Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
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Vol. XdIV-No. 145 Copy
House OKs
'85 budget
for state
V colleges
LANSING, Mich. ( UPI?-The House,
in a rare Saturday session, approved
budgets funding state colleges and
universities next year-and awaited a
fight over lowering statejncome taxes.
The House Taxation Committee late
Friday gutted a tax reduction measure
Papproved earlier by the Senate and
substituted for it a much smaller
rollback advocated by Gov. James
UNDER the Blanchard plan, the in-
come tax rate would go down to 5.35
percent from its current 6.1 percent on
Oct. 1. The Senate version had taxes
dropping in two phases to 4.6 percent by
July 1, 1985.
The higher education budget, ap-
proved 96-4, provides $834.5 million for
colleges and universities next year, up
$34million from this year.
S The proposed itemized budget in-
*Central Michigan University, $36.9
'Eastern Michigan University, $43
See BUDGET, Page 5
yright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, April 1, 1984 Fiteen Cents Eight pages
M ondale sweeps.
a Kentucky caucuses
From AP and UPI
Walter Mondale ran far ahead of his two Democratic
presidential rivals yesterday in Kentucky caucuses but the
largest chunk of the delegates picked went to an
uncommitted slate supported by Gov. Martha Layne Collins.
With 77 of the state's 120 counties reporting' from local
caucuses, about 53 percent of the delegates to congressional
district conventions were uncommitted.
MONDALE had about 25 percent of the delegates, Hart and
Jackson about 10 percent each.
The party's three presidential candidates, meanwhile,
remained preoccupied with New York - ranging from
Manhattan to Niagara Falls in search of the votes in the
upcoming primary there.
Jackson moved up and down Manhattan to attract
homosexuals, Chinese, Hispanic and black voters to his
''rainbow coalition,'' while Mondale and Hart ventured
MONALE. criticized Hart for his comments about European
governments calling it another case of Hart not being "sure-
footed and solid."
The former vice-president also said it ill-behooved Hart to be
making "sanctimonious" criticism of some activists working
on Mondale's behalf who took money from political action
committees, when Hart took PAC money himself in his last
Senate race.
Hart reportedly said Friday there is a growing. cynicism
and distrust of government in this country similar to that in
HART also said the U.S. tax system is so complex it risks
''encouraging people to have disrespect for the government~
and in the process I think Europeanizing this country."
Yesterday, Hart won praise in Rochester from astronomer
Carl Sagan for his record on nuclear arms control - "His
dedication to the issue has not changed, it has only
strengthened" .- and, in Syracuse, explained his stand on
federal gun control laws.
The Colorado senator says he opposes federal laws banning
guns because he does not believe such legislation could be
NEW YORK'S' Tuesday primary, with 252 of its 285
delegates at stake, is another must win for former 'Vice
President Walter Mondale if he is to keep his comfortable
lead in the race for the 1,967 delegates needed for nomination.
For Sen. Gary Hart, it is another chance to score a big
breakthrough and turn the tide in the Democratic battle.
And for civil rights activist Jesse Jackson it is another chan-
ce to prove he can draw a huge vote that includes thousands
of blacks wh1o have never voted before.
NBC and the Washington post, whose tracking polls first
predicted Hart's win In New Hampshire and showed !him
slipping two weeks ago in Illinois, shows Mondale just seven,
points ahead of Hart.
The poll, taken Wednesday night through Friday night,
showed Mondale at 39 percent, Hart 32 percent and Jackson,
20 percent, the margin of error is 6 percent.
In the Virgin Islands, Mondale picked up 21/4 delegate votes
and Jackson 11/ in caucuses yesterday.
A real man
Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
Sophomore John Taube does his best to look like a "Rebel Without a Cause"
during the James Dean look-alike contest at the Michigan Theatre Friday
night. Taube placed second in the competition, behind Clayton Cowan, a
Michigan Tech Institute student.
Fifth Ward
Last in a three-part sei
Ward candidates cool party
The Fifth Ward race between Demo-
crat Doris Preston. and Republican
Sally Pennington promises to be a
crucial contest which may tip the party
balance on City-Council.
With no incumbent in the Fifth Ward
this year, some Councilmembers say
the race could go either way and is
likely to be close.
Although both Pennington and
Preston are competent and articulate,
their backgrounds differ sharply.
PENNINGTON, 51; a real estate
saleswoman, has been less active in
city politics than Preston, but has
worked as a volunteer for the
Republican party for several years. She
has participated in community projects
such as school parent-teacher
committees and the Neighborhood
Watch program.
Preston, 40, a University librarian,
has been the only Democrat on the
City's Planning Commission for the
past three years. Preston has also
served on the Mayor's Energy Advisory
.Preston, an Ann Arbor resident since
1967, considers her experience in Ann
Arbor politics as her main advantage
over Pennington.
Ward S
Pcts 3, 4,
Word E
Pcts 1,11
Word 5
Word i I
Pcts S. 6, 7, t, 10
Word 2
Pas 6, 10
Word ! Word 2
Pcts 1, 2. 3 Pcts 7, t. 9
Ward 2
Pcts 1, 2, 3, 4
Word 3
Pcts 1, 2, 3, 4 N
City ballot proposals
may increase taxes
. .-
If Democrats win three of the five
seats in tomorrow's election they would
gain a majority on Council for the first
time since 1969. And local Democrats
see a victory by Preston as a key to
'ending the GOP's 15-year control on
IN LAST year's Fifth Ward race,
Democrat Kathy Edgren upset GOP
incumbent Louis Velker by less than 300
votes, marking the first Democratic
victory in the ward since 1981.
