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- The Michigan Daily - Saturday, January 14, 1984
Levitation on th rise i Iowa
They don't get rowdy on football
weekends, they don't drink, and they
don'tueven seedthe townspeople very of-
ten. But students at Maharishi Inter-
national University have gotten the
residents of Fairfield, Iowa, pretty
"There are no homecoming parades
or football or basketball games up at
MIU " grumbles Mayor Robert
Rasmussen. "Their biggest thing is
levitating twice a day and we're not
even invited to that - that's a locked-
door thing."
founded the university ten years ago
and bought the vacant Parsons Univer-
sity campus, few Fairfield residents
complained. But now, the students sup-
posedly. are practicing levitation -
using mental energy to move objects.
And the university is growing, too.
About 1500 followers of the Maharishi
live in the community and an additional
1,000. students and professors live on'
campus. In the spring, the school plans
to build several hundred houses in Fair-
field with the capacity to house 7,000
"There is fear of them taking over the
town," Rasmussen said..
UNIVERSITY officials insist,
however, that they are not out to.
change Fairfield. "It is not our plan,
our objective, to take over the city,"
said, spokesman Richard Schneider,
who, pointed out that in 10 years, no
meditator has ever tried to run for local
office or become involved in city
rt.- - - '1/ i i M- i i- 46./ i ia - %W ie ia s V -v * y
Some Fairfield residents don't take
the situation quite so seriously -
several local clothing stores now sell
"Fly Iowa" T-shirts, showiag a
meditator hovering above a cornfield.
Still, most Fairfield residents say
they feel the meditation students just
don't fit in. "You know, they're in the
heart of America and they're
vegetarians. It just doesn't give you a
neighborly feeling. They won't sit down
for a big, juicy beefsteak and a beer.
We're not much into tofu, zucchini, and
eggplant lasagna, but Lord, they are,"
Rasmussen said:
- The Associated Press
ROTC student killed
Four ROTC students at the Univer-
sity of Puerto Rico's Mayaguez campus
were questioned yesterday in the
hazing death of a cadet last week.
Police said Freshman Arnaldo Mer-
cado Perez had been burned and beaten
as part of an initiation ceremony for the
Panther Military Society, a group that
is not officially recognized by the
university or the Air Force ROTC.
MERCADO PEREZ collapsed after
he and two other cadets were forced to
take a 20-mile hike as part of their
initiation. The three men had been
allowed only a can of spaghetti and a
canteen of water daily for four days,
and were kept awake 22 hours in one 24-
hour period.
The cadet died Jan. 5, five days after
his collapse. Panther society leaders
met" the morning after Mercado Perez
died and planned to say that he had suf-
fered a fall.
Police agent Jose Pantojas said he
was questioning four members of the
"elite group" of ROTC members, but
he declined to identify them. Pantojas
said he would question 12 society mem-
bers who took park in the intitiation.
Assistant District Attorney Carlos
Pagan said the four could be charged
with involuntary homicide because
Mercadp Perez agreed to go through
with the ceremony.
- The Associated Press
Harvard commen-
cement date protested
More than 100 students and
professors at Harvard University have
signed a petition protesting the school's
1984 commencement date because it
conflicts with the Jewish holiday
The petition's signers contend that
the June 7 commencement date will
force them to break Jewish law on the
holiday, which commemorates God's
gift of the Ten Commandments to
too late to change the commencement
date, since graduation activities take
place over a week's time and include
many events besides the actual com-
mencement ceremonies.
"Literally thousands of people have
already made hotel reservations for
commencement," said Harvard Vice
President Daniel Steiner, adding that
he had consulted with several rabbis
who said people could observe the
holiday and attend commencement on
the same day.
Some Jewish students and professors,
however, say they are being
discriminated against.
"There are plenty of other days to
choose from, and the university has
been so insensitive as to choose a
Jewish holiday. I think this is an issue
of Harvard placing itself before God
and country," said Yadin Kaufmann,
president of the Harvard Jewish Law
School Association.
Several student organizaitons, in-
cluding the Undergraduate Council, the
Law School Council, and the Business
School Council have urged the Univer-
sity to change the commencement date.
--The Harvard Crimson
Colleges appears every Saturday.
Poli ce
Store burglarized
A red nightgown and panties and an
electric massager were stolen from the
Velvet Touch, at 215 South Fourth at
12:48 a.m. Wednesday. Two witnesses
told police they saw the suspect break
the display window, remove the items,
and flee toward the Fourth Avenue Ar-
cade. Officers found the suspect hiding
behind the arcade sign. A 31-year-old
Ann Arbor man was apprehended.
