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February 10, 1984 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-10

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 10, 1984 - Page 5
GEO asks 'U' to renegotiate contractARNS IR
(Continued from Page 1) Jane Holska, GEO vice president, renegotiated.)PRINTERY
UNION MEMBERS said the tax on says that she doesn't expect the
at third was not figured into their con- University to be happy with their "WHEN WE were negotiating, no one
ct and has put some TAs in financial demands, but that the administration knew if the Internal Revenue Service TEAM
)uble since December 31 when the will have to respond. was going to force us to withhold (the
feral law exempting tuition taxes ex- "WE'RE LOOKING for a long range tax)," said Dan Gamble, University

In a letter to the University outlining
their demands, the union said, "We can
find no satisfactory: reformulation of
tuition and salary structures that solv-
es the current problem without in-
creasing the degree of complexity .. .
We propose that the University abolish
tuition for all Graduate Student
Teaching and Staff Assistants."

solution that gives us an economic
situation we can live with," Holska
"We aren't holding the University
responsible for acts of Congress, but we
do hold them responsible for main-
taining the terms of the contract we
agreed upon," she added.
University officials said before GEO
announced their plans that it was
unlikely the contract would be

manager of compensation and staff
relations. "That could occur to any of
us in a bargaining situation. I don't see
how you can go back to your employer
and ask for more."
Gamble says the University has been
in contact with legislators in an attem-
pt to solve the problem. "Our concerns
are being well-heard," he said.
GEO members argue that it could be
quite a while before legislation
abolishing the tax will be considered by
According to Judy Conrad, an aide
for Michigan Republican Congressman
Carl Pursell, the bill is slated to go
before the HousemWays and Means
Committee sometime in early March.
e Conrad says she does not know when
the legislation will reach Congress.

to . _. i

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100's of Surplus

U.S. defends Beirut shelling;
Syrian commander killed


(Continued from Page 1)
Beirut came under sustained bombard-
ment, apparently from artillerymen in
Syrian-occupied Druse areas.
U.S. NAVY gunfire on Wednesday
killed the commanding general of
Syrian forces in Lebanon and a large
part of his general staff, ABC News
reported yesterday.
The report on ABC's World News;
Tonight, attributed to U.S. and Israeli;
intelligence sources, said the Syrian
headquarters was in Hammana, 15
miles east of Beirut. The general was
not named.
Top administration officials yester-
day defended U.S. bombardment of
hostile positions near Beirut and said
the United States is not abandoning
Lebanon but merely moving its troops

"2 to 3 miles to the west."
Defense Secretary Caspar Wein-
berger said Wednesday's massive
naval shelling of Syrian-controlled
positions in Lebanon was launched in
part to demonstrate an unwavering
U.S. commitment
In California with Reagan yesterday,
White House spokesman Larry Speakes
insisted that the latest naval gunfire
still is in defense of U.S. troops, con-
sistent with the War Powers Resolution
authorizing the Marine presence in
Lebanon - and not in direct support of
the embattled Lebanese government of
Christian leader Amin Gemayel.
Speakes said the United States is
justified in attacking Moslem gun
positions outside Beirut because "these
weapons are capable of hitting the air-
port and the Marines at the airport."

lh f n uDaily Photo by TOD WOOLF
I0Aft unidentified driver gets his summer off to an early start as he cruises
'Clwn South University yesterday in his convertible.

Pr s
:;lgarles Darwin's th
pFbQld still be taken
people must. rememb
witten over one hun
?rqf. Michael Ruse sai
"Philosophers and h
lock at Darwin to see w
about ourselves," Rus
people in MLB. He
sjld avoid .the fall
prejudices and biase
highlighting them wit
Wr vin's works."
, st a;prof.essor o
Cirimity ofGUplph in
Darwin is "a child of h
he wrote with all t
pzrejiudices of a typical
dle-class Victorian.
S THOSE values,
religion, cannot be
scientific thought, Rus
they are all tied into th
dleligion separated
disrts the picture," he
hile studying Darw
mt realize that. our o
bies too. "'The only
ca do is translate our
be gthe same," Ruse




still valid
VILLIAMS IT IS WRONG to judge either science
eory of evolution or arts as being objective because,
n seriously, but Ruse said, "It just ain't true."-
er that it was Ruse said Darwin believed there was
idred years ago, a God, but that creation was a long-
d yesterday. term process, not spontaneous.
historians should Darwin believed the "greatest of all
vhat we can learn gods is not the one who intervenes ...
se told about 125 bam. . . now we have humans.. . bam.
added that "we . . now we have English," Ruse said.
acy of bringing Ruse is a native of Birmingham,
s of today and England and received his un-
h lines found in dergraduate and graduate philosphy
degrees from the University of Bristol.
f philosophy .at He is currently on sabbatical teaching
Ontario,;said that at Harvard.
is time'" and that
he values and THE FACT that Darwin did not
successful mid- receive a degree in biology leads some
people to claim that he, was "only a
which include diletttante butterfly collector with a
separated from second-rate theory" was refuted by
se said, because Ruse who said Darwin was educated at
he thought of the Christ College, Cambridge, before
there was any such thing as a biology
d. from science degree.
e said. "To say that Darwin was only a
win, he said, we naturalist is a distortion of Darwin's
own values have work," Ruse said.
modest thing we The biggest obstacle in exploring
r own values as evolution-is that some people believe tht
said. "it is just a theory not fact," said Ruse.

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