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February 11, 1984 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-11

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Dorm residents
get cold showers

The Njichigan Daily - Saturday, February 11, 1984 - Page 3
Clark says lawyers

What a bummer. Friday night and no
hot water.
That's what some Betsy Barbour and
Helen Newberry residents were
thinking for a few hours yesterday
while University maintenance workers
shut off the hot water to repair a leak in
the underground steam tunnels.
THE HOT water for a number of
University buildings in the Maynard
Street area was turned off at 4:20 p.m.
in response to a report earlier in the day
that water was rusty and pressure was
low, said Susan Matthews, custodial
supervisor at University Building
Signs posted at Barbour and
Newberry stated that there would be no
hot water in the dorms until "sometime
later in the evening."
And by 7:30 p.m. when the hot water
was once again flowing to the area,
some women from Barbour and
Newberry had already -trekked over to
West Quad or the Central Campus
Recreation Building to shower and
shampoo - and some suffered the
agony of ice cold water in frenzied
preparation for a Friday night on the

"IT WASN'T just cold, it was, like
very, very cold," said freshwoman
Laurie Finch, who said she washed her
hair in the bathroom sink at Newberry
during the hot water shut-off.
Others, like Betsy Barbour resident
Karen Mysliwiec, went to greater
lengths to clean up. Mysliwiec, a junior
in LSA, "resigned (herself) to taking a
sponge bath."
Using a coffee maker which holds ten
cups of water, Mysliwiec filled the
bathroom sink with hot water so she
could clean up before going out.
Jesse Johnson at University security
said the leak in the steam tunnels had
been temporarily repaired at ap-
proxkiately 7:30 p.m. and that it would
be permanently fixed on Monday. He
said he did not know whether per-
manent repair would require another
hot water cut-off.
University utility officials, who are
responsible for the repairs, were
unavailableor comment.
The director of Plant Operations,
Russ Reister, said the problem couldn't
have been too serious because he
wasn't even aware of it.

should help
Aspiring lawyers should abandon
their drive to secure a high-paying job
and instead help the great number of
low-income people who cannot afford
attorneys, former attorney general and
civil rights activist Ramsey Clark told
a 400-member audience yesterday.
"There are 40 million Americans who
cannot afford a lawyer. President
Reagan believes that money will trickle
down. (But) the capacity of charity to
fulfill the right of others to have legal
service is miniscule," Clark said.
SPEAKING TO a crowded
auditorium in Hutchins Hall Clark told
the audience, largely made up of law
students, that too many lawyers today
practice corporate law because it is
more prestigious than public interest
But the most demand for lawyers is
by people who cannot pay high legal
fees, he said.
"People like to make money and are
impregsed by it," Ramsey said.
"(Students) are learning corporate law
and hear that's where the big money is.

Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general, tells a group of students gath-
ered in Hutchins Hall last night that future lawyers should steer away from
high-paying jobs and help the poor instead.

the poor
But did you know that over two-thirds of
the adults in this country have never
consulted a lawyer?"
THE one-third of people who do use
Legal Counsel are in the top percentage
of the nation's income bracket, Ramsey ;
Ramsey blamed the social pressures
to gain status for such discrimination
againstslow-income groups and
Too many lawyers are concerned
with social status and making money
and as a result ignore people who need
help, he said.
A disproportionate number of blacks,
are on Death Row, said Clark, adding
that an even higher number of convic-
ted criminals did not receive adequate
legal counsel.
But lawyers who choose to practice
public interest law make the sacrifice
of earning less money than colleagues
in corporate law.
"We are social creatures, (and) it's
hard to defy social norms. If you are
dominated by these values you will not
enjoy public interest law," he said.
Give the
giff of good taste
(313) 769-7759

