4 OPINION Tuesday, September 18, 1984 Page 4 The Michigan Daily Picking the lesser of two evils 4 By Brian Leiter , Everyone knows that elections in- volve the choice of the lesser of two evils. Of course, in practice this simple proposition often gets quite con- fused-evils are sometimes hidden, they turn up under goods, and they don't fit neatly on any scale. Just as an example, consider the following hypothetical problem. :Imagine that candidates X and Y are running for the highest office in your land. The following information is made available to you: CANDIDATE X regularly asserts that he is the candidate of freedom and individualism. In fact, Y makes a similar claim: that he is concerned only with freedom and the welfare of in- dividuals. Both X and Y support large military budgets and in the past have used military forces for imperialistic operations in other countries. Both, however, say these operations are designed for the benefit of the inhabitants of the lands in question. Both X and Y support fascist gover- nments in other countries. BOTH X AND Y have questionable stances on matters of political liberty. X has made a number of attempts, some successful, to restrict the access to government files and at the same time to give secret police forces more freedom. Many of X's ideological pred- ecessors are known to have used secret police to subvert and persecute select political groups. There is little reason to think X opposes this. X has made, in the past, concerted efforts to keep politically undesirable people, films and literature out of his land. X has also made common cause with cer- tain ideological groups and sects of the supernatural within his society calling into question his commitment to pluralistic ideals. Y'S RECORD is probably worse: he is known to have put many people in jail because of their political views (some have alleged that X did the same in an earlier public office). Y's com- mitment to pluralism-in particular, political pluralism-is highly suspect. Both X and Y use dogmatic rhetoric to justify their positions. X has made it his policy to allow widespread poverty, malnutrition, and poor health care to exist. He has also at- tacked public support for both education and culture. The upper classes have generally thrived under his policies. Y HAS MADE it his central goal to eliminate poverty, malnutrition, and inadequate health care. Y has also ad- vocated considerable public support for education and cultural activities. Y, himself, is known to be a cultured man, well-read and a friend of many artists and lover of the arts. In a previous public office, most of the people benefit- ted enormously from his policies, quite different from those of his predecessor. He is thought to have overcome con- siderable backwardness in his area, though it is thought due to excessive centralization. Under Y's previous rule, the upper classes generally went elsewhere. Candidate X is Ronald Reagan. Candidate Y is Fidel Castro. Your choice. Leiter is a graduate student in law and philosophy. A 4 Reagan Castro ...candidate X. . . . candidate Y. Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan LETTERS TO THE DAILY: 4 Substance lacks in campaign '84 Vol. XCV, No. 11 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Not a noble business deal THE University Cellar bookstore celebrates its fifteenth anniversary next week continuing to aspire to the goal set for itself in 1969: providing discounted books for students used to paying excessively high prices. In con- trast, the Michigan Union, which was the U-Cellar's original home, is pur- suing a very different set of goals-goals which place the students iterest "is secondary. U-Cellar has a history of saving students money, the Union management is concerned only with making more money for the Union.. The bookstore and Union have an in- timate and stormy past. Two years ago U-Cellar was forced to move from the location it had inhabited for over a decade when Union Director Frank Cianciola slapped a 65 percent rent in- crease and demand for $350,000 in renovation costs on the store and refused to allow the sale of Michigan insignia items-holding the rights ex- clusively for the Emblem Shop. Had Cianciola allowed the sale of insignia items, the bookstore would have been able to offset the rent increase and renovation costs. The Union's charter defines it as a center for the enhancement of student life, so how could Cianciola have refused to allow a student-cooperative bookstore to remain in so ideal a location? The convenience and low- cost of such a bookstore was the per- fect way to fulfill the Union's purpose. Profit