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January 08, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-08

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'Presidents move to curb athletic abuses

Athletic scandals on campuses across
the nation have pushed college
presidents near their breaking point
this year. And starting next week, they
intend to put their foot down.
Led by Harvard chief Derek Bok and
backed by the American Council on
Education, the presidents are spon-
soring a controversial proposal at the
National Collegiate Athletic
Association convention in Dallas next
week which would greatly increase the
power chief executives wield over
Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

NCAA rules and regulations..
THE PROPOSAL would create a
board of college presidents which would
h ave the power to create new NCAA by-
laws or veto by-laws passed by the
NCAA delegates at the convention.
University heads across the nation,
including University president Harold
Shapiro, are praising the idea.
"A committee of presidents can im-
prove the quality of the NCAA,"
Shapiro said in a recent interview.
"Regarding the responsibility of
academic interests, they know a lot

'The presidents are concerned because when
a scandal occurs, it's usually the president
who gets egg on his face.'
- Paul Gikas, University representative
at the NCAA convention.

puses across the nation.
The University of New Mexico suf-
fered heavy sanctions for forging the
transcripts of several basketball
players. The University of San Fran-
cisco completely abolished its basket-
ball program two years ago after being
placed on probation for the second
time. Only recently has the program
been reinstated on a smaller scale.
Closer to home, the University of
Illinois football team spent two years on
probation for violating eligibility

The list goes on and on. And when
scandal hits a university the president
pays the highest price.
"THE PRESIDENTS are concerned
because when a scandal occurs, it's
usually the president who gets egg on
his face. He's the one that gets the em-
barassment," says medical Prof. Paul
Gikas. As faculty representative to the
Big Ten Conference, Gikas will be
casting the University's vote at the
convention. "Because they (presiden-
ts) are the ones being embarrassed,
See COLLEGE, Page 3

more. It is not the responsibility of the
athletic director or faculty represen-
tative to be responsible for the integrity
of the University. The president, and

ultimately the regents, are respon-
OVER THE last decade, major
athletic scandals have erupted on cam-




The day will open with clouds and
possible flurries, but things'll
clear up a little in the afternoon.
Highs expected between 25 and

Vol. XCIV-No. 81 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, January 8, 1984 FREE ISSUE Pages

2 Marines
peace talks
p anne
From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Two U.S. Marines
were wounded yesterday by a shell
fired in a battle between Druze
Moslem militiamen and the Lebanese
army despite an agreement by rebel
leaders to discuss a Lebanese peace
The U.S. troops at Beirut Airport
were forced onto Condition One alert -
their highest state of readiness - as
they suffered their first casualties in
more than a month. A spokesman said
U.S. forces did not return fire.
"TWO MARINES sustained minor in-
juries when a large-caliber round of
unknown size or origin landed near
their position on the southeast
perimeter of Beirut International Air-
port," said Marine spokesman Maj.
Dennis Brooks.
The U.S. casualties were the first
since eight Marines were killed Dec. 4
in shelling of their positions by rebel
forces. That fire came in retaliation for
See TWO, Page 2


cagers clp

The youthful Michigan basketball team came of age
yesterday as they held off determined Iowa 53-49 before a
sellout crowd at Crisler Arena.
Freshman Antoine Joubert's two free throws with 10
seconds remaining sealed the door on the Hawkeyes, picked
by many to win the Big Ten title this year.
THE WOLVERINES built up a 20-3 lead early in the game
and even had a fifteen-point bulge at intermission but Iowa,
behind an effective trapping defense, fought back in -the
second half and it looked as if Michigan was headed for
another heartbreaking loss in the final seconds. However,
this year's Wolverine squad proved that it has matured and
that it has the poise to keep secure wins from turning into
disappointing losses.
"It was a great victory for us," said Michigan head coach
Bill Frieder. "I was very concerned at halftime because
Iowa, after getting 12 down at Michigan State, came back
and completely dominated the last 15 minutes of the game. I
knew they were going to come out and play in thesecond half
and that their press would give us trouble and they did."
However, no matter how much trouble the Iowa defense
gave the young Wolverines, Michigan never collapsed and
Iowa never did take the lead. Iowa's twin towers, Michael
Payne and Greg Stokes, were both held under ten points and
could never get Iowa's inside game going.
"THEY (MICHIGAN'S BIG MEN) seem to be more
aggressive this year," said Iowa's 6-foot-11-inch center
Payne. "We outrebounded them in the game but it seemed
that they got all the rebounds."
Payne and the rest of the Iowa team's frustration can

