4 OPINION Tuesday, February 7, 1984 Page 4 The Michigan Daily Radicalism w By Daniel Nassif The real obstacle to peace in the Mid- dle East has mostly been Syria for the last three decades. The Syrians have their own motives for doing so. The present junta sees Israel and Lebanon as ideal scapegoats to divert the nation's mind from its economic and political woes. President Hafez Assad presides over an increasingly restive Sunni Muslim majority that is resentful of his brutal Alawite regime. This is an indication of the close and continuing relationship between religion and nationalism in the Middle East.' Despite the vital part that Christians and Alawites had played in the struggle for Syrian independence, the Syrian constitution specified that the president must be a Sunni Muslim. Islamic law was declared the basis of legislation. As a result, many Syrians, inspired by Christian and Alawite thinkers, blamed their Sunni government for failing to prevent the division of Palestine in 1947. Two years later, army officers over- threw the government. During the next twenty years, control of the gover- nment changed hands many times through military revolts. Assad knows indeed that any peace settlement with Israel would topple his regime by using the same pretext. ISLAM IS a powerful political force in Syria. The clearest example of Syria's Muslim loyalties was Syrian acceptan- ce of the 1939 loss of Antioch to non- Arab, but Sunni Muslim Turkey, as con- trasted with the generation-long refusal to make peace with the transformation of Palestine into a Jewish State. For the Alawites, secular Arab nationalism suggested a way in which they could cease to be inferior and im- poverished. Their grievances have their origins in historical developmen- ts. The Sunnis, traditionaly, have looked down upon them as immoral ill prevail heretics. Their only route out of pover- every other regimi ty was through the Army. By virtue of nor the misma numbers, a military coup took place in economy, but sim 1965 under the leadership of Salah Ba'athist rulerst Jadid. It put a mainly, but not ex- non-Sunnis. clusively, Alawite Army faction, the One might sayt left wing of the Ba'ath party, in control and 1973 wars be of the government. Arabs lay in the n In order for the Alawites to stay in to show their an power, they had to demonstrate the Sunni masses. T] Arab "greatness" by outdoing their Lebanon can par competitors in Arab zeal and der this assumptic fanaticism, while at the same time sup- The Alawite b pressing any rival sectarian opposition. couraged the Sunn For instance, early in 1967, there was them as good rul an uprising fed by Saudi Arabian mitted mistakes f money against an article in a Syrian repent or correct Army Paper which slandered Prophet businesses were t Muhammed. The article was with- Sunnis under Ja drawn, but Jadid did not leave the in- and given back t cident without bombarding the central Assad's economic Mosque in Homs, the center of the riots. Syrian interventio THE CENTRAL issue for the Ba'athist as a first non-Sun enemies has not been the government's that, they used t ability to make enemies of virtually behind a weak Sun ne in the Middle East, anagement of the rply the fact that the' have been by large that the roots of 1967 tween Israel and'the eed of SyrianAlawites ti-zionist zeal to the The Syrian actions in. tly be understood un- on. ehavior has not en- ni majority to think of ers. They have com- or which they cannot . For instance, most taken away from the did's nationalization o the Alawites under liberalization. The n in Jordan got Assad ni president. Before o be the real power ni president. in ssad's Syria Assad may or may not survive in the long-run, but only one thing is clear. The Syrian foreign policy toward Israel and Lebanon will be largely determined by the Sunni-Alawite religious animosity despite the secular ideology of the Ba'ath. An internal political balance between the Sunnis and the Alawites in Syria would balance and moderate the politics of the whole region. A democratic and stable government could have a peace treaty with Israel fearlessly. A better option would be to disintegrate Syria into sectarian regions providing rdom and security for Sunnis, Alawites, Christians, Druzes, Kurds and probably a homeland for the Palestinian refugees. For as long as Assad is ruling, radicalism will always prevail and spill over. Nassif is a doctoral student in the University's political science depar- tment. Assad ... resented by Sunni Muslims die sItudetsahnfig an t Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCIV-No. 106 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Re-examining research Stewart e speei 6 / 98G (Bde (&~otdeau' / .s-- ~! r r- ' , ' r _..,.. _ .....yam^_ dY r:,.: "W HAT'S UP," asked University President Harold Shapiro as he encountered members of the Progressive Student Network who were sitting-in at his office last week. Well, what's up is that in response to the PSN's action, Shapiro accepted an invitation to appear at a public forum that will address the issue of non- classified research at the University. PSN should be lauded for stimulating such a response from the ad- ministration, and the discussion that results should send a clear message to the regents- resume the debate on military research. Last June the regents voted to reject a set of guidelines for non-classified research proposed by the Research Policies Committee and supported by the faculty senate and the ad- ministration. Following the decision, and even after last November's sit-in at Thomas Senior's radiation laboratory,.military research was con- sidered by most to be a dead issue. "I think that topic was thoroughly exhausted last year," said Billy Frye, vice president for academic affairs and Provost at last November's sit-in. Many students and faculty at this University, however, feel quite dif- ferently. The actions of PSN and the faculty senate's proposal for a forum on military research prove that not everyone is exhausted. As fas as the regents are concerned, to restrict non-classified research would interfere with the academic freedom of professors. But there are questionable research projects in which a concern for academic freedom should be outweighed by the concern that research is being conducted that in intended for destructive purposes. If any such research is being pursued it should be examined by the regents, faculty, and students-not hidden un- der the guise of academic freedom. The issue remains important. And in the actions of PSN, President Shapiro, and many faculty members, is seen a needed willingness, if not a demand, that this issue be kept alive. This week's forum should be seen as a revitalization of a campus debate which continues although the regents would perhaps have it otherwise. Many voices are calling for a closer examination of the role of military research at this University, and it is time for the regents to lend an ear. - t ( , !4 . fit. . "f EXPANDING BOUQUET, FULL-BODIED, LEGGY, A TRULY NOBLE WINE$%% WR.T DO YOU TRIK, FELDSTEIN? j4- l V4 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Recalling unpopular representation - y1 The following is a response to the editorial "Recall fever'" (Daily, February4). To the Daily: If the editors of the Daily would bother to read the Michigan Con- stitution' instead of misleading Free Press editorials, they would know that the Constitution states that recalls shall be made for political reasons. Illegal ac- tivities (malfeasance) come un- der the impeachment process. It seems to me that every registered voter in the 8th and 9th Senate districts had the chance to vote in the recall and special elections. Close to 70 percent of those voting, voted to boot the Senators and close to 70 percent voted for anti-tax successors. The Daily's claim that the recall election "wasn't as widely publicized as" the general elec- tion is ridiculous. Anyway, Phil Mastin lost by 10,000 votes. If twice as many had voted, he would have lost by 20,000 votes. The Daily believes so strongly in the will of the people.. Then when the people throw two Senators out of office for disobeying the will of the people, the Daily starts to whine about populism run' amuck. Forgive me, I used to think that we lived in a democracy. Or is this a democracy only when the people ,support the Daily's programs? It's ironic that the Daily calls thinking. Unlike Mastin and Serotkin, Sederburg decided to represent his constituents. He is in no danger. . The ultimate obscenity is the Daily's characterization of recall supporters, as people with Sweetness leaves sour taste To The Daily, I am writing in response to the photo story "Sideline Sweet- ness"(Daily, February 5) on the Michigan Pompon Squad tryouts. I found the Daily's coverage ex- tremely sexist and irresponsible. Of the four photos, only two showed women actually perfor- ming. Three were blatant objec- tifications of some part of the female anatomy-legs, buttocks, or breasts. The fourth managed to portray the supposed com- petition between all women. The Daily may have intended to tell BLOOM COUNTY us about the tryouts, but instead used the event as a means of denigrating half of its readers. I have no problems with the Daily doing a story on the tryouts. I do have a problem with the Daily passing off photos of parts of women's bodies as responsible photo journalism. Sexual exploitation is unfor- tunately everpresent in today's society. However, instead of con- tinuing the practice, The Daily has a responsibility to its readers to uphold certain basic standards, such as viewing all people as equals. I doubt that a photo story of the men's cheerleading squad would have quite the same focus, if, in fact, the Daily would even consider doing one. The Daily owes the sixty-two women who tried out, and all women, an apology for treating them as objects. With that, I hope that for the future more responsibility will be taken in its portrayal of women. Jean Cilik -February 6 Cilik is a senior in LSA. by Berke Breathed "selfish secular concerns." Since when is it selfish to want to keep the money one earns through one's own work? Is anyone from the Daily willing to come forward and contribute their earnings of the previous year to the cause of unselfishness? I'll gladly wait (and wait) for an answer. Steve Angelotti -February 4 Angelotti is a Rackham graduate student. \, .± 1 r r V y 4 Sa - r A7,, ,t I WOOWt IMAGINE, 8(NKI6Y, IN EVERY MAN'S LIFE FOR 5o0lE BRUTAL 5Etr- RECKONING ... J 2-6 A IME. TO WEIGH ONESEL.F ON 7HE. 50cCe Or HUMAvIN WO~... _ 3 A TIlME. T0 FACE -ME(GREAT 5WIRLIN& ?AACL5TROM AM1 I A LEAF..? l'4 . 9 'NA A J iV, ' = [, A. :W T ! I I NEUO ? MTV ? WHAT C i i4~u? MT? w~ar'i'r 'S CALJW iATf' 'BREAR- WWII Owl i I I i