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September 20, 1984 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-20

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M Rugby Club v. Louisville
Saturday at 1:00 p.m.
Mitchell Field


Michigan Hall of Honor Banquet
September 21, 5:30 p.m.
Crisler Arena
for tickets, call 763-6870
Page 7

The Michigan Daily

Thursday, September 20, 1984




Still "Crazy" after all these years.
To his friends, that's what Elroy Hir-
sch is: The former Wisconsin football
star is better known and still known as
"Crazylegs," and he'll wind his way in-
to Ann Arbor this weekend for a dual
who serves (swerves?) as Wisconsin's

athletic director, will be officially in-
ducted into the Michigan Hall of Honor.
On Saturday, he'll watch the Badgers
attempt to knock off the Wolverines on
the gridiron.
No, the university is not opening the
Hall doors to former Wisconsin
athletes, but some people forget that
Hirsch played for one year, 1943, at
Michigan after two years at Madison.

"I was in the V-12 (training)
program for Marines and the different
services went to different places. The
college students were at the unit at U-
of-M because it was the only one in the
Midwest," the Wisconsin native ex-
plained. "We took courses dictated by
the Marines and we could only leave the
base for 48 hours so we had to play
Friday and Saturday night basketball
AND HOW he played. It was a brief
but spectacular career as a Wolverine
for Hirsch, who garnered letters in
football, basketball, baseball and track,
becoming the only Michigan athlete
ever to do so in one year.
Don Lund, a friend and former
teammate of Hirsch's who will also be
inducted tomorrow, remembers
"Crazylegs" as being a very deter-
mined athlete.
"That year the Big Ten track cham-
pionship was in Champaign, Illinois.
Elroy went on Friday and competed in
the broad jump," Lund recalled. "He
finished second or third and got some
points for his team. That night, our
equipment manager, Henry Hatch,
drove him to Bloomington, where we
were playing a doubleheader against
Indiana, and Elroy pitched onegame
the next day. He was a very com-
petitive guy."
HIS TEAMMATES didn't call him
"Crazylegs" in college, but the running
style which would earn him one of the
all-time great sports nicknames was
evident in the versatile Wolverine.
"He ran with his knees together and
his lower legs kind of flipped out to the
sides," Lund said. "It was a very
unique way of running."
Hirsch finally picked up the name
while playing for the Chicago Rockets
in the professional All-American Con-
"MY LEFT FOOT points out further
than my right and (when walking) my
leg has to swivel, if you will, to make
the next step," said Hirsch. "The faster
I would try to run, the more I would
wobble. A sportswriter in Chicago,
Francis Powers, game me the name
and it stuck."
After a short stint in Chicago, Hirsch
moved on to Los Angeles, where he
established himself as one of the first
and best flankers in pro football.
His most memorable year was 1951,
when the Rams won the NFL cham-

to Hall
pionship and Hirsch set receiving
records of 1,495 yards and 17 touch-
downs. He ended his career after the
1957 season with 343 receptions, good
enough to earn him induction into the
Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1968.
HIRSCH SERVED as general
manager of the Rams for 10 years
before the athletic director's job at
Wisconsin became available in 1969.
"They were making a change over
there and some of the alumni urged me
to apply," Hirsch said. "It was (a hard
decision). I (had) lived in L.A. for 19
years, I had two children in school and
the weather was a consideration. But as
it turned out, that wasn't really a fac-
tor. I've been here 16 years and my
blood's a lot thicker now."
In those 16 years, Hirsch is proud of
the fact that he has helped put Wiscon-
sin's athletic budget in the black and
upgraded the athletic facilities.
"WE HAVE a solid foundation," said
Hirsch. "We don't just concentrate on
one sport, we have a well-rounded
overall program.

