Budget cut paints a new
art school
For a decade the art school on North
Campus escaped the watchful eye of the
niversity administration and taught
students a little differently than other
schools at the University.
But financial problems led the
University's leaders to take a hard look
at the school's programs: its small, un-
structured classes, and its professors'
one-on-one approach to teaching. They
cut its budget 18 percent,-and told the
school to conform.
BUT PROFESSORS have come up
with a plan to deal with the cuts, and if
administrators agree to it this week,
the school's modern, open studios may
soon operate like the traditional,
pillared halls of LSA with fewer
professors, more TAs, and larger
The plan would shift the school's
focus from undergraduate education to
graduate students and faculty resear-
Classes could swell from an average
size of 15 students to 25. Twice as many
graduate teaching assistants would be
employed. Instructional time would be
reduced by one-third so professors
would have more time for their own ar-
twork and research. And more students
from other schools would be en-
couraged to take art classes.
THE SCHOOL will also be using more
graduate teaching assistants,
especially in introductory level cour-
ses, and reducing the amount of time
students spend in class.
The tedious and trying review, con-
ducted by a team of faculty and staff
from different schools, taught the art
school some lessons, professors and
students say. But few of them were en-
"One of the things we learned from
the review was that the University's
reputation for excellence was depen-
dent on research productivity," says
George Bayliss, the school's dean.
THE PLAN, which would reduce the
school's budget over five years by
$260,000, should strengthen the
graduate program and allow faculty to
step into the research spotlight, say the
professors who wrote it.
They just hope it doesn't sacrifice the
school's undergraduate program.
"(The plan) is not designed to be of
the greatest advantage to un-
dergraduate students," says Prof.
Joanne Leonard, who teaches
photography in the school.
UNDERGRADUATE students are
almost sure to lose out on some per-
sonal contact with professors because
of the changes, adds Phil Davis,
another photography professor.
"I see a trend away from the
possibility of an undergraduate student
talking one-on-one with a full
professor," he says. "It's a deper-
sonalization of the program."
Those undergraduates will be seeing
more and more TAs, as well as more
graduate students in general.
IN FIVE years, the school would
double the number of TAs it employs,
from 13 to 26. To fill those new positions,
the graduate program would also have
to be expanded, from 26 to 40 students,
the largest number of graduate studen-
ts the school's limited studio space can
Because professors sponsor graduate
students as an addition to their full-time
teaching load, they would be spending
more of their time outside the
classroom with graduates rather than
An increase in using TAs would make
up for the eight faculty positions which
the school will be eliminating to save
the $260,000.
BUT EVEN beyond that, student
contact with professors will be cut fur-
ther - from 18 hoursper week to 12 -
so that professors have more time to
work on their own projects, to establish
contacts with professionals in New
York and Chicago, and to enter
It's an effort to cultivate strong
reputations among art school
See FEWER, Page 5
Art students and professors say the budget cut dealt the art school last spring reflects top administrators' perception of
the school as an expendable arm of the University.
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1Vol. XCI V-No. 152 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 10, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages
Congress pset
over CIA
mining of
Nicaraguan ports
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - The mining of Nicaraguan waters and
the Reagan administration's decision to remove its Central
America policies from World Court jurisdiction provoked a
furor in Congress yesterday, as Nicaragua appealed to the
international community to halt U.S. support for anti-gover-
nment guerrillas.
Congressional Democratie leaders said the latest turn of
events in Nicaragua had perhaps doomed the ad-
ministraton's request for funds to finance undercover
operations against the leftist Sandinista government in
EVEN BEFORE Nicaragua petitioned the International
Court of Justice in The Hague for assistance, the United
States announced it would not recognize the court's right to
rule in any cases involving Central America for the next two
State Department spokesman John Hughes indicated that
the administration did not want to have to answer questions
from the World Court about alleged U.S. intelligence ac-
tivities in Nicaragua. He said Washington also did not want
the court to be turned into a "propaganda forum" by the
House and Senate hearings into the Nicaraguan situation
were scheduled. Seven House members introduced a
resolution demanding an immediate end to the mining of
Nicaraguan harbors, which congressional sources say was
done by CIA agents. The State Department refuses to com-
From AP and UPI
Robert Duvall won the best acto
56th annual Academy Awards ceren
for his role as a down-and-out cou
Tender Mercies.
Duvall, the only American actor i
won over Michael Caine, Tom Cont
nay and Albert Finney.
At press time last night, the awar
ture and best actress had not yet be
Best director award went to Jam
Terms of Endearment, the big sc
the former television producer and%
Terms of Endearment, the bit
of a mother-daughter relationship,i
favorite to win the best picture cate
Right Stuff, The Dresser, Tender M
Big Chill.
In the best actress category, Shi
was expected to win for her por
mother in the movie. Other best act
were Jane Alexander for her rolei
Julie Walters for Educating Rit
Streep for her title role in Silkwood.
