OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, March 21, 1984 -The Michigan Daily Answering to one kind of conservatism By Pete Williams and Ben Yomtoob We read with interest the profile of Michigan Review Editor Ted Barnett (Daily, March 11) and would like to direct a fewcomments to the distinguished editor-in-chief. Now don't get us wrong Mr. Barnett, we love the Review and most of the ideals you think you stand for. It's just that you are somewhat removed from reality and, out of the goodness of out hearts, we will try to set you straight. Let's start with possibly your most obvious misconception, concerning our friends, the Michigan Student Assem- bly. We believe the quote was, "I know a lot of people that think we should get rid of MSA." Because one of us spent a great deal of time reporting on the in- tellectual wonders of the assembly, we can sympathize with this opinion. The unfortunate reality is, however, that these elected representatives are perhaps the only voice students have in the operation of the University. That is, if you also oppose civil disobedience (and considering your stance on the proposed code of conduct, we think that is a safe assumption.) Of course, often the only way to deal with something you disagree with, like taxes for instance, is to "get rid of it." We agree that MSA shouldn't be making political statements on behalf of the students, but is abolition the best way to remedy the problem? Perhaps it would be more desirable to have MSA not make those kind of statements. How can this change come about? Well for starters we could elect different people with different opinions to MSA. This will never happen though if you and the other pseudo-conservatives don't vote because you're not the "certain kind of people" who vote in MSA elections. Make sense Ted? Maybe you should read it again, slower this time. "If you really scratch the surface, you'll find that most students are con- servative," says Mr. Barnett. By whose, standards? We think you are reading the mood on campus a little inac- curately. This campus used to be one of the most liberal in the country - remember, the SDS (Students for a conservative? At least, we hope not Michigan Review conservative. In our sympathy for publication of free thought, which may or may not in-. elude your publication, we also sym- pathize with your financial situation. 'One of us . . . has spent the last fifteen years or so being indoctrinated to the ideology that the poor are a useless bur- den to the rest of us real Americans and are, subsequently, better off dead.' on a fast decline, you could assume the traditions of that particular office with little difficulty. Just maintain your current editorial policy and that should be enough to keep the entire campus in stitches for a few decades. We also liked your "taxes are theft" quip. It reminded us of your article "The Poor: Victims of the Welfare State" in which your writer makes an impassioned plea for the removal of government intervention into the problem dt poverty. Actually it remin-, ded us even more of the Communist "property is theft" quip. We've thought over both sides of the issue and have discovered that we like both property and taxes to some extent and conclude that "theft is theft." Radical idea, huh? Lastly, to avoid the risk of being blown off as a couple of liberal, Com- munist, journalist swine, allow us to list briefly a few of our neo-conservative credentials. One of us comes from a long line of Republicans and has spent the last fifteen or so years being indoc- trinated to the ideaology that the poor are a useless burden to the rest of us real Americans and are, subsequently, better off dead. Unlike you, however,4 this writer has the courage - or is it the brains - to at lbast examine this brilliant doctrine. The other one of us considers himself to be politically right of center and is currently engaged in the -process of campaigning for the president whose picture hangs on your office wall. But he sure as hell wouldn't work with you on this, or any other committee. It's not your conservatism. we criticize, Ted. It's your blatant ignorance. You are, however, just as we are, entitled to your own opinion - no matter how ludicrous. Also, we ap- plaud your courage to allow that opinion to be printed, circulated, and read throughout this campus. That takes guts guy. Williams and Yomtoob are Daily staff writers. Democratic Society) was founded here. Students on this campus were so liberal that they made Ted Kenney look like a member of the John Birch Society. We're definitely not that liberal anymore, but does that automatically qualify us as 80 percent (your figure) Although it's nothing a little conser- vative economics wouldn't cure,' we have a great proposal for you. Why not, move down the street into the Student Publications Building. Specifically, the Gargoyle Office. With conservatism on the rise and the humor of the Gargoyle Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Stewart Vol. XCIV-No. 135 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Friends in high places A REN'T FRIENDS great? President Reagan certainly believes in friendship. Whatever the offense, Reagan likes to, as the Tammy Wynette song suggests, "stand by his man." The latest friend Reagan has decided to stand by is Presidential Counselor Edwin Meese whom Reagan has nominated for the post of attorney general. Meese, however, has his own sp.ecial view of friendship and dedication to old buddies. He depends on his wealthy friends to bail him out of tight financial situations and the next thing you know, his friends get government jobs. But the question is, will Meese be able to dig up enough friends to get him past the Senate Judiciary Committee which stands in the way of his nomination? He'll need a lot of good buddies. Meese will need to find a court- appointed prosecutor who is friend enough to excuse him for failing to disclose a $15,000 interest-free loan his wife accepted from Edwin Thomas, his White House subordinate and long- time California friend. While Meese says he forgot about this loan, he apparently forgot to disclose the loan five times. Though he says there is no connection between the loans and the fact that Thomas and his wife later received federal