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February 17, 1984 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-17

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Regents set new

The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 17, 1984 - Page 3
housing rates

Michigan's Icers host Michigan Tech tonight in a
Arena. Game time is 7:30 p.m.

hockey game at Yost

Classic Film Theatre -.Sleeper, 7:05 & 10:40 p.m.; Annie Hall, 9 p.m.,
Michigan Theatre.
Cinema Two - Gilda, 7 p.m.; All About Eve, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
AAFC - Eraserhead, 6:45 & 10:20 p.m.; The Honeymoon Killers, 8:20
p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema Guild - Easter Parade, 7 p.m.; The Pirate, 9 p.m., Lorch.
School of Music - Jed Fritzemeier, double bass recital, 6 p.m.; Gregor.
Broughton and Toni-Marie Montgomery, voice/piano recital, 8 p.m., Recital
Creative Ensemble Company - A Home, 8 p.m., Ann Arbor Civic Theatre,
338 S. Main.
Natural Resources - Laird, Norton Distinguished Visitor Series, Ron
Skoog, "Public Land Management in Michigan," 3-5 p.m., 1040 Dana.
Chemistry - Organic Thesis Colloquium, Suresh Mislankar, "Chemistry
of 3-Isobutoxycyclopent-2-En-1-one. A General Approach Towards
Tricyclopentanoids," 3 p.m., 1300 Chem. Bldg.
South & Southeast Asian Studies - Sally Ann Allen Ness, "Laban Analysis
of Sinulog: A Cebuano Dance Ritual," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Continuing Medical Education - "Medical & Non-Tramautic Surgical
Emergencies," Towsley Ctr.
Anthropology - Nabeel Abraham, "Islamic Revival in a Lebanese
Muslim Congregation: A Case Study of Gender Politics," 4 p.m., 2021 LSA
Statistics - Michael Woodroofe, "Asymptotic Local Minimaxity in
Sequential Estimation," 4p.m., 1443 Mason.
Tae Kwon o Club - Practice, 5-7 p.m., Martial Arts Rm., CCRB,.
Chinese Students Christian Fellowship - "Fellowship & Bible Study," 8
p.m., 3rd Floor Trotter House, 730 Tappan.
Korean Christian Fellowship - Bible Study meeting, 9 p.m., Campus
Ann Arbor Chinese Bible Class - 7:30 p.m., University Reformed Church.
Regents -9 a.m.-noon, Regents Rm., Fleming Admin. Bldg.
Muslim Students Association - Arabic Circle, discussion on latest events
in the Muslim World, 9 p.m., Muslim House, 407 N. Ingalls.
Duplicate Bridge Club - Open Game, 7:15 p.m., League.
Folk Dance Club - International Folk Dancing, 8 p.m.-midnight, corner of
State and William.
Human Resource Development - automation Program, "Word
Processors, Hands On," 8:30-11:30 a.m., 1050 Admin. Services Bldg. Open to
all staff; enrollment limit is 8.
Museum of Art - Art Break, Ginny Castor, "Five Beauties," 12:10 p.m.
Ann Arbor Train & Trolley Watchers - Jeff Mast, "Happenings;" Mercer
Patriarche, "Western Rails, 1983," 8 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
306 N. Division.
WCBN - Newsprogram, 5:30 p.m., 88.3 FM.
Transcendental Meditation Program - An introduction, noon, 4316
Michigan Union.
English - Coffee hour with Prof. Gerald Burns, 11:00 a.m., 1006 Angell.