concerns, however, motivated the management to take a hard line and U-Cellar had to move. At the time, Cianciola was "not in- terested in getting into competition with the U-Cellar" and saw the in- signia income as "revenue necessary for the overall operation of the Union." But last week the Union announced that Barnes and Noble, a nationwide book firm, will be moving into the building's basement later this fall and that the rights to sell insignia items would be turned over to the firm and the Union's Emblem Shop closed. What strange force compelled Cian- ciola to change his mind? The power of the purse. It is clear that Barnes and Noble is offering a lot of money to be a part of the Union complex, but that is in the interest of the Union, not of the students. Instead of having a Union with a cooperative bookstore, students now have a Union with a nationwide chain that cares little for the student's pocketbook. The Union for students should have the student's interest more at heart and should respond to something more than profit. The Union should serve students first and make money second. To the Daily: James McKee's letter, "The fanatical basis of 'Leiterism' ", (Daily, September 16) stands out as boorish. McKee uses ad hominem attacks rather than ad- dressing the issue. Terms such as "fanatic" and "pathological" do not aid in discussing the issue but rather influence readers suscep- tible to accepting character assassinations as valid inquiry. Instead of Leiter trotting off to the Gargoyle, McKee shouldz write for the more laughably, lame Michigan Review, where he could perfect his William F. Buckley mannerisms to the mirth of his readers. Easy isn't it? Instead of duplicating McKee's tactics, I prefer to discuss the three points McKee himself raised. McKee quotes Leiter: ". ..the elec- torate could be fooled into em- bracing an ideology counter to their interests." Greater men than I, most prominently the members of the national media, have noted the vast com- munication skills of Ronald Reagan. Despite his many mispronoun- cements (check the record), a poll showed many Americans feel that "he means well." So, it seems that the issue is Reagan's appeal based on personality rather than ideology or issues. Quite frankly, students on this campus may be less sympathetic towards Ronald Reagan if they saw past gloss and realized that he endorsed efforts to totally eliminate National Direct Student Loans (NDSL). Similarly, minorities and other concerned citizens might realize that Reagan's signing of the Civil Rights Act extension was a farce. Although he had the gall to proclaim the signing "a great day for this Administration" in front of Coretta Scott King, he initially supported two conser- vative amendments that would have effectively gutted the bill. McKee contends that Leiter believes that most American voters are "largely ignorant, brainwashed, and functionally illiterate. . . apathetic." Such connotations again obscure the issue. When McKee does quote Leiter, the passage reads that most Americans "lack the ability and resources for a critical understanding of political policies." Strangely enough, many political science professors say the same thing. Surely, McKee, it is not purely egotistical elitism to suggest this when the, majority of people in polls cannot name their incumbent congressman. You should be glad, McKee, simply because the ignorance of issues helps President Reagan, who remains strong on personal appeal rather than substance. As for the lost point, perhaps Leiter did not offer a prescription for the current situation. I will: elect Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro on November 6th. If you want to learn about the issues, call the local Democratic office and ask. You'll have to penetrate the Republicans' glamour to see why they'd rather not discuss issues. McKee, you typify the Republican rhetoric of this cam- paign. Feel free to crawl back. under your upper-class, white, Protestant rock. If 'I want mere propaganda, I'd rather go to the top of your ticket and listen to Reagan. He does it far better than you. -Steven Kaminski September 16 Criticism omits an explanation .4 The author replies: It is certainly gratifying to receive thoughtful feedback from one's readers. Unfortunately, it is also rare as James McKee's let- ter "The fanatical basis of 'Leiterism'," (Daily, September 16) demonstrates. In the first paragraph of this letter, I learn that my views are not "enlightening," that they resemble "the simplistic but ab- surd views of a fanatic," and that a more appropriate forum would be the Gargoyle. Missing from all this, regrettably, is