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March 10, 1984 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-10

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The Michigan Daily-- Saturday, March 10, 1984 -Page 5

U.S. tests missiles in London

LONDON (UPI) - The U.S. Air For-
e ran its first test in Britain of the
ruise missile mobile launcher before
dawn yesterday, sending a convoy
guarded by scores of police and dogs
out of Greenham Common Airbase past
angry women protesters.
A spokeswoman in London for the
Committee for Nuclear Disarmament
(CND) said the peace group planned a
candlelight vigil at the Marble Arch
last night and other demonstrations
around Britain to protest the post-
idnight exercise.
"THE FACT that they had to sneak
the missiles out at midnight is in-
dicative that the government realizes it
doesn't have much popular support for
this," she said.
A column of 12 vehicles, including a
police escort and at least one cruise
missile "TEL" - transporter-erector-
launcher - rolled out of Greenham
Common 50 miles southwest of London
at 12:30 a.m. and returned 31/2 hours
ater, U.S. Air Force spokesman Capt.
Jerry Yaple said.
At the gate, 90 policemen with dogs
surrounded some 20 supporters of
women who -have lived in makeshift
camps outside the base for 212 years.

'The fact that they had to sneak the missiles
out at midnight is indicative that the gover-
nment realizes it doesn't have much
popular support for this.'
- Spokeswoman
Committee for Nuclear Disarmament

"THEY TOOK us completely by sur-
prise," one of the protesters said.
"There was nothing we could do to stop
the launcher getting out because the
police had us surrounded. It was
The convoy travelled over roads
through the English countryside but of-
ficials refused to say exactly where.
Yaple said no live missiles were used
in the test but would not say whether
unarmed missiles were involved.
A BRITISH military spokeman
pronounced the exercise "a complete
success. "
The cruise missiles are designed to be
transported about the countryside to
escape being marked as targets, and

experts say the off-base exercises are
necessary to make them battle-ready.
Over the next five years, NATO plans
to deploy 475 U.S.-made cruise and 108
Pershing-2 missiles in Western Europe
to counter 98-20 missiles deployed by
the Soviet Union.
Yaple said the exercise was a "prac-
tice dispersal exercise" to train missile
crews in taking the missiles to laun-
ching positions.
The low-flying nuclear-tipped
weapons are designed for launching
from the huge TELs.
The first off-base exercises for
deployment of the cruise was carried
out outside Italy's Comiso base in Sicily
last month.

AP Photo
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Gary Hart steps into the crowd following an address at an airport rally in
Oklahoma City yesterday morning.

Officials probe smuggling case

Democrats await 'Super


federal grand jury is investigating
allegations that fugitive financier
Robert Vesco is. masterminding a
scheme to smuggle U.S. technology to
Cuba, a U.S. customs agent said
Ed Allison, acting agent-in-charge of
U.S. Customs in Brownsville, said the
grand jury is expanding on evidence
hich already has linked Vesco with an
unsuccessful attempt to smuggle sugar
cane processing equipment through the
Rio Grande Valley to Cuba.
VESCO FLED the United States 11

years ago, after he was named as a
defendant in a $224 million inter-
national swindle.
During a trial in the smuggling case
last November, Assistant U.S. Attorney
Jack Wolfe of Brownsville said Vesco
has taken up residence in a beachhouse
near Havana and has been helping
Cuban Premier Fidel Castro procure
U.S. technology. Such information and
materials are denied to Cuba under the
U.S. Trading with the Enemy Act.
Allison said Customs agents in cities
with high technology industry - par-
ticularly in California, Florida and

Texas - are gathering information for
the grand jury.
IN BREAKING the smuggling case,
Customs agents last July at Valley In-
ternational Airport seized 31 crates of
machinery worth $729,000 and bound for
Cuba via Mexico. Agents later raided a
warehouse in Chicago and seized
another $610,000 worth' of electrical
The equipment could make Cuba's
sugar milling operation 100 percent fuel
efficient by burning bagasse, a
byproduct of sugar cane.

