OPINION ......... Z. . Page 4 Wednesday, April 4, 1984 The Michigan Daily .. F Drowning in- bureaucratic quicksand By Bill Spindle Amazing. It was absolutely amazing. With one fell swoop to a computer keypunch button, that wonderful woman parted a sea of bureaucracy, she shattered University tradition, she became a real human being-and all for me. Here I was, finally a senior, finally CRISPing first, finally with an eight o'clock appointment. Damn, I was one of the first people through those venerated doors at Lorch Hall. I HAD EVERYTHING, ready. Nothing was going to deny me that per- fect schedule. I was salivating at the prospect of sleeping in until 11 a.m., never attending more than two hours of class in a row, and relaxing all day on Friday. Yet there it was, staring at me on that cold, computerized screen: A financial hold credit. Okay, so I missed one of my tuition payments. Crucify me. I layed it down in a big pile of papers and it slipped my mind. It got thrown out with the rest of the mail. My housemate used it to clean his bong.{ Hell, I don't know what happened to it. But it must not have been paid on time because there I was staring at that big, fat hold credit.r "IT'S ONLY $422," I pleaded with the problems desk. "The University has a $300 million budget, for god's sake. What can my itsy-bitsy $422 possible be needed for. The Pentagon alone dumps millions into research here. Can't I just borrow a little from them?" I begged. "At least I won't use the money to build thermonuclear weapons." Besides, I had paid the bill. I drop- ped it off at the LSA building on Satur- day and it just hadn't been processed yet. Anyway, the woman I mentioned before: I found her in the student ac- counts office-a strange place for a savior-where I took my case after CRISP. There I learned that bills dropped in the LSA box often aren't processed for nine or ten days. Miles of closed course listings flashed before my eyes as I realized that I might as well come back during the summer and CRISP with the incoming students at orientation. HAVING LITTLE PRIDE left after four years at this University, I again began to beg. But just as I was about to crawl across the room on my hands and knees, she cut me off. "You put it in the drop box on Satur- day, hmm. Okay, I guess we can let it go this time." Freshpersons may not understand the immense significance of that moment, but anyone who has come to know this tangled mass of bureaucracy we call a higher learning center will realize that the Second Coming will have a hard time following this event. SHE DIDN'T roll her eyes when I began to complain. She did not refer me to another department. She didn't dump me upon one of her glassy-eyed superiors who thrive on ignoring such complaints. Come to think of it, she didn't even hand me a form to be filled out in triplicate and signed on each page. She just pushed a button and my hold credit was gone. It was so simple it was scary. I have never seen anything like it at the University and never expect to again. Perhaps her action affected me so because of a bureaucratic nightmare I lived through two years ago. THAT SPRING I journeyed to CRISP to disenroll from my spring term classes. Unknown to me, however, the computer operator goofed and with- drew me from my fall classes. IBM has been telling me all along that computers were affecting my life in ways I didn't know, but I never realized just how much until the sum- mer following that "human error," as the industry smugly calls them. Within two months I was on academic probation for flunking a spring class I didn't even know I was enrolled in, in debt $182 for not paying for the spring class I didn't know I was enrolled in, short 15 credits for the upcoming fall term because I had tried to drop that spring class I didn't know I was enrolled in, and unable to re-register for fall -classes because of the hold credit I received on the spring class I didn't know I was enrolled in. That was the fun part. The real frustration came when I tried to solve the problem. STUDENT ACCOUNTS sent me to the registrars office. The registrars of- fice sent me to CRISP. CRISP took full responsibility for the error and advised that I return to the registrar's office. The registrars office decided they definitely could do nothing to help me and sent me to academic actions to ap- ply for a retroactive withdrawal and to student accounts to have my hold credit removed. This really happened. And the disturbing part is that everybody at the University has a similar story. It's difficult to lay blame on any one person. In fact, everyone involved was just doing his or her job. It's not any secretary's fault that the University is i 0 Computers and the fingers that punch them have the power to create or eliminate mountains of red tape at this university. The push of one button can make or break your day . . . or your term. organized with the kind of planning that made the Bay of Pigs famous. It's just that in a bureaucracy this size, where everyone is just doing his or her job, complaints-even the legitimate ones-get lost in the shuffle. All I'm asking is when you see someone wading in the quicksand of bureacracy, do them a favor: throw out a rope. Spindle chief. is the Daily's editor-in- I - F Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan LaBan L 8i I 6 Vol. XCIV-No. 147 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the, Daily's Editorial Board More knuckle rapping FACULTY MEMBERS will now be urged to comply with guidelines that passed the LSA Joint Student- Faculty Policy Committee Tuesday,. While previous drafts of the guidelines required faculty members to abide by certain standards and would have provided a means of enforcement, the latest guidelines only suggest that faculty members "should" obey the standards. What could have been a powerful statement and may have led to a better understanding between faculty and students is now basically another useless document. Under the guidelines, "The Counseling Office should provide adequate individual attention . . Academic departments should have statements of their waitlist policies readily available . .cInstructors should be able to communicate adquately in the English language ... Instructors should inform students early in the course about the system of evaluation which will determine the final grade ... Faculty should strive to meet all classes and to make up, at a convenient time, any class which must be canceled ..." Question: but what if the instructors do not do what they should? Answer: it doesn't really matter. These guidelines don't provide for a means to deal with those who should, but don't. If some faculty members didn't know that they should "provide adequate instructional commentary" on students' work they may know now. The guidelines might actually urge a few faculty members to clean up their act and improve the quality of undergraduate education. But such hopes are nothing but a pipe dream. The committee's watered-down "urging" will not improve teachers who don't already pay attention to quality and common sense in education. Those kind of professors need a good rap on the knuckles. MIILTRY 6AI0! t ' Sj J" N' dn' 9 i- II .. 