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March 28, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-28

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Nmety-four Years
'Editorial Freedom




Mostly cloudy with rain showers
throughout the day. High 37-40.

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Vol XCIV-No. 142

Copvright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor,/ Michigan - Wednesday, March 28, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Ten Pages



Voting snags
mar first day
of MSA race

The Michigan Student assembly elec-
tions began yesterday amidst confusion
and numerous complaints. Four polling
places never opened, and a good num-
ber opened late.
According to Dave Surovell, MSA's
election director, the Interfraternity
Council (IFC) was supposed to man the
booths, but "The IFC couldn't provide
the people they promised, consequently
there was trouble."
HARRY Walters president of the
IFC, said the group warned MSA that
they would not have enough people to
fill all the booths, but alternative steps
weren't taken in time.
"We contacted MSA (Sunday) and
told them we would be unable to fill all
the spots," Walters said. Walters added
there was no communication between,
the IFC and MSA until yesterday, when
five more polling places were added to
the list.
Surovell said he recruited volunteers
to fill up the empty spots, and shut some
polling places down when it became
clear there were not enough volunteers
to go around.
POLLING places in Lorch Hall, the
School of Education building, and the
East Engineering Building were sup-
posed to operate yesterday, but none of
them did.
Several of the presidential candidates
in the race complained about the elec-
tion, and charged that it was conducted
"The elections have been a complete
farce," said Scott Page, presidential
candidate of the SMART party. "The
people running the elections are not
giving everyone a fair chance to vote.
This has not been a fair election."
PAGE SAID that in Markley dor-
mitory the election booth was set up
late, and candidates wearing It's Our
University Party (IOU) stickers were
enlisted to help run it.

Couzens Hall was supposed to open
yesterday, but failed to because of a
"lack of communications," Surovell
But some Couzens residents said a
polling place did open late, but only ac-
cepted ballots from certain students.
Rena Glaser, a freshwoman in Couzens,
said after seeing a student cast a vote at
the table, she went to vote herself, but a
worker at the table told her "only cer-
tain people could vote," and said Glaser
would have to vote today.
candidate said that he did not think any
voting took place at Couzens. "To my
knowledge no voting went on. There
was no polling booth there.
"I don't think it's going to make much
of a difference," Weinstein added,
"because what they didn't cover today,
they'll cover tomorrow."
Weinstein said he was disappointed
with the election's first day, but not
surprised. "From the beginning I
suspected that it was very unorganized
and very incompetently run. I wasn't
surprised," he said.
Ron Senkowski, running for the
presidential seat on the YOU! party,
also expressed his disappointment with
the election.

Black beauty
This quiet horse waits for warmer weather in his snow-patched pen on a farm just outside Saline.

Hart wins big in Connecticut
TFORD, Conn. (AP) - Gary Hart, Several candidates who withdrew following Connecticut, despite the AFL-CIO's endors
ng a six-state sweep of New England, won an previous defeats shared the remainder of the vote, the former vice president.
ctory over Walter Mondale yesterday in the Former Florida Gov. Reubin Askew had 3 percent. "This isn't a victory, it's a wipeout," dec
..~~~ ~~~~~ ~ '.._ _-------I tt.

"THIS .JUST goes
screwed up MSA is
Senkowski said.

to show how
right now,"

easy vi

sement for
lared Hart
kcc .c .,.th.

Connecticut Democratic presidential primary -
prelude to next week's showdown in neighboring New
"It was apparently a very good win for Gary Hart,
and I commend him for it," Mondale told reporters. -
"We now go to New York for the next campaign."
WITH 99 percent of the precincts reporting, the
Colorado senator had piled up 53 percent of the vote.
Former Vice President Mondale had 29 percent, and
the Rev. Jesse Jackson was third with 12 percent.
,Hart was winning 34 of the 52 delegates at stake.
Mondale led for the other 18 delegates to the
Democratic National Convention.

HART'S VICTORY was total. He rolled up large,
majorities in almost every town of the state.
He scored well among all demographic groups,
according to network polling place interviews. ABC
said Hart held a 2-1 advantage among Roman
Catholic voters, who made up more than half the
turnout. Hart won more narrowly over Mondale
among Jewish voters - potentially significant
because Jews make up more than a third of the voting
population in New York - where 252 delegates will be
at stake.
Hart also defeated Mondale among union voters in

aide Carla McDonald. -"Hes got a message, i
people of New England heard that."
HART WORKED hardest of the contenders in the
state, hoping to claim one final victory in New
England to rekindle his earlier momentum.
Hart's strength in past primaries was holding up
yesterday among the so-called "yuppies," the young
urban professionals respondings to his call for new
ideas in government.
Jeff Alderman, the ABC News polling chief who
conducted the survey for WABC in Connecticut, said
there was a simple explanation for Hart's sweep:
See MONDALE, Page 2


CIA recruits at 'U'
' draw no protest

When Central Intelligence Agency
recruiters interviewed on campus in
the 1970s, student protestors outnum-
bered prospective job-seekers.
But CIA recruiters at the University
yesterday had a smooth visit drawing
only 13 curious students attracted to the
mystery of the top-level government.
ALTHOUGH members of the
Progressive Student Network said they
object to the CIA's annual recruiting
stop on campus, they didn't have
enough time to organize a demon-
stration, said John Hartigan, a fresh-
man in the Residential College.
"We were planning on doing
something," Hartigan said. "(But) it
just didn't work out."
Instead, only students clad in stan-
dard dark blue and grey job-interview
uniforms paid heed to the CIA officials.
Waiting patiently yesterday after-

noon, LSA Senior Jon Marshall said
despite the government's relatively low
salaries, working for the CIA would be
"Half the allure is the whole
mystique about it," Marshall said.
"The potential power is amazing."
More than 30 students qualified for in-
terviews with the CIA, but only 13
received appointments, said Virginia
Stegath, Director of Career Planning
and Placement's recruiting program.
"The reason the CIA keeps coming
back is because they generate so much
student interest," Stegath said.
But the CIA doesn't like their
recruiting visits publicized, Stegath
added. Protests would be more likely if
students knew in advance when the
CIA's visit was scheduled, she said.
"If you had done a story in advance
they may have called and said, 'Sorry,
Ginny, we don't need that,"' and not
come at all, she said.

Surovell, an LSA senior, said that
despite the mix-ups, 2,500 to 3,000 voters
turned out yesterday, slightly higher
than last year's number.
Ballot counting will begin today at 6
p.m., by hand.
To compensate for the booths that
didn't open yesterday, and for the ones
that opened late, polling sites will be
open longer today.
Polling places will be open at: The
School of Public Health from 10 a.m.-3
See VOTING, Page 5
University vice president for Research
Alfred Sussman has given an
engineering professor the go-ahead to
get defense department funding for two
controversial classified research
Funding for Theodore Birdsall's
projects was in jeopardy last month
when Erica Freedman, a student
member of a panel which reviews
classified research projects, turned
down the proposals.
FREEDMAN, an LSA junior, said the
projects, which deal with the way sound
travels through water, violated the
University's 1972 guidelines for
classified research. '
The guidelines ban research, which
might harm human life, and Freedman
contended that the Navy was using Bir-
See DEFENSE, Page 5

AP Photo

Down on the farm
U.S. Agriculture Secretary John Block, left, hands French President Francois Mitterrand a baby pig during
Mitterrand's visit to Block's grain and livestock farm near Knoxville, Illinois yesterday.


Meet the press

Grandma's house
THE GAME is up for a retired Houston couple who sold
marijuana to high school students to supplement their
income. Police arrested the couple Monday after
discovering a large amount of the drug in their home.
Police say neighbors who knew what the couple was doing
tried to warn them Monday. "While wewere inside conduc-
ting the search a few neighbors telephoned saying 'You bet-
ter get rid of your dope because the law is around,' " said

betting on mules in Idaho is believed to be the first such
statute in the country. "I think this will create a snowball
effect for mule racing throughout many of the states," said
Don Jacklin, National Racing Director for the American
Mule Association (AMA), at the signing ceremony on Mon-
day. Gov. John Evans said that although he opposes lot-
teries, betting is an acceptable form of gambling because
wagering on animal races is a "science." Organizers plan
to stage mule races at the Eastern Idaho State Fair in
Blackfoot later this year. Now if only someone can figure
out how to get the animals across the finish line.

munist coup would take place in France.
"1956-The president and vice president of South Quad's
Taylor House announced that both had lost forty pounds in a
weight loss contest.
.1968-Secretary of the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare Wilbur Cohen told an audience at
Hill Auditorium that students who demonstrated against
the Vietnam War were prolonging the conflict and in-
creasing American casualties. O




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