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October 06, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-10-06

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, October 6, 1984
NATO strengthens
nuaclear missile sites

WASHINGTON (Ap) - The North
Atlantic Treaty Organization is in-
stalling improved protection around
missile bases and other nuclear sites to
thwart possible terrorist attacks in
Western Europe, a senior defense of-
ficial said yesterday.
"Devices are being installed that are
responsive to what we think we have
learned about how the sites might be at-
tacked by terrorist groups," the official
told reporters at a briefing in which he
outlined matters to be discussed next
week by alliance defense ministers at a
meeting in Italy.
AMONG OTHER important matters
on the agenda, he said, will be a
discussion of "improving security of
nuclear weapons in Europe against
terroristand other threats."
The official indicated that the "other
threats" are those that could be expec-
ted to be mounted by Soviet special for-
ces whose mission in the early days of a
NATO-Warsaw Pact war would be to
knock out and overrun Pershing 2 and
ground-launched missile.bases, nuclear'
weapons depots and air bases where,
nuclear weapons are stored.
This official, who spoke under ground
rules protecting his anonymity, said the
Soviets are devoting the highest
priority to training forces to knock out
the intermediate-range Pershing 2s,
which are gradually being deployed in
Western Europe in positions to strike
into the Soviet Union.
AS FOR terrorist threats to nuclear
bases, the official said work already

has progressed in installing4 variety of
sensors, including devices that would
delay terrorists in reaching nuclear
bunkers thus allowing time for security
reinforcements to arrive.
Such devices would be activated by
guards, some of whom would be
positioned in towers around the nuclear
In the event of an open war between
NATO and the Warsaw Pact, the of-
ficial said nuclear weapons probably
would be dispersed quickly from
existing sites to make it more difficult
for the Soviet special units, called Spet-
snaz, to reach them before the weapons
can be used against assaulting Soviet
tank forces.
THE THREAT of terrorism has been
moved higher on the list of concerns in
the alliance in recent years and the of-
ficial said "we are year by year better
equipped" to deal with the threat.
Other items on the schedule for the
Oct. 10-12 NATO Nuclear Planning
Group meeting in Stresa, Italy, include
a U.S. briefing on the worldwide status
of nuclear forces, and reports on the
U.S. sea-launched cruise missile
program and the status of the Pershing
2 and ground-launched cruise missile
deployments, which began over strong
Soviet objections las't December, the of-
ficial said.
After leaving Italy on Oct. 12, Defen-
se Secretary Caspar Weinberger will
visit Tunisia, Egypt and Israel before
returning to the United States on Oct.

Heave ho Associated Press
Little Dofer waits for his master Tom Woods, the truck driver, in a parking
lot in Fort Worth, Texas. Woods named him Dofer because the pooch - half
dachshund and half chihuahua - will have to "do for" now.

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After 91 years, Tappan Hall on South
University Ave. is finally getting a
much needed facelift that includes a
$2.4 million addition.
Work on Tappan Hall, which began
last winter should be completed by
early next year, said Joel Isaccson,
chairman of the University's Art
History Department.
THE UNIVERSITY started plans for
the new building in1980 when it realized
the old facility could not safely house

the art history collections because of
the fire risk of the building, Isaacson
"The major catalyst in its construc-
tion was the Economics Building fire in
1981," he said. "The old Tappan Hall is
a fire trap and because of the great loss
in the Econ Building fire, plans were
speeded up for the Tappan Hall ad-
Much of the money for the addition
and the renovation was donated by
private sources, but $900,000 came from
LSA budget.

THE BUILDING will house a new
fine arts library and the art history
department's collection of slides and
With the addition, new space will be
created in old Tappan Hall for new
classrooms and faculty offices.
"I'm particularly pleased with the
new building because it gives us the
capacity to operate year-round," said
Isaacson. "We no longer have to
swelter during the summer months
because the building is now air-