a discussion of the substantive claim of my ar- ticle-that conservatism is the ideology of the capitalist elite. All we learn is that McKee finds the whole thing "most unconvin- cing." This sort of ap- proach-writing off the whole ar- ticle as "fanatical" without a word of explanation-is sur- prisingly elitist and condescen- ding coming from a great anti- elitist like McKee. So what does McKee regard as worthy of talking about? He chooses, instead, to focus on the last fifth of the article. The cen- tral issue and argument here were fairly straightforward. The issue was how conservatism could be a popular political ideology if it really caters to such narrow interests. Part of the argument was that the electorate on the whole is not very well- informed or thoughtful in the choices it makes. This claim should not be confused with the claim that people don't know what their real interests are. Several noted "fanatics" have held this view-notably Herbert Marcuse, Jurgen Habermas-and no doubt McKee has accorded them the same thoughtful attention he has accorded me. Nowdthe claim that the elec- torate is neither well-informed nor thoughtful is, I think, clearly implicit in many of the familiar complaints about American elec- tions: e.g. thatnthey focus on per- sonalities and not issues. McKee, however, a worshipper in the cult of mediocrity, is aghast! "Elitism," he cries! But if it is elitism then it is the same sort we find in Plato'snRepublic and which consists in holding that some may know more about cer- tain matters than some others, that it is nonsensical to think that everyone is equally well- informed on all matters. Perhaps McKee's real objec- tion, however, is that he does not think I know more about these matters than others do. Maybe this is so-but to prove this it would be helpful to critique my account of conservatism trying to illustrate its ignorance. Of cour- se, as I already have said, McKee considers this task beneath hin so once again his charges rest only on the fact that he finds my view "most inconvincing." Finally, McKee objects to the absence of prescriptions for our society in my article. Their ab- sence is attributable to space limitations and to the fact that the article in question was not dealing with that issue. It has nothing to do with anyone being "reprehensible" since I do not know, nor did I asseert, that anyone is. But for McKee's edification, I will offer a few now: Democratize the economy. In- crease public support for housing, skills, training, cultural activities, and, perhaps most im- portantly, education. This last-real educational progress and reform-is, however, the least likely because it poses the greatest threat to America's ruling classes. A populaton with higher-order thinking skills would see past the conservative mythology to what lies beyond: the,institutionalized perpetuation. of inequality which has charac- terized capitalistic society since its birth. On a somewhat lighter note: although the content of McKee s4 letter is "nil", the style ais humorous. He would do well to take his own advice and submit his next piece to the Gargoyle. -Brian Leitei September 16 Government has no rights To the Daily: About Brian Leiter's article, "That malaise called conser- vatism", (Daily, September 13): Amid typical expression and encouragement of class hatred ("rich, white Christian men" versus the world, indeed!), cheap political sarcasm (Republican successes stemming from voter illiteracy? C'mon! Besides, it is not the poor-the supposed Democrats-who are mostly illiterate?), and classic self- rightousness (the American people are too stupid to know, as Brian does, that they are being duped by Ronnie)-opinions, I might note, which are merely irritable-amid all this, Mr. Leiter makes one statement I find intolerable and, quite frankly, terrifying. He says that government has the "right to tax and regulate himi Q" .(Good TLord.Mr. that what you want, Mr. Leiter? An autonomous state? Please, be careful in your sen- timents. I'd really like my gover- nment to remain subordinate to my People. -David Skinner September 13 BLOOM COUNTY Letters and columns represent the opinions of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the attitudes or beliefs of the Daily. 4 by Berke Breathed '9' Ao-AIM([ IAI, dC! : CIICK.1' LA5T NI1 rIN11 AN17C 17A V9LAqNT 5TCP6KN PAttA'5 W45 CR'YWN6P 7H6 NEW 1/TM' RMRCR" ,c~C i~ f/r'~~i~aF/v I V61( MORNING, AMERICAS NEW 5TANs?/RKP OF MPAUL (E55 BEGAN TmE Fri6T R Y OF 1115 1EGN WIT711T771 ~7RAPU7IONAL BRKlFAST IN 6%P... iI Ir' da n~~~~irttn hVW 1X1 YOU A850O4MY M'ORNINE', &qy YOUR MAJE5TY ? I--' vrmt ~ty tuur ~ +ar