OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, April 11, 1984 The Michigan Daily The possibility and need This article was written by Larry Dean, Kurt Finkbeiner, Joni Fit- tgerald, Harsono Harjadi, and Debbie Houghtby. "At the Crossroads" is a document created by the Communications Era Task Force. Available for general distribution in mid April, 1984, this document concerns the challenges con- fronting us as we move out of the in- dustrial era and into the com- munications era. To bring these issues to the awareness of the University com- munity, we have summarized the main concepts of "At the Crossroads," showing both the crises we face and their possible solutions. People around the world have recognized that the need for change exists; this awareness gives each of us the opportunity to improve our future. TECHNOLOGIES which are forming the bridge between the industrial and communications eras are altering the speed and magnitude of cultural changes.Major changes are occurring within our lifetimes, rather than taking centuries as they once did. Man wanted to explore space, and within a couple of decades he not only explored it, but walked on the moon as well. Another large advance has been in the area of biotechnology. Man has been able to create new life-forms in the lab, and these are actually being paten- ted. Communication media such as the telephone and television - as well as satellites orbiting the earth - can con- nect any two places on the globe within a matter of seconds, and airplanes are now capable of moving people thousan- ds of miles in just a few hours. For better or worse, these instrumen- ts compress time and make space much smaller than it ever was before. This advanced communication and travel has facilitated interactions between groups whose paths had not previously crossed. Due to the fact that the norm has been for groups to distrust and dislike other groups that were un- familiar or different, this increased in- teraction can cause some conflicts. Therefore, "At the Crossroads" correc- tly states that us-them attitudes must be changed if people wish to live in peace. COOPERATION between humans and nature will be the key to assuring a positive future. For example, cooperation with nature in terms of learning new methods of farming must be found. These methods must include techniques which will minimize adver- se environmental effects such as erosion, desertification, and short water supply. We are fast approaching the physical and ecological limits of the planet, and every effort must be made to preserve and promote the resources which still exist. One of the most important crossroads we have come to in our lives is a result of nuclear weaponry. Never before in history has the destruction of the planet been such a real threat. We have wit- nessed unprecedented increases in the number of nuclear weapons (From three in 1945 to 50,000 in 1983), and by the end of the century planned growth in these stockpiles will lead to the equivalent of seven tons of TNT for each person on earth. Studies of the probable outcome of nuclear war warn us that there will be no "inners" - war in itself has become self-defeating and obsolete. Concerns for what will happen on "the day after" must shift to what is happening today. "We can choose to grow up or blow up;" this implies that the choice is ours as to what our future will be like. It is our responsibility to make correctchoices. Economic disparity is another impor- tant reality with which we must come to grips. This calls for a reexamination of our values so that all people will lead healthier, happier lives. Each minute 30 children die for want of food or medicine while, in that same minute nations spend $1.3 million on their military forces. With all these changes, the move to outer space has altered our perceptions of the earth and our place in the univer- se. The space program has provided us with a visual image of the earth floating in space. This must awaken us to the fact that we are all one family living in the same house. Warfare and economic disparity are not acceptable. THE COMMUNICATIONS era requires some basic awareness. Authority should be based on com- petence, knowledge, and wisdom, rather than position and force; we tions. Nature has its own complex and productive system providing renewable resources of energy and minerals. Only through cooperation with nature will we be able to preserve these resources. At the same time, the harmony of nature and our behavior will develop new men- tal and spiritual disciplines, promoting healthier lifestyles. In the workplace, the need for creativity and self-direction requires cooperation. Participative management produces higher produc- tivity in industry - participation, in addition to employee ownership, is the key to the success of cooperation. COOPERATION among neighbors will improve local security and com- 'Each minute 30 children die for want of food or medicine while, in that same minute, nations spend $1.3 million on their military forces.' for c The access and organization mation have improved -p better educated and more