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January 15, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-15

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Ninetyfour Years
Editorial Freedom


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Sunny and cold today with a
high in the low 20s.

Vol. XCI V-No. 87 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, January 15, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
Nothing trivial about students pursouit

"I am definitely an addict. I tried quitting but I start-
ed smoking. When I tried again, I started eating and
put on weight. I have resigned myself to the deliquent
lifestyle of a Trivial Pursuit addict."
Such is the sad but true testimony of Lloyd Scott,
an LSA senior who admits to playing the 1983 "game
of the year" at least once a day.
SCOTT IS ONE of the growing number of Univer-
sity students caught in the grips of trivia mania.
Some students skip class to play the board game
Trivial Pursuit manufactured by the Selcho-Richter,
the same company that created Scrabble. Other
students play it late at night and find themselves
talking about it during the day.
Ann Arbor toy store merchants are struggling to
keep their shelves stocked with the $30 game. And toy
manufacturers have already begun producing spin-
off s.
"We've been averaging about 100 calls a day (for
the game)," said DeWight Plotner, owner of Campus
Bike and Toy Center on East Williams Street.
Plotner said he hasn't seen a game "take off" at the
quick rate Trivial Pursuit has in the past 40 years.
The rage for a simple board game such Trivial
Pursuit is also a sharp shift from the passion for
video games which have dominated the toy market in
recent years.
Answering trivia questions in six categories -
ranging from history to entertainment - such as
"Who's buried in Grant's tomb?" or "who played
Beaver Cleaver's mother?" is certainly not as flashy

as battling a crew of space

creatures on a video

BUT STUDENTS are hooked.
Pete Gutman, another self-proclaimed addict, said
the game is so popular because "it's not just a game.
You're actually learning something."
"One guy got the game for Christmas and since, it's
circulated from room to room," Gutman, a junior in
the engineering college and a member of Phi Delta
Theta fraternity.
Gutman and his friends split uv into teams - with
names such as "Team America," "Team Slow," and
"Team Idiot" - and are "fairly strict" with the
rules. "You're especially strict if you're winning,"
Gutman added.
TO WIN THE game players try to move pie-shaped
tokens around the board by rolling dice and an-
swering one of the 6,000 questions written on cards.
It's not all good clean fun, though. Some players
have turned Trivial Pursuit into a drinking game by
rewarding correct answers with beer.
A formal game of trivia was kicked-off yesterday
with 32 teams of students competing at a College
Bowl tournament sponsored by the University Ac-
tivities Center (UAC) at the Michigan Union.
With names such as The Inphomaniacs, The Alice
Lloyd Pilots, and The Potato Head Liberation, four-
member student teams faced off for a week of
knuckle-cracking and nail-biting competition which
will send the winners to a regional College Bowl tour-
nament at Kent State University in Ohio in February.

THE TOURNAMENT style mimicked old TV game
show favorites such as Jeopardy and included a slick-
talking moderator and buzzers for each player.
Going by the nickname of "Doc M'," Math Prof.
Eastern Michigan University Richard Marshall
helped UAC run the tournament.
Players were in high spirits as clenched fists ac-
companied correct responses and slapped foreheads
and sighs followed the wrong ones.
Joe Pip, a senior in the engineering college and co-
chairman of College Bowl, said the questions cover a
wide field 'of interest, "but have an academic slant.
Co-chairman, Larry Garvin, noted that there were
very few women at the game.
"I'd like to see more women at the tournaments,"
Garvin, a graduate student in neuroscience, said.
Teams paid a $10 entrance fee to compete in the
double-elimination tournament. A correct answer to
a "toss-up" question earned the team ten points and
an opportunity to answer a more valuable bonus
Marshall assumed the role of game show host with
predictable responses. Right answers elicited,
"that's the one I was hoping for" from Marshall. New
questions were asked with encouragement: "How
about this one for a 20-pointer?"
Students return to the Anderson and Kuenzel rooms
of the Union today for more competition and the
public is invited to sit in. Yesterday, the audience was
limited to teams waiting for their chance to climb the
ladder of trivial information.

Trivial Pursuit (pictured above) is the game which students can't play enough
and storekeepers can't keep on the shelves.

Wolverines slip,
get. punished b

Special to the Daily
MADISON - Ricky Olson's 39 points
propelled Wisconsin to a 71-64 victory over
Michigan yesterday b efore 8,646 Wisconsin
Fieldhouse fans. It was the Wolverines'
first loss in the Big Ten conference this
year, bringing their conference record to
However, Michigan could easily have
seen its record boosted to 4-0, as the
Wolverines blew many chances to pull out
a victory.
"I THOUGHT we played hard in the
second half," said Michigan coach Bill
Frieder. "We had our chances but we
missed crucial free throws and lay-ups and
had a couple of turnovers in the end that
hurt us."
It wasn't so much that Michigan played.
poorly, but rather that Wisconsin played
perhaps its best game of the year,
especially in the first half. Olson, who pop-
ped in 23 of his career-high 39 points in the
first stanza, gave the Michigan guards fits .
"We were on (Olson), but he just made

some great plays," added Frieder, who
saw his team's record drop to 11-3 overall.
"I thought (Dan) Pelekoudas did the best
job guarding Olson in the second half. But
in the first half no one could cover him."
OLSON PICKED up where he left off
Thursday, whenr he scored 29 points in-
Wisconsin's upset win over Michigan
State. The sophomore was 14 of 20 from the
field and 11 of 12 from the free throw line.
Rich Rellford paced the Wolverine
scoring attack with 15 points.
"They were on me, but I was able to get
the ball before they could adjust their
defense," said Olson. "In our last two
games it just seems that the flow of the
game has come to me."
IT WAS OLSON'S 20-foot jumper from
the corner and his two free throws which
boosted Wisconsin to a 27-22 lead midway
through the first half. Michigan added
three turnovers within a span of two
minutes and Wisconsin was up 34-22 and
coasting to a 45-33 halftime lead.
Michigan came out firing in the second
half, however, as it cut the Badgers' lead
to 45-41.
See OLSON, Page 8

