0 OPINION page4 Friday, April 6, 1984 The Michigan Daily Suffering stimulates the creative mind Sasha Sokolov, a Russian emigre writer, visited Ann Arbor last week along with five other celebrated Russian artists. Sokolov spoke with Daily staff reporter Roxana Kaveh on his impressions of Russian and American culture and its effect on, the artist. Sokolov's life is perhaps a case of the truth being stranger than fiction. His father, a retired general of the Soviet Army, and mother, Dialogue both worked in the Russian em- bassy. They created a scandal in Canada when they were exposed as Russian spies. Sokolov rebelled against his father and the Russian system. To get out of a military school, he feigned insanity. Later, his father used this same trick again- st him when Sokolov announced his intention of marrying a foreign woman-his father signed papers to commit him to a KGB asylum. But Sokolov went on a hunger strike and all the publicity surrounding it finally forced the U.S.S.R. to grant him an exit visa. "School for Fools, " Sokolov's novel that was actually completed in the United States, has received rave reviews from Russian literary authorities, and he is considered by many scholars to be the greatest contemporary novelist. * * * * DAILY: What memories do you have of growing up in the Soviet Union? SOKOLOV: Life with my parents in Russia was a constant struggle. As a boy, I could compare miy situation with my friends. I noticed the differences, I had reasons to envy them. I could not help the situation. Then I became rebelious and ran away from home many times. DAILY: Is it the system that made your parents treat you so poorly? SOKOLOV: Yes, my father was a young leader, when authorities found out about his aristocratic background. He had to take an oath that he would completely reject his family. That was his first betrayal in my mind. Later on, he betrayed me again by signing a paper for the KGB stating that I was in- sane. That was the logical end of my relationship with both him and the system. DAILY: You speak of the system but not Russia. What about Russia, your motherland? SOKOLOV: I am proud of it. It is big and beautiful. People are smart, kind and strong. But I feel sorry about their situation. It is a love/hate relationship. DAILY: You left Russia.. Do you regret it? Do you feel guilty that you left friends who are persecuted while you live a happy and comfortable life in the U.S.? SOKOLOV: No, I do not feel obligated. Of course, even a wolf misses his home when he moves away. True that my friends are persecuted and are in prison. Things are even getting worse. But not all Russians have to be slaves. Some have to be free to speak for them and lead a normal life for them. DAILY: You have quite a life story. When and how did you turn to writing? SOKOLOV: It was not all of a sudden. I knew of my art from an early age. When I was five years old, I -started writing, even though I could hardly un- derstand what it was I was writing. In Russia, writing is not a profession but a way of being, or a state of mind. Therefore, I became a journalist, the closest thing to writing. It is not so ac- curate and, unlike writing prose, 99 percent of the time it is not yourself that you are writing about. DAILY: Throughout history, Russian DAILY: What about your own suf- fering? After reading "School for Fools", your first novel, I felt the suf- fering projected-I sensed and even (the way you like to put it) smelled it on every page. SOKOLOV: Yes, suffering is the yeast for the bread of art. After all, as I said before, 99 percent of most literature is about the writer. DAILY: I was trying to lead our discussion to the following question: What if you were born in the U.S., in a happy middle class family? Could you still have become a great writer? SOKOLOV: This is the kind of a question that I would like to get an an- swer for myself. My friends say I would have been a professional football player because I like the sport so much. DAILY: Solzhenitsy once said, "If a deep-sea fish used to a constant pressure of many atmospheres rises to the surface, it perishes because it con- not adjust to the excessively low pressure." What about you? Perhaps, soon you will have fame and money. What will happen to you and your writing? SOKOLOV: It would be a hard life. This is a relaxation time for me. I do not feel like I must wrtie something great for others. I write what I want to write. DAILY: Would you run out of ideas if you were to become rich and lead "the easy life?" SOKOLOV: No! DAILY: So, you could have been a writer if you were born in America? SOKOLOV: Yes, I think, because I wanted to write even before realizing that my tongue was Russian. DAILY: When the book is done your performance is over? SOKOLOV: In a sense, yes. As a writer you are performing in silence in front of an empty hall with audiences only in your imagination. Writing in this sense is not as inspiring and spon- taneous as dancing to music. DAILY: Time magazine said that your work has not gained adequate recognition because of the difficulty in translating it. Even the Russian edition is a challenge to read and understand. SOKOLOV: I was surprised and shocked that people did not understand it. I am not going to change my style because my work is hard to read. My work is difficult. Here in the U.S. they write quite differently. Many best- sellers are child's fairy tales written for the grown ups. It is probably the culture. Americans are used to an easy life without suffering. DAILY: Do you think American literature is suffering from the disad- vantage called living in paradise? SOKOLOV: Yes. Eight years ago, af- ter a few months in the U.S. in a bus station I saw a beautiful young woman crying so hard. I realized then that there is griefin this country. Before, for me there was no death in California. Even cemeteries looked like parks. But then, I thought what was the grief of that woman? Murder, rape, a lost lover? Then, I wondered, "Is that all American writers can write about?" DAILY: I guess the grief following a lost freedom or a repressed life seems to you a more meaningful topic to write about. SOKOLOV'S WIFE, KARIN LUN- DELL: It has to do with the tradition. Here, in America, we have more of a musical tradition than a literary one. SOKOLOV: This is the wrong time to be a writer in the U.S. It is better to be a musician. DAILY: What do you think of Michael Jackson? SOKOLOV: He is not very ex- pressive. Even his dancing is nothing like Baryshnikov. For me, and for Russians, there is a standard for art. A great artist sets some standards. To become a star you have to be better and pass. this level. That is why there are few stars in Russia. For me, there was Elvis Presley. Now, who is better? Nobody is in his genre. Kaveh is from the Persian section of Azarbajan bordering Russia and Iran. Dialogue is an occasional feature of the Daily. Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON Sasha Sokolov, a Russian emigre writer, stands next to the Modern Language Building on a recent visit to Ann Arbor. Burton Tower looms in the distance behind him just as the Soviet government's power over him is only now felt from a distance. people have endured constant suf- fering. During these periods, many great writers have emerged. Even now, many of the greatest contemporary writers are from Russia. Is suffering the essential inspiration for creating great literature? SOKOLOV: Surely. They call Israelites the chosen people. Let's call Russia the chosen land. The land is for suffering. Siberia is a big concentraion camp. I could say the whole Soviet Union is a concentration camp. Of course, this is only an image. DAILY: Ironically, the country has turned out some of the greatest writers of all time, such as Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. SOKOLOV: Of course, because the sense of grief is like a huge wave that lifts you up. I compare it with . . . like flying the wings of your griefs. Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan I Vol. XCIV-No. 149 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Begging the question LaBan Y X~ Lop" UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS must be really desperate to find students who support the proposed code for non- academic conduct since they sent out special invitations to 500 students - supposedly a random sample - for a special hearing on the topic. Although it seems the administration has been trying to deny student opposition to the code, they must have realized that you can only ignore student opinion for so long. This is evident in their recent decision to hold off on a vote by the regents regarding the code until next September. While it is noble of the regents to wait to make a decision on this important issue until they can measure student opinion, recent com- ments from University officials and the organization of the special hearing prove that the University is willing to dig as far as they can to turn 'up the few'students who may actually support the code. University officials claim that such things as the Michigan Student Assembly's unanimous vote rejecting /the code of non-academic conduct represent a vocal minority opinion on campus - forget the fact that MSA is supposed to represent the voice of University students just as the regents are supposed to represent the voice of the citizens who elect them. It seems to have slipped the minds of originally drafted the code last winter, have their heart set on getting the con- duct code adopted. Colburn went so far as to say that the overwhelming student vote against the code last month was "very en- couraging" for those who support the code. "I think when you get almost 20 percent supporting (the code) that's fantastic," he said. Obviously officials such as Colburn are not really looking for the majority opinion on campus, they only want to get a few students - if possible - to back them. Then it may be easier for the regents to change Regents' Bylaw 7.02 so that MSA and the faculty government don't have to approve of the code in order for it to be adopted. Furthermore, Colburn's statement that the University hasn't had an equal chance to sway student opinion on the matter is extremely humorous. "If we had an equal chance, I'm sure we would have come out on top," he said. Colburn implies that the University, though it publishes press releases every day through University News and Information Services and sends out numerous pro-Univeristy publications to students and their parents, including the University Record, has not been able to inform as many students as the Daily and other student organizations. While Colburn's comments may be . kllLJ i 0 r . . SVR axrts.. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: PSN did stage small anti-CIA protest To the Daily: Contrary to your story "CIA recruits at 'U' draw no protest" (Daily, March 28), the Progressive Student Network did protest the presence of the CIA on campus. The protest, however, was not in the form of a rally, but rather was on a smaller level out- side the Career Planning and Placement Office. A few mem- bers of the PSN stationed them- selves there with a sign that read: "The CIA has a JOB to be done: Torture, Surveilance, In- surgency, False Information, Blackmail, Assassination." A life-size poster was also used to demonstrate torture techniques that the CIA uses and that the CIA teaches to the secret police in other nations. We did run into a problem when we began to hand out an "Official Application" to people going to BLOOM COUNTY Career Planning and Placement. The application asked if the per- son had any experience in tor- ture, invading foreign countries, and assassination among other things. It also required the per- son to sign his or her soul away to the CIA. The problem was that people believed we were with the CIA. We have learned something out of the experience though. Ac- cording to Virginia Stegath, director of Career Planning and Placement's recruiting program, the CIA will probably not come if their visit is widely publicized. I'd like to thank Stegath for the advice and also let her know that the welcome wagon is being readied now for their next visit. -David Buchen April 2 by Berke Breathed 4 [V LIKE TO AVOOWIZ FOR MY WN HOPE OF OAU A/4IN SgflM ITEHR IN BROHERHOOD, 5W WHAT'S A J