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Money bills deadlock holds
Congress past adjournment date
WASHINGTON - Legislators failed to meet their goal of adjourning for
the year yesterday as they struggled to clear the last two obstacles to ending
the 98th Congress - Major bills to keep most of the government in business
and allow the Treasury to borrow another $250 billion.
Negotiators from the House and Senate argued over an omnibus money
bill, the so-called continuing resolution necessary to provide most gover-
nment departments and agencies with money for the fiscal year that began
on Monday.
Meanwhile, Congress moved to pass a stopgap bill that would temporarily
provide money to government agencies through midnight Tuesday. That
would avert disruptions of government operations such as those that oc-
curred Thursday when some 500,000 workers were sent home at midday.
Sen. Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.), chairman of the Senate Appropriations
Committe, prodded the negotiators to finish work, saying Congress might
still be arguing over the emergency money bill until late October. He added,
"In all likelihood, if we're here until that period of October, we can look for-
ward to a post-election lame duck session."
E. Germans seek political asylum
BONN, West Germany - At least 80 East Germans seeking political
asylum are hold up in the closed West German Embassy in Czechoslovakia
amid tough negotiations with Communist authorities over their future,
government officials said yesterday.
Diplomatic sources in Prague, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
there were about 100 refugees inside the embassy, many of them suffering
from colds. More than 20 of the refugees are children, the West German
government said.
Government spokesman Peter Boenisch told a news conference in Bonn
that the East Germans trying to get to West Germany entered the 18th cen-
tury embassy building over the last 10 days.
The East German government built the Berlin Wall in 1961 to block
massive emigration of East Germans to the West. And although about 1,000
East Germans have been allowed to leave each month recently, East Ger-
many discourages emigration.
Boenisch said a lasting solution to the problem can only come through a
niove by East Germany to liberalize itsregulations governing travel and
Boenisch did not say whether any break through was expected in what he
indicated were tough negotiatigns between the Bonn government and Com-
munist officials in East Berlin. He did not elaborate en the talks.
Riots kill 10 in Bangladesh
DHAKA, Bangladesh - Riots in Bihari relief camps left at least 10 people
dead, injured, and thousands homeless, witnesses said yesterday.
Police, however, said there were 11 people injured and none killed.
Police and witnesses agreed the violence broke out Thursday after about
30 Biharis - Urdu-speaking Moslems who seek Pakistani citizenship -
Staged a religious procession in the Mirpur section on the outskirts of Dhaka.
When reports circulated that a young boy from the majority Bengali-
speaking Moslem community had been injured in a scuffle with the mar-
chers, hundreds of Bengalis armed with sticks and knives and attacked the
procession, witnesses said.
The Bihari marchers were armed with swords and chains that are part of
their traditional .dress for the holiday marking the death of the prophet
Mohammed's grandson.
Bengalis burned thousands of bamboo huts later Thursday night in a
poverty-stricken refugee camp where about 55,000 Biharis live.
In all, there are about 250,000 Biharis living in relief camps in Bangladesh.
Originally from the Indian state of Bihar, they were stranded in Bangladesh
after Bangladesh attained independence from Pakistan in a 1971 war. The
terrorists that now make up Pakistan and India were part of British India
before gaining independence.
Diet, sleep crucial to youth
BOSTON - Eating and sleeping properly may help younger people live
longer, but by the time someone reaches 65, it's too late to live right, a study
The research contradicts a widely held view that old people can increase
their chances of living longer if they stick to good habits.
"Once you've survived to 65, healthful practices, at least in our data, did
not suggest a longer lifespan," said Dr. Laurence Branch of Harvard
Medical School. Results of his study in 1,235 Massachusetts residents appear
in the October edition of the American Journal of Public Health.
Earlier studies showed that healthy living habits are associated with in-
creased life expectancy for young and middle aged people. Experts assumed
the same would be true for people in their 60s and 70s.
DeLorean's wife files for divorce
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Cristina Ferarre De Lorean, who stood by her
automaker husband, John De Lorean, through a five-month cocaine con-'
spiracy trial, filed for divorce yesterday, less than two months after his
In her divorce petition, filed by attorney Jerome Goldberg, the model and
TV hostess sought to dissolve the couple's 11-yearmarriage on grounds of

irreconcilable differences.
Mrs. De Lorean sought a share of community property accumulated by
the couple before Sept. 13, the date of their separation. She also sought
restoration of her maiden name of Ferrare, which she now uses on her daily
TV show, "AM Los Angeles."
Vol. XCV -No. 27
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.


The college experience, Birn bach style

(Continued from Page 1)
BIRNBACH also points out the more
materialistic attitudes students have
today. "Seniors go suit shopping
together in readiness for job interviews
... 'Bourgeois' is just another word onea
French dictee," she writes.
A 1978 graduate of Brown, Birnbach
was a student during the height of ac-
tivism. "I sort of salivate thinking
about what a fantastic demonstration
and anti-Solomon Amendment rally we
would have had," she sadi.
Birnbach added, however, that the
book is more critical of the political
situation in America than of the cam-
pus atmosphere.
"I'M PUTTING down today more
than I'm putting down college students
of today," she said. "I think the book is
in a way a celebration of college studen-
Because of the economy, most
students have to hold down at least part
time jobs to help finance their
educations, Birnbach said, which adds
to the conservative attitude on campus.
"I really am glad I'm not in school