skil ding information. Modern teaching tries to pr dividual education in institt which this individualized edu practically impossible. Educ. become so structured and sp that personal growth, devel and discovery are ignored produce employable adults. W huge wealth of human potentia little is being done to make use Schooling must be centere the learner, not the instructo curriculum. The best way to this situation is not to try to ch existing system but to questior datmentals on- which this s! maintained. "At the Cros proposes formal education as to lifelong education rather tha institution of learning. E should be placed on coopera competition. A CLOSER look is also giv( new job attitudes that have ris society. We place too muche on economic worth and not er human values and needs. The ment of a community and nat mitted to solving the world's problems is crucial to futur growth. It is possible to ex dustrial production while at t time respecting man and through a redirection of the pr( of capital. To accomplish the needed discussed above we must rea we are directly affected by th situation. Global, national, a munity decision-making n initiated by each and every "The effective government de the consent of the governed." get involved with our communi nation, and world. Then and o will we discover that solutionsc of infor- The fundamental question to be an- eople are swered here is "what can I do on a per- led at fin- sonal level?" Most people are likely to excuse themselves from action because rovide in- they feel that the tasks at hand are too utions in big for any immediate change. But ication is change is possible and we are its ation has vehicle. ecialized We must realize that we can act. We lopment, can talk to people around us about what so as to is happening in our world - families Ve have a friends, students, neighbors. It makes il, but too us realize that we are not alone in our of it. hopes and concerns, but rather, that all d around our destinies are intermingled. We can. r, or the take a new look at the patterns of our improve lives, instigating small changes in the." iange the roles we play as student, parent, n the fun- worker, artist. There are many ystem is possibilities for change hidden here un- sroads" der our noses. We can unite with others a support who share our concern - a small group in just an can be amazingly powerful. mphasis We can use the many "tools" tion, not available to us. These include books and periodicals that call for change. By en to the reading them and passing them on to en in our friends, we are making an effort for emphasis positive change. Also, we can use "At nough on the Crossroads" as a kick-off point develop- discussing all-these issues, as we have ion com- done here. existing Last, but not least, we can strengthen re world our network of friends and colleagues. pand in- These people are most interested in our he same views, and are apt to listen to what we nature have to say. Change must always start esent use at the heart and move outward from there. changes Once we realize change is possible, ilize that we will find a myriad of exciting ac- e world's tivities and new directions. We are nd com- ready for fundamental change. We nust be must proceed with humor and tolerance person. - both of ourselves and others - into a pends on future that is only partially glimpsed, We must but which promises to be as rich as the ty, state, diverseness of our individual viewpoin- )nly then ts, and then stronger and more vibrant do exist. still. should develop a common loyalty to the world as a member of the human race, in addition to local and national com- mitments. We should realize that our actions affect both our environment and our world - however, we need to balance our behavior, considering both the immediate and long-term effects. Cooperation is needed in the conser- vation of resources and the develop- ment of human potential, since unlimited resources do not in reality exist. Ecology has illustrated how all life on earth is interdependent. Electronic technology has made the world smaller. Attempts to conquer or exploit nature make us victims of our own ac- munity activities. (As a result, people will move less frequently). To provide mutual security we must understand the way each person perceives the world. We have to understand sour dif- ferences, since we come from in- dividual experiences and heritages. We. must not act to make others less secure - it does not make sense that we feel secure if others. are threatened by our actions. Retaliation will only destroy us. Specialization, developed during the Industrial Era, created dependence on the specialist. Hence, it destroys the balance of human relationships. Many changes have occured which show that society cannot sustain this any longer. ie t t satT Uivi oat n Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCIV-No. 153 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Sinclair ...C 3THE OTHER HAND , My OPfONENT, MR. HART HAS f'I.4iCLY S'TATED H.E WOULD REARRANGE E DECK CHAIRS ON THE RI T SIDE OF THE ECKI (lA WNE'RE TIR(EP OF THE oI.p