Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
Air 4jau
:43 tt
Partly sunny today with highs
near 25 degrees.
Vol. XCIV-No. 122 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 6, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages
State bill
would end
student fees
for political
A proposed state Senate bill would
prohibit mandatory student donations
to political organizations not affiliated
with universities.
State Sen. Allan Cropsey (R-DeWitt),
who introduced the bill last week, said
yesterday it would "prohibit univer-
sities from collecting dues on behalf of
political advocacy groups."
ALTHOUGH student leaders are not
sure about the details of the proposed
bill, Amy Gibans, a member of the
Public Interest Research Group in
Michigan (PIRGIM) said the proposed
bill could be "an attack on students'
rights to organize."
She added that the bill would
probably not affect the University's
. PIRGIM because it does not assess a
,. mandatory fee. PIRGIM asks students
at registration to contribute $2 each
term to the group, but the payment is
Mary Rowland, president of the
Michigan Student Assembly, said she is
not sure how the bill would affect MSA
if it is passed, but added that the bill's
provisions against lobbying "may have
an impact on what we do, like not lob-
bying for financial aid."
ACCORDING to Robert Gardella, a
Michigan State University sophomore
who is working to promote the Cropsey
bill, said it is not aimed at student
goverments' but at political interest
groups outside the university.
He also said the bill is not a direct at-
tack on PIRGIM.
"The bill is not targeted directly at
PIRGIM," he said, "it's to prevent any
political groups from using the univer-
sity for a political advocacy
The main purpose of the bill, Gar-
della said, is to give students a choice of
See STATE, Page 2
Gemayel cancels
accord with Israel
From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon - President Amin Gemayel's gover-
nment scrapped Lebanon's troop withdrawal pact with Israel
yesterday as part of a deal with Syria designed to end the
Lebanese civil war.
Gemayel, 42, convened an emergency session of his Coun-
cil of Ministers at the presidential palace in suburban Baab-
da to announce abrogation of the U.S.-mediated pact signed
May 17.
"THE COUNCIL has decided to cancel this . . . accord,'
consider it null and void and alter everything that may have
resulted from it," said a statement from the council,
Lebanon's Cabinet.
In response, Syria was expected to guarantee that its
Druse and Moslem militia allies in Lebanon will support a
cease-fire while Lebanese reconciliation talks resume in
Israel quickly condemned the action as a capitulation by
Gemayel to Syrian "dictates." And a spokesman for
President Reagan said the U.S. administration's reaction
was "regret."
ISREAELI JETS bombed suspected guerrilla bases at
Aley, three miles east of Baabda, before and during the
Lebanese Cabinet session.
In Beirut, rocket fire killed a French soldier and a gunman
wounded U.S. Marine colonel. Police said fighting among
Lebanese factions along the "green line" dividing Christian
east and Moslem west Beirut killed two people and wounded
Army Col. Don McClary, a U.S. military spokesman, said
the Marine colonel, whose name was not released, was in
stable condition after being taken to the USS Guam stationed
LOCAL RADIO stations said a gunman fired three pistol
bullets into the colonel's arm and chest in west Beirut near
the U.S. Embassy, which is being guarded by Marines.
A communique issued by the French headquarters said the
French soldier died from a rocket wound at the green line.
He was the 86th French soldier to be killed since the
multinational force was deployed in Beirut 17 months ago.
The U.S., Italian and British forces have withdrawn, leaving
only the French contingent of 1,250 soldiers in the capital.
FOREIGN MINISTER Claude Cheysson of France, on a
visit to Lebanon, said the French force no longer belongs in
Beirut. "A multinational force must include at least two dif-
ference forces," he said.
There was no indication the two Israeli air raids at Aley
were related to the political developments, but they under-
scored Israel's resolve to keep Palestinian guerrillas out of
southern Lebanon and away from Israel's northern border.
The May 17 pact granted Israel security privileges in
southern Lebanon. It also called for an Israeli troop with-
drawal from Lebanon, but was'stymied by Syria's resistance
to an Israeli demand that Syrian troops pull out of Lebanon a
t the same time.
SYRIA CONTENDED that Israeli troops in southern
Lebanon threatened Syria's security. Syria's Lebanese allies
said the pact violated Lebanese sovereignty.
In announcing the cancellation, the Cabinet appeared to
indicate a willingness to negotiate new security arrangemen-
ts with Israel.
"The Lebanese government also decided to take the
See GEMAYEL, Page 5
Doily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
Stone henge
The benches lining the Diag appear dark and forbidding yesterday, next to
the melting snow.
Mon dale ad mits campaign errors
From AP and UPI
As Maine went - to Gary Hart - so is Vermont
predicted to go today in a presidential primary
season that led erstwhile front-runner Walter Mon-
dale to declare yesterday "I'm in trouble. I need
Mondale would like to win Vermont to slow the ac-
celerating erosion of his once-solid support. "Ver-
mont has a chance to make history here, and turn this
trend right around," Mondale campaign advisor
Richard Moe told a news conference.
THE FORMER vice president said his "major
mistake" has been not responding to Hart's portrayal
of himself as the candidate of the future and Mondale
as the candidate of the past.
"I took in all those incoming rounds and didn't
return any," he said. "I got hurt bad."
Asked earlier yesterday, on NBC's "Today" show,
whether he is still the favorite to win the Democratic
presidential nomination, Mondale replied, "No, no. I
think it's a tight, close race and it could go either
MONDALE said the tide will turn when Hart's
record on nuclear arms, energy taxes and other
issues are fully discussed.
The Vermont primary is a "beauty contest" from
which the winner gets no national convention
delegates, but another win by the Colorado
Democratic senator would give him three legs of a
- four-state New England sweep.
