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October 05, 1984 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-10-05
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sometimes too fast for most of us to even sort it out.
The big time Pages 3-4 Recent albums helps sort the wheat from the chaf in
Although our fair city has long been known as a new records with its list of quick reviews by staff
goldmine for new and rising musical prospects, we members of WCBN and the Daily.
haven't fared quite as well with the bigger name ban-,
ds. It's usually no more than once a month or so that a INTERVIEW
top touring band comes to town, but in the next 11 ,S
days a total of five bands to watch are coming. X, the R.E.M. utterings -
R.. . E. .utrnsPages 10-11-
dB's, Flock of Seagulls, The Replacements, and R.E.M.l
are all well entrenched in the contemporary music MikeMl aksi theyimresionisticedoc
scene and are the makers of tomorrow's band L.E.M., talked with Daily associate arts editor
cliches. The cover photo is of R.E.M. performing at Byron L. Bull about what the bands been up to,
Joe's in 1982 by Daily Photographer Elizabeth Scott. where they're going, and why he likes Van Halen.
Mills and the rest of the band are coming to town on
Monday for a show at the Michigan Theater.
Happenings Pages 5-8 RECORDS
A complete guide to the Ann Arbor entertainment
community featuring capsule reviews of current and Perennials in bloom Page 12
second run films, as well as an extensive list of the As the new wave of the last several years is slowly
wide variety of cultural divertisements all around the receding onto the shores of Top-40, a new crop of ban-
city. In addition, Eats and Drinks is a handy guide to ds is moving in to fill the underground gap. Often
dining for both the visitor and the resident looking for using the music from the mid '60s as a departure$
something new. point, bands like The Rain Parade may well turn out
RELEASES to be the R.E.M. of tomorrow, at least according to
Dennis Harvey who concludes his two part look into
What's new Page 9 the new Paisley underground.n
The record industry keeps churning out the vinyl,
weekend Associate Arts Editors ........ . ........Jeff Frooman
Friday, October 5. 1984 Andy Weine
Volume I Issue 4Mo is............. ..By nL. ul
Magazine Editor................Joseph Kraus Movies................ .....Byron L. Bull Weekend is ed ited and managed by students on the
Associate Magazine Editor............Ben Yomtoob Books............................. Mark Kulkis . staff of the Michigan Daily at 420 Maynard, Ann Ar-
Arts Editors.. ..............Fannie Weinstein Records......................... Dennis Harvey bor, Michigan Daily 48109.
Pete Williams Sales Manager....................Debbie Dioguardi Weekend, (313) 763-0379 and 763-0371; Michigan
Pete Wlliams Assistant Sales Manager.............. Laurie Truske '
Weekend Marketing Coordinator . . . Lisa Schatz sant SaesnaeLk Daily, 764-0552; Circulation, 764-0558; Display Adver-
Weekend staff: Sales Representatives:
Ellen Abrahams, Mark Bookman, Steve tising, 764-0554.
Jennifer Callahan, Paula Dohring, Neil Casciani, Peter Giangreco, Seth Grossman, Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily.
__ _Galanter, John Logie Mary Ann Hogan, Mark Stobbs
OCITIZEN ' 'n1d1
Men's yellow
"yBi-lingular, date,
Step-motion, Sweep
Second Hand.
Crystal glass.
-Water resistant.
But when he makes hisxSo the Count
sandwiches this thick, what are solved the problem
we supposed to do? in his own inimitable
090See, the Count grabs a couple slices of wy. But he found that
thickrye, toasted garlic bread, or an onion getting the sandwich on the sword
roll.. piles on the salami, ham, turkey, or was one thing.
whatever strikes his fancy... tops it with a Getting it off was quite another. All in all,
heap of extras like cheese, onion, lettuce we recommend the frilly toothpicks.
tomato, or sprouts... As for the Count, the doctors say he's
And can't understand why it all topples ti! healing nicely, and should be home
1er. practically any day
2 Weekend/Friday, October 5, 1984

be exactly the same that hit the seems to be gearing more toward that word on Reckoning. The people who a preeni
listeners when they hear it. As long as kind of mentality ... can't are just too lazy to try. a sense
there's just some kind of feeling there, D: I find a lot of people need. ® be great tir
at all. M: Uh huh, we definitely want to spoon fed their songs ...
D: When do you plan on going, into avoid that. We want to avoid getting a M: It's the fault of most of the music
the studio to record another album? producer who would be so intent on today. The bands that go for commer- D: If
M: It'll be late winter or early spring making his record, worrying about how cial radio make the words so upfront about s
of next year. it would sound so much because his and so easy to understand and listen to every no
D: Will this one be done in record name is on it. that nobody has to try anymore. M: W
time too? D: Will you continue to work with D: Who did your most recent video? about wi
M: Well, we think it's fairly impor- Mitch Easter,.or has Let's Active taken M: Jim Herbert. He's an artist and that's foi
tant that you just do the basic tracks up all of his spare time? underground filmmaker from Athens.
and get them done because if you spend M: We don't know, it's up in the air He's quite respected in art circles but
a lot of time with them then it starts to now. He's pretty busy with his band. he's about as popular as we are
sound real artificial. Quite frankly we D: What about sitting down and (laughs). We didn't want to make a
like making records but nobody wants producing your own records your- video per se, so we did a twenty minute
to spend that much time in a studio.selves? film that fortunately had a usable clip
D: Some bands have taken five, six M: We could, with a good engineer. from it.
months in a studio ... But at thesame time it's nice to have a D: I take it you'd like to avoid videos
M: Oh. many more than that even, I producer to turn to when the four of us altogether.