Rookies lead Tigers
over Brewers, 4-2

Special to the Daily
DETROIT - With the American
League East title already in the bag,
the Tigers decided to take it easy
and call out the reserves last night.
And the reserves were all they
needed to down the Milwaukee
Brewers 4-2.
The Detroiters got a 3-for-4 per-
formance from reserve outfielder
Nelson Simmons and some solid in-
field from backups Scotty Earl and
Doug Baker to help complete the
three-game sweep of the Brew Crew.
MILWAUKEE opened up the
scoring in the second inning when
Roy Howell ripped a 2-2 Jack Morris

fastball into the upper-deck seats.
But the Tigers bounced back in the
bottom of the second stanza, pushing
across three runs off starter To Can-
diotti. Howard Johnson and Sim-
mons led off the inning with the
back-to-back singles and then John-
son scored when Baker hit into a
fielder's choice. After the runners
advanced on a wild pitch, back-up
catcher Dwight Lowry brought
Simmons home with a grounder to
first. Earl then followed with a triple
to score Baker.
The Tigers completed their
scoring in the third when Johnson
and Simmons again hit back-to-back
singles and then Mike Laga ripped a
one-bagger up the middle.


Obviously, Hirsch will be rooting for
the football part of that program Satur-
day, but he still has close ties to
"Don Canham and I are very good
friends, and I keep in touch with a lot of
former athletes. I played with a
heckuva bunch of guys. We had great
comaraderie and it was a great ex-
Some of those friends, such as Lund,
will no doubt be present at the banquet
tomorrow, and Hirsch will be proud of
the company.
"It's a special honor (to be inducted). y
Especially since I'm a Wisconsin man
originally, and to go over and join all
the great athletes at Michigan. It's a
helluva thrill."
Five other former 'M' greats will join
Hirsch and Lund to enter the Hall, but
the name that stands out is
"Crazylegs." "People still call me
'Legs'," Hirsch said, laughing. "Or just
'Crazy'." Even after all these years.

Then and now: Elroy Hirsch as a four-sport star at Michigan in 1943, and
today (inset). "Crazylegs" is currently Wisconsin's athletic director.

See your Jostens representative.
He'll be at Ulrich's Monday, Sept. 17-Friday, Sept. 21, from
11:00 am to 4:00 pm to answer questions and show you
the entire Josten's line of gold rings.

IM softballers psyched for new season

Psi Upsilon 'B' 12, ZBT 'B' 11
The Psi Upsilon 'B' softball team
squeezed out a win from the ZBT 'B'
squad. The Psi U's started the game off
with a five run rally. The ZBT's,
however, kept the game close. Had the
game ended at 8:15 because of
darkness, the Psi U's would have lost.
But by tying the game in the sixth in-
ning, 11-11, and taking the lead in the
seventh, the Psi U's captured the win.
Highlights of the game, were a gran-
d slam homerun by catcher David
Boyle, consistent hitting by President
Pat Fishman (4 for 4), and Ken
Messingschlager's running catch to
save the game.

Bebs 5, Those Big Guys 0
The Bebs beat Those Big Guys Sun-
day night without even performing one
spectacular play. The Bebs said they
are proud they kept the Big Guys to
only three hits. According to their
manager, Bryan Goke, "everyone
played a great game.''
The Idols 4, Navy 3
The Idols took the Navy softball team
for a quick win Sunday night. The Idols
were ahead "all the way through" ac-

cording to their manager Dave Muhler.
However, in the sixth inning Navy put
runners on second and third before an
easy grounder to third ended the inning.
John Gaines pitched for the Idols giving
up four runs. Dave Muhler and Kevin
Shreck both hit homeruns for the
triumphant Idols.
Sigma Alpha Mu 'A' 31, Chi Psi
Lodgers 'B' 2
The Sigma Alpha Mu 'A' softball
team annihilated the Chi Psi 'B' team
31-2 in the first softball game for each

team Monday night. The win came as
no surprise for the Sammies.
This week's IM roundup was
compiled by Daily sports writer
Susie Warner.

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IM Scores


Hobgoblins 7, Brody-Kinin Bunch 3
Schtuppers 11, Pirahnas 2
Whitehouse 6, Mugambo Hunters 4
Those Big Dudes 9, Guam Bombers 6
Bill Team 14, Alpha Tau Omega 4
Judeo-Christian Assn. 11, Environmental Law 3

Whimsical Ipse Dixits 15, Molars 8
M-1-Scalpels 15. Legal Soul 12
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 'B' 9, Alpiha Epsilon Pi'B' 3
Sigma Alpha Mu 'A' 31, Chi Psi Lougers 'B' 2
Patterson Dental 6, (won by I.M. rules), Ledgers
Unlimited 6
Misanthropes 19, Daily Libels 4

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