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February 29, 1984 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-29

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Senate votes to halt
legislator 's privileges


The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 29, 1984 - Page 3
London workers
r ban onu10ns

LANSING, Mich. (UPI) - The
Senate yesterday gave final approval to
legislation taking away decades-old
protections lawmakers have had from
being served lawsuits and other civil
The three-bill "legislative immunity"
package, which also removes
legislators' special privileges from
traffic tickets, won unanimous ap-
proval in the upper chamber and was
sent to Gov. James Blanchard for
AFTER BLANCHARD signs the bills
which he has vowed to do - lawmakers
will be treated more like ordinary
citizens when it comes to being served
lawsuits, subpoenas or traffic citations.
The action results from a 1982 ballot
question in which voters directed
lawmakers to limit immunity.
The new measure limit the protection
to days when the Legislature meets.
THEY ALSO protect lawmakers
:from lawsuits filed for actions related
:to their official legislative duties, and
protect their legislative files and tapes

from subpoena.
Legislative immunity privileges were
established in the state's 1908 Con-
stitution, which was revised in 1963.
Under those provisions, lawmakers
are protected from being served
lawsuits and subpeonas on days when
the Legislature is "in season." But in
1963 when the Constitution was amen-
ded, lawmakers worked part-time.
When the Legislature later became a
full-time body, the provision resulted in
virtual blanket protection for
And when state traffic laws were
decriminalized in 1978, traffic tickets
became civil actions, therefore making
lawmakers immune from receiving
speeding citations under the immunity
Critics charge that those changes left
lawmakers with a lot of room for
avoiding traffic tickets and civil suits.
One senator, for example, recently
avoided a ticket for driving 85 miles an
hour down a Lansing freeway to get

Timothy Donaldson, the chairman of Fisk University and a member of the
board of trustees for the Bank of the Bahamas, speaks on "The Fisk Crisis
and the Survival of Black Colleges." The appearence is sponsored by the
Center for Afroamerican and African studies and begins at 12 p.m. in Whit-
ney Aud.
Oxford Film Guild-The Graduate, 6,8 & 10 p.m., Nat. Sci.
Reel Change-Poletown lives, 12:15 p.m., room 4068 Frieze Building.
Women's studies-The Double Day, 12 p.m., Lecture Room 2, MLB.
Ethnographic film series-High School and Desert People, 7 p.m., Lecture
room 2, MLB.
Hill Street-The Truth about Communism, 7 & 8:30 p.m., Hill Street
School of Music-Guest Saxophone recital, lecture and performance
theory, 8p.m., Recital Hall.
Minority Music Students Assoc.-"A musical tribute to Fisk University,"
8p.m., Hale Aud., School of Education.
natomy and Cell Biology-Michael Welsh, "The Continuing Saga of
Calmodulin in Mitosis," 12p.m., toom 5732, Med. Sci. II.
Russian and East European Studies-Sergei Kan, "Russian Orthodox
Missionaries and Tlingit Indians: An Ethnohistorical Perspective," 12 p.m.,
Lane Hall Commons.
Dentistry-Tom Green and Leopold Klausner, "Professional Burnout in
Dental Education," 4p.m., room 1033 Kellogg.
Computing Center-Bob Brill, "Fortran 77 in MTS, II," 3:30 p.m., room
165 Buss. Ad. Leigh Daniels, "'Using the Apple Microcomputer with MTS,"
3:30 p.m., room 140 Bus. Ad.
CRLT-Robert Kozma, "Using computer simulations in the classroom," 2
p.m., CLRT.
ILIR-Charles Bryan, "Dynamics of Progressive Union Leadership:
Bargaining Workplace Democracy at Eastern Airlines," 12 p.m.
Michigan Map Society-Lawrence Sommers, "Fish in Lake
Michigan-Distribution Factors-a New Atlas Project," 8 p.m., Clements
Department of Statistics-Noel Cressie, "Spatial Statistics," 4 p.m., room
451 Mason Hall.
Chemistry Department-Jeff Nichols, "B-Carbanions," 4 p.m., room 1300,
Chemistry Building.
Judiac Studies-Avraham Balaban, "The Religious Yearning in Modern
Israeli Prose," 4 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham.
Industrial and Operations engineering-Sunder Kekre; "New Principles of
Lot Sizing and Capacity Planning in Jobshops," 4 p.m., room 241, IOE
Science Fiction Club-8.15 p.m., Michigan League.
Michigan Gay Undergraduates-9 p.m., Guild House.
Academic Alcoholics-i1:30 p.m., Alono club.
Tae Kwon do Club-6 p.m., CCRB Martial Arts Room.
Engineering Council-7 p.m., room 311, West Engineering.
Canterbury Loft-Meditative Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, 5:15 p.m.,
332S. State Street.
Lutheran Campus Ministry-Ecumenical study of baptism, eucharist, and
ministry, 8 p.m., Campus Chapel.
The Michigan Daily-Campus Meet the Press, 4 p.m., Kuenzel Room,
WAAM Radio-Ted Heusel Show, "Nuclear Power Plants," 11 a.m.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in -care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Malicious Intent