right now because I wouldn't want to
work part time and go to school," Bir-
nbach said. "Also, how do you justify
sleeping in when classes cost that
much? I think there's a real sense of
ON THE other hand, Birnbach said
she thinks it is good that students are
more directed about what they want to
do, and she likes the "return to ritual
and loyalty."
There was a time, she said, when
people didn't go to campus athletic
events, but things are different now.
"It is no longer uncool to be 'rah rah'
and cheer at games. Athletic events
allow students to drink, to scream, and,
if their team scores, to hug and kiss,"
she writes.
BIRNBACH admited that she has
never attended a football game in
Michigan Stadium, though in her book
she lists the University's sports as
"Football, football, football, especially.
on Saturdays."
Football, of course, also shows up in
the University's profile. Birnbach

quoted Assistant Athletic Director Will
Perry saying, "Threatening budget
cuts within the state have exacerbated
a long-running conflict between the
football coach of this Big Ten team and
the admissions office. . . . Certainly
some athletes need remedial work, and
we see that they get it . . . Everyone
complains about us, except during foot-
ball season." ,
Birnbach lists the second floor of the
UGLi as the best place for social study;
pot, caffeine, and speed as the favorite
drugs; and political science as the
most popular major. (All of those facts,
she said, were taken from an afternoon
of student interviews and about 10
"STUDENTS are so pleased with
Michigan, they feel the system must be
exploited to the fullest. Its worth it,"
she writes.
Of Harvard, Birnbach
writes,"Everybody knows about Har-
vard. You almost definitely know
someone personally who attended Har-
vard . . . Harvard can get anyone to
speak at its commencement. People

who hate America will travel to Har-
vard to deliver an address."
The most popular major is
economics, and the infirmary is "Okay.
Takes active role in birth control," ac-.
cording to Birnbach's book.
BIRNBACH writes that Michigan
State University's citizens "claim they
don't feel like the stepchildren to
students at Ann Arbor, yet a popular T-
shirt proclaims: 'Michigan State: THE
Universityof Michigan.' "
MSU's biggest sports event is the
Michigan football game, and their most
popular majors are business and
education. Cultural life, Birnbach
quotes, "As they say, agriculture is the
only culture at MSU . . . but it's im-
proving.' "
After visiting schools across the
nation, Birnbach siad if she had to go
back to again she would probably take
her four years of college at four dif-
ferent schools just to have a variety and
see more of the country.
"Of course," she added, "I'd go to
graduate school at the University of

(JfliurtiU rIIX~iP ErUiCEeEconomic indicators

1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Celebration of World-Wide
Communion Sunday.
Sermon: "The Savior of All People."
Guest Speaker: Rev. Neal Punt, author
of Unconditional Good News: Toward
an Understanding of Biblical Univer-
11:15 a.m. Refreshments and Con-
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship.
7:00 p.m. Presentation and discussion
on "Biblical Universalism" by Rev.
Wednesday 10 p.m. Evening Prayers.
* *s *
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Services at 9:15 and 10:30.
Sunday Bible Study, 9:15 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study, 7:30.
Thursday. Handbell Choir. 9:30 p.m.

1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Sunday Worship Services: 9:30 and
Wednesday Night Fellowship, 8:15.
Communion at 9:30.
Church School including Nurseries.
Broadcast of Service:
I1.00a.m. - WPAG, 10.50 AM
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Church School and Sunday Service
9:30 and 11:00.
October 7: "That Reminds Me." Dr.
Donald B. Strobe.
Ministers: Rev. Wayne T. Large
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director:
Rose McLean
Broadcast Sundays 9:30 a.m. - WRNS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00 p.m. - Cable Channel 9.
* * '

s how employment rise

(Continued from Page 1)
provement in the nation's jobless rate is
"a question about the quality of the new
jobs created. In terms of people's stan-
dard of living, he said, it would take
three fast-food industry jobs "to make
up for the loss of one job" in heavy
"The overall employment figures,
which had shown a moderation in the
pace of the labor market improvement
in recent months, were little changed in
September, but job declines occurred in
several key manufacturing industries,"
Janet Norwood, commissioner of labor
statistics, told the congressional Joint
Economic Committee. 0
IN HER Capitol Hill appearance, Ms.
Norwood told the committee that only
40 percent of the 185 industries sur-
veyed increased employment in Sep-
"This is the lowest percentage since
the trough of the 1981-82 recession
nearly two years ago," she said.
The total number of Americans with
jobs rose by 270,000, to 105.2 million last
..--" .-' a _ L __ _ - - , -

accommodated entry into the labor for-
ce of about 200,000 job-seekers, thus
preventing the unemployment rate
from rising.
And the BLS report showed that the
pool of so-called "Discouraged
workers" - people not counted as
unemployed because they've given up
looking for jobs - shrank by 100,000 in
the period from June-September, to 1.2
WASHINGTON (AP) - Backers of a
nuclear freeze resolution did better than
]act tnmeh l.,n al ,ani i ah ct1a

Editor in chief.........................BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors ..................CHERYL BAACKE
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A .o i a ... io.. . . .r.. . .IYR I

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