OPINION Page 4 Thursday, October 4, 1984 The Michigan Daily CU Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan I Vol. XCV, No. 25 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 --HA IRGJXT SEEN TE NEWEST?A~ C%MOJCRUFY r kFRkT-FN ERCJ Ai., Vo 'u NOW FM ~ I N IAVE A &JPCN CRAVIO FORl kCOKE 53~i t _-- .3 .4 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A call to vote FOR MOST students at the Univer- sity, the Noyember 6 election will be the first opportunity to vote in a presidential contest. Unfortunately, a large number will neglect that oppor- tunity out of ignorance and indifferen- ce. The Public Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) is at- tempting to combat electoral apathy on this campus in cooperation with a nationwide push for voter registration. Their efforts should be applauded and supported through participation in the democratic process. At this point in the life of a student, political views and understanding are being formed and tested..The passive accumulation of political ideas from parents and older siblings ideally turns to a more active examination and for- mulation of ideas within the individual. But the care and feeding of political consciousness is a continuous and time-consuming process. It is very easy to fall back on the same old ideas one was brought up on or the ideas one's friends have spouted day after day. Involvement in the political process is essentially an in- dividual act. Of course affiliations are made and sentiments are shared but the responsibility rests solely upon the individual voter's conscience. There is a responsibility to oneself to pursue and support political ideas with a firm basis of knowledge, and a respon- sibility to one's society to participate in the democratic process - thus insuring the representative system and its consequent freedoms. The nationwide push for registration has been aimed at making voters eligible who have not been eligible before, and perhaps more importantly, impressing on those who are eligible the importance of participation in the political process. Blacks, Hispanics, students, and heven Moral Majority members have been registering in en- couraging numbers. Registration does not mean voting, but it is the important first step. On campus, PIRGIM has already registered 2,600 voters and hopes to add 1,500 to that figure by the time they're finished. Those are impressive numbers and the impact of the drive on the student body in general has been very impressive: voting is on people's minds. Last spring's city elections saw a poor student turnout. This is largely because of a lack of glamour and per- ceived lack of importance surrounding such a small, local election. But every election is important, and any failure to vote underscores the need for efforts to increase awareness and eligibility. Though PIRGIM has had a good amount of success so far, they are in a position to achieve far more. If you haven't registered, do so before the Oc- tober 9 deadline. If you have registered, talk about it. The impor- tance of voting is something that bears repeating. ' J AF " .: 3 i " ' ",A 'New Patriotism' isn't a new militarism Shame on Congress N THEIR HASTE to approve a cat- chall spending measure desperately needed to fund most government agen- cies, the Senate has killed an impor- tant civil rights proposal. A major supporter of the proposed legislation, Bob Packwood (R-Oregon) decided to drop his own measure so that the Senate could get on with its last minute spending bill-budgeting which should have been done long ago. The Senate's decision to drop the civil rights measure should not be taken with levity. This move portends a gloomy future for the Civil Rights Act of 1964-and civil rights under another Reagan administration., Sen. Edward Kennedy' (D- Mass.), another major supporter of the civil rights bill, gave an appropriate eulogy Tuesday: "Shame on the Senate. Shame on the Senate. We are being asked to sweep under the rug a basic and fundamental issue: whether federal taxpayers' fun- ds should be used by programs that discriminate against the handicapped, minorities, and the aged." And disgrace is exactly what the Senate should feel. Packwood himself declared that the measure had taken "more of my time and my passion than any bill of this Congress." Why the Senate decided to drop the bill, despite sponsors' claims of majority support for it, is too plainly obvious. President Reagan cannot admit that his Justice Department which opposes the bill is going against the sentiments of Republicans and Democrats alike by slowly chipping away at the rights Martin Luther King worked so hard to gain. Election year partisan politics prevailed at the time. Republicans didn't want to make the president look bad. Perhaps after the November elec- tion, the individual consciences of those senators will reappear. Then it will become possible to restore the ban on federally funded institutions that discriminate, even in only one depar- tment-to pull together a civil rights policy that once held sway. The death knell has sounded on this legislation and another session of Congress soon fades away into history. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, however, is still on the books and should always remain intact. It should not turn out to be just a memory preserved on a piece of paper. Come February, when Congress begins a new session, it will not be too soon to resurrect the bill as the Civil Rights Act of 1985. It is never too late to remedy an injustice, though not always quite soon enough. By John Ross SAN FRANCISCO-"The New Patriptism," Ronald Reagan calls it, and Walter Mondale agrees. "Patriotism Is Back," trumpets the Wall Street Journal. One-time anti-war hero Jerry Rubin is "much more pro-American than I've ever been in my life," he tells Time Magazine. And Selective, Service Chief Thomas Turnage came here recently to announce that the wave of patriotism has caused draft registration to soar around the country. But there are signs that American youth has not exactly been swept off its feet into the military by patriotic feeling. RECRUITMENT in the Army's Delayed Entry Program is way down, Selective Ser- vice registration may be as low as 60 percent in some cities-and one think tank is suggesting reintroducing the draft. * Red Dawn, a big summer movie, shows a band of Colorado teen-agers tackling in- vading Communist troops. This would seem a natural spur to enlistment, but "there was no surge of recruits," says Col. Steve Christian of that state's Army Recruitment Battalion. .During the Summer Olympics, the Army launched a $2.5 million campaign, and Los Angeles recruiters added a special local media drive aimed at the 30,000 young people with Olympic summer jobs. The effort at- tracted 92 in Los Angeles-one over the quota, and "we always achieve our quotas," says advertising director Barbara Davidson. -Last fall-with the shooting down of the Korean airliner, the attack on a