A OPINION Page 4 Friday, March 2, 1984 The Michigan Daijy 4 An engineer's view of humanity By David Bloom After years of complacency it ap- pears that the American public is finally taking notice of the threat of global nuclear war. Cold war precedent of nationalist propaganda has given way to a new era of government mistrust and outspoken criticism. As the fallout from such media exposures as the movie "War Games," the television special "The Day After" and the exploding EuroMissile debate begins to settle on the national con- science, we find ourselves asking once- taboo questions. "Is any use of nuclear weaponry thinkable?" "Isn't the very existence of such an arsenal pretense enough for its employment?" The issue is an old one; its open discussion is anomalous. The advocates and opponents mass in the obvious arenas for high media visibility. We are not surprised to see the debate take on an added dimension of depth and inten- sity on campus-we are an intellectual community, and heady issues are the stuff of a good argument. The already heated debate comes to a full boil when the peripheral topic of military resear- ch in universities is piggybacked to bring the issues even closer to home. The conflict over military research on campus has been called a clash of freedoms. Proponents argue that such research is protected by the right to study freely, while opponents stress that efforts aimed at death and destruc- tion (often euphemized "defense") in- fringe on the very basic human right to life. A battle of rhetoric ensues as the camps, armed with such philosophical jargon as political determinism, "big stick" deterrence, academic freedom and the role of the university in society, engage in activism and political lob- bying. As thoughtful members of -an academic community, we are under- standably drawn to this fervent debate, if not by the volatile issues it surrounds, then by the sheer vehemence of the par- ticipants. Whether it is an intellectual or a humanistic interest, we are com- pelled as responsible academicians to reason out the opposing viewpoints and form a rational opinion; moreover, with such a conviction, to make our voices heard. Unfortunately, a- stigma is attached to those who impose their views upon public and policy maker: nobody likes a whining activist. Add to this odium the readiness on the part of the opposing camps to denounce those who align with their adversary, and the prospect of educating becomes markedly less at- tractive. How, then, to proceed? One might begin with the lesson of J. R. Oppenheimer, whose paradoxical role as'both the greatest single con- tributor and most outspoken opponent to the A-bomb is exemplary of the type of approach our activism should take. When working on the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer had a captive audience in the American government, who sought to end with expedience a lengthy, costly war. He worked primarily as a scientist; in secret and well equipped. After atomic bombs were exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he saw the horror of the em- ployment of such devices, and like Nobel before him, devoted his life to peace. Both his audience and his mode of communication then shifted. Where once his closely-monitored technical progress was eagerly lapped up by zealous generals, the government tur- ned a deaf ear to Oppenheimer's en- treaties for sanity. He turned to the American public with his cause, but un- fortunately, the era was not sym- pathetic to such pleas. Thus, to bombard numbed policy makers with demands is rhetorical beating-our-heads-against-the-wall. We must first educate the masses on the implications of nuclear war. Only then can we hope to sway a government of the people, We are today but a few voices cursing the sad state of affairs; our goal should be to thicken our ranks-to spread the word-the policy changes we seek will then come readily. We at the University are fortunate to have on campus an outstanding sub- community of concerned activists from which to gain inspiration and insight. The local chapter of the Progressive Student Network was founded on this credo of education, and though it has certainly not limited its functions to in- formative efforts, all of the group's ac- tivities stem from the mutual- educational goals of its diverse mem- bership. A non-hierarchical collective, the PSN functions primarily as a soun- ding board for topics pertinent to the peace and security of the world, and graduate, faculty or administrator, each of us is both teacher and student, offering to and gaining from the University community ideas and opinions on the world around us. We in- cur little risk in the everyday exchange of knowledge that makes up the concer- ted education process, therefore we may take for granted that precious freedom that allows this to continue. Andrei Sakharov's message is not dissimilar from the PSN's. For his ef- forts at educating a propagandized Soviet, he was