tell. blacks
to keep
fghting for
rParren Mitchell says he* has 'a
fire inside of him that won't stop
burning until racism is ex-
The black Democratic
congressman from Maryland
brought a crowd of about 200 to its
feet in the Michigan League
ballroom last night with a rousing
denunciation -of racism, com-
memorating the anniversary of
Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth-
MITCHELL, who appeared
with U.S. District Court Judge
Anne Diggs Taylor, warned
blacks against being lulled by the
"new, smooth, velvet racism..
"The movement did not begin
with King, nor did it end with
King," he said. Mitchell said the
'60s were a time when blacks
could easily recognize the
enemies of equality, and unify to
to fight thW,.
"King had the magic to
galvanize us all into one collec-
tive force. We fought as one
together," he said.
TODAY'S struggle is in some
ways more difficult because
today's racist attitudes are far
more subtle than the German
shepards and fire hoses that King
faced in protest marches in the
deep south.
"In a way his mission was
easier," Mitchell said. "King
knew what he was fighting .. . is
it easy to identify the enemy who
is in a three-piece Brooks
Brothers suit?" he asked.
Mitchell urged the students to
look to the past in order to under-
stand the struggles they may.
soon face in getting a job or clim-
bing the corporate-ladder.
"WE DIDN'T know the whip.
We didn't know the branding bar,
See SPEAKERS, Page 3

"Never, ever give up," U.S. Congressman Parren
Michigan League last night to commemorate

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Mitchell (D-Md. )told a crowd gathered at the ballroom of the
the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.

Students ignore fire codes in dorms

Toasted. English muffins or hot buttered pop-
corn - foods many students eat daily in their
dormitory rooms - are cooked in appliances
that violate University fire codes.
Under University Housing Division rules,
common items such as toaster ovens, irons, hot
plates, and coffee makers are considered fire
ALTHOUGH students receive a copy of the fire
regulations at the beginning of the school year,
many disregard the rules and others aren't
aware of them.
"I have a toaster, a toaster oven and an oil
popcorn popper," said LSA freshman Clayton
Cole, who lives in Markley. "It's dumb-to have
the rules because no one abides by them
Residence hall staff are concerned with the
Cold balls
A N ANY TYPICAL Saturday afternoon ir

I have a toaster, a toaster
oven, and an oil popcorn
popper. It's dumb to have
(fire) rules because no one
abides by them anyway.'
-Clayton Cole
LSA freshman
threat of fire, said Susan Harris, building direc-
tor at Mosher Jordan. "We spend a lot of time
training staff in preparation for a fire."
BUT Harris said resident advisers don't police

students' rooms to enforce the rules. Building
staff members only enter students' rooms with a
master key in an emergency, she said.
Last month, a small fire in a Markley room
was caused by burning Chanukah candles which
are prohibited under the housing rules.
After the fire, Markley Building Director
Charla Weiss distributed a notice to residents to
remind students that candles and open flames*
are not permitted in their rooms.
"WHETHER (students) are aware of (the
rules) and abide (by them) are two different
things," said Vernon Grigg, a LSA sophomore
and president of Markley. "Most students are
aware of the rules, and as a whole (the rules) are
not respected."
Some residents also say that the restrictions
aren't needed. "It's hard to burn anything down
with a toaster," said one student who asked not
to be identified. "We use all these things at home

and our home hasn't burned down yet."
That attitude is dangerous, Harris said. All
electrical appliances are a potential fire hazard.
"The more electrical appliances, the more likely
a problem will result."
Resident advisers are supposed to confront
residents who have fire hazards in their rooms
and confiscate the item, said Harris. But studen-
ts say this rarely happens.
LSA freshwomnan Sheryl Brand said her
resident adviser knows about the fire' code
violations in her room, but hasn't done anything
yet. Resident advisers don't enforce the rules
because "they were students once themselves,"
said Brand, who has an iron and a hotplate in her
If students are careful with electrical applian-
ces there shouldn't be any problems said Brand,
who lives in Markley.

roughs untouched, making it difficult for the golf nuts to
find errant shots. So with orange, yellow, white (for the real
tough guys), and even purple (but no blue) balls flying past
the skiers' heads, the familiar cry of "fore" was heard for
the first time this year anywhere north of the Mason Dixon
line. One frightened skier, frozen in her tracks, didn't quite
know what to do when the fellows on the sixth tee yelled
"fore." A cordial chap on another hole was good enough to
offer this bit of golf etiquette: "Duck, fool." Oh, by the way,
unofficial results show that a Daily editor came in with

about the automakers' ads themselves, but that they ap-
pear in the magazines. AMC is the only U.S. automaker that
advertises in these publications, Wildmon said. AMC ad-
vertised in Playboy because a large number of potential
customers are readers, AMC spokesperson Jerry Sloan
said. Other carmakers do have ads in the publication, Sloan
said. The Federation is a non-denominational group made
up of between 80,000 and 90,000 members, Sloan said. Q

their confidential counseling files, which included recom-
mendations from professors.
" 1968 - Bursley students attended a teach-in staged to
prove that students wanted to set their own hours and
visitation policies in University dormitories.
* 1956 -Ann Arbor Mayor William Brown called for an all-
night parking ban, hoping to avoid a "continuous parking.
problem" in the city.

n winter,


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