U.S. base in Beirut and U.S. action in Grenada-recruit- ment did not notably increase for any branch of the service except the Marines, according to several recruiters. Draft registration did leap during this period, from 35,000 to 55,000 a week. But, as anti-registration groups point out, this also was the period when 2.1 million warning let- ters were sent to unregistered youth, and college students were denied education-loans unless they were in compliance with Selective Service. Compliance requires those 18-24 to inform the government of their current address. One General Accounting Office study found that "most registrants" have failed to do this, and organizations working against registration claim that as many as 65 percent of the nation's youth may not be in compliance, in- cluding those who never register. A RECENT survey-conducted for the Ar- my by the Rumson Corp. of McClean, Va., and reported in Army Times-found that retirement benefits and steady pay rank as the two top reasons to enlist among high school graduates. "Service to your country" placed seventh out of 15. Interestingly, the "New Patriotism" is failing to move young Americans most notably in cities with large military populations. At least three-San Diego, Honolulu, and San Antonio-have been targeted by Selective Service because of registration shortfalls. San Diego, with an active military population of 10,000 and at least twice that many dependents and retirees, leads the country in non-compliance with a suspected 6,824 18-year-olds and 4,218 19-24-year-olds unregistered, according to Will Ebel, public affairs officer for Selective Service. In sur- prising contrast, notoriously anti-war San Francisco has less than a thousand non- complying citizens. And some areas, like Alaska, Ebel says, are "101 percent" in com- pliance. THE AGENCY will not say what percen- tage the San Diego figures represent, but Turnage has stated that only 62 percent are in compliance in California as a whole. He denies the statistics indicate political disaffection. "You have these politically motivated anti-Vietnam syndrome types who claim there's dissent-you and I know dif- ferently," he told San Diego college students last spring. Rick Jahnkow, a San Diego anti- registration organizer, agrees. Instead, he thinks the very presence of the military may be the moving force behind low compliance. "I go into high schools to make my case for non-registration," he says. "In every classroom, there's always a few kids whose folks are in the military and who say they're never going to register. "THESE KIDS have a very realistic picture of military life. I've come to the conclusion that growing up around a military base discourages registration," Jahnkow says. Low pay, uprooting, and isolation often put heavy stresses on military family life, says' Mac Legerton, a religious counselor serving the Camp Lejuene, N.C., area. He and others around the country report that spousal abuse is high among military families. San Antonio, another Selective Service "target city," has four major military in- stallations with hundreds of thousands of ac- tive. personnel and dependents. Registration is low, says Dr. Roberto Jimenez, a family. psychiatrist who teaches at the University of Texas and is a Marine Corps veteran (Viet-, nam, 1967-68), because patriotism is waning among Mexican-Americans-75 percent of' the country's population. "CHICANOS used to die like flies for their, country, but a generation gap is developing. Older people wanted nothing more than a flag from their son's coffins, but these kids all have. a brother or uncle who died in Vietnam and now they hear that Central America is the new Vietnam. The idea of Hispanics killing Hispanics doesn't appeal to them much." His assessment appears to be borne out by official figures-only 3.6 percent of the armed forces are Hispanic, compared to 6.4 percent of the population as a whole. Of all states and territories, Puerto Rico has the lowest com- pliance rate. Jimenez also points out that "there are manyother opportunities beside the military these days." INDEED, improvements in the economy.,. seem to have dampened patriotic fervor everywhere. The Army's Delayed Entry Program for high school seniors is off by half next year, it is thought, because of an upturn in the civilian job market. With a big " dip in the numbers of registration-age men- coming in five or six years, some are dubious about the prospects of an all-volunteer armed force in the 1990s. A recent study by the prestigious Brookings Institution gingerly suggests a new draft-but concludes with the warning that "the United States could end up fielding military forces in. the .1990s whose effectiveness would depend on a military draft, only to find a citizenry,, unwilling to support it." Ross wrote this article for the Pacific News Service where he is an associate prh tar LETTERS TO THE DAILY Reagan is all glitter and no substance To the Daily: On November 6, we Americans will hold out to the world an example of how modern democracy works. If the polls are right, and Reagan is reelec- ted, America will show the world a democracy by form and myth rather than by substance and reason. Among modern presidents, in- cluding Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford, Reagan has shown an in- comparable lack of concern for attention to detail and accuracy. He compares inadequate security measures in Lebanon to remodeling a kitchen, and jokes about nuclear war. He seems to see no difference between the ministration, "hand-wringing pessimists." Reagan is isolated from the press. Aides say he doesn't need to answer tough policy questions, that we can look to his record. But the record only shows how he created the problems, not how he intends to deal with them. It is anybody's guess why Americans support the make- believe president, the man who bases his campaign on a "return to fundamentalist values" while he himself signed pro-abortion legislation as governor of BLOOM COUNTY California and is our first divor- ced president; who fought for- cefully against a Martin Luther King holiday, and then invited civil rights leaders to the White House and signed the bill on T.V.; who called the Soviets an "evil empire" for his entire term and then, six weeks before the elec- tion, says he wants a warm and lasting friendship with them. In short, Reagan is an expert prevaricator with 40 years' ex- perience in front of a camera. I suppose that if he is reelected, the world will learn that in a democratic society you can fool' most of the people most of the' time. Those who are smart will' realize that getting fooled in, presidential elections is serious business, and will save them=; selves by teaching their people the story of the Emperor's New Clothes, and the difference bet- ween reality and what we see on T.V. . -Louis Johnson October2-- Johnson is a mgmber of University Law Students and Faculty for Responsible Government. I\ li Berke Breathed i