Grab your ice skates and your hearthrob and head to the Veteran's Indoor
Ice Arena today from 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. for the Ann Arbor Department of
Parks and Recreation's third annual "Sweetheart Skate." More than $100 in
prizes will be awarded throughout the evening.
AAFC - The Ann Arbor 8mm Film Festival, 2, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell
Alternative Action - Return of the Secaucus Seven, 7 & 9 p.m., MLB 4.
Mediatrics - Fame, 7 & 9:15 p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema Two - Star Wars 7 & 9:15 p.m., Nat. Sci Aud.
Cinema Guild - Flashdance, 7, 8:45, & 10:30 p.m., Lorch.
Michigan Historical Museum - Finnish American Lives & Tradition
Bearers, I p.m.,
Major Events - George Carlin, 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Schoolof Music - Horn recital, Charlene Black, 6 p.m., Recital Hall;
Voice recital, Frank {Ward, 8 p.m., Recital Hall; Clarinet Recital, Lynn
Seward, 8:30 p.m., Art & Arch.
New Jewish Agenda - A One-Woman Play, 8 p.m., Mendelssohn Theatre.
Golden Rose Productions - "Tommy: The Rock Opera," live performan-
ce, 8p.m., Michigan Theatre.
EMU Theater - "Threepenny Opera," Bertold Brecht and Kurt Weill, 8
p.m.. QuirkAud.
The Ark - Concert, Joel Mabus, 8 p.m., 1421 Hill St.
Eclipse Jazz -. Vernon Reid Band,. 9 .p.m., Michigan! Union.. Free.
workshop with the band, 4 p.m., Trotter House.
Young Peoples Theater - "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe," 8
p.m., Performance Network.
Tae Kwon Do Club - Practice, 9 p.m., CCRB Martial Arts Rm.
Ann Arbor Go Club -2-7 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
Muslim Students Assoc - English circle, two sessions on Qur'an inter-
pretation & Islamic theology/ideology, Muslim House, 407 Ingalls, 7:30 p.m.
University Hospital, CMHC, American Red Cross - Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation Training 1:30-3:30 p.m., St. Joseph Mercy Hosp. Ed. Ctr. A
special "refresher" class at 9 a.m.
Basketball - Mich vs Mich State, 9 p.m., Crisler Arena.
Matthaei Botanical Gardens - Mini-course, Warren Wagner, "Ferns &
Fern Alies, 9 a.m.-noon; Jeff Holcombe, "Indoor Nature Photography:
-Winter Exposure," 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Howard Crum, "Mosses & Lichens," with
instructor , 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Affirmative Action Qfc.-The Bursley Family Show, 8 p.m., Bursley Cafeteria.
Latin American Culture Project - Pena with Ismael Duran, Chilean
Singer/Composer & Magda Enriquez, Nicaraguan Council of State, 8 p.m.,
Half-Way Inn, East Quad.
Free University - "Political Theater Improvisation" course, infor-
mational meeting, 2 p.m.; "1984 and Nineteen Eighty-Four: Living the Or-
wellian Nightmare" 4 p.m., Canterbury Loft.
Bahai Faith - Seminar, 3:30 p.m., Union.
Ann Arbor Democratic Socialists of America - Industrial Heartland
Reagional Conference, Henderson Room, 10 a.m., League.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48109
Malicious Intent

sraeli jets strike
From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israeli jets struck at targets in
Syrian-controlled central Lebanon yesterday, and Lebanese
soldiers'traded fire with Moslem militiamen in Beirut. More
than 85 American and other foreign civilians evacuated the
war-scarred city in helicopters.
Lebanese sources said President Amin Gemayel was
moving to'cancel the May 17 troop-withdrawal agreement
with Israel in an effort to satisfy his Syrian-backed opponents
and end an eighty-day old civil war flareup that police say
has killed more than 400 people.
Israeli officials said yesterday if Lebanese President Amin
Gemayel cancels the May 17 Lebanon-Israeli agreement, it
would be tantamount to surrender to Syria.
"If Gemayel gives in to Syria on this matter, he surrenders
rather completely to the Syrians," one official said. "This
agreement is to a large extent the symbol of some freedom of .
action for Lebanon."
A Western diplomatic source said the attack was aimed at
rebel reinforcements streaming toward west Beirut through
the corridor that links the rebels in the south of the capital
with the rebel-held mountains.
The attack was a signal to Syria and the rebels that Israel
would not accept a return to the Palestinian and Syrian
presence in Beirut that preceded the 1982 Israeli invasion,

