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February 07, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-07

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom




Shockingly bright and cool
today with temperatures in the'

dI. XCIV-No. 106 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan- Tuesday, February 7, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

calls for
cuts in
If President Reagan gets his way,
students applying for financial aid next
year will see fewer grants and more
work study and loans.
In his 1985 budget sent to Congress
last week, Reagan proposed
eliminating two types of grant
programs - the Supplemental
Education Opportunity Grant and State
Student Incentive Grant. He also asked
Congress to eliminate the National
Direct Student Loans program.,
He proposed channelling some of that
money into work study and Guaranteed
Student Loans programs.
THE PLAN would hurt University
students more than many others
around the nation because it would shift
aid from low and middle income
students to the lowest income students.
Most University students who receive
financial aid fall into the low and mid-
dle income groups.
The reductions in the three programs
would decrease student aid given to the
University for distribution by 27 per-
cent. Total student aid spending would
increase slightly to $6.4 billion because
of the boost in Guaranteed Student
Loans, (GSL) said Thomas Butts, a
University lobbyist in Washington D.C.
The GSL, however is distributed
through banks and other programs and
not necessarily through the University.
"The plan fits in very well with the
Reagan Administration's philosophy
tJiat its budget should respond to
needs, not wants," said Harvey
Grotrian, director of the University's
Office of Financial Aid.
BUT GROTRIAN and Butts, say
Reagan's plan is a replay of financial
aid requests from the past two years
and will probably be defeated again by
Given last year's rejection of similar
requests and election year pressures,
See REAGAN, Page 7

Rebel fores
seize west


Daily rhoto by DO UMMHN
Georgia state senator Julian Bond criticizes the Reagan administration Sunday night in a speech at the Alumni Center.
Bond criticizes 'rabid right'

Georgia State Senator Julian Bond delivered a blistering
yet eloquent attack on the Reagan administration's
"calculated neglect" of the poor and undermining of civil
rights Sunday night at the University Alumni Center.
Calling the president "an amiable incompetent," Bond
also criticized the administration for trying to pump $2
billion into the defense budget at the expense of civilian
REAGAN HAS "surrendered the general good to the
corporategood," Bond told a standing-room only crowd,"
and created a ever-increasing gap between the rich and
poor and blacks have found-themselves on the bottom, he
said. "The pessimism we see today seems more than
In addition to his "nullification of the needs of the needy,"
Reagan has endangered crucial civil rights improvments
made in the last 20 years, Bond said.
"THEY ARE trying to turn back the civil rights clock un-
til it becomes a sundial,",Bond said. "These governments
forces are leading the way back to a dismal, distant past."
In his attack on the defense budget Bond put the $1.9
billion.Reagan proposal into more human terms. Divided

evenly, it's enough money to give every single American
$7,000, he said. In another example he said that a $1.9 billion
stack of 1,000 dollar bills would reach 134 miles high.
The worst thing about the defense budget, however, is the
jobs it steals from civilians, he said, One billion dollars
spent on defense spending creates 48,000 fewer jobs than the
same amount put into public services, he estimated.
BOND MANAGED jabs at Reagan's administration and
the "rabid right" in several other areas.
He said the nation's safety net of social services was so
porous that it couldn't contain Moby Dick.
Bond criticized ultra-conservatives for opposing abor-
tion, yet supporting capital punishment. "They seem to
think that life begins at conception and ends at birth," he
Bond pushed voting, political participation, and activism
as the cure for America's problems.
"The lesson we should have learned from the 60s is that a
mass movement must have an organized base," Bond said.
"People mistakenly believe they are impotent - unable to
change the system. But-today's times call for no-lessthan
the civil rights movement demanded, and, in fact, require
more. . . We need to mobilize the troops and lead them to
the streets."

From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Anti-gover-
nment Moslem militiamen seized most
of west Beirut in furious street battles
with the Lebanese army yesterday and
demanded the resignation of Christian
President Amin Gemayel.
One Marine and eight Italian soldiers
in the Beirut multinational
peacekeeping force were reported
wounded in the fighting, which exploded
across the city and plunged the
American-backed Gemayel ad-
ministration into its worst crisis since it
took office 16 months ago.
HOODED SHIITE Moslem irregulars
and their Druse allies drove Lebanese
army units from most of their check-
points on Moslem west Beirut's main
commercial thoroughfares and
residential neighborhoods. '
At sundown, an eerie haze of smoke
and cordite shrouded this city of 1
million people. Thundrous blasts of ar-
tillery, rocket-propelled grenades,
Katyusha rockets and mortars echoed
among the high-rise buildings,
reminiscent of the 1975-76 civil war.
For the first time Shiite Moslem
leader Nabih Beri called on Gemayel, a
Maronite Christian, to resign.
"THE BATTLE is about to end,
Lebanon's little shah Gemayel is on the
verge of collapse!" Berri, leader of the
Shiite movement Amal, declared in a
radio broadcast.
President Reagan deplored the
Lebanese fighting and blamed Syria for
the new outbreak of violence in a
statement issued during a trip to
TI call on the gdvernment of Syria,
which occupies Lebanese territory
from which much of the shelling of
civilian centers originates, and which