6 _f\ XALAi ) :..:: : . }1 4 ^, ,rte. I .r . , .. , . 1 . . V t _ r . - 1/ "ye ± r... o ArJ.. "IB ASSV t RAS '1 I LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Organize against tuition waiver tax Rough RSG elections R ACKHAM students have been notoriously apathetic toward their student government. But this year there are two very unapathetic can- didates running for the same post. While this would seem like reason to celebrate considering that the top position almost went uncontested, the recent questions surrounding the ethics of the two candidates should make Rackham students wish they had taken their recent elections more seriously. Angela Gantner and Kodi Abili, the two candidates running for RSG president, have shown they are fierce political opponents, perhaps too fierce. The latest controversy involving the race for the top RSG seat came up at, where else, the polling booth. Just last month both candidates were found guilty of violating election guidelines and a new election was scheduled. On- ce again the two have charged each other with unethical conduct. Abili even went so far as to claim that, in the latest election, members of the current RSG had formed a "conspiracy" to in- criminate him of violating campaign rules. He also charged that the director of RSG and the current president had improperly influenced voters near a booth in the LSA Building. Without evidence or a court proceeding it would be unfair to say Gantner or Abili are corrupt represen- tatives of the more than 6,000 Rackham students. But in the future, RSG should look for a way to restruc- ture its elections. The elections this year have been dragged out over three months and student input despite the controversy has been low. Something needs to be done to end this charade. To the Daily: In the Opinion Page column "GEO provides collective benefits" (Daily, March 14) about GEO's enforcement of agency shop there were several small editorial alterations made to the copy I submitted. Virtually all of those changed the intended meaning, and in one case suf- ficiently that a correction and explanation is necessary. The ar- ticle as submitted was attributed to myself "for theGEO Steering Committee," the latter phrase being dropped in publication. The difference is that an in- dividually written, informally discussed statement of organizational policy almost in- variably entails alterations in presentation and formulation that the author would otherwise not have made. As a Steering Committee member writing on the union's behalf, I was bound to the limits of its current policy consensus. The most important example of this concerns my view of the tuition waiver tax issue, which I also offer as partial response to those who have writ- ten the Daily complaining about GEO's bargaining weakness as an excuse for not paying their dues. I have argued since January that GEO would have gotten the tuition waiver tax problem resolved had TA/SAs been willing to strike. A demon- what is on our pay checks this term. By April over half of all TA/SAs will have had to suffer needlessly, and GEO's collective passivity in accepting the University's excuse for this situation has allowed it to last much too long. Thus, my conten- tion is that graduate student assistants should join and become active not just to generally make GEO a larger and stronger collective, as the March 14 column stated, but specifically to turn around the way GEO as a whole has respon- ded to the tax issue. It must be added that I think the union leadership has been quite correct in trying to shift the focus of this salary issue. from Washington, D.C. to Ann Arbor. A look at the tax waiver's status in Congress shows why. In spite of thousands of phone calls and letters from upset University students backed by AFT lobbying in Washington, the House Bill has a June 30 starting date and is not amendable on the floor. Ac- cording to Senator Levin's office, the Senate version is retroactive to December 31, but only has a two year life. The latter means that the issue would have to be BLOOM COUNTY part of next year's contract bargaining, which is exactly what GEO's demand to reopen tuition and salary negotiations now tries to avoid. The GEO Steering Committee has also noted that support for a particular bill containing a tuition waiver clause should be contingent upon the context in which it is proposed. At the moment the waiver clause is but a miniscule part of bipartisan "deficit reduction" legislation that is apparently designed to fund, among other things, the government's preparations to launch a war in Central America and against Russia. To support legislation in which a little kicker for TA/SAs is sandwiched bet- ween direct or indirect funding for missles, tFoops, and cuts in social programs would be the height of self-serving oppor- tunism, and demonstration of a be-damned attitude toward the destruction of humanity. In any case, President Reagan may well veto the final bill, and all the lob- bying could come to naught in the ensuing legislative mess. Where the GEG leadership has failed is by refusing to tell its membership the full truth con- veyed by administration representatives about what is necessary to solve the tax problem. They effectively said, "If you cannot force us to negotiate, tough luck. And don't. count on Contress." Or as University tax counsel Bill Lemmer put it: "What is GEO complaining about? You; teaching assistants have it better bha.n dishwashers." Their message is clear; now when is the leading core of GEO going to tell it straight? Certainly any sort of work ac- tion requires widespread support to be effective. In addition to the present supporters of GEO, if the TA/SAs objecting so vigorously to paying about one percent of their salaries to the union, turned their energies toward mobilizing our collective strength against the administration's handling of the problem with 20 percent and- greater pay cuts, we would be. able to get the waiver loss made up and along the way have, created a strong organization and, leadership., As a small step in that direction TA/SAs should support-. GEO's salary: renegotiation petition. -Gene Goldenfeld March 30 by Berke Breathed - - - c ' ? 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