Campus gays:
First of a two-part series
Diana DeVries says telling people she is a
lesbian is like "walking on thin ice." She never
knows how people will react.
She is also afraid of putting her job at the
University's gay counseling office on her
resume, because she fears it could ruin her
chances of getting into graduate school or fin-
ding a job.
"When I apply for graduate school...will I be
risking too much saying I spent my time
fighting for gay rights?" she asks.
DEVRIES AND other gays on campus say
harassment - from name-calling and gay
jokes to having posters burned off their doors
- is part of their everyday life.
"Anti-gay discrimination on campus is as
widespread and commonplace on campus as it
is everywhere," says Donovan Mack, a former
University student.
"Being a gay person on campus is like being
a destitute bum at a 'fancy-schmantzy' party.
Everyone's a snob about their heterosexuality.
They see gayness as being uncouth," Mack
MACK "came out" when he was a freshman
in South Quad, but others try to keep their
lifestyle behind closed doors. Some even attack
homosexuality in public for fear they will be
found out.
"We live in a society that teaches us to hate
homosexuality," says Joe Denny, a gay
resident director in Alice Lloyd. "I know
several gay people who are afraid to be seen
with me because their frat brothers will see
them," he says.
In the classroom too, gays find that the sub-
ject of homosexuality is more likely to cause
smirks or raised eyebrows than support. In
some psychology classes, homosexuality is still
defined as a mental illness and gay students
say they hesitate to disagree with their
professor in class or on a test.
" I WOULD SPIT out any view they wanted
me to because I'm not going to jeopardize my
grade," says Antonia Caretto, an LSA senior
who is a lesbian.
"I think it goes without saying that gayness is
taboo in the classroom," Mack says. "In the
classroom, you bring up the word gay...and you
get to see the professor's face turn pale, (and
your) classmates look down at their papers,"
he said.
"I once stopped a lecture on Tchaikovsky by
bringing up the fact that maybe he wasn't this
reclusive, sexless, eccentric that killed him-
self," Mack said. He may have been murdered
because he was ready to come out. The lecturer
was thrown off guard, so, probably, was
everyone else."
DESPITE THE risk of rejection, Mack says
that coming out can help end the loneliness and
isolation that many closeted gays experience.
See CAMPUS, Page 5
Ninety-four Years _Achromatic
Editria Fredom~Y ~9 W9 ~Y~ V ____ WY V ~two inches of snow. Hih near 22.
Vol. XCI V-No. 124 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday March 8, 1984 fifteen Cents Ten Pages
ue stops
Hawks at
Iowa Cit
Special to the Daily
IOWA CITY - Roy Tarpley proved once
again last night why he is Michigan's
player of the year
While his teammates were having
trouble with Iowa's outstanding defen-
I Se, the 6-10 center contributed 17 points,
nine rebounds and an outstanding
defensive effort on Michael Payne to
power the Wolverines to a 53-46 victory
over the Hawkeyes last night at Carver
Hawkeye Arena. .
Michigan led start to finish as Tim
McCormick put the Wolverines on top.
3-0, on the first offensive possession
Although things got sticky at times,
Iowa never got closer than three points
in the second half.
At times it seemed as if Michigan was
trying to hand the game to Iowa though,
See CAGERtS, Page 10 Demolition experts search shopping bags taken from the bus i
... ...... ..
Revisions made this week to the proposed student
code of non-academic conduct may have resulted
from students' vehement objections but even with the
C O d e foes changes, code opponents aren't satisfied
r Although Michigan Student Assembly President
Mary Rowland says the University complied with .
r some of the changes MSA recommended, she feels
that administrators are ignoring many of the studen-
w m~ won ts' objections.
"THEY're not formally listening to our opinions.
there are not significant changes (in the code)," said
" Rowland, an LSA senior.
The revised code is a "forward movement," but
Rowland said there are still key parts of the proposed
guidelines that are unacceptable.
Under the code the University could punish studen-
ts for committing arson, sexual harassment, assault,
Bomb blast
kills 3 on
Israeli bus
ASHDOD, Israel (UPI)'- A hand-
grenade time bomb planted by
Palestinian terrorists yesterday
destroyed a bus filled with shoppers in
the port city of Ashdod, killing three
people and wounding nine others, of-
ficials said.
Police said about 90 Arab suspects
were rounded up for questioning, but
most were released soon afterward.
IN DAMASCUS, Syria, the Iraqi-
backed Abu Nidal Palestinian guerrilla
splinter took responsibility for the at-
A witness told Armed Forces Radio
that enraged Jews were set to attack
Arab passersby and laborers in the
Ashdod market place after the blast,
but quick police action averted more
"There was great panic," said the
witnessi, Ilan Kriel." there was all
sorts of talk of revenge."