just can't imagine being in there that can't agree on something. M: Pretty much, The record com-
much.. .you'd get bored to death. D: Band decisions are a democratic pany really, really wants them and in the
D: Not to mention your judgement process, I take it? spirit of cooperation we'll make them,
must get myopic as hell. M: Yeah, everybody gets the most sit of cerati e, sthem, w
M: Sure, you really can't be objective input into his own instrument, but that you see on M-TV that are designed The original!
about it anymore and you don't really everyone's free to 'contribute to capture the attention of the 13-year- one selling s
know what you're hearing because suggestions or veto them. olds that watch M-TV. I think the whole black, red, w
you're used to hearing it so much. We M: Do you think you're in a more ad- idea of videos is bad anyways because lietr40ar
just go in there and get it to sound as vantageous position than with one per- it trivializes music and brings it down
good as possible and get out. son as frontmant to one person's impression that's
D: How large a backlog of unreleased D: Yeah, because between the four of sometimes not even what the song's
songs have you got? us we like such different kinds of music about, just the most catchy women in C'
M: Well we've poalgot five or ta o any one personality becomes Nws ok0
six songs thatvare recorded but we dominant in the sound. It keeps the lingerie. It's pretty disgustingsko
h a v e ' t d o n n th i h A n d wlba n d 's so u n d a little b it m o re ev en a n drayLst s.
ave ton ay ngwi . weve it keeps personality conflicts down.', D: Do you think we'll ever see it die Ambermatic.
got five or six, or seven new ones . . . Li? st $45.
four or five of which will be in the show, D: What are you listening to these out? ont
and we've got who knows how many old days? M: I don't know. It doesn't look like it.
and e'v go wh knws owanyold M : The new Replacements album, You see the bands who make up their
ones tht we just don't do anymore that Le'Aci'snwrodisgatTh minds to become successful and rich 4
are just sitting around. It's a pet idea of d'snet ve's new record is reands o ae coninueto
ours to someday put out an EP or an D: Ever thought of colorin the bands utilize M-TV to the best of their abilities Ame
album of studio outtakes and old songs D:Evrthogtaft'srigth bnd *~
tatbm woftuldivrouthewseake o sound with more keyboards or maybe and that's fine, if they want to do that. days
tha wold eve oterwse akeit o eensnth orhorsThat's why Duran Duran is so bigL-i
malbu, oa M; Not synthesisers. There are because they made videos that were
ma: od erd b d rpianos on both albums a little, just to really striking and made themselves
D: I'd heard the band did some recent flesh out the songs and add a little look real pretty ...
session work on a demo tape for Warren meoyti.Hrnaagmns..I
Zevon;eaever ko. Hol artheme t D: And lots of sixteen-year-old girls CLASSIC
m: Everyone but Michael. We're you never know. I could chart them out ran out and bought their albums -at K- All time favor
still waiting, as far as I know Warren is but ... you never know. If we hear a Mart. black rame
still in negotiations. If he, hopefully, song that screams out for a horn M: Yea, sure. If they want to do it maic.
gets the deal he wants hopefully we're arrangent, hen se wllditthat way that's fine but we don't care to List 7
going to do the record with him. justhve'theamtrt dca it-wsebyet.t f t
D: I think he's one of the great neglec- D h' h otrdclie-ie b ato t
ted talents around today. in the band?', D: Or push records to 16-year-old
M: I do too. I think he's wonderful. We M: Well, Michael's our token art SHOO
did four songs with him and they sound student, as he would put it himself, and M:idon't know, I kind of like Van Gold or black
really good. I think his voice adds he has a lot of fringe type leanings and Halen. gray lenses. A
emotion to anything he says. The demo that's really good because he'll suggest frame only).
tapes sound really neat, we did them in the strangest things, sometimes just - D: Er List $57.
like two days in an eight track studio. D Just to see how far he can push the M: Well, they've got an excellent To orderr_ Mail
D : How do you and the band work out band? tluding $2 per pa
a so Do omne cmen with au M: Yeah, well he wants us to go as far guitarist and they write some reallyMs s
a song? Does someone come in with a ota ecn hnw'egtPtr catchy songs. Even if David Lee Roth isPO
piece of a _melody, or is everything out as we can. Then we've got Peter, cEd
collaborated on the spot as a group? ait natHe s b g on Chuck Berry
M: Both. Somebody will come in with taMditi alit e's. b ig nCkTBoey______
a guitar idea or something and we'll an ud aes.H ie -oe _______
just play around until we get a whole Burnett a whole lot, and we all like the
song out of it. Or sometimes any two of Velvet Underground.
us will be sitting around with a guitar D: What different directions would
and just try to work something out. you like to see the band turn to?
D: Is there anyone in the band who M: Oh there's all kinds of things
seems to be more musically inclined we'd like to do, write a soundtrack, get In Men
with a stranger sense of melody than into movies a little might be fun. I
anyone else? D: You seem to be doing most of the
M: Ummm . . . Michael comes up talking for the band these days...
with great melodies but he kind of M: Peter and I, Peter probably does a
counter points it to my basslines, and- little more than I do but we try to split it
D: Intentionally? down the middle. _______
M: I don't know. Sometimes. It kind D: I take it someday Michael will
of pulls the song together though. start talking again.
Everybody in the band has got a good M: I imagine so. He just go tired of4-
sense of melody, we're just lucky to everybody asking him what the words
have it. are. 201 E.WASHING
D: These days it would seem easier D: You could print lyrics and make itA 4 H V
than ever for a new band to be thrown easy for everyone.
into a studio with a dominant producer M: Why make it easy' for them? It's
who can intimidate them out of their not that hard to do understand the wor--
own ideas, just because the industry ds. I can understand just about every

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