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September 06, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-06

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Nine ty-fine rears of .Editorial Freedom



Vol. XVC, No. 1


Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 6, 1984

Free Issue

76 Pages

Students invade



Ann Arbor shifted into high gear this
week, as the invasion began.
Last week it was a sleepy, mid-
western college town languidly basking
in the final days of summer.
A FEW residents would lounge on the
cool grass of the diag, undisturbed by
preachers, rabblerousers, hecklers, or
pamphlet passers.
Shoppers on State St. would stroll in-
stead of hustle.
Tables at the bars were easy to find.
Parking was plentiful (well, almost
BUT SATURDAY the dorms opened
and most of the home and apartment
leases in town began.
And the students came - first in a
trickle then in droves.
]By afternoon Saturday, the
pilgrimage was in full swing, most
notably on Madison St., the battle line
between South and West Quads, and
South Observatory, the heart of hill
dorm country.
THERE THE city's collective blood

pressure began to rise as double
parking, triple parking, and every
other variety of legal and illegal
parking fostered headaches for
mothers and fathers.
Inside the dorms, heavy pounding
from amateur carpenters and heavy
metal from stereos continued late into
the night as lofts rose from loose boar-
At West Quad, the dorm staff
welcomed newcomers with a different
theme for each house in the residence
UNDER THE inspiration of resident
director Fred Shaw, Michigan House
welcoming staff was entirely outfitted
with surgical scrubs.
"Michigan House, Operating for Suc-
cess," was the theme said Shaw, who
also happens to be a medical student.
Williams House fueled the election-
year campaign spirit with the
inaugural Williams Party. All house
residents were appointed delegates to
the convention, while the house lounge
was dubbed convention headquarters
and the bathroom designated as the

"smoke-filled" back room.
SIGNS POINTED conservatives to
the top floor of the house, moderates to
the middle floor, and liberals to the bot-
tom, and photos of political idealogues
such as George Will decorated the
Out at Markley dormitory, freshper-
son Elizabeth Graham, concluded her
second trip this week from her home in
Cleveland to move her belongings. Yet
she still insisted her room "was bigger
than I thought."
Off campus, the moving ritual con-
tinued at an only slightly-less-hectic
pace as new residents moved in and old
residents moved out.
Dusty and broken sofas and chairs
found their way to the streets, as
newer and cleaner ones took their
The phone compani'es did a, brisk
business, the lines at the banks and
bookstores grew daily, and the number
of frisbees sailing across the diag jum-
ped exponentially it seemed.
Ann Arbor's summer vacation was

Bill and Joel Nieusma unload and begin to move into their apartment on Forest Street.

In-state students got a present from
the University this year. It wasn't
wrapped in pretty paper or tied up with
a bright bow. But then again, it didn't
eed to be dressed up.
The University's regents voted 7-1 in
July to freeze in-state undergraduate
tuition rates at last year's levels. The
freeze provided a cool breeze of relief
from the skyrocketing tuition hikes
which have been characteristic of the
last five years.
HOWEVER, the picture isn't quite as
aright for out-state students and
graduate students.
Out-staters and most graduate school
ptudents will pay 7 percent more in
tuition costs this year. And students in
the University's four graduate
professional schools will have to shell

s freeze in-state
Out-state, graduate school


rates jump 7
out even more than that.
Business school students are paying
9.2 percent more; dentistry students,
9.0 percent more; law students, 9.4 per-
cent more; and medical students, 9.7
percent more.
mended the regents freeze in-state
tuition in response to the state's plan to
increase funding in higher education.
Earlier last year Gov. James Blan-
chard said that all state schools which
froze in-state tuition levels would
receive in exchange a 10 percent in-
crease in state aid. And although the


-9.7 percent
state legislature vetoed this plan, it still
applied political pressure to state
colleges and universities to keep the
cost down.
Even though the freeze does provide
relief for in-state students, the decision
to freeze costs was somewhat con-
bor), the board's only Republicen, op-
posed the freeze because it forces the
University to operate on a $1.4 million
"We are obligated . . . I think in a
business sense, an ethical sense not to

operate on a deficit," Baker told the
Baker also told the board that they
were giving away some of their power
by yielding to political pressures from
the state to freeze tuition. "The only
area that is free from any control is the
tuition area," he said. "I don't think we
gain a nickel's worth of anything by
acquiescing to the legislature's
desires," Baker said.
BAKER proposed that in-staters
receive a tuition increase of 2 percent
and out-staters and most graduate
school students receive a tuition in-
crease of 7.2 percent to offset the
deficit. However, his motion failed.
Although Baker opposed the tuition
freeze, others on the board and Univer-
sity President Harold Shapiro felt
the freeze was a positive
See IN-STATE, Page 11


