The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 13, 1984 - Page 3 Woman extradited in Belushi case TORONTO (UPI) - Cathy Evelyn Smith, a former singer who once admitted injecting a fatal "speed- ball" of heroin and cocaine into comedian John Belushi, was ordered extradited yesterday to Los Angeles to stand trial for murder. Declaring there was enough evidence to commit the Toronto woman to trial, County Court Judge Stephen Borins ordered an extradition be carried out within 15 days and also ordered that she be held in custody until extradition. DEFENSE attorney Brian Greenspan said he would decide later yesterday whether to appeal the order. He has 30 days to appeal, but according to the Canada-U.S. extradition treaty she can be extradited within 15 days if an appeal process has not been star- ted. Greenspan said he would also decide whether to file for a writ of habeas corpus that would set her free. Smith, who had been free on $75,000 bail, was escor- ted out of the courtroom and placed in the West Detention Center. She also faces 13 drug-related charges as a result of Belushi's death in 1982. Greenspan said Smith, who appeared unmoved by the ruling, was in relatively "good spirits" because "she realized there was a strong possibility this result would occur." In Los Angeles, Detective Russell Kuster, an in- vestigator in the Hollywood division, said he expected Smith to appeal the order, which she fought for more than a year. "IT'S NbT over yet," Kuster said. "We expect her, lawyer to appeal and a final ruling to be made within 15 days. But we still expect to bring her back." Los Angeles District Attorney Robert Philibosian said in a prepared statement, "The decision by a Canadian court today to extradite Catherine Evelyn Smith is an important victory in our 18-month legal battle to bring her to justice." Smith, a former singer and songwriter, is charged in California with having administered a fatal over- dose of heroin and cocaine to the star of the "Satur- day Night Live" television series and movies such as "Animal House." Belushi died in a Sunset Strip hotel room March 5, 1982, of a drug overdose. Doubts arise over transplant'wonder drug' BOSTON (AP) - A widely used drug that dramatically improves the success of heart, liver and other organ tran- splants can cause irreversible kidney damage and should be given with great caution, a new study concludes. Ironically, the drug, called cyclosporine, is used larged in kidney transplants. The researchers cautioned that in this operation, cyclosporine's benefits "may be more than offset over the long term" by damage to the tran- splanted organ. THAT prediction is likely to be con- troversial. Follow-up studies of kidney patients show that so far, at least, cyclosporine seems to give them a bet- ter chance of having a healthy, working kidney. It may also be possible to minimize the damage by using smaller doses of the drug. It has been widely credited in recent years for vast improvements in the suc- ces of liver and heart transplants. The latest study was conducted at Stanford University, which has a large heart transplant program. However, Dr. Robert Merion of the University of Michigan Medical Center, who has conducted a four-year com- parison study of cyclosporine in kidney transplants, said doctors have long recognized that the drug can cause some kidney damage. And he still believes it is highly effective. Bullard campaign offers By ELYSE KIMM With the fall campaign way, State Rep. Perry B arbor) is adding a new reelection campaignt showing movies. Beginning this even campaign staff wil be s the threat of nuclear w equal rights, and Centr campus. "THE FILMS are educate the public and volved,' said Jim Burch 1'*1_ Ashes to ashes ssocited Press A huge column of volcanic ashes, reaching heights of several miles, towers above erupting Mayon Volcano in Legaspi City, Philippines yesterday. No one has been reported killed sincethe 8,100 foot volcano, located 200 miles southeast of Manilla began its activity last Sunday. campus nums ELMAN Bullard. The project, entitled "The Bullard Film Series: Mobilizing for n season under- November," will feature speakers after Bullard (D-Ann each film who will discuss the issues w twist to his raised in the film. tonight: He's According to Burchell the series is designed to raise crucial issues and ing Bullard's build interest in those topics. The howing films o opening film, which will be shown in ar, economics, Angell Hall tonight, is Atomic Cafe, a al America on feature about the history of the atomic age. structured to The film "will show the consequences I get them in- of nuclear war and the absurdity of the hell, an aide to current government," according to Prof. Daniel Axelrod, who will speak S ~t 'afterward. Axelrod, a member of the Campaign for a Nuclear Free Ann Ar- bor, hopes the film and discussion will chain around convince people to support the proposed ban on nuclear weapons research in the pledge to cut city. Aed 263bilion In the following weeks, the films and ted $263 billion speeches will address thetconditionaof to match that the American economy, the struggle of ailed deficit- American women for equality and the n. He predicted Equal Rights Amendment, and the Her raise taxes situations in El Salvador and k Nicaragua. GE T IN VOLVEDI LSA Student Government will be holding interviews for Student Appointments to the following College Committees on September 16, 17 & 18: ACADEMIC JUDICIARY ADMISSIONS LIBRARY CURRICULUM JSFPC- Joint Student/Faculty Policy Committee FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND TO SIGN UP, STOP BY OR CALL: LSA STUDENT GOVERNMENT 4003 MICHIGAN UNION 763-4799 Candidates volley stingmg in (Continued from page 1> Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei romyko could "lead to reducing the levels of misunderstandings" about the president's views on arms control, though he cautioned against raising hopes that major agreements might be reached. Reagan, in Buffalo, concentrated on ridiculing Mondale's proposal to raise t4xes, never