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February 15, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-15

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Page 2 - The Michigan'Daily - Wednesday, February 15, 1984
Girl gets new heart and liver

From AP and UPI
PITTSBURGH - A young Texas girl
was recovering yesterday in a Pit-
tsburgh hospital from a 16-hour
operation doctors said was "her only
hope" - the world's first simultaneous
heart and liver transplants.
Six-year-old Stormie Jones, from
Cumby, Texas, was listed in critical
condition in the intesive care unit of
Children's Hospital following the
surgery in which doctors replaced first
her heart, then her liver.
THE unprecedented multiple tran-
splant was necessary because Stor-
mie's heart, weak from earlier double
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bypass surgery, could not withstand the
critically necessary liver transplant,
the hospital said.
Stormie was born with a rare disease
causing her blood cholesterol levels to
be "extraordinarily high" and
damaging both her heart and liver, ac-
cording to hospital officials.
Physicians decided in late December
to replace Stormie's heart and liver in
hopes of stabilizing her cholesterol
level. She would have died without the
operation, according to hospital of-
SHE WAS in a very tenuous
situation," said Starzl, who headed the
operation along with Dr. Henry Bahn-
Stormie had suffered two heart at-
tacks and undergone two triple
coronary artery bypasses in the past
few months, according, to Starzl. A
valve in her heart also had been
"There's been evidence.. . that if you
replace the liver, the metabolism would
be made correct. But the child's heart

was too damaged from the underlying
disease to be able to do that with any
hope that the heart would be able to
carry the load," Starzl said.
"WE HAD TO replace both, the liver
the correct the biochemical abnor-
mality and the heart to replace the
target of the problem," he said.
Unlike most other seriously ill
children awaiting transplants, Stormie
had passed the time in the hospital
playing with her mother and other
youngsters, hospital spokesman Dick
Riebling said.
Her mother, Lois Jones, said, "Stor-

mie knows that this has never been
done before and this is a special attem-
pt. Without the operation she wouldn't
have lived another year."'
The hospital said Jones, who is in her
early 20s, was apartment hunting in
Pittsburgh Monday when she learned
the necessary organs were available.
Hospital officials declined to identify
the donor, from a city somewhere in the
Northeast, whose kidneys were tran-
splanted later yesterday into another
youngster. Stormie and her mother
went to Pittsburgh more than a month
ago to await a compatible donor.


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Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Voter bill wins conmittee backing
LANSING - Majority Democrats yesterday won House Elections Com-
mittee Approval of a bill allowing people to register to vote by mail at the
same time they renew their drivers' licenses.
The action sending the measure to the full House came on an 8-1 vote -
with all the "yes" votes being cast by Democrats and the lone negative vote
coming from Republican Rep. Colleen Engler of Mount Pleasant. Other
Republicans members on the committee did not vote.
"With the advent of mail driver's license renewals, this is a logical exten-
sion," said Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Richard Wiener.
Wiener predicted the mail-in registration procedure will be particularly
helpful for people whose names have been taken off county registration lists
- an action that occurs when a voter has not participated in an election for a
number of years. Weiner said anyone who moves to a new residence faces
that possibility.
The bill's sponsor, Rep. Michael Bennane, (D-Detroit), said the "only
possible" arguments against the measure concern voter fraud. However, he
said it would be no easier for voters who register by mail to cheat than it
would in present circumstances, where most voters appear in person to
register at Secretary of State offices.
Spring weather causes flooding
Rivers swollen by ice jams and runoff from a spring-like thaw surged as
high as 8 feet over flood level yesterday in the Midwest, forcing hundreds of
people to evacuate, while a windy Pacific storm blew up to a foot of snow
across the Rockies.
Hundreds of people fled their homes in Illinois and Michigan as rain
spread from coastal Georgia to the Great Lakes during the night.
Ice jamming against a bridge in downtown Monroe, Mich., on Lake Erie
pushed the Raisin River to a record 13.4 feet, 4.4 feet over its flood stage.
Some families were forced to flee.
Gary Charson, a weather service hydrologist in Ann Arbor, said a Coast
Guard cutter would try to break up the ice jam at Monroe, about halfway
between Detroit and Toledo, Ohio.
Flood warnings also were issued for some river valleys.,in northern and
western Indiana, where the Wabash River was nearly 8/2 feet above flood
stage at Lafayette, and in Ohio and western New York, with watches issued
in parts of the Carolinas and eastern Pennsylvania.
Retail sales jump since 1983
WASHINGTON - Sales by U.S. retailers rose a strong 2.2 percent in
January, the biggest increase since May, the Commerce Department repor-
ted today.
Total sales, spurred by good showings for cars and food, reached a one-
month record of $104.4 billion. The 2.2 percent rise from December sales was
the biggest since a 3.1 percent jump in May 1983. Then the nation's economic
recovery was being spurred by a strong surge in consumer buying.
In recent months, however, the surge in consumer spending has slowed
somewhat, including a tiny 0.1 percent December increase in retail sales.
That figure surprised a lot of analysts who were expecting the December
selling season to be at a .record pace.
However, the strong upturn in January sales bolstered the belief by many
analysts that Pecember sales were held down by unusually severe weather.
Reagan consults Mideast leaders
WASHINGTON - President Reagan consulted Jordan's King Hussein and
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak yesterady on new .approaches to
stabilize the situation in Lebanon and establish peace in the Middle East.
Reagan began a second day of intensive discussions on the Middle East by
meeting for an hour with Mubarak. The two were joined later by Hussein,
who met privately with Reagan Monday.
The crisis in Lebanon was a central point in the White House meetings with
the two moderate Arab leaders. But Mubarak and Hussein, who had dinner
together Sunday night, also had concerns about the lingering question of
Palestinian self-government.
Egyptian press reports said Mubarak would urge Reagan to begin "a
direct dialogue" with the Palestine Liberation Organization and exert
pressure on Israel to stop building. additional Jewish settlements on the West
In his private talks with Reagan, Hussein described the Palestinian
question as the fundamental obstacle to Middle East peace and said it was
getting too little attention from Reagan because of the problems in Lebanon.
NASA cancels July shuttle flight
SPACE CENTER, Houstaon - NASA announced yesterday that a July
space shuttle mission has been canceled because the Department of Defense
has withdrawn a secret payload.
It was the second time such a mission has been cancelled.
Air Force spokesman Maj. Ron Rand and other Air Force officials
declined to identify the secret payload or to give reasons for the decision.
But National Aeronautics and Space Administration officials had said the
mission was in jeopardy because of a problem with a powerful booster
rocket called the Inertial Upper Stage. The IUS is used to move 5,000 pounds
or more from the low orbit of the shutle to a geostationary orbit 22,300 miles

