State-run hospitals accused of being 'snake piots' .LANSING, Mich, (UPI) - An attor- ney who won a $1 million lawsuit again- st the state over the use of powerful tranquilizers in mental institutions said yesterday that state-run hospitals are "snake pits." State Mental Health Director Patrick Babcock disagreed with the attorney's characterization, saying drug use in state hospitals is subject to tight guidelines. However, he acknowledges, 11 think we use drugs maybe more than we should." IN A dramatic presentation to the House Mental Health Committee, lawyer Geoffrey Fieger outlined uses of powerful drugs in mental institutions 'nationally and in Michigan. He said Xichigan's state hospitals enjoy a legal immunity from lawsuits, breeding pediocrity and incompetence. "Behind the wall of immunity, the state has allowed its mental hospitals to turn into snake pits," he said. "He said he is considering a class- action lawsuit against the state alleging violations, of patients' constitutional rights. FIEGER described the case of Anita Katz, a former patient at the state's Clinton Valley Center, who was admit- ted there after having been prescribed Powerful tranzuilizers by a private physician. He said she showed signs of a' sometimes irreversible condition kown as "tardive dyskinesia." The ailment is characterized by grotesque body movements, including the tongue flicking in and out of the mouth. Fieger said that condition is a common side effect of anti-psychotic drugs, adding state doctors worsened the condition by, prescribing more drugs. In spite of the immunity provisions, Fieger was able to win a $1 million lawsuit against the state in Wayne County Circuit Court by suing a clinic housed inside the hospital. The ruling is being appealed by the state. Fieger said drug use in state hospitals is a particular problem . because the institutions are under-staf- fed. Doctors, he said, can treat more patients with drugs than with other means. Among Fieger's recommendations was a massive educational campaign within the hospitals about possible side effects of the drugs and mandatory consent of the patient before drugs are used. The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 15, 1984 - Page 5 Argentinian report reveals brutal history BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) - Argentines only now are learning gruesome details about the deadly repression they lived with in the late 1970s, a dark time whose brutalities were shielded by censorship and by people's unwillingness to believe. In seven years of military gover- nment that ended in December, Argen- tine television aired nothing critical of the ruling generals. But today the late- night news often resembles a horror movie, with graveside scenes of bones exhumed from secret burial grounds, tragic testimony to the military's systematic extermination of its real or imagined enemies. THERE ARE 10,000 documented cases of Argentines who vanished after being arrested in the years following the 1976 military takeover, says author Ernesto Sabato, who heads a com- mission named by Argentina's new, democratically elected president, Raul Alfonsin, to investigate the fate of the "desaparecidos" - the disappeared ones. Sabato says there may be up to 20,000 additional undocumented cases. For years, such human rights ac- tivists as Adolfo Perez Esquivel, win- ner of the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize, sought to impress on the Argentine public the scale of the repression going on around them. THE MILITARY rulers denounced these accounts of torture and executions as part of an "international communist campaign" to smear Agen- tina. The news media - either docile, intimidated or willingly cooperative - desseminated this official version. The public doubted the stories the dissidents told. Today, as President Alfonsin tries to shed light on 1970s repression, Argen- tine journalists seek out Esquivel and others who can attest to the excesses. Esquivel, for one, was jailed for 14 months without charge in 1977-78 and was beaten by his interrogators. The generals took power in March 1976, ousting President Isabel Peron, widow of former President Juan Peron, for alleged corruption. THEY THEN launched a bloody crackdown against two leftist guerrillas groups, the Montoneros and People's Revolutionary Army. But ar- med militants were not the only ones swept up in the dragnet. Thousands of alleged leftist sympathizers - union activists, leftist party members, in- tellectuals - also were seized and disappeared. STALK OUR SH ELVES And discover the pleasure of tracking down that out-of -print title in literature or the arts, science or history. a childhood favorite or a rediscovered classic. *reasonable Prices* Daily Photo by REBECCA KNIGHT Watch the birdie University medical student Philip Garcia spends a quiet Sunday afternoon chatting with his maize and blue macaw, Paco. Better Soviet relations possible A'A 1000s of used Paperbacks at 1/2 original cover price'! (Continued from Page 1) CHERNENKO won't be as tightly bound