Yew York irand j*ury ndicts ~ecretary onovan ASHINGTON (AP) - Labor cretary Raymond Donovan has been icted by a county grand jury in the onx, N.Y., in connection with a sub- y project by the construction com- ny he formerly served as executive ce president, a Reagan ad- inistration source said yesterday. even officials of the Schiavone Con- uction Co. of Secaucus, N.J., were o named in the 137-count indictment, company's lawyer said. GRAND JURY indictments are cret and it could not be learned im- ediately what charge was being eled against Donovan. Presidential spokesman Larry akes said President Reagan "based what he knows now" still has con- ence in Donovan. But Speakes oted him as saying that "I don't know ugh to comment" on the indictment rt. The administration source, who oke on condition he not be identified, id Donovan was flying to Houston sterday to make a series of speeches hen the indictment was handed up. THEODORE GEISER, a Neward, .J., attorney who has been represen- g the Schiavone Co., confirmed that e indictment also named company esident Ronald Schiavone and a half- en other company officials. I can confirm to you that the mpany president and six of its of- cers were indicted," Geiser said in a lephone interview. He said the indic- nent involved "alleged false pieces of formation" in 136 counts and one unt of grand larceny. The Jocus of the Bronx grand jury obe was the relationship between the hiavone Co. and the Jopel Construe- on and Trucking Co. of the Bronx. N ITS WORK at subway excavations ew York City, Schiavone hired opel to assist in hauling dirt. Under deral regulations, 10 percent of the ontract had to go to minority-owned mpanies. Jopel was co-owned by a lack Bronx politician and by a reputed rganized crime figure. The investigation involved llegations that Schiavone overstated e amount of work that Jopel perfor- ed. onovan, who was a part-owner as 11 as executive vice president of con- truction company before he joined the eagan Cabinet in 1981, had been in- estigated for nearly a year by a pecial prosecutor in 1982. In two separate 1982 reports on ilegations that Donovan, as a con- truction executive, had ties to rganized crime figures, special rosecutor Leon Silverman concluded here was "insufficient credible Wence" on which to prosecute the retary. The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 2, 1984 - Page 5 Council considers new parking law By KERY MURAKAMI A proposal to provide incentives to pay parking fines quickly passed its fir- st reading in City Council last night. If passed after public hearings next mon- th, it will raise the penalty for parking violations from $3 to $4 while lowering these fines to $2 if paid within 48 hours. To make payments easier and to cut administrative costs, the proposed or- dinance would provide for three collec- ting boxes to be set up in the city to allow immediate payments. WITH NINE of the 11 Council mem- bers attending, the ordinance passed its first test by a vote of 7-2. One of the ob- jectors, Councilmember Jeannette Middleton raised several questions about the ordinance. "My main objection," she said, "is that while it may provide incentives to pay fines quicker, it penalizes people who do not pay within 48 hours. I don't think 48 hours is a reasonable time to expect fines to be paid." Still, Councilmember Jeff Epton, another of the ordinance's sponsors, said the ordinance will "put a happy face on the whole parking situation." "Granting incentives to responsbile violators will be a show of good will and reasonableness on our part," explained Edgren. Video poker reaps illegalprofits WASHINGTON (AP) - Video poker and blackjack games, using high technology to circumvent anti-gambling laws, are reaping big illegal profits in America's bars, grocery stores and pizza parlors, a Senate panel was told yesterday. "These devices are slot machines in sheep's clothing," commented Sen. William V. Roth Jr., (R-Del.), as his Per- manent Subcommittee on Investigations heard from law en-' forcement people and a truck-stop owner who said he made $100,000 a year from five poker machines. FBI AGENT William Holmes brought along four devices to demonstrate how customers play draw poker on a video screen at space-age speed: no bluffing, just pumping in quar- ters and trying to fill inside straights. Angelo Aponte, commissioner of the New York City con- sumer affairs department, said the new machines "in nearly every way" resemble the video screen gambling devices that are legal in Nevada and Atlantic City, N.J. Aponte estimated that in his state alone such devices take in $750 million a year. 764-0558 *WSI-IINqION INTERN Siip. Juniors or Seniors with a 3.0 average: interested in Congress? Earn 16 credits on Capitol Hill. - Unique Internships based on your interests. Work with members of Con- gress in their offices and on their com- mittees - Seminars with leading government experts, focusing on current policy issues. 'W ashington Faculty headed by the chairman of the Congressional Intern Advisory Council. - Discussion Groups to share infor- mation and opinions with fellow student participants from around the country. Filing deadline for Semester II: November 1 For applications and information: BOSTON UNIVERSITy Washington Legislative Internship Program College of Liberal Arts-Room 302 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston MA 02215 617/353-2408 An Equal Opportunity Institution Stairway to heaven A University worker climbs the flag pole on the paint it before the winter cold arrives. Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF Diag sunday afternoon to m Congress studies draft bill (Continued from Page 1) ation, the National Association of Land Grant Colleges, and the American Association of Dental Schools, said the amendment puts colleges and univer- sities into the role of enforcing the law. "(University'officials) object to the principle that it puts the University in the place of law enforcers for the Justice Department" and creates more paperwork for the school, Butts said. At the University's Medical School, which would be covered by the proposed new provision, the Solomon IV bill will not have a significant effect on current students because many were over 21 when the law was passed and did not have to register, according to Diane Samples, a financial aid director. , . 5 o C'Q agSQ b Q 1 OR A You know she's a beauty, You think that she's nice, A AL" ESNA is a great way to help break the ice.J O1 Mibitgan UatIQ PERSONAL ADS 2 lines / $1.00 Call 764-0557 r: r I 540 E. 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