Lebanese targets
although it would probably go along with a military
stalemate in the capital, the diplomat said.
The Israeli jets struck near Bhamdoun, 14 miles east of
Beirut. Military sources in Israel said the targets were bases
of Syrian-backed Palestinian guerrillas, and that two
buildings and several pieces of artillery were destroyed.
The Israeli air raids were mounted a day after three
Katyusha rockets were fired into nrothern Israel from
southern Lebanon.
the "Voice of the Mountain" radio station of leftist Druse
leader Walid Jumblatt said Druse insurgents fired ground-to-
air missiles at the attacking aircraft. Israel said all its planes
returned safely.
Israel radio said Israeli tanks and armored personnel
carriers moved to within about eight miles of Beirut, the
closest Israeli forces have come to the capital since they
pulled back to the Awali River in south Lebanon Sept. 4.
Sniping and rocket exchanges continued along the "green
line" dividing Christian east and predominantly Moslem
west Beirut, which Moslem militias captured from the
Lebanese army early in the week. The fighting, along with
shelling attacks south of the city, continued to isolate west
U.S. helicopters evacuated Americans from west Beirut as
fighting continued in the heart of the divided city.


School purchases computers
engineering students now pay to suo-
&continued from Page 1 port the college's new network.
ability to run software designed for "The engineering .college has set a
other machines such as - the Apple precedent that we might like to follow,"
Macintosh and the IBM PC. he said. "But no decision has been
Burro~ight' and'private contributors reached at this time."
will pick up mostdof the tab for the WHITAKER says that although the
system, Kinney said, system may eventually cost students
"For several years, the school has money in addition to their tuition, the
conducted a campaign to raise capital," business school will benefit in the long
he said. run.
ALTHOUGH THE money raised by "It's a trade-off, but it will add more
the campaign will pay for the initial value to the program," he said.
hardware, the contributions will not Although Burroughs is providing
cover the cost of maintaining the much of the equipment as a gift to the
system. University, the corporation still stands
Kinney added, however, that the to benefit from the deal.
business school is considering a num- "Burroughs will have a showcase
ber of alternatives to fund the network, facility," Kinney said. "They will be
including a $100 per term fee for able to use (the system) as a sales
business students similar to the one tool."
MSU's Mackey under fire

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(Continued from Page 1)
criticism because of his hushed han-
dling of the hiring of Spartan football
coach George Perles. He supposedly
paid a $175,000 settlement in order to
ensure that Perles would come to MSU
instead of signing a contract with the
Philadelphia Stars, a USFL team. '
Although Mackey has not had a
smooth career at MSU, Dade said that
"every president at a major public.
university will have many people
satisfied and dissatisfied with his
Dade would not speculate on
Mackey's future at MSU but he said
that trustees "are always evaluating

his performance - it's our job."
"It's literally impossible to say what
will happen," Dade said. "I believe it is
a topic of concern, bit it's a misunder-
stood story."
Trustee Blanche Martin, however,
said he hopes there will be a decision
about Mackey's $92,700-a-year job
within two weeks.
The Detroit Free Press yesterday
reported that at least three of the four
who attended the December meeting
confirmed they would probably vote to
oust the embattled president if the issue
came before the whole board. Five
votes would be needed to fire Mackey.

.. _ _ -
Lu /////N//1/f/1/ / /lI/I/I// 1/,!! /HI/!

Another year
at the laundromat?
Stop! At University Towers our laundry facilities are
conveniently located in the lobby. And that's only a small
part of what we offer. Consider one of our newly
refurnished apartments close to campus with TV lounge,
ping-pong, pool table, game room and fast in-house
maintenance. Why spend next semester at the
laundromat? Best yet, our rates are very reasonable:
Apartment 8 Mo. Lease 13 Mo. Lease



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