Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
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Partly to mostly sunny with a
high in the upper 30s.
Vol. XCIV-No. 132 Coovrioht 1984. The Micigan Dai, ly ,,Ann Arbor~r. Miion-n tiurdnv ,AA,...17 100._
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Fifteen Cents
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Eight Pages
Hart, Mondale
"There is a Hart and Mondale, and
there is a Jackson," the presidential
candidate Rev. Jesse Jackson told a
cheering crowd of 1,200 at the Michigan
Theater yesterday.
The run for the Democratic
nomination has become "a three-man
Election '54
race with two views," Jackson said,
making it clear he is one of three can-
didates remaining after John Glenn
yesterday became the fifth Democrat
to drop out of the race.
JACKSON'S VISIT was part of a last-
minute bus tour across southern
Michigan to drum up votes in today's
presidential caucuses.
With only three candidates left in the
contest, Jackson contrasted his plat-
form with those of Hart and Mondale.
"Hart and Mondale want to raise the
military budget," he said. "If you raise
the military budget, you're going to in-
crease the deficit. If you increase the
deficit, you're going to mortgage the
future of our children."
military budget by reducing American
military strength in Japan and Europe.
The money saved should be channelled
into education and welfare programs,
he said.
"We cannot keep Japan and Europe
on welfare," he said. "Start teaching
America. Give our children a chance."
Jackson called himself a "man of ac-
tion," and pointed to his record as a
civil rights activist and his successful
effort to free an American pilot cap-
tured by Syria last year.
"I DIDN'T advocate the right to vote.
I marched to ge the right vote," he
said. "I went to Syria and got (Navy Lt.
Mark) Goodman and brought him
Turning his criticism to President
Ronald Reagan, the Baptist minister
attacked Reagan's support for school
"Reagan's not been to church in so
long he doesn't know the structure of a
prayer," he said.
See JACKSON, Page 5
Students say they
gotta have Hart'
Senator Gary Hart may have said he
won't win the Michigan Caucus today,
but an informal survey of University
students shows he has former Vice
President Walter Mondale beat four to
Of the 60 students questioned this
week, 40 percent say they would vote
for Hart compared to only 7 percent for
THE GENERAL consensus among
Hart supporters is that the Colorado
senator is energetic, bright, and has a
better chance of beating President
Reagan in November. They -are op-
timistic about Hart's new ideas on the
See STUDENTS, Page 5
Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Rev. Jesse Jackson uses his unique style yesterday to urge 1,200 people at the Michigan Theater to support him in
today's presidential preference caucuses.
Regents support gay rights statement
By LAURIE DELATER The statement has drawn a mixed prohibiting the University from endor- homosexuals are breaking the law. bedrooms, and it only becomes a ment on the issue.
University's Board of Regents response from; members of the local sing illegal homosexual acts he said. "Private habits are private business. problem when they take it out of there," THE GAY rights policy will no
day refused to back Regent gay community. Some have hailed it as Other illegal acts such as incest might It is none of our business what people do Roach said. pear in University applicat
Baker's attempt to block a . a victory, while others have called it a be implied by the words "sexual orien- in their private lives, or private The other regents declined to com See SHAPIRO, Page 2
t ap-
proposed policy statement prohibiting
discrimination against gays, despite his
objections that the policy would be
weak and possible illegal.
Baker (R-Ann Arbor) failed to
receive a second for his motion telling
University President Harold Shapiro.
not to issue the statement.
WITH THE rest of the board's sup-.
port, Shapiro said he would announce
the statement next week clarifying the
University's non-discrimination policy
for homosexuals in offices and
weak policy that will do nothing to
change the situation.
The University will become one of
several schools across the nation that
have recently added sexual orientation
to policies which forbid discrimination
on the basis of such things as sex,
religion, and marital status.
BAKER TOLD the regents at their
meeting Thursday that an addition to
the University's policy statement would
require a change of the regents'
bylaws. Amending the bylaws would be
morally unwise and violate state laws
tation" in the policy, he said.
Without the regents' backing, the
presidential policy statement would be
ineffective, Baker said.
"If we are going to stand against'
discrimination, let's stand against
discrimination, let's not go around the
corner," he added.
BUT REGENT Thomas -Roach (D-
Saline) said a change in the regents'
bylaws was unnecessary and that the
statement would not be illegal or an en-
dorsement of homosexuality because
the University cannot assume
Ed. school begini
A top School of Education official told the regents yester-
day that the school will eliminate 30 faculty positions, and
drastically reduce the number of" programs offered in order
to cut the 40 percent of its budget as the administration has
"We've created, literally, a new School of Education," Carl
Berger, the school's dean told the regents.