Walter Mondale's campaign organization used en-
dorsements from peace activists yesterday to try to
get his derailed presidential express back on track in
Vermont's non-binding primary.
BUT SOME campaign aides acknowledged they
had all but conceded the state to Sen. Gary Hart of
Colorado, whose surging drive for the Democratic
nomination stripped the former vice president of his
frontrunner status in less than two weeks.
Declining to accept the frontrunner label that strip-
ped from Mondale with hand-running victories in
New Hampshire and Maine, Hart said, "I'm still a
dark horse," as he campaigned for the 116 delegates
Massachusetts will select March 13 for the
Democratic National Convention.y.
Hart, encouraged by his victory in the Maine
caucuses, greeted workers at the General Dynamics
Quincy shipyard in Massachusetts. "I have always
been saying there was more Hart support than most
people realized," he said.
HE THEN turned his attention to the South, telling
reporters he was going after delegates in the
Alabama, Florida and Georgia primaries being held
March 13, "Super Tuesday."
The Colorado senator has taped new television
commercials for broadcast in the South and also
See HART, Page 5
.. says he's still a 'darkhorse'
Jackson campaign rolls into state
LANSING, Mich. (UPI) - Jesse Jackson supporters -
their hopes for the March 17 caucuses buoyed by recent set-
backs for Walter Mondale - announced yesterday the can-
didate will visit six Michigan cities today.
The whirlwind tour will begin with an 8:30 a.m. breakfast
in Grand Rapids and end with an 8 p.m. rally in Detroit.
THERE WILL be stops in between Lansing, Saginaw, Flint
and Pontiac, with much emphasis placed on meetings with
ministers and key community figures. Jackson reportedly
has requested a meeting with Gov. James Blanchard, a Mon-
dale backer.
Sam Riddle, a strategist and scheduler for the campaign,
said an unexpectedly large turnout and a major effort by U.S.
Sen. Gary Hart could possibly produce a Jackson upset in
But he also accused party activists of trying to hold down
the turnout and control the caucuses on Mondale's behalf. He
warned that Jackson might even challenge the Michigan
delegation to the national convention if the minister's suppor-
ters are not treated fairly.
JACKSON planned to address a meeting at New Hope Bap-
tist Church in Grand Rapids this morning before flying to
Lansing for an 11 a.m..session at the Union Baptist Church.
In Saginaw, he planned to attend a 1 p.m. reception with
Mayor Larry Crawford at the Radisson Hotel and a 2:30 p.m.
See JACKSON, Page 5
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From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-The Senate com-
mittee considering Edwin Meese's fit-
ness to become attorney general sought
answers yesterday from three Califor-
that generous financial terms afforded
to the White House counselor on mor-
tgage and loans may have been linked
to the government jobs obtained by
wealthy bank executives and other len-
" nia businessmen about now they hnepeU Meese denied the charge.
le 1 t e s Meese with money problems while he THE THIRD businessman, who pur-
o was in the White House. chased Meese's home for $307,500 and
John McKean, who arranged a sold it at a $32,000 loss eight months
PP$60,000 loan for Meese, and Thomas later, was not well enough to travel to
taa r Barrack, who helped find a buyer for Washington for the hearing. A Senate
Meese's hard-to-sell California house, investigator took a deposition from Irv
agreed to appear in the third day of con- Howard over the weekend and
M e e se firmation hearings before the Senate prepared a report. He said he plans to
Judiciary Committee. make the deposition public later.
BOTH MEN were named to gover- Metzenbaum also said he would ask
nment posts in the Reagan ad- John McKean, Meese's personal tax
h e a rin g sthemiostration u accountant, to tell the committee about
Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, (D-Ohio), $60,000 in loans he arranged for the
the most vigorous Meese questioner on .presidential adviser. After the loans
the committee, suggested last week See MEESE'S, Page 5
AP Photo
Clowning around
An American soldier swings his partner at the Mainz Rose Monday parade in Mainz yesterday. The festive Rose Mon-
day parades are the highlights of the annual German carnival season.
Airwaves support,
NOW THAT WCBN has completed its fund raising drive,
N the campus' other station, WUOM/WVGR, is trying its
hand. From today until March 12 the station will be
...«1:..e F.. .. , ..trr a -nn A n i _svn m ~
Franklin County Municipal Judge Alfred Glascor ordered
Eric Dale Kruse, 22, to guard the manhole cover in the
universityarea for four hours a day for two weeks, begin-
ning Monday.
"I told him I'd treat him like they do in the Army,"
Glascor said. "If you're guarding a prisoner in the Army
and he escapes, you have to do his time."
Glascor ruled that Kruse must guard the manhole cover
in order to qualify for six months' probation. If he violates.
the probation, Kruse could be ordered to serve 30 days in the
... hnnc
National Model United Nations conference over break, but
"at some times it was pretty much like a zoo," said Univer-
sity sophomore Sherif Emil, coordinator of the University's
delegation. The group didn't have the easiest countries in
the world to represent in the simulation United Nations -
Romania and Spain. "It was a difficult country to take,"
said LSA sophomore Steven Prevaux, who represented
Romania on the Legal Committee. But with some digging in
the Law Library and the Graduate Library, Prevaux and
LSA junior Michael Hayashi won best delegate awards at
fh ren nnaan n annrt nnc i-- , - - - -1,nhiin
The Daily almanac
N THIS DATE in 1952, Detroit resident Arthure
mnMcPhaul, an adament protestor against the com-
munist purges being conducted at the time, called the
House Committee on Un-American Activities "an arm of
the millionaire forces of Wall Street:" University officials
contemplated an investigation into the speech because Mc-
Phaul had been banned from speaking at the University.
Also on this date in history: