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April 12, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-04-12

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Ninety-four Years
E of
Editorial Freedom


Lit 43aU

iE ai1

Sunny in the morning, but even-
tually shading to partly cloudy.
Highs in the 60s.


P/ol. XCIV--No. 154

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor,

Michi-gan - Thursday, April 12, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Paaes

to 2 years
parole in
slave trial
In an unexpected ymove yesterday,
U.S. District Judge Charles Joiner
suspended the 20-year maximum prison
sentence for a Chelsea farming couple
convicted of holding two workers
against their will. Joiner instead or-
dered a penalty of only two years
probation and a $12,000 fine.
Ike and Margarethe Kozminski, con-
victed February 10 on two counts of in-
voluntary servitude and one count of
conspiracy to violate two farmhands'
civil rights, could each have faced up to
20 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.
BUT THE couple's son John, 30, who
was found guilty on only the conspiracy
charge, received the same penalty as
the Kozminskis and was ordered to pay
See JUDGE, Page 2


House slams CIA
Panel assails-Nicaragua mining

WASHINGTON - The House Foreign
Affairs Committee overwhelmingly
condemned the CIA-directed mining of
Nicaraguan harbors yesterday, even as
Reagan administration officials said
privately that the mining probably
would not be resumed.
The committee adopted a non-binding
resolution against spending U.S. funds
for the mining operation on a 23-1 vote
less than 24 hours after the Republican-
led Senate approved a similar measure
by an 84-12 margin.
REP. DANTE Fascell, (D-Fla.),
chairnan of the House committee, said
he would try to take the measure to the
House floor today. The dissenting vote
was cast by Rep. Gerald Solomon, (R-
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill (D-
Mass.), also condelfined theU.S. mining of
Nicaraguan ports yesterday as
"terrorism at its worst" and Senate
Democratic leader Robert Byrd ac-
cused the CIA of lawlessness.
But a key State Department official
told Congress the mining was justified

because it was carried out in "self-
IN A RELATED development, the
House called for a House-Senate con-
ference committee on a bill providing
$21 million for CIA-backed Nicaraguan
"We don't have any other options. If
Congress cuts the funds, the operations
will end once the current $24 million has
been expended," a CIA official said.
The official said it would not be sur-
prising if the money ran out next week
- as some news reports have
speculated it will.
O'Neill told reporters the
aid request for Nicaragua "doesn't
have a chance" of being approved. He
said previously Reagan might get about
half the $62 million the same bill
provides for emergency military aid to
El Salvador.
He denounced CIA Director William
Casey for the mining operation, calling
it "terrorism at its worst." He charged
Casey has "taken liberties that no other
member of the CIA has ever done

We " me"a ,, a ~ n W iA1
Face lift AP Photo
Scaffolding rises around the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, yester-
day. The scaffolding is the first step in a $30 million renovation project which
will give the national symbol a new look.

... oversteps bounds

Writing can be hazardous
Mailer tells prize winners

Since he shook the literary world with The Naked and the
Dead, Norman Mailer's words have won him Pulitzer Prizes
and instant recognition, but Mailer also told about the darker
side of his craft at yesterday's Hopwood Awards ceremony in
Rackham Auditorium.
y "Writing a book can kill you," Mailer told the 29 winners of
the annual contest in essay, drama, fiction, and poetry.
THE. STUDENT WRITERS "must be able to live with the
bruises of bad reviews," if they expect to earn a living at
writing after their college days.
Mailer told the 500 member audience that his first book,
The Naked and the Dead, just rolled out of the typewriter,
culmination of all his experiences. "It was a long act of
assembly," he said,
The Naked and the Dead catapulted Mailer into the
limelight - for a time, he was the critic's darling. But his
next effort, Barbary Shore, was panned.
"I CAN TELL you what the book was about," he said, "but
I don't remember anything else. It was like someone else
wrote it. The characters were strangers to me. I never knew
what I was doing - where (the characters) were coming
As in his own case, Mailer said it's hard for writers who
gain success quickly to repeat their success in a second work.
Mailer said he tried to force Barbary Shore too much and the
unnatural effort helped to make it fail.
"The most important thing to a' young writer is to be
faithful to yourself - let your unconscious speak," he said.
AFTER Barbary Shore, Mailer said he began combining
"parts of (his) unconscious (with) the painstakingly

conscious piecing together of facts."
In light of the agonies of writing, Mailer said sometimes he
wants to laugh at those who want to make it their profession
without realizing its costs. "You don't know how much work
it takes to express what you're feeling," he said.
The best thing for the aspiring writer is to be utterly honest
about your own ability, he said. "It's death to the soul if
you're not good at it, but you have to be talented enough to
tell your tale."
EVEN IF A writer does have a tale to tell, the number of
people who try to tear the writer's words apart can be
daunting, Mailer said. "It would be hard to find another
profession where criticism is so harsh. The critics keep our
numbers down," Mailer said.
"Even a good writer must create a (facade) that can
accept the critical blows, Mailer warned. "It's not easy to
acquire the stoicism that makes you goon," he said.
One of the "hazards" writers must avoid, Mailer said is
losing perspective on their own creation. A writer must be a
good judge of his characters and not reveal favoritism that
might diminish the character's believability, Mailer said.
"IT TAKES as much literary integrity to be tough on a
character as it is to be fair," he said. The critics are waiting,
he cautions, so "you must become the best critic of them all."
But Mailer wasn't entirely pessimistic about the chance of
succeeding as a writer. "It's surprising how many bad
reviews one can digest as long as one knows that it's the best
work one can do."
But after all the theories and facades, sometimes the ideas
just come as a gift. Mailer said that this novel,
Why Are We in Vietnam, "just flowed from me. I don't know
See MAILER, Page 5

Norman Mailer tells the 1984 Hopwood Award winners yesterday at Rackham Auditorium that writing can be a
depressing profession where young authors must "be able to live with the bruises of bad reviews."

