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September 08, 1984 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-08

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The Michigan Daiily - Saturday, September 8, 1984 - Page 3

Postal costs may go up 2 cents

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - The Postal Rate Commission
recommended yesterday that first class postage be
increased to 22 cents and the post card rate be hiked
to 14 cents - increases likely to take effect early next
The commission, overruled three years ago when it
rejected the current 20-cent rate, agreed this time
with the Postal Service contention that it will need
higher rates - but chopped a penny from the
requested first class and post card delivery charges.
"WE THINK 22 cents is a fair and equitable rate,"
commission chairman Janet Steiger said in announ-
cing the recommendation.
The cost of mailing a letter was last increased in
November.1982 when it went from 18 cents to 20 cents.

The Postal Service recommended a broad series of
increases last November including a 23-cent first
class rate and a 15-cent charge for post cards, which
now take a 13-cent stamp. The rate commission has
been considering those requests since then, and now
sends its decision back to the Postal Service for ac-
THE COMMISSION, an independent five member
board that must approve requests to raise postal rates,
reached its decision after holding a series of hearings
on the proposal.
In pressing for the rate hike, the Postal Service
predicted it will lose $800 million in the fiscal year en-
ding Sept. 30, but the board members who opposed the
rate hike say the service will break even and could
even show a $200 million profit.
Steiger said her commission scaled down the 23-

cent request because the continuing improvement in
the economy and the lowering of inflation have
reduced postal costs and increased revenues from the
original estimates.
The rate-making decision comes amid labor
negotiations between the Postal Service and four
unions representing 600,000 workers. The talks
reached an impass in July when the contracts ex-
pired and the dispute was sent to a fact-finding
On Wednesday, both sides announced the two
major unions would return to the bargaining table
next week.
The Postal Service is seeking a three-year wage
freeze, a new wage scale and other contract con-

Senate rejects Meese, Reagan still loyal

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan's
nomination of Edwin Meese III as attorney general
was removed from Senate consideration yesterday,
but the president said that, barring the unexpected,
he will resubmit Meese's name if he wins re-election.
"I have not seen the report yet," the president said,
referring to an investigation of Meese's affairs by an
independent counsel. "But barring anything un-
foreseen - and I don't expect anything of that kind -
I have not changed my mind about him."
THE REMOVAL of the nomination from Senate
consideration effectively postponed Meese's chances
of becoming the nation's top law enforcement official
until a possible second Reagan term.
Reagan, speaking to reporters as he left the White
House for a weekend at Camp David, Md., said he

understood the Senate's delay because of "the
crowded agenda to have with regard to the election,
and I don't think there is anything unusual about that
at all."
Asked specifically if he would resubmit his coun-
selor's nomination if he wins re-election on Nov. 6, the
president said, " Yes, yes."
SENATE Judiciary Committee Chairman Strom
Thurmond (R-S.C.), stripped the nomination from his
panel's agenda for the rest of the congressional
session to avoid election-year politics, an aide an-
"The senator believes that an election year does
not provide the proper forum for serious con-
sideration of an important nomination such as this,"
said press spokesman Mark Goodin.
The nomination of Reagan's long-time confidante,
once considered a prospect for easy approval in the

Republican-run Senate, attracted controversy after
Democrats on the Judiciary panel raised quesions
about Meese'safinancial ties with people who later
received federal appointments.
IN MARCH, Thurmond's committee put off acting
on the matter pending the outcome of an in-
vestigation by independent counsel Jacob A. Stein in-
to Meese's affairs.
Thurmond's move came one day after the Los
Angeles Times said Stein would issue a report next
week clearing Meese of any criminal wrongdoing.
The report quoted unidentified sources as saying
Stein was unable to find proof that Meese arranged
federal jobs for friends in return for loans received by
him and his wife, Ursula.
The sources, according to the newspaper, said they
did not know if Stein would address the question of
whether Meese's actions were improper though legal.

Associated Press
White House to workbench
Former First Lady Rosalyn Carter dons construction clothes as she and for-
mer president Jimmy Carter work on the renovation of a building on
Manhattan's Lower East Side yesterday.
Calf wth artificial
heart dies- in Utah

Associated Press
No one gets mad when this bar guest dances on the tables - it's a life size wooden horse made of wood which decorates a
Zurich, Switzerland bar and probably makes some happy hour patrons look twice.
Kremlin demotes high-ranking soldier

