan Union.
The legislation would require that
non-adademic conduct codes at all
seeBILL, Page 2
which provides legal advice for people who can't afford
HARD'S REMARKS sparked a shouting match between
anti-Reagan and pro-Reagan supporters.
Reagan is an "idiotic president who can't even remember
the statistics he tries to cite," Hard said.
Ann Murray-Coleman, an Ann Arbor resident, criticized
Reagan because "the loss of civil liberties for women and
people of color is continuing at an alarming rate."
SHE CALLED increasingly low pay and poverty for
women a "code-blue life threatening situation" that must
be stopped.
Pat Willerton, a second-year graduate student in political
science, mentioned Reagan's restrictions on foreign travel,
particularly to Communist countries, and said that "the
issue of ten miwh government interference in our personal
See BEDTIME, Page 3
A -
.-.seeks due process
Candlelight cafe
FOOD SERVICE workers at West Quad's cafeteria
are enlightened today. After yesterday's three
hlackonts in the kitchen and dishroom. West Quad is again
washed dishes in the dark. Food was carried up and down in
an elevator that resembled a tomb. Scraping dishes and
stacking plates, student employees gleefully questioned
each other: "Hey, do you think they'll let us out early?"
The rooms looked like they were prepared for a candlelight
dinner, said Debbie Strader, West Quad Food Service
supervisor. At 5:30, the electrical engineer finally arrived,
the main circuits were fixed, and the lights were switched
on. But fifteen minutes barely passed before the third
blackout struck West Quad with vengeance. Everything
that was in perfect order before the blackout was now out of
nrale :in .n :-r 2:i..-- _fh rloh rn h n n--- - n* n1" n - VV
down," said Strader, who admits it was pretty hectic. "But
I think the workers got a bigger kick out of this than the
people who eat here.
They still love you
A S LEGIONS of baseball fans jumped on the Chicago
Cubs' bandwagon, a trivia game was created to
separate the long-suffering from the newly converted.
Called Cub Mania, the game was developed by Paul and
Steve Rosenbaum and Robert Jordan - all men in their 20s
--I- I- - - _ .1- . - y, , .... , . t;.On .... . ... .. .
questions Sept. 24, the day the Cubs clinched the National
League East title. They were eliminated from the World
Series on Sunday when they lost the National League
championship to the San Diego Padres. He said few Cubs
fans will be able to answer most of. the questions, which
cover Cubs teams back to the 1880s.
"Let's face it. Part of Cubs history is somewhat forgettable,"
Rosenbaum said.