Ninety-four Years E riof Editorial Freedom E 4ir 41F Iai1Q Glare A little more seasonable today with sunny skies and a high near 30. p. Vol. XCIV-No. 118 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 1, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Paces .. swig I uw=a . , TV Trudean S II Y ¢ r r. a" t .. .R y l "wn anno ces ? y tip' a. 4 u 4 An fly. ". % 3 '"I IM ri4l144 I ka ;u ' I ;y h )°i¢ n xs, r resi 'n 4 W"a N R L , K / 3 A on, Pd 4k< I. ME "; g s a'a 'F x'r a~ReY g i s bbd : J 1y , a Car Chaos AP Photo A Lebanese man and his wife flee from the scene of a car bomb in West Beirut yesterday. The car bomb exploded in front of a twelve story building killing at least two people and wounding between 50 and 75 others. Pro posed By SUSAN MAKUCH The proposed student code for non-academic con- duct inspired heated debate yesterday, as Com- munications Prof. William Colburn and Michigan Student Assembly President Mary Rowland clashed at Campus Meet the Press. MSA strongly opposes the code which would allow the University to take action against students for ac- tions outside the classroom such as arson, harassment, and interfering with University ac- tivities. COLBURN, a member of the University Council which drafted the code, told the audience of 45 that the University cannot take action against students under the current rules. He cited a list of 6,000 crimes by students which "we have no means to deal with." But Rowland said the code is too broad, and dangerously increases the University's authority over students' lives. code take's a beating From AP and UPI OTTAWA - Canada's flamboyant prime minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, announced yesterday he was retiring after nearly 16 years in office. Trudeau came to power in April 1968 at age 48, succeeding Nobel Peace Prize winner Lester Pearson as Canadian prime minister and leader of the Liberal Party. After four election victories and one short-lived defeat, his 15 years in office made him the longest- serving leader of a Western country. "THE EXPERIENCE of being leader of our great party has been one of the joys of my life. But I now feel this is the appropriate time from someone else to assume this challenge," Trudeau said in a letterto Liberal Par- ty President Iona Campagnolo. Stepping down as leader of Canada's Liberal Party automatically means Trudeau will leave the post of prime minister. It was not clear when the resignation would take effect. Asked why he picked yesterday to resign, he said: "WHY TODAY? Well, because it's a good day," Trudeau told reporters out- side his Parliament Hill office. "It's the first day of the rest of my life. "I had a good day Tuesday ... and it seemed to be a good day to have the last day. Trudeau recently met in Moscow with the Soviet Union's new leader, Konstan- tin Chernenko, as part of a series of visits to world capitals on a self-styled international peace mission aimed at nuclear disarmament, '(The University Council) was surprised that this code, which we were putting together for the students' benefit, met with such animosity. We want student reaction and input.' - William Colburn Communications Prof. "There are legai means available to deal with these students," Rowland said. ROWLAND SAID she is not opposed to the idea of a code, but said the current proposal excludes students from too much of the decision-making. "If it's for students, it should be governed by studen- ts. If it's a student-faculty code, then students and faculty should govern it," she said. Colburn said the opposition to the code has surprised him, and expressed a willingness to make com- promises. '(THE UNIVERSITY Council) was surprised that this code, which we were putting together for studen- ts' benefit, met with such animosity. We want studen- reaction and input," he said. Colburn called charges that the code is aimed at stifling dissent on campus, "pure nonsense." "We had the code written, typed and sent off before any of the sit-ins took place (last) year," he said. r ~SeeNSA, Page 5 Trudeau k ... ready to step down Speculation had been rife for months that Trudeau, 64, who has been Canadian prime minister for all but nine 'months of the last 16 years, was preparing to step aside. No clear successor has emerged. Trudeau said in his letter to Cam- pagnolo that he would remain as prime minister until a leadership convention could be held. Air Force jet hits Spanish hills, kills seventeen BORJA, Spain (UPI) - A U.S. Air Force transport plane on a training mission crashed into a snowswept mountain in Spain while attempting an emergency landing, killing all 17 Americans aboard and a Spanish of- ficer, officials said yesterday. The wreckage of the plane, a Her- cules C-130 turbo-prop, was found by a search team some 12 hours after it went down about two miles northwest of the the village or Borja, Air Force officials said. THE PLANE was part of the 435th Tactical Airlift Wing based at Rhein Main Air Force base near Frankfurt, West Germany and was flying a night- time parachute drop training mission at the time of the crash. During the training maneuvers, the plane was based at the U.S. Air Force base at Zaragoza in northeastern Spain. The crash site, accessible only by helicopter, was reported about 35 miles northwest of Zaragoza and some 10 miles from the plane's parachute drop See AIR FORCE, Page 3 Petitioners protest GEO dues By LAURIE DELATER Angry non-unionized teaching assistants began a petition drive this week to protest the Graduate Employees Organization's (GEO) mandatory fee for all staff and teaching assistants. Under GEO's contract, both union and non-union teaching assistants must pay dues or risk losing their jobs. The petition is asking that the fees be voluntary. ONLY 637 of the University's 1,700 teaching and staff assistants were GEO members last term, but less than tw.o- thirds of the non-members paid the mandatory fees. Last month GEO leaders started cracking down on TAs who failed to pay union dues by threatening to have the University fire them. Although non-unionized TAs have always been required to pay GEO dues under the contract, the union hasn't enforced the policy in the past. INSTEAD GEO focused its attention on negotiating a con- tract with the University to replace the 1976 agreement. But since a two-year accord was reached:last November, GEO has been trying to build its strength through recruiting new members and collecting unpaid dues. Today the GEO Steering Committee had planned to notify employees who haven't paid union dues that termination procedures would begin if they didn't comply within ten days. But the union instead decided to mail a second round of war- ning letters, said GEO Vice President Jane Holzka. TAs received a first set of letters last month. THE sudden enforcement sparked 20 students to form the petition drive to change GEO from a "closed" to "open" shop which would give non-union members a choice in supporting See PETITION, Page 5 i;i;:}a>i4+StSi:33r.i <;fh3ii?5if <: i2i%>3:i >iSi>:Gir .i::Y3ri:i :f::Y;;; :%:iii'-:::$5:fi s iii:isi-?:??i''"i3ie,'5:: i is ii}i;: ;5:;::<:r: #i3i:is .:..:.::":::::.. 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The inch-tall, brightly colored ursine confections, made of gelatin or starch, come mostly from West Germany, but there are Belgian gummy bears. Americans chew up half a billion gummy bears every year, and the market is only getting better. "There's a price war in Chicago right now," said one gummy-bear expert. "They're cutting each other's throats to sell bears. It's a bear market for bears." David Tibbals from Drake Sandwich Shop, one of the biggest campus suppliers of from the unauthorized use of the phrase. In an order filed Monday, U.S. District Judge Julian Cook also ordered Braxton to pay Carson's legal costs and gave Braxton until March 27 "to make an orderly transition and change of name (on the portable toilets)." The actual amount Brax- ton will have to pay will be determined at a hearing before a U.S. magistrate in late spring after Carson's attorneys have reviewed Porta-John's ledgers. Carson and Johnny Carson Apparel Inc. of Buffalo, N.Y., sued Braxton on Jan. 20, 1977 for unauthorized use of "Here's Johnny!" - the The Daily almanac O N THIS DATE in 1969, University scientists and engineers announced that they would not take part in a nationwide campus research stoppage aimed at protesting misuse of science and technology. Also on this date in history: * 1933 - More than 450 students, twice the usual number, patronized the Union billiard and bowling rooms at the first half-price night. I I I