If you're a student staying in a double
room in a traditional resident hall, ex-
pect to pay about $130 more for your
room next year.
The University regents approved a 5
percent rate hike yesterday, which will
boost housing bills an extra $105 to $158
for students in West Quad, Markley,
and other traditonal dorms.
RATES increased 5.8 percent for non-
traditional housing, which includes
Fletcher Hall, Baits and Oxford, and 3
percent for married student housing.
Regent Deane Baker (D-Ann Arbor)

voted for the hike, but said the increase
for non-traditional halls was too high
given their 15 percent vacancy rate.
Housing director Robert Hughes said
the increase was needed to cover
operating costs and improvements in
those halls.
Hughes also said the division hopes to
cut down the vacancy rate in the dorms
and attract more students by conver-
ting a number of double rooms into
HENRY Johnson, vice president for
student services, said the University
was keeping the rate increase for

Gemay'el seeks Saudi
intervention in Beirut

married students low to keep campus
housing competitive with off-campus
Hughes said the difference in rate in-
creases does not mean single students
are subsidizing the housing costs of
married students, as both types of housing
are on completely separate budgets.
CHANGES IN the works for some
residence halls after spring break in-
clude a chance to get three meals a day.
Stockwell and East Quad residents will
be able to sign up for an extra meal a
day, under an arrangement that has
become popular in West Quad, Bursely,
and Markley.
.Another change in student housing
will let off-campus students open up
cash-credit accounts with a dorm next
fall and pay for any meals they eat out of
their account.
Later in the meeting, the regents got
some bad news about efforts to recruit
black students on campus. According to
a report by the Office of Affirmative
Action, black enrollment dropped from
5.2 percent in 1982, to 4.9 percent last
The attrition rate for black un-
dergraduates has improved slightly,
from 50 percent to 45.6 percent, but it is
still far greater than the 28 percent of
whites who fail to graduate.

B( ker
rate hike too large

(Continued from Page 1)
with us and Gemayel," Jumblatt said in
the telephone interview from Damascus
Syria, which was broadcast by In-
dependent Television News in London.
"Gemayel is to be judged for crimes
against the Lebanese people . . there is
no way to have a deal with Gemayel."
In Tel Aviv, Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir said abrogation of the
May 17 Israel-Lebanon accord would
jeopardize any future peace agreemen-
ts between Israel and its Arab neigh-
"IF THIS IS abrogated by a Lebanese
institution or president under pressure
from a hostile and most extreme state it
will be a catastrophe, first for the
sovereignty and independence of
Lebanon and secondly for the chances
of peace in the region," he said in a
television interview.
Gemayel dispatched Foregin
Minister Elie Salem to the Saudi capital
of Riyadh, where Salem met im-
mediately with Foreign Minister Prin-
ce Saud al-Faisal. Beirut radio stations
said Salem would plead with Saudi King
Fahd's government to intercede with
Arab diplomatic sources in Riyadh
said Gemayel was seeking assurances
that Syria would honor the Saudi plan,
which also calls for an eventual Syrian
withdrawal from Lebanon. The plan
also was said to seek to end the fighting
in Lebanon and to install a U.N. force in
place of the American, Italian and
French peacekeeping troops in Beirut.

Moslem rebels maintained intense
pressure on Gemayel by tightening
their hold on a swath of coastline bet-
ween Beirut and the Damour River, 5
miles south of the U.S. Marine base at
Beirut International Airport.
The Lebanese army, demoralized
and down to half of its strength of two
weeks ago, lost the territory Tuesday
and Wednesday. Remnants of the Four-
th Brigade remained trapped between
Damour and Israeli lines, 24 miles,
south of Beirut.
Radio reports said rebels were
massing for an attack on government
troops holding Souk El Gharb, the ar-
my's last remaining stronghold,
located on a southeast mountain ridge
overlooking the presidential palace, the
Ministry of Defense and the U.S. am-
bassador's residence in the Beirut
"IF SOME political breakthrough is
not arrived at, they will send out
another message," said a Western
source close to the. conflict, "and they
will probably attack Souk El Gharb."
The army, aided by U.S. naval bom-
bardments, held the village against in-
tense rebel assaults last September.
Most of the remaining Lebanese ar-
my troops still under Gemayel's com-
mand were deployed in Christian east
Beirut along a line confronting the
Shiite Moslem rebels who took control
of the western half of the city 10 days

Total minority enrollment increased
from 10.3 percent to 10.5 percent, most
of the increase being Asian students.
While the University's black
enrollment has dropped, black
enrollment on the Dearborn campus
rose from 396 to 421 students, and from
497 to 512 in Flint.

