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February 01, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-01

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t Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 1, 1984
Reagan budge
From AP and UPI
man of the Senate budget
WASHINGTON - President Reagan said the "defense figure is
will propose a $926 billion election-year surprise me. It is 'signifi
budget for fiscal 1985 that seeks no than I would have assum
major spending cuts or tax increases but still higher than
but raises military spending and necessary."
projects a $180 billiondeficit, documen- "The budget deficit wi
ts released by congressional sources than we would like it to b
said yesterday.
The budget, which the president will large as some had predict
send to Congress today, seeks, a 13 per- feared," Senate Major
cent "real" inflation-adjusted increase Howard Baker (R-Tenn.)
for military spending, $5 billion in and other Republican c
social welfare spending cuts and about leaders emerged from a
$7.8 billion in minor taxes, according to budget briefing with the pr
the leaked documents. Baker urged his co]
The plan proposes $305 billion for the Congress to put aside p
military in spending authority, which siderations and support I
includes the right to enter into long- vitation to bipartisan talks
term contracts and spend money over three-year, $100 billion p
several years. That is an increase of would amount to a "dow
$47.4 billion over this year - or a 13 against the huge deficits.
percent "real increase, after accoun- Legislatorsg agreedsth
ting for inflation, there are no surprises -
Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) chair- increase, which the presi'

t of
not going to
cantly lower
ed last year
I think is
ill be larger
e. But not as
ed and many
rtiy Leader
said after he
White House
leagues in
olitical con-
Reagan's in-
on finding a
ackage that
n payment"
at, overall,
no large tax
dent has op-

fers huge
posed, and no major cuts in domestic
programs, which Congress would be
unlikely to grant in the midst of
presidential and congressional cam-
Other items reportedly included in
the budget are:
* Start-up money for an $8 billion
manned space station.
* Modest tax increases through the
closing of various loopholes.
* More money for the Environmental
Protection Agency.
* About a 6 percent increase - $200
million - in the Justice Department's
budget, primarily to strengthen crime-
fighting activities.
The National Education Association
released copies of budget documents it
obtained showing that Reagan will seek
a nearly $250 million increase in state
education block grants and no cuts in
the Education Department's main
programs to help reach handicapped and
disadvantaged students.


.. offers no surprises

Democrats press for early Marine pullout

WASHINGTON (AP) - Impatient with President
Reagan's call to stand firm in Lebanon, House
Democrats sought Tuesday to draft a resolution
aimed at putting strong pressure on Reagan for an
early withdrawal of U.S. Marines from Beirut.
A tentative version of the resolution, still under
discussion, set no specific withdrawal date but would
give the president 30.days to come up with a plan for
pulling out the Marines.
HOUSE SPEAKER Thomas O'Neill, who asked
for the resolution, said he opposes including a with-
drawal deadline because it would do a "grave injustice
to our brave Marines who are over there now."
Other congressional sources, speaking only on con-
dition that they not be identified, said any measure
with a specific pullout date would risk a presidential
veto and jeopardize Republican support, especially in
the Senate.
The resolution being drafted by Rep. Lee Hamilton
(D-Ind.) and other leading Democrats would not be
binding on the president and would not require his
signature, nor would it carry any legal authority to

overturn the compromise last September under
which Congress authorized Reagan to keep the
Marines in Beirut until April 1985.
THE RESOLUTION would express only the sense
of Congress, where a growing number of legislators
of both parties are calling for an early withdrawal
from Beirut, where 259 American servicemen in the
multinational peacekeeping force have been killed.
O'Neill said the resolution will be submitted to the
House Democratic membership for a vote Wed-
nesday, and probably would be brought up on the
floor after the House returns from a recess in late
A preliminary version of the House resolution,
which is subject to change, asks Reagan to meet with
congressional leaders within seven days of the bill's
passage to discuss a Marine withdrawal, and to give
Congress a specific pullout plan within an additional 3
days, the congressional sources said.
REP. G. V. Montgomery (D.-Miss.) meanwhile in-
troduced a resolution that would direct the president
to begin efforts immediately to replace the Marines

with troops from another country or by a U.N.
peacekeeping force. He wants the Marines out within
These and other proposals including a specific
withdrawal date were expected to be brought up
when the House Democratic Caucaus meets today
and when the resolution reaches the House floor.
Meanwhile, diplomatic activity intensified in the
Syrian capital of Damascus and there were reports
that U.S. officials were joining in seeking ways to
replace U.S. and other Western troops in Lebanon
with U.N. peacekeepng forces.
PAIRS OF F-14 Tomcat interceptors crisscrossed
the hazy Beirut skies at daybreak, midmorning and
midday. Local radio stations reported that no one
fired at the jets.
One Marine was killed and three others were'
wounded Monday in a battle with anti-government
Shiite Moslem militiamen. Shiites said Marine fire
killed three civilians and wounded 22 others.
The Marine Corps office in Washington identified
the slain Marine as Lance Cpl. George Dramis of
C~ape May, N.J.

