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February 05, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-05

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Ninety,-four Years
Editorial Freedom


Mit ian


Cloudy and windy with snow
flurries likely. A high of 23

ot. XCV-No. 105 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, February 5, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

Although University health officials maintain that a
measles vaccination drive in the dormitories is purely
voluntary, Mary Markley residents received a memo
Friday saying they would be "jeopardizing (their)
housing lease' if they did not seek an inoculation.
The memo, issued by Markley Building Director
Charla Weiss, said that "students who have not been
inoculated are a serious threat to the University com-
IT SAID THAT "If you do not have a valid reason
(for not being inoculated) and have so far refused to be
inoculated, you are jeopardizing your housing lease."
Weiss, however, tempered the statement in
the memo when interviewed yesterday.
She said that despite the memo, "the whole program
is voluntary."
"I MADE THE threat, but didn't want to go
through with it," she said. "(The memo) doesn't mean
I'm going to put you out (of the dorm)."
Caesar Briefer, director of health services, which is
running the inoculation drive, also said the program is
still voluntary. "I had nothing to do with that
(memo)," he said. "(The program) is voluntary."
After discovering early Friday that only 60 percent
of Markley's 1,200 residents had received inoculations,
Weiss said she issued the memo to encourage more
people to get shots.
"The slow turnout' Friday morning worried us," she

11 evaders
said. "We need as many students as possible to
respond to the program," she said.
SHE ALSO SAID she wanted to keep track of the
students who did not receive inoculations. "No one was
forced," she said. "They have the full right to refuse,
but they have to explain why," she said.
And students can refuse the shots simply on the
grounds that they do not want one, she said.
The vaccination drive began in Markley Thursday
after two residents came down with rubeola, the har-
sher of two formes of the measles, in a ten-day period.
The most recent case was diagnosed Wednesday
Because mesles is one of the most highly contagious
diseases, University and state officials have decided to
sweep through all the dorms attempting to inoculate as
many students as possible before spring break begins
on Feb. 17.
By 6:45 Friday night, 950 of Markley's 1,200 residents
had either been vaccinated~or cleared as safe from the
Vaccinations will continue at Health Services this
weekend and expand to begin covering the dormitories
on Monday.
Currently only two cases of the disease have been
reported on campus. Both were in Markley. Health of-
ficials have not yet been able to determine if another
suspected case in Mosher Jordon is actually the

Dow ntow n guy Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRiER
Singer Billy Joel welcomes the cheers of fans last night at Crisler Arena during "Big Shot." Billy's Uptown Girl Christie Brinkley dan-
ced to his songs from the sidelines.

nr r

hobics learn'to face fears
By DAVID VANKER Mark's to more debilitating ones si
menurnhhi a fr o nen smac


Slightly before 7:30 p.m they begin to
arrive. Tense and cautious, Phil
avoided the elevator and headed up the
stairs to the third floor of the Children's
Psychiatric . Hospital. Gloria, a tall
pretty woman immaculately dressed,
sat at the long rectangular table, fum-
bling with her necklace.
ALONG WITH seven others, Gloria
and Phil (not their real names) have
come for their weekly Thursday night
session with Dr. Bruce Thyer,t a
therapist who treats severe phobias.
For years, Phil's claustrophobia has
forced him away from elevators, tun-
nels, and planes. But nursing these
fears has seriously disrupted his life.
Gloria's passion for hygiene keeps
her so worried about her appearance
that she has virtually isolated herself
from men.

'The first ten minutes are petrifying. But
the difference between success and failure
may be a matter of toughing it out.' - Mark
a phobic student

WHEN DR. Thyer calls the meeting
to order, Mark, a University student
since 1979 who suffers from an intense
fear of eating in front of people, opens a
bag of Doritos to share with the group.
Dr. Thyer urges everyone to "munch
away freely" during the. meeting - and
for Mark, that is a major achievement.
Mark (not his real name) has been so
self-conscious about the noise he makes
when he chews that he has ended
relationships with women simply

because he could not bear to eat in their
"IT FEELS like someone is holding a
microphone to my mouth (when I
eat)," said Mafk.'
Phobias effect about one out of six
people, or a startling 17 percent of the
population, according to Dr. Jerilyn
Ross of the Phobia Center in
Washington, D.C. Although Ross added
that the number included all phobias,
from relatively simple fears such as

as agorapno ia, a ear ui upu bpv
or crowds.
Treating phobias is a lengthy process
because there are no magic cures. And
doctors have yet to offer a definitive
explanation for the cause of phobias.
Although many can be tracked to
traumatic childhood events, there is no
clear hereditary link.
ENCOURAGING Mark to crunch
during the session is part of a
therapeutic technique Thyer' uses
called "flooding." Through flooding in-
---dividuals. are .expose-toAhe,.cause of.
their fear in brief intervals to
gradually chip away at their anxiety.
It is important that the exposures are
brief so that an individual does not
become overwhelmed, said Thyer.
"If you want to cure someone of a
'See PHOBIC, Page 2