House broken into
A house on the 400 block of Hamilton
was burglarized Tuesday afternoon
about 2:00 p.m. The robbers gained en-
try through an unlocked door and took
jewelry valued at less than $400, police
said Wednesday. - Matt Tucker
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Inflation rate drops to 0.6%
WASHINGTON - Inflation on wholesale prices melted to a scant 0.6 percent
last year, the best showing in two decades, as food prices rose only slightly
and energy costs plunged, the government reported yesterday.
Presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said the figures were evidence of a
break in the "vicious cycle of increasing inflation."
The increase in wholesale prices for December was only 0.2 percent.
Separate government reports said retail sales and industrial production
also increased modestly in December. Economists said that meant the
national economic recovery was slowing a bit, one more reason to think in-
flation will stay low for some time to come.
Most analysts believe wholesale inflation will be somewhat higher this.
year, perhaps 2 percent to 4 percent assuming the recovery continues and
there is no repeat of the big oil-price declines that pulled last year's total
down. But they also see no big price surge coming up, at least not before big
federal budget deficits begin making a bigger impact on the economy next
State high court stays execution
RALEIGH, N.C.- Convicted murderer James Hutchins won a stay of
execution from the North Carolina Supreme Court yesterday, moments after
the U.S. Supreme Court had apparently cleared the way for his death by
lethal injection.
In a dramatic climax to a day of legal maneuvering, the state court an-
nounced it was blocking the execution at 5:20 p.m., 40 minutes before the
deadline for carrying it out. North Carolina law requires that a condemned
prisoner be put to death between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the execution day.
The state court sent the case back to McDowell County Superior Court for
the setting of a new execution date. The court did not explain the reasons for
its action, but defense attorneys said state law-requires that once a stay is
granted, a new date must be set 60 to 90 days off.
Moments before the new stay, prison officials had been set in motion to
carry out the execution when the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington an-
nounced it had voted 5-4 tolift an earlier stay.
Hutchins, 54, was sentenced to death in 1979 for the shooting deaths of two
sheriff's deputies who were investigating a report that he had beaten his
teen-age daughter, and the slaying of a state trooper who later pursued him.
Reagan may lose more top aides
WASHINGTON - With President Reagan about to mark his third year in of-
fice, several top aides have left the White House and others are making plans
to jump ship.
David Gergen put in his last day as assistant to the president and director
of White House communications yesterday, leaving the $69,800-a-year post to
teach at Harvard University.
James Baker, White House chief of staff, has been saying for months that
he wants another job in a second Reagan administration. He has let it be
known that he would like one of the "big four" Cabinet posts - State, Defen-
se, Treasury or Justice.
Baker said he will not continue in his present post until the end of 1984.
But he also passed the word through White House sokesman Larry
Speakes yesterday that he will "serve at the pleasure of the president. He will
stay as long as the president wishes."
Downed U.S. helicopter crew tried
to surrender, Hondurans say
CIFUENTES; Honduras - Honduran soldiers who reported seeing the
downing of a U.S. helicopter said yesterday the crew leaped out of the craft
with their arms raised in a hail of Nicaraguan gunfire and the pilot fell, mor-
tally wounded.
The Honduran account generally coincided with the version given by San-
dinista soldiers on the Nicaraguan side of the border.
The main difference was that the Hondurans said the Americans raised
their hands and put them behind their heads to show they were unarmed and
wanted to surrender. _-moo
In Washington, a Pentagon Qficial denied the three came out with their
hands up and said, "They came out running."
Both the Honduran and Nicaraguan soldiers said the Sandinistas fired at
the OH-58 light observation helicopter Wednesday morning as it zig-zagged
over Nicaraguan hills before coming down on the Honduran side of the fron-
Marines return Druse fre
BEIRUT, Lebanon - U.S. Marines, responding to heavy attack by rebel.
militiamen, unleashed a barrage of fire from tank cannon, mortars, and ar-
mor-piercing rockets yesterday on the outskirts of Beirut. French
paratroops clashed with Shiite Moslem militia in a downtown shootout.
No casualties were reported by either contingent of the multinational
peacekeeping force, and there was no word of rebel casualties.
Druse gunners in the hills overlooking the Marine base shelled Beirut's
Christian sector, killing two civilians and wounding 13 others, police said.
Four school children were wounded when snipers fired at their bus in a
Christian suburb.
The hostilities in Lebanon were the worst since Dec. 16, when Lebanon's
civil war combatants agreed in a Damascus meeting to spare population
centers further bombardment.
U.S. Special Middle East envoy Donald Rumsfeld, in Damascus, met with
Syrian President Hafex Assad for the first time. Assad, who had declined to
meet Rumsfeld during two previous visits to Syria, said before the meeting
that "Peace in Lebanon cannot be established under the American gun
Kissinger u
East- Westi
Brussels, Belgium (AP) - Henry
Kissinger said yesterday that President
Reagan and Soviet leader Yuri An-
dropov should appoint special envoys to
quietly pursue a reduction of East-West
He said he was not a candidate for the
job. .f
THE FORMER U.S. secretary of
state said such talks should not include
Soviet activity in Central America,
however, because it would wrongly
legitimize the Soviet Union's presence
in that region.
