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March 03, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-03

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Ninety-four YFears
Editorial Freedom


Lit i&1atl


Sunny today with highs in the

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Vol. XCIV-No. 120

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, March 3, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

Measles drive
draws 9,600
students; some
wi n free pizza
University Health Services administered 4,220 measles
vaccinations during their two-week immunization drive Feb.
3 through Feb. 17, according to statistics compiled yesterday.
Health officials examined 9,611 students, 66 percent of
whom already had adequate inoculations.
TWO DORMITORIES, Mary Markley and Couzens, will be
treated to pizza at the Michigan Union because 88 percent of
their students reported for a measles screening, the highest
rate on campus.
The pizza party offer by Health Services, the Union, and
University Housing was designed to spur participation in the
immunization drive.
Although only 4.5 percent of the off-campus student
population reported to verious Health Service vaccination
sites for screening, Judith Daniels, director of nursing at
Health Services said she is "very pleased with the results.",
IN COMPARISON, the success rate in residence halls was
much higher, with more than 67 percent of the students
receiving immunizations or confirming previous ones.
"We were primarily concerned with preventing an out-
break in the dorms," Daniels said. "Those students live in
close proximity and there's a greater danger for the disease
to spread."
Daniels said that the high level of immunity in the dor-
mitories should prevent any outbreak within University
housing facilities.
ACCORDING to Dr. Caesar Briefer, director off. Health
Services, only two measles cases have been confirmed on
campus by state health officials, both before spring break.
Briefer added that they are still waiting for word on four
other suspected cases.
Many students, Daniels said, "self-diagnose themselves
with a fever and rash and think they have the measles."
ONE OF THE people with a confirmed case is an employee
See 9,600, Page 3

N ° ;

Syria offers..
cease fire pact
in Lebanon

From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Presidents
Amin Gemayel of Lebanon and Hafez
Assad of Syria have agreed to a Syrian-
guaranteed cease-fire in Lebanon's
civil war, a senior Lebanese official
said yesterday.
The official, speaking on condition
he not be identified, said Gemayel
hoped to hold a second round of peace
talks in Switzerland "within a matter of
days, not weeks" in which he intended
to offer opposition leaders positions in a
broadly based government.
GEMAYEL'S talks with Assad yester-
day and Thursday were part of his first
visit to Syria since he assumed power in
September '1982. Syria backs the Shiite
Moslem and Druse militias that have
been fighting Gemayel's beleagured
The cease-fire was to begin yesterday
evening, the official said. However,
fighting was reported after dark along
the "green line" dividing Moslem west
Beirut from the Christian east. Police
said at least one civilian was killed and
20 wounded in fighting in downtown
Beirut. Artillery exchanges also were
reported in the mountains to the east
lake in the afternoon.
The official denied that Gemayel had
agreed to abrogate the May 17
Lebanese-Israeli agreement that called

for the withdrawal, of Israeli troops
from Lebanon, although he admitted
the two had discussed the accord at
great length.
"There is no decision to abrogate the
May 17 agreement," he said.
BUT HE ADDED: "The May 17
agreement is at an impasse. The en-
vironment about the agreement has
changed. It has not led to withdrawals
or peace in Lebanon. Therefore we are
looking for ways and means to reach
the same objectives."
The official said Lebanon would be
consulting with Israel and the United
States, which sponsored the talks
leading to the accord, and hoped to "go
beyond the May 17 agreement."
Syria has opposed the pact, saying it
wrecks Arab solidarity against Israel
because 'it recognizes Israel's
sovereignty and legitimacy. Syria also
said the pact violates Lebanese
sovereignty and endangers Syrian
security because it would have permit-
ted Israel to patrol a security zone in
southern Lebanon.
ISRAEL SAID IT would withdraw its
troops only if Syria also withdrew from
Lebanon. Syria refused, so the pact
never went into effect.
The official said Gemayel received
"solid assurances about the fullwith-
See.CEASE, Page 2

Peace no w Doily Photo by CAROL L. FRANCAVILLA
With a little spray paint, this stop sign on the corner of Tappan and Monroe streets becomes an anti-
war slogan.'

,U.S. gave
aid for
W~~ar, says

LONDON - (UPI) - A respected
British magazine said yesterday the
United States gave Britain more than
$60 million in military aid during the
Falklands War, enabling the British to
defeat Argentina.
The emergency aid program, The
Economist said, was masterminded by
Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger,
who cleared it privately with President.
Reagan to avoid opposition from
Cabinet members opposed to taking
sides in the 1982 war.
said it was "not prepared to confirm the
accuracy of The Economist's Report,"
and the Pentagon declined to comment

on it.
Without naming sources, The
Economist cited "new material" for its
story on the 74-day South Atlantic war
n which British troops defeated Argen-
tine forces that had seized the British
colony, 450 miles off Argentina's coast.
The Economist said Britain had
inadequate armjs and surveillance, poor
communications and intelligence, and"
situated 8,000 miles from the ar-
chipelago - thinly stretched supply
"The British operation to recapture
the Falklands could not have been
mounted, let alone won, without
See U.S., Page 3