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A calf set
11 ty sa y s a record by surviving more than 268
days on the Utah artificial heart, but
had to be put to death because of a lung
infection, researchers said yesterday.
Big Al, a Holstein calf, was given an
overdose of painkilling drugs late Thur-
sday. He had been given the
n u ie a n polyurethane Utah 100 mechanical
pump - similar to the one implanted in
Barney Clark - on Dec. 13, 1983.
"HE HAD some infection in his lungs
can'th e and we decided it was getting out of
control," said Dr. David Holmberg, a
veterinarian at the University of Utah's
Artificial Organs Division laboratory.
ch alieng~eHowever, he said that before the ex-
periment was 'ended the nine-month-
By GEORGEA KOVANIS old, 287-pound animal broke by "three
Ann Arbor's city attorney said to four hours" a survival record for
yesterday that a suit challenging the calves fitted with mechanical hearts.
proposed ban on nuclear weapons Big Al lived more than 268 days on the
research is premature and filed a heart, surpassing the record set by
motion asking thatrthe suit be Tennyson, a Jersey calf, in 1980.
disqualified g THE UTAH 100, similar to the Jarvik-
The suit, filed Wednesday by the En- 7 artificial heart implanted in Clark,
vironmental Research Institute in the first human recipient, was shut off
Michigan (ERIM) asks that a proposal and removed after Big Al died.
to make Ann Arbor a nuclear free zone Clark, a retired dentist from the Seat-
be taken off the Nov. 6 ballot becauseit tle area who suffered from a
isdegenerative heart disease, died March
City attorney R. Bruce Laidlaw said 23, 1983, after 112 days on the heart
the suit opposing the proposal is when other parts of his body failed.
premature because "Courts should not *************************
and do not involve themselves in the
legislative process." *
He added that no suits can be filed
.o n PEPSI
against the proposal unless it becomes . ES
an amendment to the city charter and /r
then only if the city accuses a party or * /2Lifer Bottle
attempts to press charges against a .
party, can it be taken to court.
ERIM also contends in its suit, which
is against the city of Ann Arbor, that the
freeze involves zoning, a legislative
issue which cannot be put on the ballotdit
by initiative.*P
However, Laidlaw argues that the
issue is not a zoning matter because the
proposal would not divide the city into
zones where research could be conduc-
According to Gary Claypool, chief
counsel for ERIM, the proposal which
he called "ill conceived" will be taken
off the ballot.
A hearing on the issue is scheduled * M arsha I'sP
for September 13. It had originally been *
scheduled for Sept. 20 but was moved * S. Statec
up a week because the deadline for * NO COUPON Goodthr
having ballots printed is Sept. 18. *

The human research portion of the
artificial heart project has moved -
along with Dr. William DeVries, the
only surgeon authorized to implant the
air-driven device - to Humana Heart
Institute International in Louisville,
BUT ANIMAL research and
development of the device continues in
The Utah 100, a cooperative design by
staff members at the laboratory, is an
oblong pump designed to fit smaller
patients than the Jarvik-7.
Holmberg said the calf was in wor-
sening health as it grew, surpassing the
heart's ability to circulate sufficient
blood. Big Al weighed 105 pounds when
the heart was implanted.
"The trouble with calves is they grow
to be such a size they exceed the
capacity of the heart," Holmberg said.
The infection was not believed to be
linked to the air lines which passed
through the calf's body todrive thq
heart, but rather to an accumulation of
fluid in its lungs as it outgrew the
device, he said.
Though Big Al was treated with an-
tibiotics, doctors determined his case
was terminal and decided to end the
es $1.69/8-pack
e *
ict aLLberty
uSept. 22nd NO .IMIT

MOSCOW - The Soviet Union offered relieved
no clarification yesterday of the sur- other dut
prise removal of Nikolai Ogarkov as the "IT WA
country's top soldier, but most Western seems to
experts interpreted the move as a what we'
demotion. The official news media Western
followed the lead of Tass, playing up not sayin
Thursday night's announcement that The dip
Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev had been mented
named chief of staff and first deputy tified, sa
defense minister. demoted.
Ogarkov, who had become the Soviet "Trans
Union's most visible military man, was strike me
relegated to one paragraph in the for anoth
newspapers. They 'noted tersely that added th
the 66-year-old marshal had been sferred t

"in connection with a move to
AS A surprise to us, and that
be true around town from
ve been able to gather," said a
diplomat. "The Soviets are
g anything."
plomat, who, like others, com-
on condition he not be iden-
id he believed Ogarkov was
sfer to other work does not
e as a way to groom someone
er responsibility," he said. He
at if Ogarkov was being tran-
o some higher position it was

The Maize and Blue opens the football season today with a game
against Miami. The opener, which promises to be a thriller for all fans,
begins at 1 p.m. in Michigan Stadium.
Mediatrics - Breaking Away, 7 & 9p.m., Nat. Sci.
Cinema Two - To Have and Have Not, 7 p.m.; the Maltese Falcon, 9 p.m.,
Ark-Michael Cooney, 8 p.m., 637 S. Main St.
Ann Arbor Go Club-2 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
Ann Arbor Christian Development Center-Intercessory Prayer Meeting,
7 p.m., Calvary United Methodist Chutch, Newport and Miller.
Michigan League-Buffet club, League cafeteria.
Reunion of Black Graduates-Banquet, 7 p.m., Marriott Hotel banquet
School of Music-Piano Pedagogy Laboratory, auditions.
University Musical Scoietv-Choral Union and Festival Chorus auditions.


"pretty unusual" that the post was not
announced at the same time.
"In view of (Ogarkov's) past activity,
most of us saw his star as being quite
high," said another diplomat.
IN GENERAL, the Western experts
were surprised because there had been
no hint that Ogarkov was in any
trouble, that he is in ill health, or that a
shakeup of the military establishment
was in the works.
There had been frequent speculation
that Ogarkov might eventually succeed
Defense Minister Dmitri Ustinov, 75, if
Ustinov retired or gave up the post to
devote himself fully to his duties as a
member of the Politburo.
And given the secrecy in the Kremlin,
few would rule out the possibility that
Ogarkov might at some point move into
another top job.
Man turns
'U' mail
truck into
(Continued-from Page 1)
NEVERTHELESS, she checked to
see if the van had been towed away and
eventually called the police to report it
About that time, she received a call
from the student at the emergency
room in University Hospital.
"He said he had. hurt his foot and
needed transportation to the emergen-
cy room," Schroeder said. He told

The Business School is currently inter-
viewing students interested in partici-
pating in the Business School phonathon
this fall. Phonathons are a major part
of our annual fund campaign. Callers
will contact alumni nationwide. The
phonathon will run for eight weeks -
Sunday and Monday -nights - Septem-
ber 23 - November 12.
Hours: 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Pay: $3.70/hr.
Call: 763-5775
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