ARRANGEMvEN~TS/. Editorials- represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Report confirms the obvious 9 0 T uition costs for this state's 15 four- T1. year colleges and universities are skyrocketing, enrollments are falling, and last year's 38 pecent tax increase is slowly being chipped away. The foundation of the higher education system is crumbling. To address this distressing. problem, Gov. James Blanchard appointed a 26-member commission to study higher education and last week the commission released an interim report. The success of this commission's final report should be judged on the solutions it provides to six major questions: How can the higher education system become more affordable without sacrificing quality. How can the state ensure access to more minority students? How can the system maintain diversity and reduce duplication? And how can the system contribute to the economic revitalization of the state? The commission's preliminary report represents an attempt to deal with these crucial questions but provides few concrete solutions. Rather, the commission has collected a lot of data confirming what most legislators, citizens, and university presidents already suspected or knew: institutions need to more clearly define their missions in order to limit duplicated programs, no new programs should be set up, spin-off in- dustries should be encouraged to in- crease funding sources, the decline in minority enrollment should be halted, and some statewide method of coor- dination be implemented. On the most important issue of who or what will ensure that institutions work toward following some of these issue which must be resolved in the final report to be released in October. And lawmakers shouldn't ignore recent commission recommendations just because they are likely to be un- pleasant to local constituencies. Com- missions in 1974 and 1980 found that a "Superboard" or advisory board was necessary to implement their recom- mendations. Those recommendations have never been accepted or acted upon. The recent commission's conclusion that such a "Superboard'' is neither "politically practical nor ad- ministratively prudent" may well be true. But their findings, much like the 1974 and 1980 commissions, suggest that, some strategic planning, mechanism is required. If that mechanism can't be the State Board of Education or some type of "Superboard," and if the institutions won't streamline programs on their own, how will the systems problems be resolved? The state will only have created another study commission producing more data which outlines problems without solutions. Commission member Philip Power has said that members should ap- proach their work with the attitude that they must talk in detail with key members of the legislature and the community and build up a consensus so the commission's recommendations can win approval from the legislature. A series of public hearings will be held next month to increase public in- volvement. This is a laudable move and University students should make their voices heard in Lansing May 3. Power's belief that this education --, t .' l t ...,, a .~.A. - 0k aAq94 ' .w U LETTERS TO THE DAILY: MSU To the Daily: After reading the conclusion to the four week trial acquitting seven men of the rape of an MSU student, my stomach turned as did my belief in the legal system. My nauseous feeling was coerced further while eating in the cafeteria. It so happened that sit- ting next to me sat another per- son with a Daily, who was reading the same article I had just read. This person reacted in laughter to the article and the immorality of the woman in- volved. "What kind of girl.. ." he prefaced his ill-conceived jokes. My stomach turned once more and my belief in any justice anywhere was forced out of my mind. I cut my meal short re- rape trial the woman was a consenting adult in the incident. This assumption does not follow from the legal verdict. Though it may be possible the woman did give her consent, she no joking matter 0 no longer feels this way. In ef- fect, she has been raped; and the legal system offers her little solace. In such a case justice can only be served by a greater humanitarian concern. A con- cern the seven men acquitted would have done well to have respected. - Tim Smith April 2 Daily messes up on merger To the Daily: The Daily has again shown that it is incapable of reporting ac- curately on any subject of impor- tance. In the article reporting on the meeting between un- dergraduates, deans from the Colleges of Engineering and LSA, and myself, I could not find a single accurate item. BLOOM COUNTY Via this letter, I would like to inform all your readers not to rely on any of your reporting relative to the merger of the computer science and engineering effort on this cam- pus, and seek information direc- tly from the departments in- volved. I request that you publish this letter so that the students will not be shortchanged by your shoddy practices. -Gideon Frieder April 5 Frieder is chairman of com- puter science and engineering. by Berke Breathed 0 r. r - , n IM ru .r .1A 9 I ! Pqq 5 11'- I I