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February 10, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-10

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code: Following others

Second of two parts
Although nonacademic conduct codes at other
universities typically contain clauses prohibiting
several types of civil disobedience, those schools
rarely use the code to stifle disenting voices, an in-
formal Daily survey of several colleges found.
There were, however, some cases of universities

FOR the most part, the codes and judicial bodies
created to enforce the rules dealt mostly with cases
such as theft or vandalism.
The codes examined in the survey were the same
ones University administrators collected last spring
in their effort to compose a code which brought
together the best of many different policies.
The survey also found that if the University adopts
the code it is currently considering, Ann Arbor's
campus would be one of a very small number of

schools nationwide that specifically prohibits sexual
harassment in its code.
Nearly all the schools had codes that were actively
enforced, leaving the University as one of the few
without rules to govern students' behavior outside of
UNIVERSITY officials hope to change all that this
spring when the University regents will consider the
proposed code which would prohibit certain objec-
See 'U', Page 9

using a conduct

code to punish student demon-

Nino~tyfour Years
Editorial Freedom

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with afternoon rain
likely and a high of 38

Vol. XCIV-No. 109 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, February 10, 1984 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages

*GEO asks
to reopen
sta lks
The Graduate Employees'
Organization announced last night that
they would ask the University to
renegotiate their contract and to
abolish all tuition for teaching assistan-
The request comes after TAs lost
0 bout $75 from their January
aychecks because Congress failed to
renew a law that exempts graduate
teaching assistants salaries from
federal taxes.
Under the University's contract with
GEO that was ratified in December,
TAs would pay two-thirds of in-state
tuition, and be taxed only on the
remaining third.
See GEO, Page 5

Slavery trial ends;
verdict expected today

After hearing closing statements
yesterday afternoon, a 12-member jury
began deliberations to determine
whether a Chelsea farming couple held
two men as slaves for more than 10
A decision is expected today in the
state's first slavery case in more than
60 years that charges Ike Kozminski,
61, his wife Margarethe, 56, and his son
John, 30, with holding two farmhands
captive on their farm at 4678 Peckins
Rd. near Chelsea.
THE NINE men and three women on
the jury refused U.S. District Judge
Charles Joiner's offer late yesterday
afternoon to take an extra hour to reach
a decision.
Jury members, who deliberated for

three hours yesterday, said they would
need more than an hour to reach a ver-
dict and would continue their discussion
In her closing statements, Assistant
U.S. District Attorney Virginia Morgan
summed up the 11-day trial by calling it
an ."exploitation of the weak by the
DURING the trial, prosecution wit-
nesses said that the Kozminski's forced
farmhands Robert Fulmer, 57, and
Louis Molitoris, 59, to live in a
dilapidated, old. trailer, and that they
frequently abused the men.
They also said the farmhands were
inadequately clothed, fed spoiled food,
and not paid for long hours of work.
"How many times do these men have
to ask (for help) before someone will

hear them?" Morgan told the jury
BUT Defense Attorney Ivan Barris
urged the jury not to be swayed by the
emotional nature of the case and wit-
nesses' vivid descriptions of the far-
mhands' living conditions.
"This case was designed from the
word 'go' to appeal to (the jury's)
prejudices," Barris said yesterday.
During the trial the Kozminskis
denied charges that they held Fulmer
and Molitoris against their will or
mistreated them.
Each of the Kozminskis are charged
with one count of violating the far-
mhands' civil rights and two counts of
involuntary servitude. They face up to
20 years in prison and $20,000 in fines if
convicted of all the charges.

Ike Kozminski, one of three people accused of holding two men as slaves,
leaves Maude's on his way back to court yesterday after a lunch break.

'Shapiro, panelists debate
military research at 'U'
nrwn~v anedto takeover Elec-

Fulfilling last week's promise to an
activist group to attend a forum on
military research, University
President Harold Shapiro faithfully
showed up to face a crowd of more than
250 in the Pendleton Room of the
Michigan Union last night.
Along with five other panelists
Shapiro stated his position on the role
of Pentagon-sponsored research on
campus saying that limiting contracts
with the military would infringe on
academic freedom.
ALTHOUGH Shapiro said he was
*againt the escalation of nuclear arms,
banning military research on campus
would not address that problem.