jobs, this is not the first time Meese's "friends" have been appointed to well-paying government positions after giving him financial support. The committee has seen numerous instances of this "payoff pattern." Why should Meese have wanted to disclose the $15,000 loan anyway? If he had included the loan on his financial statements to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he would have been admitting that he was in violation of a law which bars high government officials from receiving gifts from a subordinate. Understandably, he wanted to avoid that. The pattern of Meese's shady dealings extends from John McKean, a California accountant, who lent Meese $60,000 in 1981 and demanded no interest payments for more than 20 months, to Thomas Barrack, a California real estate developer who fixed the purchase of Meese's home to the tune of $70,000. McKean, who was appointed a part-tirme member of the Postal Service board of governors, is now the board's chairman. Meese still insists . he isn't responsible for McKe an's appointment. However, he served on a White House committee which approved -the appointment of McKean. He. did not disclose the loan he had received from this appointee either. On top of his shifty relationships, Meese has a bad memory. He claims that he doesn't know anything about the leaked memos from the Carter campaign that the Reagan campaign obtained. Yet several of the memos found were addressed to Meese. Sen. Charles Mathias, a Republican from Maryland, said he thought an attorney general "must be perceived to be above suspicion" and have "a clear unblemished record." Reagan's pal, Meese, will have a tough time ahead of him trying to convince the' eight Democrats and the 10 Republicans on' the Senate Judicial Committee that he is blemish free. But then again, Ronald Reagan will. probably be standing by his buddy. AM- f~ r' I i L .. . U 4 I 6 Alga IV y/ " .t a f r i S. I LETTERS TO THE DAILY: GEO fees slice into TA S r F -- ' n i 's Y ! e. ' - To the Daily: As I contemplate the certified letter which arrived today from the GEO informing me of im- minent termination from my TA position unless I hand over my money, I can no longer remain silent on this issue. My paycheck, already ricroscopic, is now to be sliced even finer. Despite protestations from the GEO (and this paper's editors) that this union is really serving my best interest by making me an employee vice fellowship recipient, countervailing facts make this argument difficult to accept. Consider the following _ examples. First, I share my of- fice with RA's who pay no tax on their tuition waivers since they are considered to be on fellowship. Second, although these RA's are not covered by GFO's contract and are thereby immune from their harassment, they have exactly the same benefits as I do. Third, albeit the institution where I received my M.S. had no TA's union, the pay and benefits were better. Con- versations with fellow graduate students at "prestigious private schools with higher tuitions who are considered to be on fellowship reveal that they are substantially better off than I am as an em- ployee of this "prestigious" state- supported institution. Fourth, the whopping 5 percent pay raise that GEO bargained for us looks re whecn omnred with a 12 Regent Baker should be booted N To the Daily: There is no justification for Deane Baker's continued service as University regent. Although Baker has the right to speak publicly in condemnation of "the homosexual lifestyle," whatever that may be, his prejudice conflicts with his ad- ministrative role at a public university. "Regent attacks gay rights statement" (Daily, March 16). Clearly any spokesperson for anti-Black or anti-Jewish ideas, such as a member of the Ku Klux Klan or a Nazi organization, would not be permitted to serve as a regent. The thought of such an appointment sounds ridiculous, and to treat the present situation differently would be hypocritical. Phyllis Schlafly, an enemy of equal rights for women, may be invited BLOOM COUNTY to present her views on a college campus, but men and women alike-would join together in force to oppose her influence on University policy. Such influence poses an enor- mous threat to the general public, and a burden beyond that borne by the single target group. In useful at some point in the distant past, is appropriate today. Any school with a modicum of interest in its reputation is aware of the importance of recruiting and retaining high quality graduate students. As more and more of these say no to Michigan because of poor financial aid, then the pic- ture of a monolithic institution stubbornly trying to pinch every penny from its TA's becomes more difficult to imagine. Rather than this scenario, in most cases we have individual financial aid. It is at this level that TA's can be most. effective in pressing their demands for improvements. It is also this level which is most likely to respond. For this ap- naycheck' proach to work we don't need lobbyists in Washington or lawyers on retainer (the Sinks for our GEG dues). Rather'it requires concerned graduate students working to improve the programs in -their individual departments. -D. Brown March 10 response to Deane Baker, a man who chooses not to "approve'' of thousands of Michigan scholars, past, present and future, we can- not afford to sit back and wait to gauge the outrage of the gay and 5 lesbian community alone. - Donald Leichter March16 Civil disobedience succeeds To the Daily: Jonathan Ellis' focus in "Civil disobedience: A moral force", (Daily, March 13) must be expanded to challenge the con- cept of elite leadership, everywhere. History records the failures of rebellions (civil disobedience)'to end the dictatorial dominance of the privileged few over the vast majority of the world's people. A dean of the Medical School told an audience at Rackham in i67 that such a survival technique is a "formula for suicide." Civil disobedience should ad- dress that insane administratiye6 process. A fundamental (revolutionary) reorganization of the academic community- to establish and maintain the real peership of all the people in- volved can't happen too soon. - Glen Johnson March 14 by Berke Breathed SEES NO SAW NO sEes No !"1a i I - -- - .1 - - . . . - .1 I . -1 I