Apple deal sours local r

Looking for a cheap way to join the
1computer age?
A deal between the University and
Apple computers to provide computers
to students, staff, and faculty at
generous discounts has made everyone
happy - except the retailers who seem
to have lost their market.
OVER 1,000 orders have been
received at the University's Microcom-
puter Education Center, an office in the
education school where potential pur-
chasers can try out the Apples and learn
how they work. To discourage resale of
the bargain computers outside the
University, the company is requiring
that purchasers hold on to their Apples
for at least two years and stamping "U-
M" on the back of each one.
The sales are restricted to students,
faculty, and staff, but since they are the
prime customers for local computer
stores those stores have been suffering
since the program began.
According to Nancy Reding of Lear-
ning Center Limited, an authorized Ap-
ple dealer, the University's discount
plan has cut into her sales severely. "I
still have my May allocation (of five or
six Macintoshes) on the shelf," Reding
said. "Up until then I was able to sell all
I could get."
LAST JANUARY, the University an-
nounced that it had struck a deal with

I still have my May allocation (of five or
six Macintoshes) on the shelf. Up until then
I was able to sell all I could get.'
- Nancy Reding
Apple computer dealer

Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale and
the University of Chicago.
"They're the trend-setters," Dixon
remarked. "They're the universities
that will be developing a lot of the sof-
tware (for the introduced Macintosh),"
she said.
Consequently students, staff mem-
bers, and faculty get a good deal on
computers. And Apple sets up ties in a
good market. The plan seemed to
benefit everyones- except for private
computer dealers.
THE UNIVERSITY'S arrangement
with Apple has not met with much ap-
proval in Ann Arbor's private sector.
Many retailers charge that the Univer-
sity's offer contradicts the principle of
a public institution. They also say the
deal restricts free enterprise.
Fadden reports thatat one time, Ap-
ple planned to donate at least one com-
puter to every school system in the
U.S." The plan fell through, Fadden
said, because Apple could not get a suf-
ficient tax write-off to offset its loss on
the giveway.
Dixon defended the company, saying
it never intended to destroy retail
outlets with its offer to the universities.
On the contrary, she said, "By getting
the computers out to colleges we ac-
tually thought it would enhance
See APPLE, Page 13

Apple Computers, Inc. Under the plan,
the University is allowed to offer four
computer models - the Apple Macin-
tosh, Lisa, Hie, and III - at a generous
discount. Faculty, staff, and students
can get a Macintosh for up to 50 percent
off the regular retail price of $2,495. A
Lisa goes for about 40 percent less than
the suggested price of $3,500 to $5,500,
and the other two models are available
at a smaller discount.
"The idea was to get Apple com-
puters into the leading universities,"
said Apple spokesperson Cathleen
Dixon. "We thought it was important to
get an aggressive seating (in the
Bob Fadden, manager of Inacomp,
the retailer that won the right to serve

as the official distributor of the Apple
systems sold by the University, said
Apple is simply trying to condition
computer-users to its products.
"IF YOU'VE been trained on an Ap-
ple IIe, nine times out of ten you'll buy
an IIe when you looking for a com-
puter," Fadden said.
One local dealer describes Apple's in-
tention more bluntly.
According to Ed Fleckenstein,
president of Technavest Corp., a local
computer retailer, Apple needs to
secure a larger share of the market.
And, he said, "They'll give (the com-
puters) away to get it."
AMONG THE 23 other Universities
involved in a similar deal with the com-
pany are Brigham Young, Columbia,

V V IA V -AP Photo
Harvey Barbee, production supervisor at Invacare Corp. inspects
lightweight magnesium wheels at the company's Elyria, Ohio plant. The
low weight, high strength design was invented to eliminate the need to
constantly clean and adjust conventional spoked wheels.
'U'black, minority
e nrollment to rise

For the first time in eight years, ad-
ministrators expect the number of
black students enrolled at the Univer-
sity to increase.
Administrators expect the number of
black students to make a modest jump
from last year's figure of 4.9 percent of
the student body to 5.1 pecent.
The number of Hispanic and Native

American students on campus is also
expected to increase, according to
David Robinson, a University ad-
missions officer.
THE NUMBER of out-state Hispanic
students is expected to increase
modestly from 16 to 22, while the num-
ber of in-state Hispanic students is ex-
See 'U', Page 13


inside . ..

activism ... minorities ... study spots.
.. regents ... budget cuts

high tech. . . development ...
less .. .shopping ... recreation

Sports Entertainment
home- football . . . club & IM sports . .nertsi a dec s
basketball . . . track .. . baseball .,. finmers theater .adebooks. . ..reords



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