"I agree that we need something to
eliminate... the nuclear madness that
has developed in the last 30 years .
but I'm not certain of the way to do it,"
Shapiro said.
The purpose of last night's forum
sponsored by the Progressive Student
Network was to explore whether the
issue of military research on campus
was a "dead issue."
Shapiro said "It is a very important
issue," and that the large number of
people attending the discussion showed
that the issue "is not dead on campus."
BY AGREEING to appear at the
forum last night, Shapiro cut short
PSN's attempt to hold a sit-in in his of-
fice last Thursday. The group had

trical and Computer Engineering Prof.
Theodore Birdsall's laboratory on Nor-
th Campus, last week, but because of an
information leak the group was met at
the lab entrance by six University
security guards.
When PSN members were blocked
from the lab the 17 activists trooped to
Shapiro's office.
PSN members and panelists that
support banning military research on
campus said that Shapiro avoided.
making a clear statement on what the
role of the Pentagon should be on cam-
ENGINEERING Humanities Prof.
Henry Skolomowski criticized Shapiro
for dodging the issue by only defending
academic freedom.
"We all are against military resear-
See'MILITARY, Page 9

Gays review draft of
proposed 'U'policy

Doily Photo by TOD WOOLF
Prof. Ronald Bishop moderates last night's forum in the Union. University President Harold Shapiro and five panelists
debated the University's role in military research.

University President Harold
Shapiro is one step closer to issuing a
policy which would prohibit the
University from discriminating on the
basis of an individual's sexual
preference, a spokesperson for a
campus gay rights group said yester-
Gay rights activists recently
reviewed a propgsed policy statement
written by Shapiro, said Bruce Aaron
a spokesperson from Lesbian and Gay
Rights on Campus (LaGROC) - the
group which is pushing for the new roles.
LaGROC members made three
comments to Shapiro about the policy
draft. However, he would not
elaborate on the nature of the group's
comments or on the contents of the

statement which he said was marked
"confidential. "
LaGROC has been fighting for an
official University anti-
discrimination policy since December
1982. The group had originally favored
an amendment to the University's by-
Last year, LaGROC members said
the University would be reluctant to
favor a by-law change because such a
change would threaten military
recruiting because the military
discriminates on the basis of sexual
Although a by-law would be
much stronger,. University officials
say a policy statment should also
prohibit discrimination on campus.

U.S. continues Beirut shelling
From AP and UPI
about 140 thus far the number of American civilians removed
The U.S. 6th Fleet bombarded rebel-held ridges outside for transfer to Cyprus.
Beirut for a second day yesterday after government and Lebanon's embattled Christian president, the U.S.-
rebel gunners traded artillery barrages around the divided supported Amin Gemayel, remained out of sight yesterday.
and devastated city. Gemayel, whose Moslem-Christian Cabinet resigned last
Lebanese and Syrian reports claimed U.S., Navy jets also weekend, is trying to patch together a new "national
went into action over the mountain area yesterday, but a U.S. coalition" government. But his Syrian-backed Lebanese
military spokesman denied it. enemies demand that he resign.
SYRIA, WHOSE troops occupy the mountains with the
Druse-Moslem anti-government forces, issued a warning to GEMAYEL'S position suffered a major blow early this
the United States. week when Shiite Moslem and Druse militiamen took control
"Syria cannot stand neutral watching the barbaric bom- of west Beirut, driving out army troops and Christian
bardment practiced by the 6th Fleet against Lebanese militiamen. Thousands of army soldiers have defected to
civilians," the Damascus government radio said, adding that Gemayel's opponents.
the Syrians "may be compelled to react." Along the "Green Line" separating Moslem west from
Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy here said it was not yet con- Christian east Beirut, sporadic small arms and shell fire was
sidering a general evacuation of the estimated 1,500 U.S. heard yesterday. Local radio reports said army troops also
citizens in battered Beirut. clashed with militiamen in the port area and the Shiite-
ABOUT 50 more U.S. Embassy employees and dependents populated southern suburbs.
were airlifted by helicopter yesterday to ships offshore, U.S. As night fell yesterday, Christian neighborhoods in east
Marine spokesman Maj. Dennis Brooks said. That brought to See U.S., Page 5

Wein berger
... defends naval action

I - - ------------

OCK AYERS is the kind of person who puts an air
hnn nn his cr so he ean blast nedestrians off the

group named former Interior Secretary James Watt
Toastmaster of the Year as well as Environmentalist of the
Year; Comedian Joan Rivers won the Miss
Congeniality Award, and White House aide Edwin Meese
won the Humanitarian of the Year award for his obser-
vations on hunger in America.
Sunday clothes

with new barongs. "It will mean more expenses, as we
have to have new barongs made if we do not want to wear
our uniforms," one homicide investigator said.
The Daily almanac

" 1963 - The University, Michigan State University and
Wayne State University, adopted policies forbidding prior
censorship over speakers on campus, but banning speakers
who urged the violent overthrow of the government of
Michigan or the United States.
* 1971 ,- 4,000 demonstrators marched to City Hall to
protest U.S. involvement in Laos.





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