Regents may oppose
Solomon Amendment

'The University's regents will decide
today whether to support a lawsuit
challenging the constitutionality of a
law linking federal financial aid to
registration for the draft.
The Minnesota Civil Liberties Union
distributed a brief to the regents at the
end of January, and asked them to file a
friend of the court brief backing the
lawsuit by the first week in March.
THE MINNESOTA brief which will
go before the U.S. Supreme Court, says
the Solomon Amendment discriminates.
on the basis of sex and financial status;
violates the Fifth Amendment
prohibiting self-incrimination; and im-
poses punishment without the benefit of
a trial.
University officials have criticized
the law for forcing the University into a
policing role and causing unnesessary

paperwork for the already overworked
financial aid office.
The regents had discussed the law in
December and January, but decided to
delay taking a stand on its con-
stitutionality until they had a chance to
review the Minnesota brief.
The board is also expected to approve
the merger of LSA's Department of
Computer and Communications Scien-
ces with the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering. The
merger, which will place all University
computer instruction in the College of
Engineering, is meant to eliminate
overlapping classes.
If approved, the merger will take ef-
feet July 1. The new Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer
Engineering will temporarily be
located in the East Engineering
building before moving to North Cam-

Saturday, Feb. 18


Cinema Two - To Kill a Mockingbird, 7 p.m.; Aud A Angell, Anatomy of a
Murder, 9:15 p.m., Aud. A Agnell.
Cinema Guild - Charade 7 p.m.; North by Northwest, 9 p.m, Lorch.
' AAFC -Picnic at Hanging Rock, 7 & 9 p.m.; MLB 3.
Classic Film Theatre - Pleasure at Her Majesty's, 7:10 & 10:40p.m.; Life
*of Brian, 9:00 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Creative Ensemble Co. - A Home, Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, 8 p.m., 338 S.
human residents if not maintained and handled properly."
Theatre & Drama - Dogg's Hamlet, Cahoot's Macbeth, New Trueblood
Theatre, Frieze Building, 2 p.m.
Young People's Theatre - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, 2 p.m.
Performance Network, 410 W. Washington.
YDA Foundation - Swami Anantananda, Swami Vimarshananda, "The
Heart's Treasure," 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., 1522 Hill.
Women's Aglow Fellowship - Mary Kowalske, "Relationships Within
Your Family," Forsythe Intermediate School, 9:30 a.m., 1655 Newport
Ann Arbor Go-Club - 2-7 p.m., 1443 Mason.
Tae Kwon Do Club - Practice, 9-11 a.m. Martial Arts Room, CCRB.
Basketball - Michigan vs. Purdue, 2 p.m., crisler Arena.
Hockey - Michigan vs. Michigan Tech, 7:30 p.m., Yost Ice Arena.
Men's Swimming - Michigan vs. Michigan State, 2 p.m., Matt Mann Pool.
Wrestling - Michigan vs. Ohio State, 7:30 p.m., Crisler Arena.
Matthaei Botanical Gardens - adult education class, "Mosses &
Lichens," 9-11 a.m.
Muslim Students Association - Qur'an Interpretation & Islamic
Theology/Ideology, 7:30 p.m., Muslim House, 407 N. Ingalls.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers - Principals and Techniques of
Negotiating, Hoyt Conference Center, Eastern Michigan University.
Hebrew Day School - Goods and Services Auction, 8 p.m., Hillel, 1429 Hill.
Free University - "Conscientious Objection to the Payment of War
Taxes," workshop, noon-4 p.m., Wesley Lounge, 602 E. Huron.
Baha'i Faith - seminar, 3:30 p.m., Union.

E -Systems continues
the tradition of
the world's great problem solvers.

Guglielmo Marconi was
able to see communications rev-
olutionized by his development
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His first experimental transmis-
sions were no more than a few
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E-Systems scientists and
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and applications requiring micro-

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In addition to communica-
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Often, the developed systems
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For a reprint of the Marconi
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Headquarters, P O. Box 226030,
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The problem solvers.
An eaua opportun v emnpiove M F H V

To submit items for the Happenings Column, sendI
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann

them in care of
Arbor, MI 48109

Malicious Intent

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