THE PLAN brings the education school to the final phase of
an arduous budget review process which began over two
years ago and will continue for another five.
ts mtajor cuts
The school was targeted, along with the schools of Art and
Natural Resources, for major budget cuts as part of the
Univrsity's five-year plan.
Devised and directed by Billy Frye, ~the vice president for
academic affairs and provost, the plan's goal is to cut from
the University's weaker units and channel the saved money
into stronger or more vital areas.
Of the three schools and colleges that received major cuts,
the education school's 40 percent reduction was the largest.
Prof shuns the blacklist blues
Being blacklisted by the U.S. gover-
nment just isn't the harrowing ex-
perience it used to be.
Take Samuel Eldersveld, a Univer-
sity political science professor, as an
ELDERSVELD found out Thursday
that he was among 100 citizens on a
government blacklist published by The
New York Times this week.
But he hasn't exactly experienced the
social ostracism which the blacklists of
the 1950's cast on their victims. In fact,
he looks on the experience in a rather
tongue-and-cheek manner.
"My collegues wondered if I had
Partie rs
'It's a distinction I shall cherish for some time.'
-Prof. Samuel Eldersveld
bargained my way on to the list, or if I
had simply offered an interest-free loan
to Edwin Meese, and tried to collect,"
he said in an interview yesterday.
THE BLACKLIST, which contains
the names of assorted Democrats,
liberals, and anti-establishment
leaders from '60s poet-guru Allen Gin-
sberg to presidential candidate Gary
Hart, caused a minor stir in media and
government circles when The New
York Times revealed the names in a
copywritten story Thursday.
The citizens on the list are prohibited
See 'U', page 2
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St. Pat
Green eggs, green carnations, green
apparel, and that queasy green feeling
from guzzling green brewskies is what
St. Patrick's Day means to most
University students-Irish or not.
But if students knew more about the
real meaning of St. Patricks Day the
last thing they'd be doing is chugging
green beer.
"EXCESSIVE drinking is completely
foreign to St. Patrick's purpose," ex-
plains Father Joseph Immel of St.
Patrick's Church in Northfield Town-
ship. "(The holiday) is more of a glut-
tonous thing.
"A lot of people who aren't Irish take
advantage of the holiday as a license to
get drunk. It's too bad."
In Ireland, March 17 is a major
religious holiday on which families at-
tend church to celebrate St. Patrick's
mission of converting pagans to
Christianity during the fifth century,
Immel explained.
"I DON'T think we honor a Saint by
getting drunk," he added.
See STUDENTS, Page 5
NIT-wits Daily Photo by CAROL L. FRANCAVILLA
Michigan basketball fans wind their way around the athletic ticket office at the corner of State and Hoover yesterday, as
they wait for tickets to Monday night's NIT contest against Marquette. (See story on page 8.)
..................... ....... ...
Robbing ribbit
HE SEARCH is on. The frog is gone. Not just any
frog either. This one belonged to James Baker III,
Bull in-a book shop
JOE CHRISTMAN called it "a grand opening" for his
new bookstore. On Thursday, just three days after he
opened Dog-Eared Books, a runaway bull crashed through
his plate glass window, lumbered through the store and left
the same way. "I looked up to see what was going on and
here comes a bull right around one of my magazine racks,"
Christman said. "Two guys followed him in. One of them
told me to grab the rope. I said " 'Nothin' doin.' " The bull,
a runaway from an exhibit at the Hocking County
doesn't think small. "Our ultimate goal is to bring aar-
dvarks in and replace all dogs and cats as household pets,"
said Byrne, founder of the National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Aardvarks. "Dogs bite and aardvarks can't
do that. If you have a termite problem, they'll take care of
that without costly exterminators," he said. And when it
comes to aardvarks, nothing is sacred. "A few years down
the road, we'd even like to replace the bald eagle as the
national symbol." The club has about 700 card-carrying
members, about 50 of them in Wisconsin where Byrne lives.
When he's pressed though, Byrne does admit an aardvark's
frn-rnr- sot fr te n varl, csensitvenose "1 don't lie
Also on this date in history:
" 1955 - The Student Government Council became a
reality scheduling their first meeting after more than a
year of planning.
" 1968 - University President Robben Fleming said he
would not respond to any subpeona from the House Un-
American Activities Committee requesting membership
lists of student organizations. In 1965, a University vice
president had handed over such a list.
" 1971 - U.S. District Court Judge John Feikens turned
down the request of a black junior high school teacher for a
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