mentioning that the Iemocrat contends the increase i needed to stave off economic problems rowing out of huge federal budget v v v deficits accumulated under Reagan. "THE DEMOCRATIC candidate con- tends that working Americans wouldn't be hurt by his tax increases," said Reagan, who says he would raise taxes only as a last resort. "That's a fairy tale. His plan would hurt working Americans - by raising their taxes and stifling economic growth," Reagan told elderly people at the dedication of a government-finan- ced apartment project. "With your support, we will make sure that no one puts that ball and c America's neck." Mondale renewed his the deficit from a projec in 1989 to $86 billion,a challenge to Reagan b promise with a det reduction plan of his own that Reagan would eith himself or be forced ton lasting cuts in Soc Medicare, Medicaid, fo federal pensions. ma e veep ana ial Security, od stamps and Abortion becomes issue in campaign (Continued from page L But Bush proved that the issue can cut both ways when, in answering a question Tuesday, he drew attention to his longstanding differences with the ptesident over abortion. Bush said he favors letting a woman obtain an abor- pon if she was raped, if she was an in- cest victim or if her life was in danger. "Do I personally? Yes. I personally would say, but I think again you've got to look at a lot of circumstances, how long that pregnancy has gone on, all that kind of thing, but I have always taken that position." REAGAN, however, has aligned him- self with backers of a proposed con- stitutional amendment allowing abor- ,HAPPENINGS- Highlight Te Ann Arbor Civic Theatre opens their three-day performance of "How the Other Half Lives' ' tonight at 8 p.m. in the Mendelssohn Theatre. Films Cinema Guild-Every Man for Himself and God Against All, 7 & 9 &:05 p.m., Lorch Hall. .BFS-Atomic Cafe, 7:30 p.m., Angell Aud. B Michigan Theater Foundation-Public Enemy, 7 p.m.; White Heat, 9 p.m., Michigan Theater. Alt. Act.-Early Silent American Animation: Discovery of Movement, 7& 9 p.m., Angell Aud. A. Mediatrics-Casablanca, 7 p.m., Play It Again Sam, 9 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud. Performances Ark-Music of Jim Ringer & Mary McCaslin, 8 p.m., 637 S. Main. Speakers nter for Japanese Studies-John Campbell, "Irasshaimase: An In- troduction to the Center for Japanese Studies," noon, Lane Hall Commons. Computing Center-"Chalk Talk: Structure & Use of MTS Files," 12:10 p.m., NUBS. Chemistry-Dr. David Lambert, "The Stark Effect; Adsorbates at Elec- tro-Chemical Interfaces," 4 p.m., Room 1200 Chemistry Bldg. Meetings Psychiatry-Anxiety Disorders Support Group, 7:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Con- ference Room, Children's Psych. Hospital. Medical Center Bible Study-12:30 p.m., chapel, 8th floor, Main Hospital. Graduate Employee's Organization-Meeting for prospective volunteers, 7p.m., S9410 Main Hospital. Sailing Club-7:45 p.m., 311 West Engineering Bldg. Union of Students for Israel-Mass meeting 7 p.m., 1429 Hill. Miscellaneous Scottish Country Dancers-Beginners 7 p.m., intermediates 8 p.m., Forest Hills Community Center, 2351 Shadowood. Graduate Library-Tours, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m.; North Lobby, 1st floor, Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library. Cardiac Rehabilitation-Courses on heart disease, related topics, S3348 Main Hospital. Miernonmniter Educatinn Center-Wnrkshon "Tntrodictinn tn Macintnh tion only if a woman's life is in jeopar- dy, And he gave abortion opponents hope earlier this year pledging to do whatever possible to end legalized abortion in the United States. Mondale has been equally straight- forward in his support for choice. "I believe the decision whether to have a child is a very personal one, and I agree with the majority of Americans who are pro-choice," Mondale says. "We can all hold our personal views on abortion, while agreeing that the government should have no role in limiting the choices available to women. I opoose any constitutional amendment or legislation that would allow others to restrict or limit a woman's right to choose an abortion." Even before Ferraro was put on the defensive, it was clear that, at a minimum, abortion would be a recurring issue in the background of the cam- paign. Charges have been traded bet- ween the Mondale-Ferraro and Reagan-Bush campaigns over religion and~ politics, how Christian teachings should fit into public policy. Both the pro-abortion and anti-abor- tion movements look on the presidential election as crucial to their cause.' Nanette Falkenberg, executive direc- tor of the pro-choice National Abortion Rights Action League, said her organization is emphasizing the fact that whoever is elected in November is likely to shape the course of the Supreme Court for the next 40 years. Some aging justices are likely to retire during the next presidential term. "The outcome of this year's presiden- tial election may well determine whether abortion remains legal in this country," she said. But Falkenberg and David O'Steen, executive director of the National Right to Life Committee, disagree over the role that abortion plays in voting behavior. POLICE NOTES 3i* * .. . : ..... . .. . . . .. . . ....... . . . ..: : : .:. : : :: :i- HAVE YOU BEENDSHG IT OUT, BUT JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE? Avoid that sinking feeling and come to any U-M dining hall or residence hall snack bar for a good,- hot meal. And a good deal, with Entree or Entree Plus. * Choose Entree, our regular dining plan. ~' Entree is available to all UJ-M students. You may \ choose a full, 13-meal-per-week lunch & dinner plan (the same plan residence hall students re- ceive with their "board" contract ), or a Dinner Only Entree Plan, good for seven dinners a week. Or choose our pre-paid supplemnental mneal plan - Entree Plus. Sign up for Entree Plus - available in contract armounts from $100 to $400 - and use it for any meal, whenever you're on camnpus. 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