THE MORNING blast wrecked the
red-and-white vehicle of the Egged bus
cooperative carrying shoppers from the
residential section of Ashdod, a port
city of 64,000, 22 miles south of Tel Aviv.
Most of the victims were sitting in the
central section of the bus. Two were
killed immediately and a third died
later'in a hospital. Two of the nine in-
jured were released after treatment.
Shmuel Pinsker, the bus driver, said
there were 15 passengers aboard the
in Ashdod where a bomb exploded killing 3 people.
theft, vandalism, and some types of civil disobedien-
ces acts that civil authorities currently enforce.
STUDENT offenders would be tried by a University
hearing officer and in most cases, a Hearing Board.
Initially, the University wanted three members to
serve on the board - a student, faculty member, and
Under the revised version printed yesterday the
board would consist of five members - two students,
two faculty members, and one administrator.
Rowland wants a four-member board of two
students, only one faculty member and one ad-
ministrator in addition to the Hearing Officer.
ANOTHER disputed issue was the severity of
punishment a repeated offender would receive. In
their meeting Monday to discuss code revisions,
University executive officers agreed not to give
See STUDENTS, Page 5
RSG calls for new election
cThe Rackham Student Government
Executive council last night, voted to
throw out the results of their Feb. 3
presidential election, and conduct a
new election in three weeks.
Education school student Kodi Abili
won the election 107-74, but debate has
surrounded the results.
ABILI'S opponent, Angela Gantner,
charged that he improperly handed out
mail-in ballots before the election, and
Abili in turn, said Gantner should not
have campaigned near the polling
'Questions as to whether the
Rackham's bylaws prohibit the mail-in
ballots have postponed a final decision
for five weeks.
But on the advice of Business Ad-
ministration prof. Herbert Hildebrandt,
n expert in parliamentary procedure,
te government will hold another elec-
'We set up the procedure (mail-in ballots) to
get more votes, and we just didn't check it
carefully enough.'
Hillary Murtz
RSG vice president
offices within two weeks. The elections
will be held the following week.
During the meeting, outgoing RSG
president Rich Luker, said neither Abili
or Gantner were at fault, but in light of
Hildebrandt's recommendations,
another election was needed.
"There is malice towards none. The
procedure was wrong, not the in-
dividual involved," he said.
Hillary Murtz, RSG's vice president,
said she had hoped the mail-in ballots
would help to reverse the low election
turnout. "We set up the (mail-in
ballots) procedure to get more votes
and we just didn't check it carefully
To try to prevent complications in the
next election, Abili, Gantner, and coun-
cil member Clay Hysall volunteered to
create guidelines for the election, but
they would not say what they would
HILDEBRANDT explained that the
ballots should have all been handed out
at the booths or sent out to Rackham
students. Abili handed out the mail-in
ballots to students after the booths
According to Hildebrandt, "The mail-
in ballots must be distributed to (all
Rackham students) for equal represen-
tation," not to a select group of studen-
After Hildebrandt's presentation,
Gantner called for a new election,
which the council approved. Abili, was
the lone abstension. Both Abili and
Gantner said they intend to run again.
presidential election must be received
at the Rackham Student Government
Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Road show
University president Harold Shapiro met with residents of Bursley Hall
yesterday to discuss school issues. See Story, Page 2.
'Daily Trivia
UESTION: Who played Laura Petrie on the Dick
Van nkP hn
ONE SIDE advocated a healthier body; the other backed
a better-looking body. The question at issue in a weighty
debate in Hartford, Conn., was: Who should be allowed to
touch your toes? The legislature's Public Health Commit-
tee finally reached a compromiae Monday between
podiatrists and pedicurists. It was agreed that hairdressers
and manicurists would be'allowed to "trim, file, and paint
healthy toenails for cosmetic purposes only." But
cosmetologists will be specifically prohibited from "the
but already can be recognized by her father's famous lips.
"The baby has the cutest lips, just like her daddy," Hall
said. The still unnamed daughter of Jagger and Hall is
Jagger's third daughter. Hall, 27, was discharged Sunday
from Lenox Hill Hospital, where she gave birth to an eight-
pound, two-ounce girl at 1:37 a.m. Friday.
*1912 - The Michigan Union announced that the building
was booked for social events through the entire month, one
of the most important events being the Union membership
" 1926 - Miss Fandira Crocker said that young women
and men pay more attention to their looks than they would
if there were no members of the opposite sex to notice.
" 1956 - Students formed a line at 2 p.m. for Michigan-
Michigan Tech hockey tickets that went on sale the next
day at 8:30 p.m.