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March 23, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-23

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little guilt SMegee


Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom


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No comment
High winds. Partly sunny. High
near 39.

Twelve Pages

Vol. XCIV-No. 137

Copyright 1984, The Michigan t


Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 23, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

.... J ..

For those staying in town this sum-
Mer, Ann Arbor housing is Nirvana -
offering a multitude of apartments and
houses close to campus and real cheap.
But those renting out their rooms can
run into a whole range of problems,
from the minor hassle of being stuck
with a disconnected phone to the major
trauma of having to pay rent for sublet-
ters who have split town.
ANN ARBOR housing officials,
however, have a few words of advice
for students hoping to sublet this
spring -plan ahead.
"Before you enter into a sublet lease,
know your legal rights," said Lincoln
Ashida a volunteer with the Ann Arbor
STenants Union.
Prospective tenants should be chec-
ked out before you agree to take them
on as subletters, Ashida said. Credit
ratings, rental history, and how easily
the person can be located after the
lease expires should all be prominent
factors in subletting, he said.
ASHIDA advised that the primary
tenants do this checking. But he
cautioned that subletters must also be
approved by the landlord before any
lease is signed.
Landlords cannot deny a tenant the
right to sublet unless they can cite a
specific problem with the potential sub-
tenant such as bad credit or problems
with past landlords, according to Jo
Rumsey, an assistant director in the
housing information division.
Once a subtenant is approved and
both sides are ready to sign a lease, the
main tenant should take steps to
minimize the losses which can occur if
the sabletter leaves town or refuses to
THIS CAN be done by having the sub-
tenant pay the first month's rent and a
security deposit equal to one and one-
half month's rent before moving in.
One problem with subletting which
even the most thorough forethought
cannot solve, is the market. Thousands
of students leaving campus, hoping to'
pass off at least some of their rent on
subletters, flood the supply side of the
market. As the end of school comes
closer and closer, students who want to
rent their rooms get more and more
desperate and have to drop their prices
lower and lower.
Expect to sublet a room for about 50
Co ouncit
square off
on issues

at City Hall

B Apple Bound


on, oust


Xavier in


In only two years Michigan has gone from a 7-20 team to a
final four team. In only one season, it has gone from a ninth-
place team in the Big Ten to a final-four team.
So what if it's the NIT and not the NCAA's, the rapid
metamorphosis in Michigan's basketball program, is
something to brag about all the way to New York City.
IN FACT, the team won't have to shout about it as it can
tell everyone in person when it arrives in the Big Apple for
Monday's semi-finals after beating scrappy Xavier, 63-62, at
Crisler Arena last night.
But, Michigan could have easily been left eating the core as
the Musketeers never let the Wolverines off the hook.
"Xavier is a scrappy, good team," said an exuberant

coach Bill Frieder after the game. "When you let up against
a scrappy team, they're going to make big plays."
NUMEROUS TIMES throughout the game it looked as if
Michigan was going to send the Musketeers and their faithful
following back to Cincinnati.
In the first half, both teams played directly according to
the scouting books. Michigan worked the ball inside to Tim
McCormick, who finished with 13 points, and Butch Wade,
trying to take advantage of Xavier's small size. Meanwhile
Xavier did what it does best, shoot the ball from outside.
Both teams jostled back and forth until the Wolverines
were finally able to dodge some Musketeer swords and
opened up a 30-23 lead with six minutes left in the half, mainly
See BLUE, Wage 12

's beginning to look
a lot like Christmas!

Daily roto by DAN HABI
Sophomore center Roy Tarpley goes up for the slam in first-half action
during last night's NIT quarterfinal game at Crisler Arena.
'Ustudent aquitted of.
ticket-scalping .charge
By DAVID VANKER Haughton testified yesterday, "and I
said 'this is going to sound silly, but I've
A jury found a University student not gotta ask, are you a police officer?' He
guilty yesterday of scalping tickets to said, 'As a matter of fact, I am.'
last November's Michigan-Ohio State Seyfere then arrested him, Haughton
football game. testified.
After deliberating for more than an Michigan law defines scalpling as
hour, a six-person jury in Ann Arbor's selling tickets in a plublic place for
15th District Court ruled in favor of greater than the advertised price.
Engineering junior John Haughton. But Haughton's attorney, Keith Leak,
HAUGHTON admitted he had agreed maintained that "There was no offer
over the phone to sell four tickets to a and no discussion of price on the
police officer for $240, but he contended streets."
that the sale never went through. IN HER rebuttal to Leak's closing
Haughton had advertised the tickets, argument, Assistant Prosecuting At-
which were worth $52 at face value, in torney Marilyn Eisenbraun said, "I
The Michigan Daily and The Ann Arbor don't have to prove that there was an
News. exchange of money or tickets. It makes
Ann Arbor polace officertThomas sense that Haughton would say no price
Seyfere responded to the advertisement was discussed, after all, he was caught
on November 17, and the two met in red-handed. What else could he say?"
front of Ulrich's Bookstore November Seyfere and another police officer
18, the day before the game.
"WE EXCHANGED greetings," See 'U', Page 7