vacilitiates and supplies instruments
for terrorist attacks on the people of
Lebanon, to cease this activity."
Defying a government curfew' and
shoot-to-kill orders, thousands of Shiite
Moslem gunmen surged out of their
southern Beirut suburbs and into mid-
dle-class west Beirut for the first time
since September.
"You cannot count them. They are
everywhere. On main streets, in
alleyways, on rooftops. It is total anar-
chy. Machine gun fire is echoing
everywhere," a west Beirut resident
The Pentagon announced later that
U.S. warships off Lebanon struck back
with gunfire and airpower after Marines
at the Beirut airport had come under
fire at Beirut airport.
The announcement said the Marines
returned fire "with their own weapons"
and that Navy guns opened up against
the attackers, who were not identified
in the statement, while "close air sup-
port" was sent from the carrier John F.
Gemayel's Sunni Moslem prime
minister, Shafik Wazzan, had resigned
with his eight Cabinet members Sunday
to clear the way for a national coalition
Cabinet to try to end the conflict, which
pits the army and the Christian right-
wing Phalangist militia on one side
agpinst Syrian-supported Druse and
Shiite fighters on the other.
In Washington, White House
spokesman Larry Speakes said the
Reagan administration hoped Gemayel
"will quickly be able to form a respon-
sible, broadly representative gover-
nment." U.S. diplomats in Beirut had
been "actively involved" in discussions
with Lebanese. leaders since Sunday,
Speakes said.

Court refuses to dismiss
defendant's slavery charge
By CAROLINE MULLER sustain the charges.

Assistant U.S. District Attorney Virginia Morgan argued

U.S. District Judge Charles Joiner yesterday denied a that there has been sufficient testimony that John Kozminski
motion by defense attorney Thomas Stringer to dismiss did abuse the two farmhands, Robert Fulmer, 57, and Louis
charges held against the son of a Chelsea farming couple who Molitoris, 59.
allegedly held two farmhands as slaves for over 10 years. Dr. Robert Walsh, psychologist at Jackson State Prison of
Ike Kozminski, 61, his wife, Margarethe, 56, and their son Southern Michigan, was the first defense witness to be called
John, 30, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to yesterday during the eighth day of trial in the state's first
violate civil rights and two counts of involuntary servitude slavery case in over 60 years.
for allegedly holding two mentally retarded workers against Walsh was called to testify in response to Dr. Harley
their will on a farm at 4678 Peckins Rd. Stock's testimony last week that Molitoris and Fulmer were
STRINGER,. representing John Kozminski, made the "psychological hostages" and "stripped of their free will to
motion at the beginning of yesterday's trial on the grounds make conscious choices.
that there wasn't enough evidence against John Kozminski to See COURT, Page 7
".................................ii...... ...................................... .



By NEIL CHASE Republicans meeting in the Union. "I'd
Retired astronaut Jack Lousma like to be involved in bringing defense
opened a month-long campaign tour of and any kind of government contracts
the state's college campuses last night - whether for pencils or erasers or
with a call for increased high- paper clips or whatever - to the state,"
technology work in the state. he said.
Lousma, who is challenging former "Especially, I'd like to be involved in
congressman Jim Dunn for the expanding' the high technology
Republican nomination and the right to capability of this state," Lousma said,
h face incumbent Sen. Carl Levin in citing his work with scientific in-
t c November, said he would work as novations while serving as an
senator to increase the state's share of astronaut.
government contracts for research and The retired Marine colonel, said his
manufacturing. experiences in the space program
"DEFENSE CONTRACTS just don't would also help. him in the day-to-day
make their way to Michigan like they
should," he told 70 students at a College See LOUSMA, Page 7

Three faces of Marilyn
Seventeen contestants vied for the honor of winning the Michigan Theatre's Marilyn Monroe look-alike contest last
Saturday. Pictured are first place winner, Laura Marsh (left); third place winner Chris Jackson (middle, in drag); and
an unidentified contestant (far right). More than-20 people protested Saturday that the contest exploited women, but
Andrew Post, a Classic Film Theater employee who co-sponsored the event said the contest wasn't sexist because both
men and women could enter.


Practice what you preach
FEDERAL judge sentenced the man who wrote the
book "How Not to Get Ripped Off in the Coin Business"
to a year in jail for swindling trusting coin collectors out of
an estimated $67,800. U.S. District Judge John Grady also
ordered - Richard Suter of Chicago to pay $67,000 in

Washington whimpers
N ORTH DAKOTA's lone congressman must wish he
stayed back in the hinterlands after his Washington
run-ins over the past year. U.S. Rep. Byron Dorgan's car
was burglarized a year ago, and thieves took all of his per-
sonal effects except a pair of Western boots. Then a few
weeks ago, the city traffic department put a restraining
device on the wheel of the freshman Democrat's car
because of a 1981 despute about a parking place behind his
apartment building. Dorgan said police told him he could
nark behind the building because his own apartment did not

day donation-drive. Couzens residents will be able to give of
themselves-literally-for the Red Cross. The bloodmobile
arrives at 1 p.m. and leaves the hill at 7 p:m. The Red Cross
will be at Bursley tomorrow from 3-9 p.m. and at the Union
Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Neal Fry,
spokeswoman for the Red Cross, says "We really need the
kids out there this week." Their goal is a total of 800 pints of
blood by week's end. A cautious note, however, for those
who were inoculated for rubeola last week: Sorry, but your
blood isn't any good for two weeks after the vaccination.
"There's a remote possibility that rubeola may be tran-
smitted through blood, Fry says: so the Red Cross ean't ac-

-1945-Two University professors, asked by the 'regents
to resign, solicited the faculty government for a full-scale
investigation into their case.
" 1967-The Board for Student Publications asked faculty
government to investigate the policies of the Daily. The
request was in response to several charges of irrespon-
" 1975-Undisclosed sources at the University said that
President Robben Fleming was one of the leading can-
didates for the University of California presidency. LJ



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