No more minid games'
DENSA Offers freedom from IQ
By MARY KERR For $6 a year, the 1,000 members receive six issues 01 the
Fill a bathtub to the rim with water. Then sit down in the nENSA newsletter, and a "Dare to be Dense" bumper
tub. If any water spills over the sides when you climb in, sticker.
you're dense enough for DENSA. Price also makes yearly predictions for his faithful
DENSA (Diversely Educated Not Seriously Affected), was following. For 1984 he thinks Michael Jackson will come out
created by Dallas author Steve Price, as the common per- with a line of designer jeans - Billie Jeans; James Watt will
son's answer to Mensa. join the Sierra Club, and Billy Carter will say his brother is
MENSA'S membership is select - all members must score doing a great job as president.
in the top two percent of a standardized IQ test. But it's not PRICE, WHO is currently working on a travel guide to
child's play to join the ranks of DENSA either. Mars for $125 a day has also published The DENSA Quiz
The DQ tests are taxing and tricky with questions like Book, and The Nowhere Dictionary.
"Which word doesn't rhyme: bar, car, far, jar, miscellaneous Joking aside, Price said he organized DENSA to try "to
star, or tar?" Price says he does not include answer sheets reevaluate what IQ testing has become.
with the DQ tests in order to cut down on cheating. Mensa puts too much emphasis on a number (IQ rating) to
The club for the worst and the dullest began three years rate a person's potential in society," he said.
ago when Price placed a small classified .advertisement in Price, now 29, took many IQ tests when he was younger -
the Dallas Observer reading, "Mensa members driving you and did badly. Counselors said with his low scores, he didn't
crazy with all their high IQ jabber? If you answer yes without have the tools to go to college, then he went on to excell at the
having to analytically decipher this question, you belong in University of Texas at Austin.
the DENSA society. No entrance exam required. So pooh Despite Price's digs at IQ testing and Mensa, Gabriel Wer-
pooh on IQ, Let's get dense." ba, a past Mensa chairman said he is not threatened by the
THE APPLICANTS were generally. swift in responding, group.
although some put their stamps on the wrong side of the en- "DENSA is obviously a put-on, a spoof," Werba said. "It
velope. shows we have arrived if someone is willing to spoof us."
House debates new tax package

and Means Committee Chairman Dan
Rostenkowski wants his panel's $50
billion tax bill to be considered by the
House as part of a package that also in-
cludes spending cuts, aides said yester-
Briefing reporters on the commit-
tee's late-night closed session Thur-
sday, during which the tax bill was
completed, a senior committee aide
said Rostenkowski, (D-Ill.), will be
looking to President Reagan and House
Speaker Thomas O'Neill for a signal
that tere is some constensus on
reducing the federal defici., now ap-
proaching $1.5 trillion.
"THIS BILL would be better as part
of a budget package," the aide said.
"Standing by itself...well, we'll just
have to see."

The bill raises the $50 billion in the
next three years by, among other
measures, increasing taxes on liquor,
reducing the amount of a planned cut in
the cigarette tax, freezing the 3 percent
telephone excise tax, which was
to expire this year, modifying a limit on
tax-free industrial development bonds,
and limiting the tax write-offs a
business can take for a car to the first
$21,000 of the car's worth.
The car provision, by, Rep. Fortney
Stark, (D-Calif.), was aimed at at-
tacking businesses that buy luxury cars
simply so they can deduct them as a
business expense.
WHITE HOUSE spokesman Larry
Speakes said the administration had
not seen the Rostenkowski plan in
detail, "but those parts which are con-
sistent with the president's budget we

will support. Other measures in it we
will have to look at and analyze. At the
same time we are still sticking to our
policy that tax increases should be ac-
companied by spending cuts."
He said the administration would
support or reject "user fees, ' or taxes
on specific products like alcohol and
tobacco on a case-by-case basis.
Reagan, whose fiscal 1985 budget is at
least $180 billion in the red, has con-
sistently been against any taxes except
what he calls loophole closings, some of
which are addressed in Rostenkowski's
The Ways and Means Committee
plans to bring the tax bill to the House
Rules Committee next week and is
asking that committee to preclude
amendments when the bill is con-
sidered on the House floor.

Book bin
The garbage container behind the Law quad overflows with books yesterday, as the laws must have all been changed,
or maybe some law students decided to chuck it all and stay down in Florida.


Blown off
MAYBE JIM RAU should have expected it. But
the low turnout of research subjects for his senior
project depressed him, nevertheless. Rau chose to do
his senior thesis on procrastination. Over the
last few weeks h en nt onnsiderlhe time making nnters


procrastinators will change their ways. "I'll be really
disappointed if I can't get anyone by next week," he said.
"It's really important, my study depends on getting subjec-
ts." LQ
Bozo for president
OW AMERICA has its first chance to elect a real Bozo
to the presidency. With Rubin Askew and Earnest
Hollings out of the race and George McGovern standing on
thin ice. Larry Harmon. the actor who created Bozo and has

Bozo Party." "If I become president, I hope to help the
nations agree enough to keep the world going." L
Chips defended
WHO SAYS POTATO chips are bad for you? Not the
folks attending a National Potato Chipping Seminar
recently. They insist that those notorious munchy morsels
are even good for you. Citing public misconception about
the nutritional value of chips. Jay Foods Inc. President Joe
Whalen said that "there is no such thing as junk food."
GG ,il.. , t ... .. lt. . 1.. ,, 4: . . .. .4. ... >. - _,1 ., 7T 1..

The Daily almanac
O N THIS DATE in 1969, the professors in LSA voiced
approval for a new degree program, the Bachelors of
General Science. Under the proposal, the degree would
have had -no distribution, concentration, or language
Also on this date in history:
" 1923 - The University track team captured the Illinois
Relay Carnival and set four conference records;
- A 1C.. - A .- _ .4> -4..,. -4_ . 1 . L


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