largely be attributed to the outstanding play of the Michigan
bench. Even if Michigan proved nothing else yesterday they
proved they have as much depth as anyone in the league.
Because of foul trouble to Tim McCormick and Butch Wade,
Freider had to go to his bench often - and it responded.
"It was like a toy store and they just kept bringing more
toys in," said Iowa head coach George Raveling. "They ought
co have a rule that you're only allowed so many good
"WE HAD THREE or four guys coming off the bench so
there was always a fresh player on Payne and Stokes," ad-
ded Wolverine center McCormick.
Part of Iowa's problem in setting up an inside game was
that they had so far to come back. The Wolverines opened the
game like a team possessed as they rolled up a 17-point lead
halfway through the first stanza. The Hawkeyes, who scored
73 points against the Spartans Wednesday night went over
seven minutes without a point.
"They wouldn't let us score," said Raveling. "I didn't think
that was nice of them."
MICHIGAN'S STINGY defense allowed Eric Turner, who
picked up where he left off from the Northwestern game, to
control the transition game. Most of turner's four assists
went to McCormick, who scored eight of his game-high 12
points in the first half.
"We knew their talents and we knew they'd try to work it
inside off Turner's passing," said Payne. "He's a master at
Michigan remained on the attack throughout the first half
as Iowa could only cut the lead to eight points, but the roles
See MICHIGAN, Page 8

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Michigan center Tim McCormick drives past Iowa guard Steve Carfino
yesterday in the Wolverines 53-49 victory. The win leaves Michigan
10-2 overall while Iowa slips to 7-4.




against talks in Geneva

MOSCOW (AP) - The Kremlin
yesterday strengthened its hard-line
public stand on the disrupted medium-
range arms talks, vehemently rejecting
Western hopes that the Soviets might
soon return to the Geneva bargaining
The Communist Party organ Pravda
accused U.S. and West German of-
ficials of lying about the course of the
talks, dismissed NATO's bargaining
position as "absurd" and repeated the
Soviet refusal to resume negotiations
unless the Western allies agree to roll
back the NATO missile deployment
PRAVDA SAID: "The contentions by
American and some West European of-
ficials that the Soviet Union is on the
verge of 'returning to the talks'...are
nothing but attempts to deceive the
peoples and absolve themselves of
responsibility for the torpedoing of the

Quoting President Yuri Andropov's
Nov. 24 statement on the Soviet walkout
at Geneva, it said the Kremlin would
think about resuming negotiations only
"if the United States and other NATO
countries display readiness to return to
the situation that existed before the
beginning of deployment of American
medium-range missiles in Europe."
The harsh attack on Western nuclear
policy was part of a Soviet campaign
that seeks to blame the United States
and its allies for the Soviet walkout
from the Geneva negotiations last
Nov. 23.
THE SOVIETS' campaign also ap-
pears aimed at the Stockholm security
conference that begins Jan. 17. The
Kremlin, which usually takes a tough
stand before such meetings, has been
trying to place .the burden for com-
promise on the NATO countries.
At the same time, however, the
Soviets also have rejected Western ex-

pectations that a planned Stockholm
meeting between Foreign Minister An-
drei Gromyko and U.S. Secretary of
State George Shultz might be used to
lay the groundwork for a return to
"Ever since they walked out of the
talks, we thought they would return
because it is in their best interests to try
to prevent full deployment of the
missiles," a Western diplomat said
Saturday. "The Pravda statement
shows they are adhering to their
position that the missiles must be
The Soviet Union left the Geneva
talks after NATO began deploying the
first of a planned 572 U.S.-built cruise
and Pershing 2 missiles. The Kremlin
then announced that it would begin
deploying more missiles of its own in
East Germany and Czechoslovakia.

Almost lunch break Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
A Detroit Edison worker putting in new street lamps drills in front of the Michigan League yesterday while two others


Book 'em
L ITTLE TYKES love reading a bedtime story, but some
kiddie books in the Chicago area would have really
given them a lift. Federal, state, and local drug enfor-
cement officials arrested 17 people and seized more than
.. .,. -ma i 4an hin hnae nio

Shopping spree
SISTER AQUIN Theobald and Sister Josefa Connonly
made off with $643.93 worth of groceries in a five-minute
sweep through a local supermarket in East Greenbush,
N.Y., but it was all for charity. The free shopping spree
Friday had been donated anonymously to Mercy House, a
shelter for homeless women, by the winner of a contest by
the Mechanics Exchange Division of the Dime Savings
Bank of New York. The bank has a branch in the Star
Sunermarket in East Greenbush and in November gave

A GROUP OF ranchers want to eat up a steering com-
mittee of a different kind during the Republican
National convention, by bringing 150 longhorns to Dallas.
The Texas Longhorn Breeders' Association plans to pen 150
steers in the Trinity River basin near downtown and con-
duct trail drives during the convention, which begins Aug.
20. "Once, maybe twice a day during the convention, we'll
head 'em up and move 'em out, move them up and down the
river, down past the Reunion Tower, turn around and trail
'em back," said John Ball, a past president of the
nranizatinn Rut first. the breeders' groun must present

would seek formal recognition of their union as the collec-
tive bargaining agent for students working in the Univer-
sity's dormitories.
Also on this date in history:
*1968 - LSA faculty members defeated a resolution
requesting the banning of military recruiting on campus.
" 1960 - Three LSA seniors were expelled and a fourth
was given a failing grade for cheating on a journalism test.
" 1957 - Health Services doctors said they had been so
swamped with students seeking polio vaccinations that
shots would only be given on Thursdays in the future. Q




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