Faculty play quiet role in code battle By THOMAS MILLER Third in a series .Although the battle over a code governing students' behavior outside the classroom has appeared to be a showdown between students and ad- ministrators, there is a, third group whose behind-the-scenes, and oc- casionally public, role may play a bigger part than most think. The University's faculty certainly s more at stake than first glance would reveal in the debate over adop- tion of a student code for nonacademic conduct. FACULTY leaders say they have at least two good reasons for being in- volved in the issue. Traditionally faculty government has felt obligated to keep tabs on campus or educational developments which affect the civil liberties of students. "Believe it or not, faculty do take an interest in students and their civil liber- ties," said Daniel Moerman, an An- thropology professor on the Univer- sity s Dearborn campus and member of the University's faculty government's Civil Liberties Board. THE BOARD, a subcommittee of the faculty Senate Assembly, investigates national and local issues which may in- volve the civil rights of professors and students. Also, under current University bylaws, the faculty Senate must ap- prove the code before it can go into ef- fect. And that, in itself, is enough to stir some interest among professors. But perhaps the biggest threat facing the faculty is indications that ad- ministrators and the University regents may change University bylaws to bypass students and possibly even the faculty if the groups refuse to adopt the code. "(THE CODE)is a major campus issue," said Moerman. "It is clearly not just an issue between the students and the administration." So far, however, faculty government and its leaders have kept a low profile in the debate, preferring to express opinions privatelybwith administrators rather than in public forums or in the newspapers. This could change, though, as the final drafts of the proposed code are completed and brought to the regents for approval, and as faculty interests in the debate become more defined. THE CIVIL Liberties Board has taken the strongest stand of any faculty body on the proposed code. The group spent several months last winter inves- tigating the code and the possible bylaw ,change, at the request of the faculty Senate and the Michigan Student Assembly. In a report sent to University President Harold Shapiro last year, the board said that it was "especially con- cerned that vague or open-ended wor- ding" in parts of the proposed code would encourage especially stiff or perhaps even arbitrary punishment of students. And by leaving students confused over what is acceptable conduct and what is not, the code could have a "chilling effect" on legitimate protest or freedom of speech, the report said. MOERMAN SAID he wasn't entirely convinced by administrators' argument that a code is needed to protect the campus from arson, rape, and other serious crimes. "I'm not convinced that the problem is as bad as they say it is," he said. "Sometimes it seems like we are swat- ting a fly with a bazooka ... but then they show me statistics that point to the need for a code. The unfortunate thing is having a code for 35,000 people to protect them from a few loonies." Like many faculty leaders however, Moerman said that the concept of a code governing behavior outside of the classroom is not as outrageous as many students have made it out to be. "I THINK it's legitimate for the University to want to protect itself," he said. "And I think the (faculty Senate) Assembly will support a code that fairly protects the students' rights." The Civil Liberties Board and the faculty's top governing committee, the Senate Advisory Committee on Univer- sity Affairs, have taken a considerably stronger stance against amending the regents' bylaws to pass the code without student or faculty approval. In June, the Board sent a letter to Shapiro, MSA, and the faculty senate stating that the regents' bylaw "must not be substantially revised and should be observed" in the passing of any con- duct code. PSYCHOLOGY PROF. Martin Gold, chairman of the Civil Liberties Board, said that if the regents do try to pass the code without student approval, the board would complain. That has left students with at least See FACULTY, Page 3 Ninety-five Yearsg j 1; f ' Of Il 'Shorts Editoria Freedom Warm and sunny with a high near ditorial Freed o _rdJy4ptmbr31,14 C s80. Vol. XCV No. 14 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 21, 1984 15 Cents Ten Pages 'Sneezes and coughs plague 'U' ay fever suff erers By BOB GORDON To many students the fall's first frost means. the end of summer fun. But to others suffering from itchy eyes and sniffles caused ,by hay fever, frost pelts relief. The high concentration of pollen in the air has many students sneezing and coughing and running to the nearest drug store in search of an over-the- counter cure. THE UNIVERSITY'S Health Ser- vices isn't reporting an increase of the hay fever cases, but Director Caesar Briefer said the cases are "relatively greater in severity." "I'm so stuffed up I feel like an old hirmney," said Howard Stern, an LSA junior. He said he's embarrassed to get into elevators because "the other passengers get perturbed, when you sneeze on them." See POLLEN, Page 7 Embassy bombing stymes U.S. security Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON- Flew the coo Kent Moncur poses before the first F-15 built, on display on North Campus Wednesday in the midst of a country-wide tour. The plane continued on its journey yesterday. WASHINGTON (AP) - As U.S. of- ficials sought to piece together how terrorists could succeed for the second time in bombing an American embassy building in Lebanon, Secretary of State George Shultz said yesterday the casualties would have been worse had it not been for security measures. John Hughes, the State Department, spokesman, disclosed that the embassy staff was already on alert because of a Sept. 8 telephone threat that "a vital" U.S. installation would be destroyed. THE BLAST tore into the lower stories of the six-story building, in- juring as many as 60 people, including the British and American ambassadors and 21 other Americans, police, and emergency officials said. In Washington, the Pentagon iden- tified American dead as Army Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth Welch, 33, whose mother lives in Grand Rapids, and Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Ray Wagner, 30, of Zebulon, N.C. Both were described as embassy staff members. Hughes told reporters. that two terrorists in an explosive-packed van shot their way through one checkpoint about a block from the embassy en- trance. Then, he said, they drove 500 feet under fire from Lebanese guards until they finally stopped at another checkpoint at a wall just 20 feet from the northern entrance into the em- bassy, but still on the street. HUGHES SAID the, van then ex- ploded, severely damaging the em- bassy building. About 90 minutes after the explosion, an anonymous caller claimed respon- siblity for the attack on behalf of Islamic Holy War, a shadowy terrorist group that claimed the bombings that See BOMBING, Page 5 Regents approve deficit budget By LAURIE DELATER Though the University's budget for the new academic year posts a $1.4 million deficit, it shows a slight turn around state appropriations and student fees. For the first time in at least 10 years, state aid to the University has in-, creased. And for the first time in five years, the portion of the budget funded by student fees stopped swelling. THE BOARD of Regents, by a vote of p-1, approved both the new budget and year-end audits of the University's finances at their meeting yesterday, but were warned that the years of severe cutbacks in maintenance were not yet behind them. The University for several years has held off on capital improvement and much-needed general repair in its buildings in order to avoid balancing the budget with skyrocketing tuition or slashes in faculty salaries. "We're not on top of the problem. We're just doing better," said Billy Frye, vice president for academic af- fairs and provost. THE $344 million budget shows a deficit because the regents in July voted to hold at last year's level un- dergraduate, in-state tuition. The move came in response to political pressure from the'state legislature which voted to raise appropriations to colleges and universities that froze tuition. Gov. Blanchard vetoed the measure. This year's expenses couldn't be reduced enough to make up the budget shortfall, said James Brinkerhoff, vice president of finance and chief financial 'U' rabble rousers, watch out! officer. "We may be able to make some of it up," President Harold Shapiro told the regents, adding that the remainder would be subtracted from the Univer- sity's equity accounts. REGENT DEANE Baker of Ann Ar- bor, the board's lone Republican, voted against the budget to protest the deficit. He was the only regent this summer to vote down a tuition freeze. Baker pointed out financial statements which show that the con- tribution of student tuition to the University's- budget climbed from 19.4 percent in 1974 to 27.8 last year. State appropriations, on the other hand, once provided 40.4 percent of the Univer- sity's revenue. Last year, that figure dropped to 32.2 percent. "It just shows the tremendous disproportion of funding to this in- stitution and the burden which has been laid over to student fees," Baker said. NOT MUCH of the 11.1 percent in- crease in general fund revenues last year went toward student scholarships and fellowships. Student aid rose only 1 percent, totaling $40 million. Faculty salaries and wages increased by the same amount. The University had almost an eight- fold increase in revenue from its inves- See 'U', Page 2 By KERY MURAKAMI Rabble rousers, get under your soap boxes ! Only an hour away, the Univer- sity's Dearborn campus has banned a self-proclaimed "mini-Socrates" from 0s