Kissinger also said he would not lob-
by in Washington of behalf of a report
on Central America by a Reagan-
appointed commission,kwhich he led.
The report said Soviet and Cuban ac-
tivity in Central America threatens
U.S. interests.
Kissinger said personal represen-
tatives from the White House and
Kremlin "should be authorized to con-
duct private, exploratory conversations
on their leaders' behalf, preferably
without publicity."
have access to leaders on both sides and
begin "a global review of their entire
relationship," Kissinger said.
Kissinger made the , proposal in a
speech at a Brussels conference spon-
sored by the Georgetown University
Center for Strategic and International
Studies, and he expanded on it at a news
In response to questions by reporters,
Kissinger said he would not be a can-
didate for such an assignment, despite
playing similar diplomatic roles in
Moscow and Peking for President
Richard Nixon.
rges private
... warns Reagan officials
"It would raise too many hackles
among conservatives in the United
States," Kissinger said. "It would not
be a wise choice in an election year."
' He said he hadn't discussed the idea
with Reagan, but "many weeks ago I
put that idea to other senior members
of the administration and they didn't
throw me out of the room." President
Nixon advocated a similar approach in
a recent magazine interview.
U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz
is scheduled to meet Gromyko at a 35-
nation security conference in
Stockholm, Sweden, next week - their
first discussions since the Soviets broke
off nuclear arms talks Nov. 23 to
protest U.S. deployment of Pershing 2
and cruise missiles in western Europe.
HO ho hoAP Photo
Nine-year-old Martin David Schmitt was just goofing around in his gean-
dparents backyard Thursday in San Bernardino, Calif. when, he decided to
climb up on the roof to try plunging down the chimney - just like Santa
Claus. But Schmitt lacked Santa's sliding skill and got stuck midway down
the shoot. Schmitt, uninjured, but wiser, is fished out of the chimney by San
Bernardino fire officials. (The handcuffs on his wrists are a toy).
(urd RlftbItp 'Eutie Geac may
soon aid
502 East Huron, 663-9376
9:55 a.m. Sunday Worship, January
15, r"Hope." Sermon by Robert B.
Choir Thursday 7:15 p.m., John Reed,
director; Janice Beck, organist.
Student theological discussion Thur-
sday 6:00 p.m.
(Call 761-6476 evenings for infor-
Weekly Student Dinner. Sunday 6
Senior Pastor: Robert B. Wallace.
Campus Minister: Rev. T. J. Ging.
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
January 15. "The Sacred Appendix."
Sermon by: Dr. Donald B. Strobe.
Churhrh orhnnl for all a--: 0am.
632 N. Fourth Ave.
Rev. Avery Dumes Jr., Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
11:45 Morning Worship.
7:00 p.m. Evening Service.
Bible Study-Wed. & Fri. 7 p.m.
For rides call 761-1503 or 487-1594.
* * *
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor'
Sunday, January 15, 9:15 and 10:30,
Worship Service.
Wednesday night mid-week Advent
7:30 p.m., Bible Study and Handbell
Choir at 8:30 p.m.
Thursday Voice Choir at 7:30 p.m.
and Bible Study at 9:00 p.m.
* * *
14229 Wahtencu aA _9-4AA
at Lord of Light
801S. Forest at Hill St., 668-7622
Galen Hora, Pastor
Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.
Sunday 6 p.m. Student Supper.
Wednesday - Worship at 7:00 p.m.
Choir at 7:30 p.m.
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Pastor: Reverend Don Pastema
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship.
Sermon: "A God-Conscious Person"
6:00 p.m. Meditation: "Affirmation
of Persious and of God."
Wed. 10 p.m. Evening Prayers.
* * *
book fine
(Continued from Page 1)
however, because circulation from the
reserve unit is on a smaller scale and
workers can keep track of those books
without the computer..
Based on the estimates of fines
collected for fall semester 1982, the
Graduate Library alone has lost $10,000
in uncollected fines.
Officials hope to get the bugs out of
the system soon so they don't lose any
more money, and so students will get
their overdue books back into cir-
"The programhtesting looks
positive," said Sharon Fleenor,
associate director for public services.
"It may be a matter of a week or two."
But students have been fortunate
enough to get through one almost fine-
free semester, and according to
FleeDnor the final wnrd from the
Saturday, January 14, 1984
Vol. XCIV-No. 86
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Anti Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $15.50 September through April (2 semesters); $19.50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates: $8 in Ann Arbor; $10 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann
' Arbor, MI 48109.
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