* Protesters call local
1theater contest sexist

More than 20 men and women carrying
signs marched in front of the Michigan
Theatre last night to protest a Marilyn
Monroe look-alike contest.
"We are protesting this look-alike
contest because we believe it's a way of
socializing women to take on this kind
of sex role," said Roxanne Friedenfels,
a member of the National
Organization of Women who helped
organize the demonstration.
THE PROTEST is a "way of going
against the narrow rules for men and
women that the culture often pushes on
us," Friedenfels said.
Dressed in drag, wearing a tie, a vest,
and a short black hat, Friedenfels said
Monroe's screen image as a sex symbol
promotes a negative stereotype for
In films such as last night's "Gent-
lemen Prefer Blonds " and "The Seven
Year Itch," which drew a mixed crowd
of more than 350, Monroe struts in tight
skirts and typically portrays a con-
tradictory child-like yet sexual charac-
ter, for a sort of virgin-whore effect,
according to Friedenfels.
BUT THE majority of last night's.
audience found no offense at the movies

or the contest which followed.
Marian Corbin, a contestant who
resembled Monroe from her platinum
blond hair to the birthmark on her right
cheek said she simply enjoys the
"I just like watching movies. Movies
aren't sexist. I'm as much for women's
rights as anyone else," Corbin said.
EARLIER IN the night protesters
handed out pamphlets to people waiting
in line. One man asked a woman
distributing leaflets if she would object
to a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
The woman, LSA senior Ellen Mon-
tague, responded that a similar contest
for men would also be sexist if the only
criteria for winning was the con-
testant's appearance.
"Everytifne you wonder if something
is sexist you should wonder if there are
the same (types of) things for men."
Last night's crowd ranged from
senior citizens to eight-year-old's
holding their parents hands and even
City Councilman Raphael Ezekiel (D-
Third Ward). Many said they were
devoted Monroe movie fans and cared
little about the contest.
"I came because they are good films.
I'm not staying for the contest," said

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Heavy snowflakes decrease visibility in the Ann Arbor area yesterday
without blanketing streets during two outbursts from the sky.
Satellite 1lost tinspace
aifter shuttle launch

Western Union Corp. officials said
yesterday a $75 million com-
munications satellite missing in space
is fully insured and its loss would have
no impact on cutomers.
"We feel that this is 'not a kind of
situation where we have a catastrophic
loss without coverage or without a way
to serve our cutomers," said Bill An-
derson, a Western Union spokesman.
WITHIN hours of its launch from the
shuttle Challenger Friday, Western
Union lost contact with the Westar 6.
Officials raised the possibility that

the $75 million Westar VI com-
munications satellite exploded 45
minutes after it was ejected from the
space shuttle Challenger and is now
merely chunks of lifeless junk orbiting
the Earth.
"So far, we.have not been able to
raise a peep out of it," said Bill Ziegler,
a spokesman for Western Union, which
owns the satellite. All the vast tracking
facilities available - NASA, the
military and private - were sweeping
the heavens for the satellite which
vanished Friday.
See WESTERN, Page 3

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Protestor Ellen Montague passes a leaflet to a woman standing in line to see
two Marilyn Monroe movies and a look-alike contest held at the Michigan
Theater last night.

Fish fight
RITIAN'S MILITANT animal rights
have taken on fox hunters, hare chasers, p
shooters, and badger baiters, and now t
going after sport fishermen. The Hunt Sa
Association, in the latest issue of its magazine, H
wied ik memhrs tn nut un false health warnin

they are
fowl, ad-
gs in the
.h cn t~

idea that fish feel pain." Although The British love for
animals is legendary - with masked raiders attacking
leading research laboratories and setting free dogs, cats,
monkeys and rabbits so far fish have had to face the
angler shook alone. But the campaign against the sport
does have more than just squeamishness behind it. A study
by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals concluded that fish do feel pain when they are
caught, even if they don't show it.
Island auction

to command a more humble price. The islands, less than an
acre each are such meager real estate that "they could go
for one pound ($1.40) or less," the spokesman said.
Bird officers
TALKING MACAW, in Fresno, Calif., has played the
crime victim one too many times. Mac, a 30-inch tall
South American bird, has been used in a crime prevention
program to show grade school children how they can get in
trouble- to strangers and crossing streets without looking
both wavs.fDoug fHns~en.the bird's. traine~randlowner of

students take "pass/no-entry" classes where a failing
grade would not be recorded.
Also on this date in history:
" 1969 - 75 students and faculty rallied on the Diag to
protest Iraq's execution of 14 Jews for allegedly spying.
" 1963 - A poll of the University's faculty showed that 84
percent wanted the University to remain in intercollegiate
athletics, but most thought academic standards for athletes
were too lax. 43 percent said there should not be grants in
aid specifically for athletes.
" 1910 - The Daily reported on a Chicago conference on


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