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September 12, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-12

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sit gan

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Sunny with a few clouds and a
high temperature of 80.

Vol. XVC, No. 6

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 12, 1984

15 Cents

Ten Panes


' U'

scorns city's

From Staff reports
University athletic department of-
ficials expressed dissatisfaction Alow
yesterday over city council's recent 'A O
move to de-criminalize ticket scalping. effectiN
Council members are considering
passing 'a city ordinance which would tickets
replace the current state law, $100 fine_
and 90 days in jail, with a small fine of
less than about $25.
ted a proposal to set the fine at $5. But
members expect a similar motion to be He said that t
made next Monday to set the fine at $25. find a way to
Several members of the council, in- above the fines
cluding Mayor Louis Belcher, have said DeCarolis sa
they would support a fine of $25 for tinue to enfor
scalping. for scalping to
Even if the ordinance is passed, minimum.
however, the city will still have the op- Besides sev
tion of prosecuting scalpers under the however, polic
stiffer state law. ignored scalpe
BUT IF THE measure passes, police will the new law,;
be able to simply write scalpers tickets might be able
on the street. stopping scalp(
University officials, however, said UNDER TH
the law would do little to stop scalping would not hav
- a problem they would like to see the could stay on t
city address. out more fin
"A fine means nothing," said Allen more scalpers.
Renfrew, ticket manager for the "A. lower fin(
athletic department. more effective
ROBERT DECAROLIS, business more ticketsi
manager for the department, said that time, said Sgt
he "doesn't see (a fine) as a deterrant." torney Bruce

er fine would make the police more
ve because they can write more
in the same amount of time.'
-Sgt. Jan Soumala, Ann Arbor police

Associated Press
Writing on the wall
Two artists carry a giant crayon off the Providence, Rhode Island house where it was attached along with several other
crayons. The artists had decorated the house in a paint-by-number scheme, complete with numbers and crayon
H i
'Hurricane Diana slams
into East Coast states

he scalpers will always
turn a profit over and
they receive.
aid the city should con-
ce the current penalties
keep the practice at a
veral arrests last fall,
ce have almost entirely
rs in the past. But with
police officials say they
to be more effective in
E NEW measure, police
e to arrest scalpers and
he street longer, passing
es and interfering with
e would make the police
'because they can write
in the same amount of
. Jan Soumala. City at-
Laidlaw, however, said

From AP and UPI
CHARLESTON, S.C. - Hurricane Diana veered toward the
coast with winds up to 125 mph yesterday, pushing heavy rain.
almost 80 miles inland ahead of its wobbling eye and
threatening to create tides up to 12 feet above normal.
"Hurricane Diana is now a dangerous hurricane," the
National Weather Service said. "Further strengthening is
likely .. ."
Roads were jammed as people headed for higher ground
along the North and South Carolina coasts. Others secured
boats and mobile homes, taped or boarded up windows and
stocked up on emergency supplies. Island ferries along the
low-lying Outer Banks and barrier islands, where beaches
draw thousands of tourists, prepared to shut down.
The center of the massive storm could hit land between
Myrtle Beach, S.C., and Wilmington, N.C., yesterday
evening, said the National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Reports from a weather service airplane "indicate Diana
continues to strengthen as the eye wobbles northward toward
the North Carolina coast," the agency said at noon yester-
SINCE MONDAY, the storm's movement had sped up from
5 mph to 10 mph, and it turned from a northeastward course
to a northward heading. The highest sustained winds around
its characteristic eye accelerated from 74 mph on Monday to
125 mph.
At noon yesterday, the storm was drifting northward at 10
mph about 60 miles southeast of Myrtle Beach, S.C., with the
eye at latitude 32.9 north and loingitude 78.3 west. Diana's
Bhighest sustained winds were 125 mph, and gales extended

125 miles in all directions, the weather service said.
Some isolated tornadoes may occur over parts of nor-
theastern South Carolina and southeastern North Carolina,
the weather service warned and heavy rain of 10 inches or
more was predicted. By midday a large area of rain extended
inland for almost 80 miles over North Carolina, with heavy
A HURRICANE warning was in effect from north of
Sasvannah, at Georgia's northern coastal border, to Oregon
Inlet, N.C., just south of Kitty Hawk. Gale warnings were
posted north to just south of Virginia Beach, Va., and tornado
warnings were issued for coastal sections of North and South
Motels along Interstate 95 in North and South Carolina
were jammed.
"Everybody is hunting for rooms and we just don't know
where to send them," said Lee Martin at the Holiday Inn in
Florence, S.C., 75 miles inland from Myrtle Beach. "My
computer shows there are no rooms in Holiday Inns as far
north as Lenoir, N.C."
"I'M TERRIFIED," said Dee Blazer, 34, of Carolina
Beach, as she coaxed the family cat from under their rented
oceanfront house. Blazer, her husband, daughter, cats, dog
and parakeet were heading for a relative's home in nearby
Blazer said the house had survived the devastation of
Hurricane Hazel 30 years ago but "I don't think it can take
another one."