MoA su -
r j
Taxpayers may have to shell out more
money over the next few years if two of
the proposals on tomorrow's city elec-
tion ballot are passed.
But many citizens and Coun-
cilmemebers. say repairing the city's
badly worn and damaged streets and
improving Ann Arbor's bicycle paths
would be worth the added expense of
the two proposals.
THE cost-free third proposal would
allow citizens to put city ordinances on
the ballot by petition. Currently, voters
can only propose amendments to the
city charter, but many of the proposals
are technical and should actually be or-
dinances other than amendments to-the
Under Proposal A on tomorrow's
ballot, an ordinance that is approved
would become part of the city code.
Although during the first two years 'a
two-thirds council vote would be
required to repeal or' amend the citizen-
backed ordinance, majority is needed.
Voters will also decide tomorrow
whether to approve a tax increase of up
to 1.5 mills over the next five years to
fund repairs on major city streets such
as Geddes Road, Packard Road, and
West Liberty Street,
OWNER OF a $50,000 house would
See VOTERS, Page 3
'~ N
u Wo.
rd 4
)cts 1, 2. 3. 8, 9
If you have questions about where to vote, consult the map above, or check
your voter registration card. See Page 3 for polling places.
,tunes In on
quality of
TV news
Television critics from around the
hcountry poked fun at their profession
Wand TV news yesterday during a joke-
filled conference sponsored by the
Department of Communication.
For the most part, television critics
are newspaper reporters who preview
the TV menu to tell their readers which
shows to watch and which to miss. But
the job isn't as simple as tuning in
before the viewer.
NEWSPAPER editors want
television critics to fill their columns
with gossip about newscasters and
other TV personalities while the critics
fight to write in-depth reviews of par-
ticular programs, said David Williams,
president of the Television Critics
See TV, Page 2
' quiz kids off to si
national ch ampionsi
"We went to bed early, ate light
meals, and kept our competitive
edge," Steve Newton said of the night
before the match. But Newton's pre-
game rituals don't involve grueling
physical effort. He plays the varsity
sport of the mind -- the College Bowl.
The team won the regional College
Bowl at Kent State University in Ohio
February 18, with "a philosophy that
relaxation is the key to hitting the
buzzer first, not cramming with
THE RELAXED approach, which
left 18 over-anxious teams behind in"
Kent State, has won the team a
chance to pit their trivia knowledge
against the brightest in the quiz
contest's national championships in
Newton, a graduate student in
military science, said one competitor
at the regional tried to memorize the"
names of Pulitzer prize winners for a
competitive edge,, but when a
question came up on the prizes during
the'match, he missed it.
The University's team plays
together, but they don't see too much
of each other otherwise, members_
DAVE MORAN, a senior physics
major, said they would probably
make the best Trivial Pursuit team on
campus, but they disperse after
matches. Moran says none of the
team members knew each other
before they began competing this
year, and as they were selected based'
on ability, and don't practice much,
it's not a social relationship.
The key to successful competition,
according to co-captain Larry Garvin,
is "mainly remembering what we've
learned from high school." Garvin a
graduate student in neuroscience,
said his specialty on the team is
literature. Newton is the history
specialist, co-captain Joe Pipp is the'
See REST, Page 2
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Don Hewitt, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," holds up a Detroit Free Press and says TV isn't the only medium to
lack "hard news." Hewitt spoke at a conference on TV criticism at the MLB yesterday.
T HE FEAR OF THE elevator dropping out of control
down the shaft tends to plague the nervous types
among us, but at least it's over quickly. Getting stuck in the
elevator without food, or drink, or air is a lot worse,
especially in the UGLI. Hanno Muellner learned all about it
yesterday afternoon. His trip from the basement of the
UGLI to the third-floor reserve reading room turned out to
be a long and strange one when the elevators doors wouldn't
open. The handy little red alarm button worked when he
Bad rap
A LIMOUSINE service owner in Santa Ana, Calif.
charged with unlawfully keeping three alligators about
the house, says he will get rid of the reptiles within three
weeks but that they have been unfairly defamed. Kraig
Kavanaugh, appearing in Orange County Superior Court
with one of his alligators while another waited in a
limousine, said the pets "have never done anything to harm
anyone, but they have been doomed as vicious killers.
They're about as tame as you can get them." For the past
filed a civil complaint in February giving Kavanaugh 15
days to remove the South American alligators. After a 15-
day extension expired this month, the city filed a criminal
complaint against him. O
The Daily almanac
O N THIS DATE in 1975, city firefighters spent more
than six hours battling a blaze that gutted the Old
1969 - Members of Students for a Democratic Society
abandoned plans to disrupt University laborlories in-
volved in war research on April 4, the anniversary of Rev.
Martin Luther King's death. The group voted instead to
hold a "rap-in" on war research in an attempt to gain
student support.
' 1983 T. Local police breezed through Ann Arbor's annual
Hash Bash in the diag only to watch over a sparse group of
25. The Hash Bash celebrates Ann Arbor's lenient $5 pot,
law . LQI.