'U' offers Apple computer bargains

(Continued from Page 1)
Zenith and IBM personal computers as
well as Apple products. 'It's not inten-
ded as a place where only Apples are
sold," Marks said.
Once students receive a demon-
stration and decide to purchase a com-
puter; officials at the education center
will send them to University Photo Ser-
vices in the basement of the LSA
PHOTO services verifies that
customers are students and collects a
20 percent down payment on the pur-
chase. When the order arrives at the

University, students can pick their
computer up at Michigan Media. Only
full-time students can purchase the
Students can also purchase the
Macintosh, Lisa 2, and two other
models, the Apple II and Apple III, at
the same discounted prices through
Inacomp, a local, private computer
Sponsored jointly by the educaiton
school and the University Computing
Center, the Microcomputer education
Center eventually will offer classes and

lectures on basic computer use, said
Schmidt. Skills such as word
processing, illustration, and statistical
computations will be taught.
MARKS SAID that once the center
gets its programs rolling, it should be
the hub of basic microcomputing on
"You can go in there and get a
demonstration of equipment, get ad-
vice, find out about other programs,
and also after the sale, you can go back
for training sessions," Marks said.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Economic indicators rise
WASHINGTON - The government's main economic forecasting gauge
climbed 0.6 percent in December with the Reagan administration
proclaiming the increase offers new evidence of good economic times
through 1984.
In one of the most striking indications of just how far the economy hasa
come back, the government also reported yesterday that new home sales
climbed by about 52 percent in 1983, the biggest yearly increase ever.
But some private analysts saw last month's small rise in the Index of
Leading Economic Indicators as a sign that while the recovery isn't about to
fizzle, growth in 1984 will not be as robust as 1983.
The Commerce Department said the index climbed in December for the
15th month out of the past 16. Only in November did the index decline, but the
department revised the extent of the drop to a scant 0.2 percent from the
earlier estimate of 0.4 percent.
Administration officials were quick to proclaim that December's figures
bolstered their belief that the economic recovery will continue unabated
through this election year.
Upjohn heir to appeal sentence
KALAMAZOO - Community reaction to the "chemical- castration" sen-
tence ordered for an Upjohn heir convicted of raping his step-daughter will
help form the basis for an appeal, Prosecutor James Gregart said yester-
Roger Fauntlett, 41, was sentenced Monday to a five-year probation for
first degree criminal sexual conduct.
Judge Robert Borsos ordered Gauntlett to receive treatments of the libido-
inhibiting drug Depo-Provera for the entire duration of the probation.
The first year of Gauntlett's probation is to be spent in the county jail and
he also was ordered to pay $25,000 in court costs.
"We intend to appeal on the ground that this sentence shocks the conscien-
ce of the community," Gregart said.. "My office has been inundated with
telephone calls."
"I already have a file of newspapers on my desk from across the nation
and I have received inquiries from national media representatives," Gregart
Raises favor non-union workers
WASHINGTON - Average pay raises for non-union workers exceeded
those of union members last year, the first time this has happened since 1978,
the government said today.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics, in another report documenting the trend
toward wage disinflation in sectors of the economy that traditionally have
been heavily unionized, said the findings reflected "lower average pay gains
for blue-collar workers.. .
It was the first time non-union worker wage increases have exceeded those
of union workers since 1978, when Congress increased"the federal minimum
wage by 15 percent. That minimum, $3.35 an hour, has been frozen at that
level since Jan. 1, 1981.
The bureau's Employment Cost Index, a measure of the money employers
spend on wages, salaries and worker benefits, increased 5.7 percent last
year, which was 0.9 percent below the 6.6 percent gain recorded in 1982.
In an analysis of employers' cost for wages and salaries, excluding money
spent on fringe benefits, the survey showed that wages and salaries for union
workers advanced 4.6 percent last year, while the gain for non-union
workers was 5.2 percent.
S. Africa pulls out of Angola
CAPE TOWN, South Africa - South 'Africa announced yesterday it was
"disengaging" its forces in Angola, calling it a first step toward a cease-fire
in the 17-year bush war in South-West Africa.
Prime Minister P.W. Botha told Parliament the disengagement was based
on assurances received from the United States during a visit last week by
Chester Crocker, assistant secretary of state for African affairs.
He would not disclose those assurances and would not define the
"disengagement" precisely.
Asked at a news conference if South African forces would withdraw from
Angola, Botha answered: "It might include a withdrawal, but there is more
to it than that. It is the preparatory steps to enter a cease-fire."
He said that if a cease-fire were successful, "From there, we would take
the next step. But there is no use in prophesying now."
Progress depends on the reponse of the other parties in the dispute, in-
cluding the Angolan government and the guerrillas of the South-West Africa
People's Organization, he said. SWAPO is fighting from Angolan bases to
end South African rule over South-West Africa, also known as Namibia.
Andropov criticizes U.S. plan
to withdraw from UNESCO
MOSCOW - President Yuri Andropov charged yesterday that U.S. plans
to withdraw from UNESCO showed Washington is opposed to the inter-
national struggle against apartheid, racism and poverty.
In letter to UNESCO Director Amadou Mahtar M'Bow published by Tass,
Andropov praised the U.N. Education, Science and Cultural Organization for
its work for peace and criticized the United States for increasing the threat
of war.

"We support the activities of the organization you head for the benefit of
peace and international cooperation," Andropov said. "UNESCO can do a
great deal in the struggle for ensuring reliable peace."
It was Andropov's third public statement in three weeks and his first reac-
tion to the U.S. withdrawal announced in December. The U.S. resignation
becomes effective at the end of 1984.
Wednesday, February 1, 1984
Vol. XCI V-No. 101
(ISSN 0745-967X)
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