that police have almost always ignored
scalpers in front of the Union and would
probably continue to do so in the future.
HE SAID THAT the only time he
could remember scalpers being
arrested was last fall when an Ann Ar-
bor News article sparked several
He said that the 'propnsed ordinance
would simply reflect the "low priority"
which punishing scalpers has in the
Councilman James Blow who in-
troduced the proposal at the request of
one of the scalpers arrested last year,
said he did not think the' law would be
used against students who are trying to
sell one or two tickets.
He said it 'was mainly aimed at
harassing high volume professionals
who make hundreds of dollars each
clubs to
recruit on
With over 500 clubs and student
organizations at the University, it can
be difficult deciding which to join. But
that's where Festifall '84 can help.
Festifall will fill the Diag with 100
booths Friday afternoon to inform
students, faculty, and staff of the
variety of places where thay can
become involved.
ACCORDING TO one of the fair's
organizers, Noreen Ball, a Senior
English nfajor, Festifall is nothing new,
however this year's event is the biggest
The fair is open to all clubs and
organizations on and off campus. The
groups had to pay a $5 entrance fee and
had to prove to be interesting to the
University to be allowed to set up a
booth, Ball said.
Four different groups, University Ac-
tivites Center, Michigan Student
Assembly, Student Alumni Council, and
the Student Organization Development
Center, have been planning Friday's
festivities since last March.
BALL SAID that the organizations
will be allowed to promote their ac-
tivities any way they like - within
Some of the more unusual events
See PLANES, Page 5

Reagan to meet with Gromyko

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President Reagan
announced yesterday he will meet with
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko at the White House on Sept. 28
for his first face-to-face talk with any
senior Kremlin leader since taking of-
fice nearly four years ago.
Reagan, whose political opponents
blame him for rekindling an arms race
with the Soviet Union, said the most
important thing he hopes to accomplish
by his private talk with the veteran
Soviet official is "to maybe convince
him the United States means no harm."
THE SEPT. 28 session at the White
House, coming just weeks before the
general election, was aimed in part at
undercutting Democratic challenger
Walter Mondale's claims that Reagan's

policies have plunged the country into a
collision course with the Soviets by
fostering an arms race.
"The most important thing is what
understanding I can reach with Foreign
Minister Gromyko to convince him that
the United States means no harm,"
Reagan told reporters in announcing
that the Soviet foreign minister had ac-
cepted his invitation. Describing the
White House meeting as "confiden-
tial," Reagan dismissed suggestions
that the timing of the invitation had
been geared to the upcoming presiden-
tial election.
Geneva talks on intermediate and
strategic nuclear missiles late last year
in response to the deployment of 572
U.S. Cruise and Pershing 2 missiles in

five European nations.
The Kremlin's chief advisor on space
weaponry said yesterday the United
States holds the key to a "quick and
fundamental accord" to avert an arms
race in space between Moscow and
The Soviets proposed talks last June
to prevent an arms race in space, but
refused to attend as long as the United
States insisted on combining the "Star
Wars" talks with negotiations on the
reduction of intercontinental missiles.
broadcast from Moscow, Yevgeny
Velikhov, vice president of the Soviet
Academy of Sciences, said it is up to the
United States to take the initiative in so
called "Star Wars" talks.
See KREMLIN, Page 3

Flying high
Ann Arbor resident Jeff Van Sickle enjoys the warm weather and some final
rays of sun yesterday afternoon in the Law Quad.

Professor of soapology
N Amherst College professor who scheduled his
classes on Robert Frost and William Yeats so that
hey wouldn't conflict with the soap opera "Search
For Tomorrow" says he's ecstatic that the show is
back on local television.
William Pritchard, 51, waged a stiff letter-writing cam-
paign last spring when WWLP, the NBC affiliate in
Springfield, dropped the soap opera. The English literature
professor says his avocation fulfills a need to escape for a
half-hour from the "wordy world" of Byron and Plato. He
even got to join the show for a day as an extra after the
serial's producers learned of his efforts to keep it in the
local air. Since the show was dropped Pritchard has tried to
keep up by peering at the snowy reception from a Hartford,

Where's Toadie?
T OADIE, a long-haired collie-shepard who thrilled
college and professional football crowds with her
leaping catches of Frisbees, is lost in Virginia and her
master fears the worst. "My expectations are not really
high, but I'm not giving up on her," said Taylor Runner,
whose pre-game entertaining of West Virginia University
football fans in the mid-1970's led him and his high-leaping
do to the National Football League. "I just hope that if
somebody has found her, that they're taking care of her,"
he said Monday. Toadie wandered away from an interstate
rest stop near Williamsburg, Va. last month. Runner and
Toadie started providing Mountaineer fans with something
to laugh about and applaud in 1974 when they began running
onto Mountaineer Field prior to home games. Runner
would toss his Frisbee half the distance of the playing field
and the black-haired Toadie would chase it and make
leaping catches that would draw oohs and ahs. The clever

absorbed a 24-3 loss to Maryland. Runner and Toadie,
aiming to give the fans something to cheer about during the
game, trotted onto the field at the end of a quarter while the
teams were changing ends. "I did that and they (WVU of-
ficials) .got really upset, which was understandable," he
said. But when Runner and Toadie were barred from fur-
ther games, a letter-writing campaign began in the Daily
Athenaeum, WVU's student newspaper. They were allowed
back on the field two home games later. "It's difficult to
resolve that your dog is gone," said Runner. "The
frustrating thing is she's an older dog, and not really able to
care for herself.".Runner said Toadie probably died. "I just
hope that whatever happened to her isn't a horror story,"
he said.
Name that plane
W HAT'S IN a name? Possibly two lifetime airline
passes. Or maybe free airfare for a year. That's the
offer made yesterday by Frontier Horizon. a Denver-based

help in renaming itself. Frontier Horizon is a discount line
that serves major markets not served by Frontier Airlines,
the other line owned by Frontier Holdings Inc. The pair of
lifetime passes at stake in the rename-Frontier Horizon
contest will be good on both airlines, the company said.
There also will be eight "first prizes" of free airfare for a
year on both airlines, the company said. The contest will
run from Sept. 24 until Oct. 20. The new name will be an-
nounced in November and go into effect Jan. 9, 1985. That
will also be the first anniversary of Frontier Holdings' low-
farE airline.
On the inside ...
Opinion preaches to President Reagan. . . Arts sends out
invitations to the Party of the Week. . . and Sports profiles
Wolverine linebacker Rodney Lyles.




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