Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
Alt ivgan
* Kites
Sunny and warmer today with
a high near 50 degrees.
Vol. XCIV-No. 138 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, March 24, 1984 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages
T guistics
may be
changed to
The University's Department of
Linguistics may lose its departmental
status and become an LSA program,
according to Eric Rabkin, the depar-
tment's interim chairman.
Although linguistics faculty members
said rumors about such a change have
been circulating for more than a week,
Rabkin confirmed last night that the
change is under consideration.
"(LSA) Dean Peter Steiner informed
me that the college executive commit-
tee is considering that possibility,"
Rabkin said.
But Rabkin, who first learned of the
. proposed change March 13, would not
say why Steiner and the LSA executive
officers were considering the move.
- Steiner, who refused to comment on
the matter when contacted at home last
night, is scheduled to meet, with
linguistic department faculty members
Monday afternoon, Rabkin said.
said they are not upset about the
possible change. Although most
professors contacted last night were
reluctant to comment, they said the
Photo by Deborah Lewis
Protest in verse
University students and local residents listen to a guitarist during a rally on the Diag that was part of a week-long series
of activities on Central America.
From AP and UPI
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - Lef-
tist guerrillas said yesterday they blew
up a government plane carrying ballot
boxes and threatened to mine highways
and more airstrips to disrupt
tomorrow's U.S.-backed presidential
"Our uhits are acting on the high-
ways, which will be mined to prevent
the passage of troops of the dictator-
ship," the ,rebels' Radio Venceremos
CLASHES were also reported yester-
day in Cojktepeque, a city 25 miles east
of the capitol, and along the Pan-
American Highway at a point about 75
miles to the east. No casualties were
The Diario De Moy newspaper repor-
ted that the military had deactivated
six bombs Thursday near Ilopango
Military Airport, which is also used by
civilian craft.
As part of the military's efforts to
protect the elections, Lt. Col. Domingo
Monterrosa, top military official in Bat-
tietorn eastern El Salvador, made a
rapid tour of the area before the elec-
tions to plan defenses in some towns,
search and destroy, operations in
"THE GUERRILLAS want to do
something surprising," said Mon-
terrosa, as he travelled in a U.S.-made
helicopter, searching the rugged moun-
tains for rebels he believes will launch a
surprise attack against the elections.
"We have to give them more
problems than they give us," said Mon-
terrosa, who is considered by U.S. ad-
visers to be the most aggressive
Salvadoran combat leader.
Rebel leaders have said the rebels
will not attack votes but will maintain
a steady campaign of attacks against
the army through the electoral period.
HOWEVER, in eastern El Salvador
rebels have confiscated thousands of
government identification cards
citizens need to vote and reportedly
have warned people not to vote.
In other places, like Chalatenango
they promised citizens they will not in+
terfere with the elections, although they
consider them to be a farce.
Eight candidates, from centrist to
ultraconservative, are competing for
the post of president. Two two leading~,
candidates are Roberto d'Aubuisson,
and Jose Napoleon Duarte.
IN NICARAGUA, government forces
reported yesterday that they killed 120
anticonununist rebels in Nicaragua's
northern mountains, while anti-gover-
nment Indian commandos.claimed they
blew up a bridge in an eastern province.
Sandinista Commander Manuel
Salvatierra said Nicaraguan troops this
week killed 77 U.S.-backed guerrillas
during scattered battles in northern
Jjnotega province.
Another 43 were killed since Monday
in battles in San Rafael del Norte,
Salvatierra said. He said 16 gover-
nment militiamen also died there, some
130 miles north of Managua.
Tile rebels, openly financed by the
United States, operate from basestin
Honduras in the battle against the
Marxist-led government in Nicaragua.
Indian opponents of the Sandinistas
said they killed five troops and wrecked
a bridge they were guarding in the vast
province of Zelaya. The bridge connec-
ted Puerto Cabezas and La Tronquera,
195 miles northeast of Managua.
GEO to file grievance with
The Graduate Employees
Organization announced Thursday it
will file a grievance with the University;
to regain the money TAs have lost due
to an additional federal tax.
TAs pay only two-thirds of their
tuition, but they have been taxed on the
other third since January, after
Congress failed to reinstate a law
making the tuition break tax-free.
said the union is filing the grievance
Monday because the "cut in pay is a'
violation of the original terms of the
contract. We are also grieving the fact
that the University hasn't reopened
. In February, GEO asked the Univer-
sity to renegotiate the contract ratified
last December, on the grounds that the
extra tax unfairly changes the terms of
the agreement.
THE UNIVERSITY has not been
willing to renegotiate thus far, saying
that the extra tax, which amountstoan
average of $75 a month, is the fault of
the federal government, not the
Instead, the University has offered
TAs emergency loans of up to $750.
If the University does not accept
GEO's demands to refund the tax, the
grievance will go into arbitration.