With wire reports
In just spring, when the world is
slush-lucious, the little balloonman
steps gingerly down the sidewalk and
shivers in the mist.
Spring officially arrived Tuesday,
and so are students' spirits, after five
months of scarves, mittens and hats.
"IT'S DEPRESSING not to have, at
least one beautiful day in March," said
Kathy Hopps, an LSA junior.
In Ann Arbor, winds gusting up to 20,
mph left inside-out umbrellas sticking
out of trash cans, and students bundled
Some students, like LSA sophomore
Kelly Groves, are trying to make the
most of the snow, and can even see

some good packing for snowballs.
GROVES SAID since Tuesday's snow
she has "made angels in the snow and
had snowball fights. Wednesday night,
the Diag was so pretty," she added.
In other places in Michigan the
weather wasn't so pretty. In the Upper
Peninsula, the storm dumped 35 inches
of snow and 40 mph winds produced
near-blizzard conditions. Drifts piled up
to 12 feet in some areas and made many
roads impassable. It was the worst
spring storm in five years for the UP.
"The storm we had in 1979 was bad
but we didn't have as much snow. We
had the high winds but not this much
snow," said David Obmann of the
National Weather Service in Marquet-

THE HIGH winds and impassable
snowdrifts have been blamed for four
traffic deaths, including one triple
fatality on a snow-covered highway.
In Wisconsin, a school bus tipped over
and five children were slightly injured.
Two days of heavy rain have flooded 24
of Ohio's 88 counties, and in the town of
Vermillion officials drove a boat
through an ice jam in order to break up
the clogging that threatened to divert
water from the Vermillion River into
their city.
Across the nation, at least 32 weather-
related deaths have been reported since
the storm moved into the Rocky Moun-
tains on Saturday.
See SPRING, Page 5

City streets, bike paths, income
taxes, and taxpayer-supported police
protection for Ann Arbor's annual Nazi
demonstration were among the issues
nine city council candidates debated last
night at City Hall.
The candidates are vying for council
seats in the city's five wards. The
debate was sponsored by the League of
Women Voters.
items of discussion, since citizens will
be voting on a proposed tax of up to 1.5
mills for the next four years to repair
the city's streets.
James Burchell, a Democratic
candidate running in the 2nd ward,
voiced strong opposition to the
.proposal, saying that the current city
council has not been creative in

searching for an alternative way to
fund the repairs.
"We need to look at it throughout the
year, not just at election time," he said.
Republican running for the 5th ward,
shot down another ballot proposal
asking whether the city should issue
$950,000 in bonds to fund a set of bicycle
paths in the' city. She said, however,
that the money proposed for use on the
bike paths should be funnelled into
street repairs.
"Bike paths are for recreation," she
said. "People are more likely to kill
themselves by hitting potholes than
heading for Huron Park."
There was little disagreement among
any of the candidates on whether the
city should pay for police protection

University snow removal crews thought they were finished for the season, but Mother Nature got the last laugh
yesterday. Maybe the path will finally be clear for spring to arrive.

Pizza prank
IF YOU THOUGHT fortune was shining on you Wednesday
night when you found that Cottage Inn coupon for a free
pizza -,guess again. It seems hundreds of the counterfeit
coupon sheets were slipped under doors in most of the dor-
mitories on campus. The realistic certificates promise the
hearer a free half-trav Sicilian nizza with two items and

surprised that so many people believed the hoax. "It looks
like it would fool anyone," she said. "It would fool me." D
N EW-FANGLED elevators in Omaha, Neb. are giving
riders more than a lift - they're also getting digital
weather reports, stock prices, and even a soothing female
voice to tell passengers what's up, down, and on the floors
in between, a manufacturer says. "Welcome to Otis," the.
well-modulated voice says as a passenger enters the car.

have been pushed. How much does the contemporary
elevator cost? Lightweight materials make the car weight
a third less than conventional ones and uses half the elec-
tricity, he said. The price ranges between $90,000 and
$65,000 depending on the number of stops needed, which is
15 percent cheaper than many traditional models, Illgner
said. Q
The Daily almanac
O N THIS DATE in 1956 City Council members proposed
a ban on riding 'and parking bicycles on sidewalks in
snecified areas of Ann Arbor: Students opposed the

bill would make possession of halliconegenic drugs,
depressants, and stimulants a misdemeanor and sale of
such drugs a felony.
* 1974-Dr. Edward Pierce, who works at the University
hospital, announced his candidacy for Congress saying that
he wanted to help people who had been short changed by
our society. "I have begun to realize that these people-and
to a degree all of us-suffer from the deep-seated social ills
of militarism, racism, sexism, and outworn economic
philosophy. This realization has motivated me to run for
Congress," Pierce said.
*1983-Former FBI informant Gary Thomas Rowe
,Iripnii Akmi n'il riohts leadier Vin laLiuzzo 19 v ars ago




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