interned in Siberia for "mental illness." Orwell's 1984 is not so close that we need concern ourselves with persecution for "wrong thinking," or is it? Of the hundreds of thousands of men who refused to register for the draft, the twenty-two who face 'If this message is to serve any purpose, let it be a rhetorical call-to-arms: an entreaty to you for support and action in the process of infusing sanity back into society.' ciation. The alternative is dependence upon destruction for detente, the threat of extinction for extortion and the reliance on the makers of war to keep the peace. In our quest to educate we should derive our conviction from the magnitude of the issues. It is not suf- ficient to post handbills, write editorials and occupy laboratories; these media- intensive efforts may provide a large audience, but they necessarily diminish the weight of the message. The best way to discuss the issue is with in- dividuals. Entertain a dialogue and en- courage feedback. The topic of nuclear war's imminen- cy is fresh on the minds of all conscien- tious citizens, what requires emphasis are the implications of the military research here on campus that supports arms escalation. In the spring of 1983, the regents discussed guidelines for reseach activities lobbied for by the PSN and thought them too restrictive to be adopted. It was felt sufficient that the government should curtail spon- soring research activities on grounds of security alone. Parallel to these local efforts, proposals for a nuclear arms freeze (actually, a weak proposal to send such a message to Washington) and more recently, petitions to make Ann Arbor a "nuclear-free" community have met with some success. The former passed overwhelmingly in the recent elections, and the latter is gaining momentum. If passed, the "nuclear-free Ann Arbor" proposal would affect little military, research presently being conductd at the University, though such a move would almost certainly be challenged in the courts. Military research projects are presently sponsored in every college of the University, ranging from EMP hardening to biological-warfare defen- se and from statistics to 'anti-satellite technology. Peripheral research ac- tivities in materials, communications, and mathematics also support Depar- tment of Defense interests. Thfs research and similar projects at other Universities support the notion that war is thinkable, that death and destruction is planable, and that we as academicians are as much tools of the war machine as the soldiers. Truly,,We are being prostituted for our expertise. Our goals and the goals of our employer are not the same. American militarism has opponents here, as well as in the Middle East and South America. But as humanists, ours is not a protest against strategic policy, it is rather against the acceptability, of death and destruction as a means for conflict resolution. The notion of "might makes right" is the antithesis-of "knowledge is power." We believe i , a discussion as our means for confl ct resolution, so we should spread tkis conviction among the people of Oar community. In numbers we can ton tell our policy makers, both local apd national, that we will not stand byt ed allow their communication media tol~e bombs and projectiles. We will te#h them by our example, that war is the way. If this message is to serve any pur- pose, let it be a rhetorical call-to-arras: an entreaty to you for support and kc- tion in the process of infusing sanity back into society. We have the most powerful weapons of all in our courage of conviction and proven coin- munication techniques. They must all be employed-and employed now- to put an end to this escalating geocidal arms race. Educate your students, professors, and administrators. Involve your peers in this most vital of issues. Learn all you can about preventing the holocaust, then spread the word. The alternativeis being hurled over the precipice pf ignorance into a sea of demise like' a race of lemmings into extinction. , Teach peace. secondarily as an activist organization to press for the adoption of policies favorable to these ends. Unfortunately, it is the latter activities which gain the PSN the most (and most negative) at- tention. It is paradoxical that the notorious PSN should be our model for a self-educated and autonomous com- munity. We are not protestors ... But we are educators! Each member of the University community has in common the premium placed on education, knowledge being valued over power or material wealth. So driven are the PSN members by the harsh reality of nuclear war's even- tuality that they risk outcast and arrest to have their views heard. To divorce ourselves for risk denies our com- monality: whether undergraduate or prosecution all have one thing in com- mon: they all are outspoken opponents to war and the draft. They key word here is "outspoken"; were they to sit quietly with their convictions, they would join the other evaders in de