to the Soviet Union's previous stands on arms deployment in Europe which could make him more flexible than Andropov, Yanov said. Andropov opposed U.S. cruise missile deployment in Europe from the start which made negotiations useless because he refused to back down on that initial stand, Yanov said. The Soviet Union walked out of the Geneva talks on arms reduciton when NATO began deploying missiles in western Europe. With Chernenko, "the arms control cloud will no longer be there," he said. BUT YANOV warned that despite the possibility that Chernenko would be more willing to negotiate, "his hands' will be tied" because of pressure by hardline Communist Party members. "Do not expect any breakthroughs on the agenda," Yanov said. Chernenko, 72, was the "logical can- didate,"' to succeed Andropov said Yanov, who placed a dollar bet that Chernenko would be the new Soviet leader at a party last Friday at the cen- ter for Russian and East European Studies. CHERNENKO has closer ties to par- ty leaders than Andropov, whose leadership was marked by the distance he kept from other officials in the Soviet Union which gave him a "dark horse," status, Yanov said. "(Andropov) was a state official and not a party professional," he said. "Chernenko is one of them." But Yanov added that Chernenko's appointment is likely to be brief because of the Communist party ideoligst's age, Yanov said. Victory came at such a late age that ,(Chernenko) will not be capable of enjoying it for a long time," he said. Other professors, however, are not confident that the change in Soviet leadership will improve U.S.-Soviet relations. The change "is a major non-event because leaders come and go all the time. It is headline news, but not really news," said Political Science Prof. Alfred Meyer. ARMS TALKS will resume when President Reagan offers the Soviet Union a "halfway acceptable" proposal, Meyer said. And that won't happen if the U.S. refuses to com- promise, Meyer said. Historically, the U.S. has tried to keep the Soviet Union as a second-rate power which hasmade American for eign policy inflexible, Meyer said. Political Science Prf. Kenneth Organski also said he doesn't beleive WEST SIDE WBOOKSH OP 113 W. Liberty Sy bring in this ad for 10%discount * * good through Feb 29 (Jhernen Ig( ..favors detente arms talks will be resumed because of Chernenko's appointment. A change in leadership won't resolve the long history of differences between the two nations, Organski said. Meyer noted that Chernenko looks like former Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev. "(Soviet leaders) all look like peasants - sleepy, stupid, and like they won't communicate." For a unique experience in coffee delicacies, come to The Corner Market in the Michigan Union ..-. Ann Arbor's only campus speciality coffee shop ... with special blends by the cup or ground by the pound, Espresso and Cappuccino, all accompanied by a delicious selection of fresh pastries. Come visit with us Wednesday, February 15th, for a special preview of our coffees, 8-1lamand 2-4pm ... we think you will be delighted! Bush meets new Soviet le (Continued from Page 1) of the Geneva nuclear arms talks. The meeting between the two men comes at a time when U.S.-Soviet talks have halted in virtually all areas, and Bush said the two men "were quite frank" about the problems that have brought U.S.-Soviet relations to rock bottom. BUSH SAID he presented Chernenko with "a substantive" letter from Reagan that "conveyed the president's determination to move forward in all areas of our relationship with, the Soviets, and our readiness for con- crete, productive discussions in every one of them." He declined to describe in detail the exchange with Chernenko or to say what specific proposals, if any, were made by either side. Asked for his personal impressions of the 72-year-old Chernenko, Bush said, "He ran the meeting with full authority He looked .very well and was very gracious." CHERNENKO LED the funeral ceremony, which included a 45-minute tribute of music and speeches. An- dropov's red-and-black crepe draped coffin was carried to hishero'sdgrave by a military honor guard and the 12 members of the ruling Politburo. ader after uneral Chernenko hailed Andropov as "an the Soviet Union, on ardent champion of peace" in a eulogy Dignitaries from delivered from the reviewing stand tries came to Mo atop the mausoleum of Lenin, founder respects and me of the Soviet state, leader. Andropov was buried at the foot of the Kremlin wall among other heroes of the Soviet Union with a ringing salute of gunfire. His widow sobbed at the graveside. Factory whistles sounded throughout the Soviet Union to mark his burial. Andropov died Thursday at the age of 69 after just 15 months as Soviet leader. Chernenko was named Communist Party leader, the paramount position in D C rn Monday. more than 100 coun- bscow to pay their et the new Soviet IMI UNION Ground Floor )N'T T AKE MEASLES CALL YOUR FRIENDS!I 4,o WITH SPRING YOU ON ALERT THE PRESS! 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