Linda Hunt won in the best supp
category for her part as a male ph
The Year of Living Dangerously. 0
in the category were Cher, who pla
neurotic in Silkwood, Alfre Woo
r award in the cleaning girl in Cross Creek, Amy Irving, the
mony last night timorous bride in Yentl, and Glenn Close, an
untry singer in understanding wife in The Big Chill.
n the category, The Right Stuff, the critically praised box-office
i, Tom Courte- flop about America's first astronauts, picked up
awards for sound effects editing, film editing,
ds for best pic- sound and original score.
en announced. Jack Nicholson captured the Oscar for best
nes Brooks, for supporting actor last night for his portrayal of a
reen debut for boozy ex-astronaut in Terms of Endearment.
writer. The Oscar is Nicholson's second. The well-
known character actor, who has been nominated a
tersweet story total of seven times, won the best actor award in
was the heavy 1975 for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
gory, over The In the supporting actor category, Nicholson beat
ercies,and The Charles Durning in To Be Or Not To Be, Sam
Shepard in The Right Stuff, John Lithgow in
rley MacLaine Terms of Endearment and Rip Torn in Cross
rtrayal of the Creek.
ress nominees Best foreign film was Fanny and Alexander,
in Testament, which the great Swedish director Ingmar
a, and Meryl Bergman says will be his last movie. Sven Nykvist
won the best cinematography award for his work
on the film. The movie also won for best costume
porting actress design and art direction.
hotographer in Johnny Carson hosted the three-hour ABC
ther nominees telecast, which was watched by an estimated 500
ayed a lesbian million viewers around the world.
dward as the See NICHOLSON, Page 2
Jack Nicholson accepts his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor fdr his role in.
Terms of Endearment at the Academy Awards last night.
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cited for
use of
federal aid
WASHINGTON (AP) - A social ser-
vice group once headed by Democratic
presidential candidate Rev. Jesse
Jackson should return more than
$700,000 to the government for federal
aid improperly spent by the
organization, the Department of
Education said yesterday.
The funds were used by PUSH for
Excellance Inc., a program aimed at
encouraging young blacks to stay in
school and prepare for job training. The
group's parent organization is the
Chicago-based Operation PUSH foun-
ded by Jackson.
JACKSON once served as chairman
of PUSH-Excel and made speeches to
promote it, but he did not run the
organization on a day-to-day basis.
"It's really a dispute between,
auditors and accountants . . The
process will continue until it's finally
ended," Jackson told reporters while
campaigning in Pittsburgh a day before
the Pennsylvania primary election. He
criticized the timing of the announ-
A lawyer for the PUSH-Excel
program said at a news conference in
Chicago that the organization will ap-
peal the Education Department ruling
through "administrative and legal"
CHARLES HANSEN, director of. the
management support division of the
Education Department, said most of
the $708,431 it wants returned was spent
without proper documentation or
justification for its use.
See PUSH, Page 3
Rash of arson scares
South Quad residents
A rash of five small fires in South Quad, all classified as
arson by the fire department, has left residents of the
dormitory jumpy and housing officials concerned about a
major tragedy as the tense exam period nears.
Between March 19 and April 7, four fires were set in trash
cans in the dorm halls and a fifth fire was started on a
hallway bulletin board.
THREE OF THE trash can fires occurred in the evening in
Kelseyhouse, which occupies the first and second floor of
the dorm. The fourth occurred on the fifth floor of Bush
The bulletin board fire, which was started in Thronson
house, is probably not related to the other fires, safety and
housing officials said.
They said they are not certain whether the other fires were
started by one person or have resulted from some sort of a
"copycat" syndrome.
THE FIRES have prompted several special warnings from
housing officials asking residents, who are often sluggish in
leaving the dorm during fire alarms, to exit quickly to avoid
a tragedy.
"I'm scared," Resident Advisor Eve Skirboll told her
See RASH, Page 2
.... ..... ......... . . .
Pepsi challenged,
F YOU PLAN to make the trek to downtown Detroit
today for the Tigers' opener, just beware that things
aren't going to be quite the same as last year. Instead
of serving Pepsi to the masses, the vendors will be
pushing Coke products. Even Michael Jackson's dynamic
commercials promoting the soft drink haven't changed the
minds of those refreshment-servers-in-the-stands.
Majesty's servicemen and women in England will soon be
sampled by a prominent gourmet. Egon Ionay, the author
of several best-selling restaurant guides, will taste the fare
at army bases, aboard navy frigates and on air force
planes, the Defense Ministry said yesterday. "There will
,be no restrictions except for security reasons," a ministry
spokesman said. British military chefs say the days of
inedible army food are long gone. The army catering
corps, they said, won 100 awards at a recent international
catering exhibition. Ronay's findings are to be published in
his hotel and restaurant guide in the fall. If the idea catches
on, there may even be hope for University dorms. Q
drama department and has done extensive research into the
history of the kiss, started the smooching workshop at Bret-
ton. "The kiss can be anything from just a friendly greeting-
to a strong sexual signal," says Hodgson who stresses the
importance of effective kissing for the successful actor or
actress. The workshop will be held in one afternoon but will
be limited to thirty actors and actresses. "We don't want
things to get out of hand," Hodgson said. One student said
he is looking forward to the first lesson. "I hope there is
plenty of practical work," he said. i d
Also on this date in history:
" 1956 - In a speech about the American family and its
contribution to the economy, Wayne State University Prof.
Robert Smock said an important figure in the family is the
working wife.
" 1968 - Rackham officials voiced concern that graduate
school programs would not be filled because graduate
students were not longer exempt from the draft.
" 1970 - University President Robben Fleming said the
disciplinary system should include bodies made up of
faculty members as well as bodies made up of students. El