buildings and properties. Last April 17, 43-year-old University extension student John Belisle was banned from the Dearborn campus. Yesterday he protested the ban before the Board of Regents during the comments session. "I'M NOT EVEN sure what prom- pted this," Belisle told the regents. "I called (Director of Campus Security Bevan) Smith to ask him what the specific charges were, but all I got was 'That's it, get off campus.' " During a break in the meeting, Dear- born Chancellor William Jennings told a reporter that his office received com- plaints of harassment from female em- ployees and students. "He'd talk for' hours in certain offices'and for other purposes," he said. "After consulting with the University attorney, the Dearborn police chief, the director of campus security, and the vice-chancellor for business and finan- ce, we all concurred that banning was appropriate," Jennings said. Mystery group, takes. responsibility for-,:bomb "HE'S NOT even a student. I think he's taken one course in two yers," he added. Belisle denies having harassed anybody, but he admits talking to workers in the Extension Office. "But when I was asked to leave by the super- visor, I did - no problem," he said. Belisle said his ban was politically- motivated. In December of 1982, Dear- born campus officials announced a reduction in library hours 'to cut costs. Belisle passed out 1,500 leaflets proposing other ways to save money, See RABBLE, Page 2 BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - The anonymous phone call that follows the horrifying deed has become almost a ritual in the Middle East.. A bombing, assassination or kidnap- ping occurs, and the phone rings in a news office. Yesterday :a man telephoned the Beirut office of the French news agency Agence France-Presse to claim responsibility for the bombing on behalf of Islamic Jihad. In the past two years, more than 30 groups have claimed responsibility for acts throughout the world that somehow were related to the Middle East. Sometimes several groups issue a claim for a single bombing or murder. The best known - and also the most mysterious - of the groups is Islamic Jihad. It has claimed responsibility for a long series of attacks including the bombings-at the U.S.. Embassy and at U.S. Marine and French headquarters in Beirut last year that killed more than 350 diplomats, soldiers and bystanders. Generally, Islamic Jihad and the various other groups claim respon- siblity for attacks aimed at American or Israeli interests. Islamic Jihad, for example, claims to have kidnapped three Americans still missing from West Beirut. But the groups also have focused on France and, recently, on the pro-Western Arab governments in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Little is known about Islamic Jihad beyond its name, which means Islamic Holy War. Some authorities believe it is just a code name used by various Shiite Moslem fundamentalists, who support Iran's revolutionary patriarch Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini but act independently. TODAY Cubs fever, part 1 LIFELON CHICAGO Cubs fan, who also hap- pens to be a banker, wants to help others like himself afford to go to the National League play- offs and World Series. Wayne Brinkman, president of Woodfield Bank in Schaumburg, said he'd heard speculation about how much scalpers would ask for t Cubs fever, part 2 THE HOTTEST designer label in town these days is the Chicago Cubs, but the pin-striped 'suit with the bright red emblem and white hose isn't available to the general public. As the Cubs have moved closer to clinching the National League East Division title for the first time since 1945, requests for uniforms have "really jammed up the phone lines," said Dave Lumley, marketing director for Wilson Sporting Goods, which makes the Cubs' uniforms. a local nightspot. Rosetti swore that he borrowed most of his outfit from the father of his date, Jane Gramza, 20, of Greenfield. "The plaid shorts and bow tie are her father's," he said. "So is this pen protector. I swear. Her father is a real, live nerd." Rather than jumping to her dad's defense, his date agreed. "My father is a nerd. Honest," she said. "He really dresses like this." Barb Gommermann, 18, con- fessed that she borrowed a pair of her mother's favorite polyester pants for the contest Tuesday night. The women in the competition wore things like polyester pedal pushers, $28.50 of his fine? John Simpson, apparently deciding they might, telephoned City Court from West Germany to say he was sending the balance of the delinquent fine. Simpson, 24, formerly of Chattanooga, has paid $10 of the $38.50 he owed on a June conviction of failing to yield the right of way. A city form letter sent to Simpson's old address that sought the remainder and threatened legal action was forwarded, and on Tuesday Simpson called long distance to say he was sending a check for $28.50. "I've never gotten such results from one of those letters before," said Richard Darwin, an I I I I