The rocket booster failed last April while attempting to boost into place the
$100 million-Tracking and Data Relay Satellite. Engineers were able to
salvage the satellite by commanding it to fire small rocekt thrusters over
several months. This moved the satellite to the proper orbit.




Visiting nuclear physics Prof. Michio Kaku tells an audience at the Rackham
Amphitheater last night that the U.S. is engaged in first-strike nuclear war-
Pof. criticizes arms race


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MARCH 10 and 11 ACCORDING to Kaku, a presidential
Cost: Registration deadline: advisor to the Nixon, Ford, and Carter
$50.0WICIsemersRegrua dd19n4administrations once said that within
$50.00 WCI members Fe raryoorm84 the military there is a minority of hard-
$60.00 non-members For registration forms liners that say we should have "nuked
Location: KAREN KLAGES the Soviet Union in the 40s when we had
Loyola University of Chicago 747 Park Plaine the ability."
Water Tower Campus Park Ridge, IL 60068 He added, "It is the opinion of certain
(co-sponsor) (312) 823-1782 (evenings) 'hard-liners.' in the Pentagon that, if
you know something is inevitable - no
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accepted after March 16 (No photos or line art allowed; no
type printed sideways or upside

matter how devastating the consequen-
ces - wouldn't you strike first and get
it over with?"
Kaku said he feared that in the near
future, if the United States develops the
technology to allow a "successful" first
strike against, the Soviet Union, that
those same hard-liners would say,
"now we have the ability, let's do it."
KAKU explained his version of the
current plan for nuclear war.
"You have to throw sand in your
enemy's face - that's the elec-
tromagnetic pulse," he said. "Then get
a gun and blow the head off your enemy
- that is the Pershing II's objective.
Then, if you still need to, you can back it
up with MX and Trident missiles, and
all you need is a bullet-proof vest."
Electromagnetic pulse is given off af-
ter a nuclear blast. It temporarily halts
electric functions and radio tran-
smissions following the first nuclear
THE "BULLET-proof vest," said
Kaku, is the first strike - laser warfare
identified as Reagan's "space wars"
Kaku said the only reason for nuclear
weapons is a political one.
"There is one, reason why we have
30,000 atomic and hydrogen bombs," he
said, "and that is raw political
leverage, in the Mideast, Vietnam, in
any hot spot in the world - there is no
such thing as deterrence.
KAKU SAID that classified Pentagon
documents have surfaced in recent
years containing such statements as
"the United States must prevail. .. our
nuclear capability must prevail even
after the prolonged condition of nuclear
The United State's plan for nuclear
holocaust is outlined in a presidential
directive, Kaku said. He added that the
three priorities of the directive are first
to preserve banking records of major
multinational banks; second, to set up
"fallout shelters for the "elite" and;
third, to distribute morphine to those
fallout shelters for. treatment of
radiation burns.





Wednesday, February 15, 1984
Vol. XCIV-No. 113
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
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