AS BOTH sides debate the issue in
Ann Arbor, the bill that would reinstate
See GEO, Page 9
Deadline draws near
for union fee payment
Time is running out for University
graduate teaching assistants to pay
their union fee, and those who don't
could be in danger of losing their jobs.
On Monday, the Graduate Employees
Organization will give the University a
list of TAs who haven't paid and ask
that they be fired, according to Celeste
ACLU may fight conduct code
Opponents of the University's proposed code of non-
academic conduct may receive help from the American Civil
Liberties Union in their fight against the guidelines.
The Ann Arbor ACLU chapter will meet tomorrow night to
decide what measures, if any, it will take against the code.
"IF WE THOUGHT the code was oppressive and bad law,
we might go to court and challenge the whole system," said
the Rev. Donald Coleman, co-director of Guild House.
Coleman said the group may also write a letter to the
University's executive officers and regents saying there are
violations of civil liberties within the proposed code, but that
the idea of guidelines for behavior outside the classroom is a
good one.
Under the proposed code, the University could punish
students for offenses such as assault, arson, theft, van-
dalism, and "interfering with normal University activities.".
Sanctions would range from expulsion to work projects.
COLEMAN SAID HE and some of the other board mem-
bers are concerned that the code would allow the University
to set upits own legal system, in addition to existing civil and
criminal courts.
"Someone might be found innocent in a court of law, and be
found guilty by the University," Coleman said. He also said
the board may object to the fact that the code will apply only
to students, not faculty and staff, and that the codes hearing
boards are not completely made up of students.
The code calls for anadministrator or professor to serve as
a hearing officer for each case, and a hearing board, which
would hear most cases, made up of two students, two faculty
members, and one administrator.
THREE STUDENTS first approached the ACLU about op-
posing the code last Sunday night. Martin Shoemaker, an
LSA junior, said they talked to the ACLU in hopes that the
organization's opinion would carry more weight than that of
student groups.
"I think they might have a little more respectability with
See ACLU, Page 9
p redicts
talks with,-
Soviets will
President Francois Mitterrand predic-
ted yesterday that the Soviets even-
tually will resume arms, control talks,
but a senior U.S. official said Mitterrand
and President Reagan agree the West
should make no concessions to lure
them back.
At the end of two days of talks here,
Mitterrand confirmed at a news con-
ference that he probably will visit
Moscow by the end of the year.
HE ALSO forecast an eventual im
provement in the present "cold
climate" of East-West relations, but
acknowledged that could take time.
In their final meeting, over breakfast
in the Blue Room of the White House,
Reagan offered to send a French
astronaut on a U.S. space shuttle flight
next year, which Mitterand accepted in
principle. Earlier, Reagan had said an
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Read the
You've found the perfect place to live
next fall - an old house with hard-wood
floors, sky lights, and a fireplace.
The landlord says all that character
will cost only $150 a month. It sounds
like a good deal. Why not sign the
BECAUSE chances are you don't
know what you're getting into, say
University housing officials. Before en-
thusiasm gets the best of you, take on
simple precaution: read the lease.
"Students should understand what
they're signing," said Leroy Williams,
director of Housing Information.
"Even the nicest landlord isn't in
business for charitable reasons," adds
Dale Ewart who works at the Ann Ar-
bor Tenants Union.
Reading the lease and understanding;
what is being agreed to can prevent
A listing of summer sublets
begins on page 5.
potential tenant-landlord disputes, says
Ewart who hears many tenant com-
plaints every day.
"THE BIGGEST problem with tenan-
ts 'is that they don't know what their
rights are," Ewart says.
See READ, Page 9
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AP Photo
French President Francois Mitterrand takes off his overcoat as he arrived at
the White House for a second day of talks on East-West relations with
President Reagan.
Off schedule
Misfortune cookies
JOW WOULD YOU like to receive a fortune cookie that
declares, "If you can read this, the poison hasn't
worked yet." These types of somewhat disconcerting
thoughts are making millions for Maureen Healy. Sick of
the run-of-the-mill predictions one normally finds in orien-
tal pastries, Healy decided to market her own "misfor-
tune" cookies. "My husband and I love Chinese foods, but
tunes: "Your wisdom is like a pearl, very hard to find," and
"Look forward to love and marriage, but not with the same
T WO WOMEN in Charleston, S.C. were greeted by some-
thing other than the rising sun while taking a morning
stroll on the beach Thursday. The two were walking their'
dog on Sullivan's Island when a naked young man ran out
from behind the dunes. One of the women. who asked not to
would make more of an effort to stay our of their way.
Also on this date in history:
" 1926 - Engineering College faculty passed a resolution
providing for greater emphasis on "the cultivaton of in-
telligent interest in extra-engineering matters" among
engineering students.
a 1944 - Former University Prof. Francis Orderdonk
said he designed the United Nations flag because he thought
a symbol would raise more interest in the organization
among Americans.