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camp us

Spring is in the air and it's time to
shed those burndensome winter
woolens - and if you really want to feel the
breeze you can pose nude for Playboy's
September issue, "Girls of the Big
Photographer David Chan will be at
the Campus Inn until Sunday trying to
lure what he calls "nice, average girls"
into Hugh Hefner's bunny hutch.
CHAN FIRST visited Ann Arbor in
1977, when about 150 women responded
to his advertisements. Over steak and
fries in the Campus Inn restaurant
yesterday, Chin talked about the
ingredients of a good centerfold. Not
every girl with lots of curves and "nice
boobs" takes the cake, he said.
"You've got to have a good face and
sparkling eyes, and then you go to all
the other parts of the body."
Chan said he has already received 30
calls from women who want to pose, but

'Playboy is explicitly trying to degrade:
women. Men get off on it. It's a power trip.'
-Nicki Beisel
Sociology Teaching Assistant

Basement apartment
may not be best buy

the photo sessions won't start until
"MOST GIRLS in the North are
heavier this time of year. We have to
camouflage that winter fat. I try to
come after spring break, but some girls
even gain weight on vacation," he said.
He says there usually isn't any
problem finding women to pose nude,
although they can also pose semi-nude
("something you wouldn't see in a
Sears catalogue") or fully clothed.
"There's always someone to do
nude, but 60 percent will (wear)
THE INITIAL interview consists of
filling out an application, giving some

biographical information and
measurements, and posing "any way
you want" for a Polaroid snapshot.
Chan selects those he wants for the
issue and calls them later for an exten-
ded photo session. If applicants are
chosen they get $300 for posing nude,
$150 for posing semi-nude, and $75 if
they wear clothes.
Chan says for most of the women who
show up, "it's an ego trip. Women want
to be able to say 'Wow! I made it.' "
BUT TO some women, recruiting
college women to pose nude is a sexist
slap in the face.
"It is a poignant contradiction," said
See PLAYBOY, Page 2

With only three weeks left before
it's time to leave town until Septem-
ber, it's probably toolate to get the
apartment with oak paneling, a
fireplace, and a large balcony. But
even if you're getting desperate, think
twice before your choice sinks too low
- to the basement to be exact.
While most basement apartments
are probably a safe buy, the apar-
tment that looks cozy enough now can
be comfortless in December.
"IN THE SPRING the place looks
all right because it's not too cold out-
side and it's not raining," said Eric
Lipson, an attorney with Student
Legal services. "Then they get in
there in the fall and the place is fine
until the first heavy rain when the

sewer backs up, or until it gets cold
and they discover it's not properly
Basement apartments account for
about one-third of Student Legal Ser-
vices' cases involving repairs, accor-
ding to attorney Stanley Pollack, who
also works for Student Legal Services.
For some students, their first ex-
perience with basement apartments
is also their last. "I would not recom-
mend a basement apartment to
anyone," says LSA senior Sandra
"THERE WERE steam pipes in the
basement to heat the building, (and)
when the condensation from the
basement met with the steam in the
pipes it caused vibrations which kept
See RENTING, Page 6

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No laughing matter
W HAT'S THE DIFFERENCE between a garbage can
aind -a oe ~na1 t ricvhaim YVnn Univeritv? The gar-.

of Utah in Salt Lake City and the Mormon Church-owned
university in Provo. Whitaker says she thinks book sales
will climb because of the ban. "We are hoping for the
'Culture Club' principal to come into play with my Book,"
she says. Culture Club record sales skyrocketed after the
campus bookstore banned the discs by Boy George, who
calls himself a "drag queen," because BYU officials, said
the group advocates homosexuality. u

dozen parts simultaneously, with only four on stage at any
one time. They are sleeping and eating between parts, and
costumes and props are being kept to a minimum. "Nobody
has done this before, although one company did all
(Shakespeare's) plays in something like a 15-year period,"
said the 23-year-old director, Robin Cairns. The amateur
groups hopes the play-a-thon will raise enough money to set
up a permanent theatre in Glasgow. O

" 1966 - A measure introduced in the state house would
cut the University's funds by $7 million.
* 1974 - Poet Allen Ginsberg appeared at Hill Auditorium
to tell people that "Neal Cassady is dead, Jack Kerouac
finally drank himself to death. But here I am, 48-years old
and a survivor."
* 1977 - University President Robben Fleming announ-
ced that students could expect a tuition hike of at least 8
percent for the coming year. 0




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