Snowdaze AP Photo
An Evansville, Indianasnowman bears the message that rang across the
Midwest for the second straight day yesterday.
Supreme Court reduces Ti

LONDON (AP) - Tens of thousands
of workers joined a "Day of Action"
strike yesterday protesting the gover-
nment ban on unions at a top-secret in-
telligence center, and the walkout
blocked porduction of all national
newspapers in London.
The strike also halted some trains,
buses and ambulances, disrupted in-
dustries and government services and,
in one London borough, forced the post-
ponement of several funerals.
JUBILANT union leaders hailed the
protest as a "stupendous" success, but
the Institute of Directors, an employers'
organization, said the strike had no ef-
fect on 95 percent of the nation's in-
Most newspaper unions had urged
their members to work normally to en-
sure full coverage of the "Day of Ac-
tion," but the engineering union
decided yesterday to withdraw its
members, halting production of Lon-
don's Wednesday editions. the
Newspaper Publishers Association it
would sue for "maximum damages."
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
said she "deplored and condemned"
the one-day nationwide protest. She
told lawmakers it "hits out at ordinary
people" and provided "further
justification" for her ban on unions at
tie IX effect
but the college refused to comply and
faced losing federal funds.
The college, located 70 miles north of
Pittsburgh, was founded in 1876 and is
affiliated with the Presbyterian Chur-
ch. In opposing the paperwork
requirement, it pictured itself as the
victim of bureaucratic meddling and
noted that it historically has sought to
mainain its independence by refusing
all government assistance.
The Supreme Court said vesterdav
that the only program at Grove City
which is covered by Title IX is the
college's financial aid program.
In his opinion for the court, Justice
Byron White said the receipt of the
federal grants "by some of Grove City's
students does not trigger institution-
wide coverage under Title IX."
The grant program represents
"federal financial assistance to the"
college's own financial aid program,
and it is that program that may
properly be regulated under Title IX,"
White said.

the Government Communications
Headquarters in Cheltenham, west of
THE PRIME minister contends the
union ban, which takes effect Thur-
sday, is needed to guarantee there is no
disruption in the center's monitoring
and sifting of worldwide com-
munications, as there was during pay
disputes in 1979 and 1981.
Britain's largest labor federation, the
Trades Union Congress, called on its
10.5 million members to strike for at
least some part of the day.
It was impossible to determine exac-
tly how many workers participated, but
union estimates were more than 100,000
strikers nationwide.
THE WALKOUT began just hours af-
ter Thatcher won parliamentary
backing in a 201-25 House of Commons
vote Monday night. Virtually the entire
Labor Party, Britain's socialist op-
position, abstained.
Yesterday morning, railway workers
and bus drivers walked off the job in
several cities, bringing chaos ,to the
morning rush.hour. A quartersof all
British Rail trains were canceled and
many of the rest were delayed, officials
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(Continued from Page 1)'
vestigation to determine if its programs
discriminated against women, although
no Title IX violations were found.
But Director of the Department of
Women's Studies Louise Tilly said the
high court's ruling "takes the teeth out
of Title IX." Yesterday's decision will
deprive women of having a safeguard
against discrimination and will block
progress for the women's movement,
Tilly added.
THE RULING gives universities the
freedom to discriminate, added Social
Work Prof. Rosemary Sarri.
But Virginia Nordby, director of'the
University's affirmative action office
who worked to ensure programs
weren't in violation of Title IX during
the 1980 investigation, said the ruling
won't hurt women at the University.
"'President Shapiro has made it clear
that he is absolutely committed to equal
opportunity for male and female
students and staff," Nordby said.
SARRI, however, isn't convinced of

Shapiro's committment to protecting
women's rights. "We haven't made
progress for women at the University.
We've been slipping behind in the num-
ber of women faculty in the ad-
Women comprise 20 percent of the
University faculty.
Several college officials nationwide
said the decision would not change
their schools' policies because they"
don't discriminate against women
Some women's rights advocates in
Washington said they will turn to
Congress for help.
This case, which has been one of the
most closely watched by women's
rights groups, started as an obscure
dispute between the Education Depar-
tment and the tiny Grove City College
in Grove City, Pa.
Grove City was requested in 1977 un-
der Title IX to file a form with the
Education department guaranteeing it
does not practice sex discrimination,

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