Family and friends fry Dr. Frye

From AP and UPI
Walter Mondale and Gary Hart
courted voters yesterday in preparation
for "Super Tuesday" and a new poll
showed Hart could beat President
Reagan - the first time a Democrat
has outpolled Reagan in the 1984 cam-
The Hart campaign believes the
Colorado senator will do very well
Tuesday, dubbed "Super Tuesday"
because 511 delegates are at stake in
conventions and caucuses. And Hart is
regarded a shoo-in to win today's
caucuses in neighboring Wyoming -
which will send 15 delegates to the
Democratic National Convention.
BUT A KEY Hart campaign aide said
yesterday the critical showdown with
Mondale may come March 20 in the
Illinois primary.
Hart was also bolstered yesterday
as an endorsement from Sen. Ernest
Hollings pulled out of the race after
poor showings in Iowa and New Ham-
pshire. He said throughout his cam-
paign that he did not believe Mondale
was the candidate who could lead
Democrats back into the White House in
the November general election.
MONDALE also campaigned in the
South yesterday, hoping to check Hart's
snowballing momentum. Mondale, in
an emotional speech at Emory Univer-
sity law school in Atlanta, called Hart a
"tinsel" candidate and said he will not
resort to gimmicks, slogans and

Mondale said he has been advised to
make numerous changes, ranging from
repudiating President Carter, his, old
boss, to developing a "schtick" to ap-
peal to the affluent and to youth.
"INSTEAD," he said, "I'm cam-
paigning on my record, my values and
my vision for the future. I am making
promises, Lam saying what I would do
as president.
A Gallup poll showed Hart with a 9-
point lead over the president - 52 per-
cent to 43 percent. The poll showed
Reagan leading Mondale and Glenn.
But the same poll showed Hart
trailing Mondale by 3 points among
Opinion researchers said it is the first
independent national poll to show

Reagan trailing any Democratic con-
tender in the 1984 race.
Another national poll, in the national
newspaper USA Today showed
Reagan leading Hart 46 percent to 40
percent. but it showed Hart with a
slight lead over Mondale - 34 percent
to 32 percent.
s,' A.e a't'b1b 761.9700
$2.00 SHOWS BEFORE 6:00 P.M.
SAT., SUN. 1:00, 3:30, 7:00, 9:25
MON. 1:00, 7:00, 9:25
SAT., SUN. 1 20 3 20 5:20, 7:20, 9:35
MON. 1:00, 7:20,9:35

(Continued from Page 1)
ented on Frye's title of provost. "One
of the definitions of provost is 'jailer'
Foreman said.
Kennedy. recalled sitting in on a
meeting between President Shapiro
and Frye when "filly said to Harold, 'I
want to be king.' Harold argued, 'I want
to be king - you can be provost."'
The Vice President's fashion sense
was another popular target for the
student-faculty dias.
The newest member on Frye's team,
iara Sudarkasa, assistant vice
president for academic affairs, said in
her southern drawl, "It's obvious where
he got the notion for 'smaller but better'
- if it works for ties, it'll work for the
University of Michigan."
She said all up-and-coming ad-
ministrators should sport the "Billy
Frye look." Sudarkasa was wearing -
you guessed it - a bow tie.
Even Frye's family got in on the ac-
tion. Daughters Elisa and Alice com-
Splained that "we can live with budget
cuts and constant reviews, but we draw

the line at calling him vice president
and provost. We just call him Dr.
Frye's wife Elisa took the oppor-
tunity to explain the "secret life of Billy
Frye." She said his early years as a
biologist were a little ridiculous. He told
her that, according to their genetic
make-up their children would have a
"fifty percent chance of having white
eyes and short wings and a fifty percent
chance of having red eyes and long
Being the wife of an administrator is
fine, she said, it's being the wife of an
animal lover that takes its toll. Between
six crescent desert lizards, a couple of
wrens, mice, (black and white - affir-
mative action), a few snakes, a guinea
pig, and a skunk, she admitted that
"the Frye's are a little bit different."
She told a story about her husband's
kindness to animals - but one time it
got in the way of a good meal.
"I got a steak from the freezer and
started to thaw it out. It was then that I
realized that very few steaks have
eyes." The guinnea pig died while she

was away and Billy put it into a
"holding pattern" until the ground
became soft enough to bury it. Mrs.
Frye didn't finish fixing dinner.
The soft-spoken Frye finally came
out of the storm after his wife took her
"It certainly has been a dull
evening," he mumbled.
But he even got in on the puns when
he said, "I do appreciate tonight's
fiasco, however, I do feel a bit more
poached than fried - all steamed up
and a bit whipped."

* March 9 - 7-10 p.m. Singing " March 12 - 7-10 p.m. Men's Movement
" March 10 - 2-5 p.m. Singing * March 1 3 - 7-10 p.m. Women's Movement
- March 16 - Callbacks
At AACT Building, 338 S. Main
For Info call 662-7282
Judith Dow will be appearing in the role of Dolly

PSN to continue sit-ins
against military research

(Continued from Page 1)
Iattention sit-ins bring to the issue.
"We've been really effectively shut
out from all of the channels," he said.
In the less sanctioned channels,


though, Winkelman said, "I don't see
any problem with running out of'
students who are willing to put them-
selves on the line."





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are $3.00 in advance at the





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