jure freedom from prosecution. "Big Brother" picked these men for their ac- tivism, just as the Kremlin silenced Sakharov for his. Sakharov was a university professor. We are therefore united with the PSN in risk as well as educational goals. The same benign government that singles out draft evaders on the basis of decibels-yea the deployer of the devices we deplore-will not stand mute in the face of our concerted efforts to thwart nuclear weapons' escalation. We face ridicule, rebuke and renun- Bloom is a graduate of University engineering school. the Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan LaBan 8 QCLI 73AIMhYS-T HATS6 BHT. NO9 IF it Vol. XCIV-No. 119 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Reagan wrongs women THE REAGAN administration delivered another blow to women's rights. What's new. This time the blow came as the U.S. Supreme Court ac- cepted the administration's "program specific" reading of a law prohibiting sex discrimination. This means that colleges who fail to obey the Federal law which prohibits sex discrimination will not have all of their Federal funds cut, only that program in which they receive federal funds. In 1976, a college in Grove City, Pa. refused to sign forms assuring the government of their compliance with the law barring sex discrimination, Title IX, because they believed they didn't depend on Federal funds. Under previous administrations none of the college's students could receive Federal financial assistance. Four Grove City students challenged the law which three previous administrations had uhed in a broad interpretation of Title IX, denying the college any Federal funds. But last November the Reagan Ad- ministration reversed the -gover- nment's position in favor of Grove City College. This left the case with no arguments supporting the earlier rulings forbidding Grove City to receive Federal funds. The high court Wednesday has subsequently ruled in favor of the Reagan administration's narrow reading of the law, allowing Grove City students to receive Federal assistance in all programs, except for the one the Federal government dependent from government funds in certain programs so they don't have to obey Federal laws. A dangerous precedent. In effect, the high court's ruling "Takes the teeth out of Title IX," as the Director of the University's Depar- tment of Women Studies noted. Nor can women's groups depend on the only woman presiding on the high court, Sandra Day O'Connor, to sup- port their rights. For she too voted in favor of the ruling. Another sinister angle to the ruling is that it sends an open invitation for colleges across the nation to openly discriminate on the basis of sex. Who knows what the next step by the Reagan administration might be. Civil rights advocates suggest that it could lead to a similarly narrow inter- pretation on race-discrimination barriers in the civil rights act. Three of the dissenting opinions in the decision brought up other impor- tant issues - the fact that the ruling goes against Congress's intentionally broad reading of the law. Last Novem- ber, by a 414 to 8 vote, the House of Representatives passed a resolution expressing the sense that the law should be given a broad scope. Also, in friend of the court briefs, Senator Bob Dole (R-Kansas) joined 48 other mem- bers of Congress in declaring that the purpose of the law was to "prohibit gender discrimination in all aspects of the American educational system." The Reagan administration has delt civil rights a crucial setback that a. YOU CET REALLY K GOOD... RE- EC ' G 'Nei N fAUlTĀ° A I I i I1 11 , ~rNvw2 IP LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Depo-Provera comments n Tod the Daily: A week or so ago I spoke to the editor concerning a quotation by Law Professor Francis Allen in the February 13 Detroit Free Press. Professor Francis Allen is quoted in the Free Press article in which he comments over the controversial "sentence" of Depo-Provera for child rapist Rogert Gauntlett, in lieu of protesting the sentence thus: "I must say I believe this is a very questionable kind of decree to enter . . . there is a real problem about the dignity of the individual involved here . . . It would be one thing if the defen- dent had volunteered ... I really think there is a question about the forcible use of measures to produce physical changes in people . . . there is a con- stitutional right to body integrity The irony of these comments concerning a convicted child rapist, one who has been raping his stepdaughter for a period of seven years, is shocking and un- believable. He should be taken to task for his insensitivity to this case. isp laced Will you join me in protesting these statements by one who teaches future attorneys, and con only inflict his ignorance, insen- sitivity and inhumanity on those who are "paying through the nose" for a quality education aid being robbed of it? - Nadine Feinberg February 13 Southfield I IMT Af11t . Ardv TATTY